Canonization of the Sheriff

As if something had licked his tender white earlobes, Xi Liang Mo felt aroused and goose bumps rose on his back.

Xi Liang Mo realized that she was actually wrapped in the arms of a nine thousand year old Bailiqing. Her beautiful and incomprehensible face was close to her, looking at her strangely. He was suddenly shocked and heard the low voices around her. He exclaimed.

She trembled slightly, and the roots of her ears reddened, but it was only for a moment. She lowered her gaze, pulled away from Bailiqing's embrace, and cowardly fell on Bai Rui, who was enthusiastically received. her face was covered with a sleeve, tears filled her eyes: "Thanks to the millennial teacher for helping me, the little girl is grateful ... uuu ..."

This millennial teacher is really nosy.

The girl was about to faint, her appearance was weak and she did not have to be pitiful, so all the noble sons around became warm. Such brave power lurked in her delicate body, sticking out to rescue, and then fell to the ground. The beautiful girl who was almost trampled by a horse's hoof reminds people of the incomparable beauty Yu Ji who died in the Wujiang River, who threw herself on the Overlord Sword.

Only Baili Qingyao's long and narrow Danfeng eyes blocked the cold and calm in Xiliang Mo's eyes. He stood with his hand holding his, gestured to the approaching guards and sneered, "Little Fox". I guess he was gross. himself too much What happened.

The horse finally calmed down and was led away by the desperate guards. After the great turmoil in the field, he was silent for an instant. Except for the imperial medic who came running, all eyes were on the one who fell into the field. And he was already scared by the loss. In Xiliangxian's body, the Han at the side was already kneeling in front of the jade box that was stepped on by a faceless horse.

The emperor was scared, and his face was grim under the pulse of the imperial physician. He coldly looked at the Han family who were kneeling on the ground, and the Han Concubine who was helped by the people from the palace.

"Unreasonable!" The emperor finally couldn't help screaming.

The concubine Han Gui had already sweated her back, she bit her lip but she was afraid to speak. She also knelt to the side. At this time, it is better not to say that nothing is for the best. The emperor was clearly because he was not escorted like a queen and anger in my heart.

Everyone was silent, but there was still one person speaking. Xiliang Mo also knelt on the ground with a cry, tears streaming down his face: "Your Majesty, forgive me, it is the sister who did not achieve the mount, but the second sister is still young. I am young and ignorant. I do not know. It is good to learn. I beg Your Majesty not to punish the courtiers. "

Everyone couldn't help but look at Xi Liang Mo, with some excitement. This girl is really kind. To cover for her sister, she even took her ignorance out of her when she was young. No one knows that Xiliangxian will turn fifteen this year. . She is not good at learning art. Really, she cannot be considered young.

The emperor looked at the girl who was trembling and crying on the ground, remembering that she had just used her body to block the horse, she was in danger and almost died, her heart in the original rage could not help it but she He frowned.

This is not good to learn, and the accusation of falsely alarming Shengjia can be large or small, not to mention that Mr. Yasukuni is the mainstay of the military attaché of the imperial court. The daughter of the Xiliang family was the one who committed the crime, but the daughter of the Xiliang family was also rescued ... ... Is this a penalty or a reward?

At this moment, Bailiqing, the only one who was still lazily lying on the magnificent seat and unafraid of the emperor's wrath, spat out melon seeds and calmly said, "Your Majesty, the reward to whom deserves the reward, the punishment to whom He deserves the punishment, that's enough. Come on. "

The emperor's eyes lit up slightly, after thinking about it, and then he solemnly said, "Jingguo's eldest daughter Xiliang Mo has done a good job saving on the spot, the first-class princess, she will be named Zhenmin, rewarded with one hundred taels of gold, thousands of silver, ten jewelry boxes, five hundred hectares of fertile fields, sealed Yiliang county, and a princess mansion. "

Everyone was shocked and extremely envied. The edict was crowned as the princess, and the honor was incomparable. The fertile fields, the gold and the enclave came in second place. But the princess mansion is really weird. Except for the married princess and the crown prince, Most princesses are With parents living together, there will be almost no chance for the princess to get a single independent mansion This is simply the glory comparable to the princess.

Xiliang Mo covered her face, looked scared, and then knelt a little lost, pretending not to dare, no one saw the dim and sharp light in her eyes.

The queen clutched her chest and leaned against her aunt Nangong. She was still not completely relieved, but she was still puzzled by the great gift from the emperor. The queen's eyes fell on her pale face, staring sullenly at the Han family of Xiliang. Mo. Suddenly she understood something and said in a low voice: "Very well, Princess Zhenmin, thank you, this is the grace of the emperor."

Xi Liang Mo looked a bit stunned, but he immediately fell down and thanked her for her favor.

The Han family could hardly believe that she saw Xian'er's Golden Avenue in the first second. The emperor was obsessed with the dew from Xian'er's eyes. The next moment, such an accident happened. She blocked the county lord from that cheap girl. A title has now come straight from heaven in one step, becoming a first grade princess, and she is born from the head of her second grade grandfather of hers.

How could this be?

The moment Han looked up, he saw Xi Liangmo looking at him with pity, but actually a cold and strange smile.

She was so excited that she suddenly felt that she had grasped something, but she didn't have time to think about it.

The cold, gloomy eyes of the emperor have fallen on the head of his beloved daughter.

Xi Liangxian fell from his horse and broke his leg for a living. It was painful, but no one dared to help her up. Xi Liangxian almost fainted in pain, but she felt the cold eyes of the emperor and the crowd. Either seeing a joke, or compassionate eyes stopped on him.

She was surprised. As soon as she raised her head, she was about to confess to the crime. She heard the emperor announce coldly: "Xiliangxian, the lord of Duanyang County, was walking rough and scared, and he thought he was still young .. He was the first offender. The ten lashes!"

For the emperor, the reward was the lady of the Xiliang family, and it was a great reward, which gave the Yasukuni enough face, although the punishment was also the lady of the Xiliang family, a reward and a punishment were fair to Yasukuni . There should be no more dissatisfaction with the public.

Men also think that her Majesty has rewards and punishments, but women do not. They pity and gloat over the first talented woman in Beijing, who is now the disgraced immortal Xiliang.

"Your Majesty hers, she must not do it, the girl is an involuntary mistake, and the concubine is willing to suffer it on behalf of the girl!" The Han family finally couldn't take it anymore, and he didn't care. exploring Xiliang Mo's strange smile, with tears in his eyes, kneeling before the emperor, striking deeply.

Not to mention that Xian'er was injured from a fall, and being hit would hurt her. The maternal daughter of the dignified family, the county head of the country family, and the daughter of the delicate jade, were beaten in this way. Is this how Xian'er will live in Beijing in the future?

Obviously, it was the realization of her reputation that displeased his majesty. Not to mention that he was a noble in the palace, it would be difficult to marry someone.

As he said, Han looked at Xi Liang Mo, his eyes were sharp, he gritted his teeth and said, "Princess Zhenmin, don't you think you should beg for your sister? You are sisters, you are in a hurry, and Xian'er suffers humiliation, and you can. Where can you improve? "

There are already questions in these words.

Suddenly, the emperor was furious. He has already given a lot of face to the Yasukuni family. He has not punished you for teaching women to be lax. Why are the Han still entangled here? Does this accuse you of bias?

Xiliang Mo took advantage of the emperor's attack and suddenly bowed, sincerely and softly said: "The thunder and rain are thanks, my sister made a mistake and the courtier did not dare to ask His Majesty for forgiveness. Punished, but the courtier ... after all ... ... "She paused, seeming forced to clench her teeth and said," The minister and the mother are willing to share the guilt of the younger sister. "

After the emperor ate, her temper was slightly suppressed. After all, Xi Liang Mo rescued him, but now he is being pursued in this way by the Han family. He paused and suddenly sneered at the Han family: "Since your mother is kind and filial," Okay. , the lady and the lord of Duanyang County will each get 15 lashes. "

Having said that, he never looked at the hall again, he turned and carefully supported the queen and walked away. The queen had not received such kindness from the emperor in a long time, so she went to administer the banquet in the courtyard. she and she followed the emperor with surprise and joy.

The Han family was surprised and regretful. She looked at Xi Liang Mo bitterly. This bitch dared to be beaten. How did she raise her head among noble ladies in the future? !

Concubine Han no longer looked at Han's look of surprise, she held her forehead and let out a long sigh of anger, letting the court lady help her away from her.

A good banquet was aborted and they all dispersed, not daring to stay any longer.

The Han family was desperately held by two fierce eunuchs, and Xi Liangxian, who was struggling with shock and pain, was pressed into the open space on the side of the place.

Xi Liang Mo walked past her, covering her lips condescendingly and sighed: "Mother, you said, Sister Xian'er had broken her leg before. After a heavy beating, she may no longer be able to dance, the first talented woman in Beijing ... Haha, it's so pathetic. "

The words were kind, but she didn't hide the cold smile in her eyes. They should also try this board as Mother Bai Meiliu.

"You dare! Poisonous little woman, this is all your design, isn't it?" Han stared at her fiercely, gritted her teeth.