Forced Marriage

Xi Liang Mo was shocked. He didn't expect that he was really looking for death. She was about to call someone. Mother Bai had already raised her hand sharply. The jewelry tray that she was holding in her hand flew straight up, and she was hitting Xi Liangshuang. She screamed directly after hitting her hand and her wrist fell gently.

All kinds of gold and silver fell to the ground.

Xi Niang was rushed by Madam He with cold, murderous eyes. She was so scared that she suddenly stopped her voice. Madam He closed the door firmly and said to Xiliang Mo in a low voice, "The princess, the slave Quan Fufu People are blocking."

Ms. Quanfu is an official wife with full parents, husband and heirs, she was invited to bless the newlyweds.

So she, Mother, she couldn't stop them for long.

Xi Liang Mo nodded, approached the flabby Xi Liangshuang on the ground and said coldly, "Are you trying to die?"

Xi Liangshuang's neck was cut by herself. Although her wound was not deep and did not hurt her cut, her blood ran all over her clothes, which seemed quite scary.

Xi Liangshuang held his bruised wrist bitterly and looked at Xi Liang Mo, "I'm not dead, do you want to throw my best years on that dirty old man with a big belly?"

Xi Liangshuang's painting from Shiwenqin is quite famous in Beijing. She has always said that she is not inferior to Xiliangxian, and that she only hates her as a prostitute, otherwise the name of the first talented woman in Beijing may not belong to Xiliang.

She was arrogant and silently she read the assorted books of those beautiful and talented women. She looked forward to her future husband as Han Wei, and almost always dreamed that she and Han Wei would be in harmony with the plum blossoms, and Yu Shuzhuang, enjoying candidiasis in front of the mirror.

But once she broke down, watching Xiliang Mo gradually rise higher and proud of the spring breeze, she bit her silver teeth in hatred, but had no choice but to suffer every day as the day of Wedding.

Xiliangshuang takes pride in her jasper and would rather have a broken jade than a tile.

"Long ago I decided to take you, the culprit, to hell even if I die!" Xi Liangshuang smiled miserably, sitting in the gold and silver jewelry room, describing the desolation.

Xi Liang Mo pursed his lips sarcastically, "The culprit? Who was brutally trying to engineer me and Yuhou to lose my virginity before marriage? Did you forget Xi Liangshuang? Even though you are a concubine, you could have run better. Have a better future for the marriage, but you're petty and self-proclaimed. It's ridiculous that you're not nice, but blame me for being unfair. "

A trace of guilty conscience flashed across Xi Liangshuang's pale face. She sensibly noted the disdain of the people around her, and immediately got upset and said, "You ... you are seductive with cousin first!"

"Seduce? Do you think everyone is like you when Han Wei's cowardly man is a treasure?" Xi Liangmo sneered, his eyes full of contempt.

Xi Liangshuang was furious, and the cousin whom she entrusted to be elegant and clean was so despised by Xi Liangmo that he immediately opened it and cursed, "You did this ... Ah!"

Before Xi Liangshuang's words could be uttered, Xi Liang Mo had already stepped on her injured hand and screamed in pain. Xi Liang Mo's chin was pinched again in his hand and he was forced to raise his head.

Xi Liang Mo stepped on her delicate fingers and looked at her coldly: "I'm the next job, so Xi Liangshuang, don't you want to die here and make me unclean? Today there is no door. You have to get married if you don't want to get married."

When she said with a wink, Mother Bai immediately took a red ribbon and walked over and put it on Xi Liangshuang's mouth, which may prevent her from biting her tongue and committing suicide, but also preventing her from screaming and screaming.

"Come on, sell the third lady and put on a red silk jacket. If Grandpa and the lady know about this, neither of you will survive," Xi Liang Mo ordered again in a cold voice.

Huang Xiang, Huang Lian, and other girls were so scared by the incident, but when Xi Liang Mo's gaze was swept away like frost, a Ji Ling immediately took the red silk shirt and replaced Xi Liang Shuang.

"Woo ..." Xi Liangshuang kept fighting, glaring at the two of his girls. Huang Xiang and Huang Yu did not dare to look at her, but her hands were very agile, because they all knew what the princess was doing. It is true that if the third lady died here, it would be a great scandal for the newlyweds to judge themselves in their native family, in order to avoid the leakage of news, a large number of people must be cleaned.

After a while, Xiliangshuang's neck wound was covered with red silk, and her hair was combed and fixed again. There was nothing wrong with her body. Her wedding dress was red, even if she was stained with blood.

Seeing Xiliangshuang whose hands were tied with red silk and his mouth tied with ribbons, his eyes filled with fear and anger, Xiliangmo picked up the peony flower and smiled at its hairpin: "Sister, you say that if Yu Hou knows that The girlfriend who passed by is so resentful and disgusted with him, what will happen? You don't want to die after passing the door. So, big sister, I will ask Guo Gong and Er Niang to seek justice for you, your mother Zhang. He has the funeral money, right?

Xi Liang Mo sighed coldly in her heart. This stupid man is really desperate. If Xi Liangshuang dies on his dressing table, the first person who cannot survive is his mother, Aunt Zhang.

Xi Liangshuang looked at Xi Liangshuang's sweet and beautiful face and uttered those words that punished her, but she was about to hit her weak belly. Her heart filled with fear and anxiety, and tears fell.

She maybe she was wrong at first. With Xi Liang Mo's method, even the Duanyang County Chief Xi Liangxian defeated her, so what was she?

Xi Liangmo looked at her depressed appearance, and then satisfactorily placed the red hijab over her and said to Xi Niang lightly: "Take good care of the third lady, if something goes wrong before entering Hou Ye's house, I know that the Lord's mansion has a torment ".

The two Xi Niang nodded their heads like pecking rice, and immediately stepped forward to forcibly lift the inert Xiliangshuang up and prepare to leave. They also dislike Xiliangshuang very much. The sunrise is overwhelming, not to mention the unfortunate things. disaster for them.

Xiliang Mo took over the Li Yun temples, and went out first, and smiled softly at the two noble Quanfu wives who were stopped at the gate, but there was an inconceivable sadness: "There are workers who quickly become the third sisters. Blessings, she's not in good health. She just had a seizure before taking the medicine. She needs to get in the sedan chair and take a break in the new house. "

The two Quanfu ladies suddenly realized that they exchanged secret glances. It turned out that the three young women were not allowed to enter and hold their hair for this reason. It's no wonder they've heard a woman scream and cry before. Could it be that these three young ladies have shofar wind?

The ladies of the inner courtyard will be reprimanded by the host family if they have any problems. This is really ... secret!

Xiliangmo watched the two Quanfu ladies turn a blind eye to Xiliangshuang's hands tied with red silk flowers, and hung the blessing bag on Xiliangshuang's waist at will. Even if the ceremony was completed, she quickly sent Xiliangshuang outside. The door is in the sedan chair. .

She stood by the door and watched Empress Yu triumphantly follow the people around her death. She smiled slightly. Tomorrow there will be a new theme in the Beijing noble ladies' circle. If Xiliangshuang is smarter and has a rich life, if she is stupid. ..

"What is the princess laughing at? Would you like to share it with Xiao Wang?" A soft voice and sounded, Xi Liang Mo was shocked, he looked to the side of Si Liufeng who did not know when, and then said indifferently: "Laughing, some people dominate themselves, others are mediocre and annoy themselves, and all the world is beyond illusions. "

Si Liufeng's eyes slightly condensed on the delicate and beautiful girl in front of him. She could always give him strange surprises, from cowardly to free and easy, from quietly keeping courtesy to clever abilities to capture momentum, and even she dared to block it with a delicate body before hitting the horse.

Today, in the midst of chaos and drunkenness, she is away from the bright red everywhere, indifferently whispering, like flowers flying in front of the Buddha, so many disturbances in the world have gone, leaving nothing but tranquility.

"Unexpectedly, the princess also has a vision of Buddhism."

"It's just a lie, how can you talk about Buddhism?" Xi Liang Mo laughed.

Si Liufeng paused, and Junyi inexplicably showed a thin red face and said in a low voice, "I wonder if the princess is willing to listen to me and talk about it."

Xi Liang Mo was shocked, raised his eyes and looked into the fiery eyes of her boss Liu Feng. She did not hide the deep meaning within her. She looked a bit uncomfortable and said, "The prince is joking."

"He never teased me." Si Liufeng looked at her and said every word.


Not too far, Han's complexion was originally pale due to healing and depression in the five inner circles. There seemed to be an atmosphere that others could not lightly enter when Xiliang Mo and Si Liufeng spoke. He seemed to casually look at Jingguo from the side. Justice: "I heard that Her Majesty has decreed that Xiliang's family will be selected for her relatives in ten days. Shouldn't the husband take Sister Mo to prepare soon?"