Disfigurement (Part 2)

"Forget it, that girl has been very busy recently, but the wedding is near." Bailiqing narrowed his glamorous narrowed eyes, or lazily leaned back by the window and laughed: "What can I give you?"

"Sir, do you really want Princess Zhenmin to marry in Hehe?" Father Lian, who was waiting by the side, couldn't help but ask. Lord Chitose was still playing with the princess, and the princess is still useful, it's a shame to have such a hard time ... it's a shame.

Bailiqing said with a smile but a smile: "What do you mean ... why doesn't the governor send you Hehe to start a relationship?"

Lian's father-in-law immediately lowered his head, forget it, he didn't ask.

Just when Bailiqing was entangled in whether he should harass Xiliang Mo in the middle of the night, Guogong Mansion was already extremely busy this day, especially the day when Xiliang Danwending, the interior and exterior of the mansion were busy, and the guests They were like clouds., It turned out to be even more lively than Xiliangshuang's wedding.

After all, this is Concubine Wending's formal wedding banquet at Xiliang Mansion, and the other party is the little prince of the German Qingliu School Mansion in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the capital's first son.

Although Han was extremely angry at Li's refusal of hers to provide her things in her room, forcing her to open a small vault, he did not dare to mock Duke Yasukuni. Fortunately, she had a rich dowry at the beginning and had been in charge for many years., The bodywork is very good, immediately that those who are still loyal to them open the warehouse, take a lot of things and return them.

I cleaned the entire dowry for Xiliang Dan again, and in order to prevent Xiliang Mo from doing hands and feet, he was extremely careful about Xiliang Dan's diet and daily life. It was almost turbulent, and I didn't even have a good rest. From her He became more and more haggard, even Xi Liang Dan was scolded by her several times. Lord Jing Guo looked at her sad gaze, and was even more upset. He refused to go see her at night and stayed with the gentle and cautious Dong family.

Han was sad, but he kept the energy out of him, and finally felt a bit relieved until the day he put the Xiliang pill on, he carefully packed up and went to the front to greet the guests.

Xiliang Dan was naturally dressed at this end with care, exquisitely luxurious, dressed as jewels, proud and nervous, Lv Qiao brought a cup of tea and laughed: "The fourth lady is really like a fairy in Yaochi today, stay with the girl The prince has a family as beautiful as you, and he will never go to see those ordinary women. "

Hearing this, Xiliang Dan was very urgent, she just smiled and took a few sips of Luqiao's tea, and said proudly: "The light of the firefly dared to compete with the moon, Xiliang Mo is simply overwhelming." When he thought of her marrying a greedy Langjun, Xi Liang Mo was about to fall into such an unbearable state that he was extremely happy.

"Miss, the time will come soon." Lv Qiao took his tea, helped the nervous Xiliang Dan around the house, and then left.

Before leaving the house, Lu Qiao looked towards the tea and lowered his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

When Xiliang Dan reached the front yard, everything was prepared and the banquet was withdrawn. All the wives had already done it. They just waited for the two newcomers to go upstairs to see Princess De and the second wife, and then they exchanged tokens.

The second lady was in a good mood and Princess De seemed to be very fond of her maiden marriage. She also expressly hinted that she had married Dan'er. Not just Guogong's residence, the Han family, and even the imperial concubine's empress. they were ready to help the prince. Because of this, Princess De must treat Dan'er with kindness.

"The time has come." A family member sang a promise.

The two older girls brought two red flannel plates, one of which placed a Ruyi jasper pillow, with exquisite carvings and clear jade quality. At a glance, they found the first-class items that were extremely sought after, and one placed two. Jin Dongzhu's dragon and phoenix bracelets, dragon scales and phoenix feathers are also delicate, extremely delicate, Dongzhu is huge and valuable.

Everyone was envious when they saw it, the two families really made an extraordinary move against everyone.

It is also said that with the meaning of the perfect match, Miss Wang Ye's wife is natural.

Xi Liang Dan listened from behind the curtain, although there were flowers in full bloom in her heart, it was just ...

"It's strange, why does it itch so much?" He couldn't help scratching his neck, feeling the itchy line seem to crawl up to his face, and then he reached out and scratched some more.

"Miss, get ready quickly, don't delay the time to leave later." Feiyue couldn't help but persuade in a low voice. She has been counseling the young woman in this way since the way here, and I am not. I don't know why her skin is watery these days, Tender, but as more exploded bombs break, she'll itch from a bit of irritation, and the young lady has been scratching herself for a while on the road just now.

"Yes". Xi Liang Dan held it patiently and pulled at his clothes a bit annoyed: "Not that I want to feel itchy, and the thread is not well hidden. Waiting for the end of the banquet, I have to clean those in the clothing workshop. Damn! be! "

She itched, especially on her chest that wore the dragon and phoenix belly, those exquisite and beautiful embroideries made her feel more uncomfortable right now, only rubbing her clothes a few times, but itching more and more.

"Miss, please come into the hall, the right time to exchange chips is here!" A happy lady drew the curtain and said.

"Come here!" Feiyue rushed to put a finely embroidered veil on Xi Liang Dan, only revealing a pair of glamorous eyes, and pushed her out quickly.

Xiliang Dan liked this veil. Along the way, when others weren't paying attention, she scratched her face and neck several times, which made her feel more comfortable.

Upon entering the inner hall, I saw Si Liufeng who was already waiting there. He was full of magnificence, and under the bright candlelight, his face looked more and more like Xiling snow, and his eyes were like stars in the sky, just seeing her heart beating. .rebound.

Under the guidance of the two happy wives, the two knelt in front of their mothers, listening to a ceremonial master, and there chanting such as: "... Daughter, virtuous, you must take advantage of Tianrui, fit for marriage. People. .. "and so on singing prayers.

This word of prayer, according to the rules, is not a long time to recite a small stick of incense.

But for Xiliang Dan, it was long enough, and she couldn't help but reach into her sleeve to scratch herself, and with the effort of bowing her head, she scratched her face and neck with her veil.

The first thing that felt strange was Si Liufeng. He was the closest to Xiliang Dan. She just felt that what was going on with this woman, how twisted in public, she looked like a half lady as her mother said.

After a while, I saw that Xi Liang Dan was shaking a bit and it seemed like she could no longer stand on her knees.

He frowned and was sad. What is this? From the very beginning, seeing him, his wide eyes made him feel very uncomfortable, but it was only a little while, and now to make such a weak posture!

He couldn't help but pull her body away from him in annoyance.

And the second who found out that Xiliang Dan was wrong was the second wife, Han. Although she looked like her daughter, she was a little angry at the beginning of her misbehavior, but when she came down, she was really worried, but she did not resist the force. Ask before.

It is unfortunate to interrupt prayers at the engagement banquet, and the family getting married makes the family uncomfortable.

But after a while, Xi Liang Dan suddenly doubled over Si Liufeng's body without warning, and everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

If Liufeng couldn't help it, so he had to catch Xiliang Dan and patiently said, "Miss, what's wrong?"

"... Woo ..." Xi Liang Dan didn't speak, but he reached out under the veil and continued to scratch her sleeves. If Liufeng wanted to order someone to help her and hold her wrist, but she didn't. he wants his kordan to be pointy. Hold the veil and dispose of it immediately.

They all took a breath. Xi Liangdan's face was already covered in dirty red marks, his dandruff fell off, her face was scraped with a bunch of bags, and there were even some small blisters that were scraped off as well.