
"Shut up!" In an instant, Lord Jingguo tore through a huge wave like a sea of ​​anger, and his sword-sharp gaze rushed toward Han with bloody killing intent.

He has been on the battlefield for many years, with countless hands stained with blood. As a general of the battlefield, how can the violent evil spirit of the Han family only be able to withstand the conspiracy and tricks of the inner house?

Han was so scared that he was stiff, his hands and feet were soft, and suddenly he slid from the chair to the floor, feeling only cold all over.

Yasukuni glared at Han sternly, clenching the words between her teeth: "Lan Ling is my true wife. She used to be, now is, and will be the same. Girl Mo is the silent blood of Xiliang. again, otherwise ... "

He shuddered and shuddered with the Han family. He looked at the figure of the woman who laughed proudly in the face of thousands of horses many years ago. He sneered contemptuously and turned away with his hand.

Ning An looked at the flabby Han family and sighed slightly: "The dragon has a scale, and those who touch it will die. The second lady, Ning An, has always thought that you are an intelligent person, but why did you repeatedly touch the scale? Grandpa's stopover? Don't forget how you got married at the Guogong mansion. "

After that, he sighed and kicked out Duke Yasuo.

Han was struck by lightning, and his entire body went from rigid to shaking, as if he remembered everything in the past. In the end, his face was as gray as death, and he covered his chest with a sad smile: "Yes, yes, how I forgot, for twenty years in the same boat, I cannot resist a red The cheap seed that the bitch whose apricot sticks out of the wall is born ... It really is like iron, hahahaha ".

In the end, she fell to the ground, howling.

The servants and maids outside the door were terrified, but did not dare to make a noise, they just stood far away, listening to the sound of broken porcelain and the angry and bitter screams of the second lady to the older lady.

I don't know how long it took, "Daddy!" Ms. Han Er tossed a nice cup of celadon into the garden, and everyone shook. Ms. Han was cold, clenched her teeth and said, "Everything is dead. Well please go to the doctor for me, no, go get Sir Alex Ferguson's waist card to take the doctor to the imperial hospital. This lady wants to see if there is something good or bad in this world! "

"Yes!" Ma, who was new to Han's side, hurriedly left.

"Also, take the group of unfavorable servants around Miss Fourth outside the courtyard of the Xuan Pavilion, and give them 30 lashes for each person! I want to listen!"

"Yes!" A family went immediately.

Soon outside the Xuan Pavilion, there was a sound of crying and crying from men and women.

"Miss, the Xuan Pavilion is very lively. This Wending banquet hosted by Sister Dan is enough to discuss in the capital." Bai Rui looked at the brilliantly lit place away, somewhat gloating.

Xiliang Moyi was by the bedside, leafing through the books that record various spices, and she smiled slightly: "Yes, good things don't go out, bad things stretch for thousands of miles."

Xiliang Dan is nothing more than a fruit for her own sake, and it must be very nice to let her try to become a "red man" in the capital.

"But ... Miss, the doctor is in the hospital, what if something is found in Sister Dan's dust?" Bai Rui is still a bit worried.

"The things that she uses can be used in all the powder blush, but there is no problem in separating everything. The problem is that she likes to use it together." Xiliang Mo expressed it lazily. As soon as the book was picked up, he rubbed the glass bottle in his hand: "Besides, even the measured five-stone powder will be fine for a while. It will only make the skin delicate and tender, and it will take longer to see. the results".

Xiliang Dan liked to instruct herself to serve her in dressing and making blush balm. Of course, she must return the love of the fourth sisters for many years. The things under the blush balm have been used cumulatively now and they flare. you look at it, it's just that Xiliang Dan's skin is too delicate and allergic. Now is the flowering season. A cup of fragrant and strong chrysanthemum tea is the best medium.

Without complete preparation, how could she dare to do it easily?

"There should be no problem with Lu Qiao. Her Lao Zi Niang has been buried, and her younger brother's wounds have been healed and placed on our property," Bai Rui told her in a low voice.

Xiliang Mo said weakly 'um': "Let her stay with Xiliang Dan and don't interact with people in our yard on weekdays some problem, someone will contact her naturally. "

Lu Qiao was originally a maid who grew up with Xiliang Dan. Although she was also dominant on the outside, Xiliang Dan hurt her privately. The other day, she was seriously ill and I just wanted to see her.

But Xi Liang Dan was preparing for Wending's banquet. After hearing Lu Qiao's plea, she not only refused her permission, but also lashed her a few times with a whip to prevent her from having any more trouble.

Lu Qiao couldn't, so she was only able to buy the boy in Jiaomen when she was busy with the green, and asked him to come to Jiaomen from time to time to send some money and food to her five-year-old brother. .

But Xiliang Dan was so busy here, there were always times when Luqiao couldn't deal with that, so this broke out. Not only were Luqiao and the little guardian beaten, but even Luqiao's younger brother was beaten as well. Jia Ding hit him. and threw it away.

Xi Liangdan felt that neither killing Lu Qiao nor deducting her monthly money had given her a face, but she didn't know that Lu Qiao screamed in pain when she saw her little brother of hers. Useless. I had long complained about Xiliang Dan in my heart.

Although Xiliang Mo worries about how to deal with Xiliang's family, she is not at all relaxed in her own home. Bai Zhen has a cute and friendly face, she smiles at everyone and she knows herself. She is responsible for listening to the news. and trends in the world.

Knowing this, she naturally reported it to Xi Liang Mo. Xi Liang Mo watched Lu Qiao for a long time. She and Huang Yu were more loyal to each other, and she really had a feeling for Xi Liang Dan, so she didn't force Lu Qiao to do anything. I only asked him to drink a cup of strong tea before Xiliangshuang came out, and the rest were ignored.

To return her favor, Lu Qiao naturally had to reply. It was just this answer. How could she get rid of the relationship afterwards? Sooner or later, she would use it.

Next, we have to look at the news from the German palace, if they are so generous, she really admires them.

"Kill her, kill her ..." Suddenly a high-pitched voice was heard, Bai Rui and Xi Liangmo were shocked, and at the same time they looked at the bird cage under the window with a beautiful blood-red feather inside. Her little fat parrot bounced and bounced, but her dark-eyed eyes were very dark, like midnight.

She immediately reminded Xi Liang Mo that she was always a beautiful nine thousand year old girl: Sir Bailiqing's mysterious eyes, and those smiling eyes of hers always made her feel like she was not wearing clothes.

Xiliang Mo snorted angrily. He was a monster that raised a strange bird. He reached out and closed the window.


Compared to the quiet side of Xiliang Mo, Han's side is "lively" and extraordinary.

"Why is my Dan'er poisoned?" Han nervously looked at the old man who was administering Xiliang Dan's needles. This is a doctor from the Imperial Physician Naitai Hospital. Everyone just knows that he is highly respected and he is invading treatment. but he still pays. There's one thing outsiders don't know, but he's the best at drug testing.

It is precisely by virtue of this that the emperor has been saved many times from chronic poisons and has become the most trusted person of the emperor around him.

If it can be verified that Xiliang Dan is really poisoned, then even if he enters the palace immediately and asks the concubine sister to come forward, he must ask Xiliangmo if he cannot kill the bitch, and in the worst case, leave it. be in this county. The Lord cannot do it. With such a crime of poisoning his sisters here, and without the princess's name, isn't he as helpless as before and let them do it?

An outrageously poisonous light flashed in Han's eyes.

The old man stroked his beard, and he murmured for a moment and said, "There is indeed itching within the fourth lady."