Apprentice the evildoer

Xi Liang Mo only felt his jaw clench, and he involuntarily raised his head, facing Bailiqing's bright and incomprehensible face, so close that he could almost see the softness of the other's wings as long as raven wings. Eyelashes, as well as those strangely black pupils that are different from ordinary people, and seem to be able to suck people's hearts.

Looking at beautiful things and ugly things with too much attention has the same effect: horror.

Xi Liang Mo unconsciously wanted to go back to the beginning, but she had to look him in the eye. After seeing the flash of interest in his eyes, Xi Liang Mo stopped struggling and just lowered his eyes, not looking in ecstasy. In her eyes, she said weakly: "Master A thousand years, you are joking, the girl is not a monster, how can she have two tongues?"

Not everyone is a millennial demon like you.

Bailiqing looked at the girl who was forced to lie down in his arms, her expression calm, her body was just a little stiff, she didn't see too much nervousness, she couldn't help but feel itchy, the calm on this face really made people want him . Break her down when you see her panic. He chuckled and caressed her lips with his little finger wearing gem armor: "How many people want to be with this seat, why, this girl, are you unwilling?"

Xiliang Mo, of course, knew that although these eunuchs held high positions in the palace, sometimes even imperial concubines had to please those great eunuchs in exchange for the emperor's favor, but since they were inhuman, they liked to tie themselves in the palace. Some will accept apprentices to save them from a lack of support when they are old and weak.

There are also more eunuchs who have taken a certain amount of power. They will select some young men from their own tribe, or even adult men, to make their own offerings, which is the so-called "incense fire," rewrite the genealogy, and establish a father-son relationship under naturalization.

But this is an embarrassment to scholars who regard Confucianism as the supremacy. Even common people will not adopt their children as incense sticks for eunuchs if they are unable to survive.

But things in the world are never absolute. For people with powers like Bailiqing and countless bloodstained lives, countless people who are eager to get up and hold their shoes, let alone become your honored son or daughter?


Although she came because of her power, she did not intend to be at the mercy of her power, because Bailiqing saw that person too much. If she didn't have anything special, sooner or later she would be caught by him. Disgusted.

She also didn't think that even if Bailiqing's righteous daughter was in a different situation, the only difference was that she would give her a more convenient reason to play with herself. If she remembered correctly, many eunuchs would accept righteousness. Women, in fact, most of them are used to "feeding". They are not human, after all, but they often need to unleash their shameful and dark psychological desires.

"Master Chitose loves him so much, how could Mo'er be unwilling? But Master Chitose is handsome, and the girl Pu Liuzhi really does not dare to be Master Chitose's incense." The more Xiliang Mo said, the more she could find the smile in Bailiqing's eyes. Little by little, but the deep meaning is not a kind of good intention, but a kind of dissatisfaction for the alien who dares to resist himself focuses.

Thus, her conversation turned into a warm smile: "But the girl admires Lord Chitose. I wonder if the girl can recognize Lord Chitose as a teacher and teach him."

"Teacher?" Bailiqing paused as she rubbed her ruddy lips with her index finger, smiling and unsmiling, resting her chin and looking at the slender girl in her arms: "Do you want to be my apprentice?"

This girl looked warm and soft, but actually stubborn and strong. Such a person should have been smelly and hard as a stone in a well. What's weird is that she has an exquisite nine-turn heart, and the wind makes the rudder extremely fast.

Xi Liang Mo took out the envelope adorned with the unicorn jade pendant and offered it with both hands.

Bailiqing was quite surprised to look at the envelope, and then he squeezed it and folded it left and right. Looking at her delicate but not very skillful stitches, he looked at her: "Why, is it you. Embroidery?"

"Yes, it contains calming herbs, so the girl made a mouth for the activities. If Chitose Lord likes it, she can replace the herbs with whatever spice she likes. Although it is not a precious thing, it is also a Girl Mind. please laugh. "Xi Liangmo smiled, trying to make his smile seems very sincere, and at the same time speaking at a moderate speed, highlighting the word 'mind'.

Where could Bailiqing see his tricks, Xi Liang Mo had no intention of hiding her kindness at all. Seeing her expectant appearance, she couldn't help but laugh: "You are really good at behaving."

But you can see that she really thought about it a lot. The material used is also the Yunjin top streamer that she uses often. Luozi also played carefully, including the unicorn jade pendant on top of it is hard to find. -Find top-notch Laukeng Jade

"Why, do you really want to be a disciple of this seat? What are the benefits of this seat?" Bai Liqing half supported her cheek and looked at Xi Liang Mo, her eyes weak, she did not know what she was thinking.

Xiliang Mo nodded slightly, but he looked extremely serious: "Yes, if a little girl can become a teacher, and if Chitose's teacher teaches martial arts, she must seriously worship Chitose's teacher, and it definitely won't influence him in the name of Chitose. I love, and give him the end of life, For the longevity tablet, three sticks of incense in the morning and in the evening. "

I would also like to congratulate you on seeing the disciples as soon as possible, and then you will drive west of Hexi and ascend to Bliss as soon as possible.

Of course, she added this phrase herself.

Bailiqing had listened too much, but she always felt what Xiliang Mo was saying. It sounded the same, but it seemed a bit strange, but she reacted so quickly, and after a while, he realized that this girl was cursing him.

Bailiqing narrowed her eyes slightly and chuckled: "I said at the beginning that the day you begged me, since the girl likes 'disciples' more than 'lovers', that a thousand years will be perfect for you, but. .. ".

Xiliang Mo didn't care for her "but", so she crawled into the soft bed and worshiped Bailiqing three times on the red carpet, and then lifted a cup of incense by the table. Tea, respectfully and authentically: "Tui 'er Xiliang Mo, who had no eyes to know gold-encrusted jade at first, served tea here today and met the master."

Before Bailiqing's words were finished, there was an additional 'disciple'. She couldn't help but startle, and then her eyes locked on Xiliang Mo's body in a significant way: "Since my little Mo'er is so eager to wait, this seat is natural .. To fulfill your filial piety. ".

He took a sip of her tea and put it on the table, and suddenly asked, "Let me ask you, but did you let your sister take the headdress she gave you this seat?"

Xiliang Mo ate and told her heart that she knew he was counting and sighed, "Master, forgive sins, but the old woman from our mansion wanted to say that Mo'er is always difficult to disobey."

"Hey, I can't handle things in the backyard at all. What do I want you to do?" Bai Liqing threw the teacup onto the coffee table with a 'boom', squinting at her.

A cold, gloomy breath came out of him, making people shudder.

Xiliang Mo lowered his eyes and whispered softly, "Master, calm down, how dare you take the things Mo'er easily bestowed upon you? After the prince's selection banquet, Mo'er will let them throw it up. And attach the ' principal '. "

Bailiqing played with a huge ruby ​​ring on his finger and said with a smile: "If you can't satisfy this seat, you will stay in the backyard of this seat from now on, and I will ask your father about you. I think. that he will agree to use you to exchange one hundred thousand quintals of food for the border. "

Xiliang Mo suddenly raised his eyes, his sharp gaze coldly meeting the narrow and treacherous eyes that were hundreds of miles away, unafraid of the oppressive haze, and then he lowered his eyes and said, "I don't know. under."

Yes, of course he believed his father would agree, and he shouldn't be surprised by Bailiqing's harsh and cruel request.

The meaning of staying in the backyard is nothing more than becoming his exclusive toy.

Bailiqing paused, leaning on the red and gold bed, flicking her locks of black hair with one finger, her charming narrow eyes tinted with expensive medium purple heavy stones pulled towards Xiliang Mo: "Come."

Xi Liang Mo was startled, and then he was attentive, leaning towards her with a bright smile on her face. Sure enough, as soon as she leaned into the past, a faint light flashed under Bailiqing's blue eyes, and she reached out and grabbed Liang Mo had been prepared for a long time and leaned back stiffly, Bailiqing's offensive remained unchanged, her gesture sagged and she directly grasped her breast and skirt.

This shameless millennial demon!

Xi Liang Mo secretly cursed and shrugged, his long cold fingers piercing the skirt of her clothing. He stroked her chest causing a shudder, immediately arched his waist, turned his face and struck back desperately.

Bailiqing and the master didn't know where they were, but he didn't expect this guy to ignore her head, and he suddenly arched a small buttock in front of him. It was supposed to be a slap. It was a broken bone. and internal organs, but he just wanted to make fun of this girl, he didn't know how to make a heavy hand, he hesitated.

With just a "hiss", Xi Liang Mo's skirt had already ripped a large hole from her own excessive force. He couldn't contain the urge from him and planted his head hard.

He thought his nose would bleed, but he didn't want to smash her face with a large group of flexible, soft, and hard things. Although it was still painful, Xi Liang Mo screamed in his heart, it's okay! Eliminate the pain of breaking the phase!

But he didn't notice the muffled hum of a man behind him.

Of course, he soon discovered that something was wrong, his hands were thin and slightly soft, and the musculoskeletal thing was not exactly the long, sexy legs of the nine thousand year old adult under the robe, what was it?

She was lying on top of him, holding her leg with her hand, then her face hit the middle of her leg, the soft but hard ... could it be that the eunuchs really valued and the most taboo treasure? !

Xiliang Mo suddenly bounced off like an electric shock, but then the heat from her little butt told him that she had made a big mistake, and she actually directly pressed her butt as she "sucked" it. Bailiqing's face!

Although it is cold in autumn, the difference in temperature between morning and night is great. Today is a warm and sunny day, so Xiliang Mo is still wearing a thin light pink embroidered lotus jacket skirt. At this moment, the hot and wet breath of the man's breath from his small buttocks in just a thin skirt caused Xi Liangmo to shake his entire body instantly, and his mind went blank!

At this moment, the study door creaked open, and her mother said with a helpless little voice from the doorway, "Master Chitose, Young Master Xin is kneeling in front of the Rumengyuan, insisting on seeing him."

She was thinking that the new Yangzhou chef at the palace recently made some desserts. In addition to chopping melon seeds, the millennial loves to eat desserts. The princess happened to be there too, so she took the palace maid to give the two masters a taste, but she didn't want to see Young Master Xin kneeling there at Rumengyuan's gate, not to mention Lord Chitose, who had never Been in the studio in the past, I was actually eating with the princess. ...

Madam He is used to seeing big scenes. When she was the maiden in the bed, the emperor and the concubine were in love with each other. So after the impact, she naturally put the dessert in her hand and waved her hand. two flushed-faced palace ladies turned back, stood they bowed, withdrew, and closed the door thoughtfully.

This this this ...

Xi Liang Mo covered her chest, thinking that he would kill her with his head, leaving her calm and firm, she never thought that she would encounter such an extremely embarrassing scene, such a terrifying posture, that the people around her had not encountered. that.

"Unexpectedly, you are so passionate, disciple ... Why don't you change your position with the master?"

A muffled, grating voice came from behind her buttocks, making Xi Liang Mo like a butt on fire with her hands and feet and creeping to the side of the bed. In the process, he didn't know where she was playing. He can always feel Bai Liqing's body stiff.

After finally coming down from Bailiqing, Xi Liangmo immediately took a deep breath, blushed, and turned to Bailiqing with a flushed face and said, "A disciple is not a deliberate act, but a disciple is as shy as a mouse. So please. forgive me, Master. "

Chicken heart?

If she's as shy as a mouse, who in this world is bolder than her?

Well, well, well, she really accepted a good disciple.

Bai Liqing coldly snorted, as if she was enduring some pain, and took a deep breath, ignored her, and slowly sat up.

After a while, she got up again and said coldly: "You stay here, I have something to take care of."

After that, she pulled away from her, leaving only Xi Liang Mo to breathe a sigh of relief as she faced the space that instantly lost her sense of pressure.

She sat on the edge of the bed and spent a while, always feeling that the beautiful fragrance of Bailiqing's body always lingered on the tip of her nose, and she could not stay still and simply opened the window.

As the autumn sun came through the window, the spicy autumn breeze suddenly blew in. The wind with the fragrance of plants and trees dispersed the fuzziness in the room and calmed Xiliang Mo's restless blood. She took a deep breath of the cold and fresh wind. But the image flashed by.

Seeing Bailiqing's appearance, she seemed like her attack was in the middle of her most vulnerable place. She was a little irritated by the nine thousand year old boy and raised his tiger whiskers. After being castrated, the eunuch was extremely cautious and taboo. about his place ... ...

Be careful?

Xi Liang Mo deeply felt that something was wrong and unconsciously she touched her still hot face.

She suddenly remembered that before her reincarnation, thanks to advanced information from that year, she had heard of the purification technique.

The touch and the size of the talent at this moment are not like those that a eunuch who has lost his body can possess.

Could be...

Didn't it purify at all?

A terrifying thought suddenly flashed through Xi Liang Mo's mind.

She was shocked, but then secretly said, no, this is impossible. She has investigated Bailiqing, nine thousand years old. She entered the palace in her first ten years and started from the lowest eunuch in the cold palace. Once, he had no power. How can I hide the annual cleaning of the Home Office?

But if he didn't really have purification, doesn't that mean the rumors that he served the king of Israel are true?

But how did he, a little eunuch, get in touch with the emperor?

Xiliang Mo kept asking questions and was overthrown by hazy reality.

However, once a question arises, she remains buried deep in my heart like a weed seed.

It even gave birth to a trace of secret emotion. If the nine thousand year old girl does not really have a body, then the secret she keeps will subvert the government and even unleash a great bloody storm. So what benefit can she have? does she get from that?

Indeed, this is a world where everyone has secrets.

Xi Liang Mo looked at a red flying maple leaf outside the window, and the corners of her lips involuntarily evoked a thoughtful shallow arch.

She didn't know how long she was standing in front of the window, until the cool breeze made her sneeze slightly, and then she remembered and didn't know what time it was.

She looked at the pot dripping on the table and it had been over an hour.

Xi Liang Mo felt that she had just drunk a lot of water during the unconscious thought of her. She couldn't help it. After asking the maid who was waiting for her, she walked into the clean room behind the study to ease her hands. luxurious and illuminated decoration. With the expensive farmhouse scented and the gorgeous gem-encrusted toilet, she couldn't help but shake her head, scream, even the toilet.

She was washing my hands in the small stone pool washed away by the living spring water. Suddenly, I saw some eunuchs in poor quality clothes at the screen window coming out through a small door with two stretchers, and one of them said: "It is really bad luck. It is not our turn to reward, it is always our turn to do so. "

Xiliang Mo looked up and saw that the thing covered with the black cloth on the gurney was shaking slightly, as if it were a living being. Something underneath was leaking a little. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a dark red blob of blood. Unexpectedly, he turned a little and went through the window.

Another little eunuch hummed, "This is the fourth and fifth this month. The mother of Frostblood Garden is happy, and there is more flower fertilizer. Too bad these good furs have been lost. Rough skinned, all blood ". The monkey is the same, the parents can't recognize it. "

"Cheer up, there is no shortage of beautiful people here, no matter when there are no dog-legged people who have sent it, for so many years, Ms. Yin and Ms. Xin are the most favored, but it is a pity that the body Mr. Xin will probably be destroyed this time No, you didn't see him. He was stripped of the torture in front of everyone. It was difficult for him. Not to mention serving the governor. When I saw his beautiful body and tender flesh, I couldn't bear it. He was actually stubborn, but he didn't say a word, and it made the governor so angry. " The little eunuch who spoke earlier seemed to show how many secrets he knew, and smiled with a sense of confession.

"Hmph, I don't want to be rich, so let him hook these two actors, right? We can't ask the governor to take a look."

"You don't want to live anymore, you just want to serve the governor ..."

After all, some little eunuchs laughed softly at that laugh, until Madame He coldly yelled, "You died, don't rush to transport these pickled things, but I also want to be sent to the Frost Blood Garden." ! "

Several little eunuchs were taken aback, and only then did they notice that there was blood on the ground. They quickly separated a person to bring water and clean them. The rest of them had been condemned time and time again carrying the "pickled things" and left in a hurry.

Only Xi Liang Mo was standing in the clean room, slightly twisting his eyebrows. The eunuch was inhuman, but there were many things to play with men and women in private with all sorts of shameful means. Even if he couldn't possess each of them. another, he had to use all kinds of things, juggle abuse.

Liu Jin, the former governor of Dongchang factory, also has a legend that he eats raw children's brains and cooks fetuses, simply because he believes that eating children's brains or playing with children can regenerate the sexes. and be reborn as humans.

Bailiqing, just to take care of Xin Yan's affairs.

If he was a normal man with a normal mentality, how could he behave so cruelly?

Xiliang Mo again doubted his earlier assumption.

A while away, I heard the rustle of the robe and the voice of a crying man: "Duke Du, Xin Yan knows it is wrong, and please let Wanniang and Yuanniang go, they are really just My disciple, it is Xin Yan who intends to seduce. Wan Niang, not Wan Niang seduce Xin Yan, Yuan Niang is even more innocent. "

Mother His voice rang out again. It was different from his usual voice with a warm and soft smile. At this moment, his voice was unusually cold and even murderous: "Xin Yan, what did you say when you sold your body at a thousand- One-year-old Lord? It is a magnanimous gift to take the four and betray our ceremonies supervisor. It is a magnanimous gift to supervise the public to save you. Those two bitches have already been skinned. You still dare to follow in their footsteps! "

It seemed like someone kicked that person's heart, and the person screamed, only to hear Bai Liqing's indifferent voice: "Drag it down!"

Someone answered completely and dragged them neatly.

Xiliang Mo only heard Xin Yan's curse: "Bai Liqing, demon, you have a cruel temperament and you don't know what it is. In the future, you will be scolded by thousands of people and you will not die."

Immediately, he only heard a scream and was dragged away not knowing if he had broken his tongue or was gagged.

The air was silent for an instant, only a strong smell of blood permeating it.

Xiliang Mo held her breath calmly and prevented his mind from realizing his existence. He did not believe that Bailiqing wanted to be known to others and she was wearing a green hat.

Bailiqing said suddenly nonchalantly: "Why, haven't you heard enough yet, don't go?"

Her voice is extremely pleasant, but also extremely cold, with a gloomy smell that makes people shudder.

Xiliang Mo sighed. The millennial demon has extraordinary ability. If you learn the ability to listen and distinguish positions with that sound, you can be considered worthy of the grace of the "ancient monster"!

The Master said and laughed. The disciple has not practiced to be round and round, how can he come out and make you smile? " Xiliang Mo calmed down, raised the curtain, and came out with a smile.

Bailiqing saw that there was no panic or shame on her face after she revealed herself to the voyeur, so she coldly snorted, "You are a thick-skinned man."

Xi Liang Mo covered her lips with her sleeves and his eyes filled with bright eyes: "Master, congratulate each other."

I don't know if it's because the actor who just became the favorite is wearing a green hat, or because Xi Liang Mo's cheeks are blocking his lungs, Bai Liqing is suddenly unable to speak, only staring at her coldly with a gloomy eyebrow, and humming lightly. . He said, "Girl, don't forget that if you can't turn in the answer sheet that satisfies this seat, Xin Yan's future is your future."

After brushing off his sleeves, he turned and left.

Xi Liang Mo looked at him slim and graceful, but he seemed to carry a cunning shadow wherever he went. After thinking about it, he bit the bullet and followed him.

After all, today's goal has yet to be achieved.

He followed Bailiqing through the courtyards like a worm, and she did not know where she was going before entering a courtyard. One was dressed similarly to Madam He, but the slim and slim spinster was leading four strong men. When the eunuch greeted him, he said, "Du Gong, everything is ready."

"Okay, come down." Bai Liqing casually rolled up his sleeves, dismissed them, and entered the room.

Xiliang Mo followed naturally. As soon as he walked in the room, a white jade screen was approaching. The white jade shone brightly in the sun, and the engraving on it was also an image of Erotica's secret drama, and the men and women in it were equally delicate. **, realistic.

It's just that Xiliang Mo had already seen too much in the studio, and he just stared at it, not caring, there were light gauze Romans hanging around and the screens and tables were made of golden nanmu, which was extremely delicate.

But Bailiqingsu likes the fragrance of red sandalwood. Although this golden nanmu is also quite precious, it is still quite abrupt in Xiliang Mo's eyes. But once he turned the screen around, he knew why the furniture here was all. Golden Nanmu instead of red sandalwood.

Behind the screen, there is a white jade pool that can hold more than a dozen people.

Xi Liang Mo unconsciously took two steps back, covering his lips and nose.

The transparent water came out floating colored smoke, something abnormal is extremely demonic, is this water poisonous?

Bai Liqing's indifferent voice floated up: "I'm not waiting for this seat to change clothes, do you want to die?"

Xiliang Mo was a bit shocked, Bailiqing had always been in a bad mood, but when she used to get along with herself, she had always teased with three points and had never had such a direct attack.

He was also confident that Bailiqing didn't actually put himself in her eyes without threat, and seemed to be so interested in her because he wanted to get something from her. This is why she dared to be close to the opponent's hands time and time again. She acts provocative.

Of course, this point of mine is not too outrageous and natural, but it is calculated and manipulated. It's only fair to pique Bailiqing's interest without irritating him.

It was like a knife point dance, and if you weren't careful, the entire army would be wiped out.

Today, he's in a really bad mood, so bad that she's not even in the mood to use her poisonous tongue.

She has always been the best at guessing people's hearts, so Xi Liang Mo immediately condensed her mind and obediently walked behind Bailiqing, ignoring the colored smoke, she simply reached out her hand to untie the clothes of Bailiqing.

He would never poison himself.

Bai Liqing looked at Xi Liang Mo's unfamiliar but calm movements, the fresh mint fragrance on her hair was coming from her nose and a faint beam of light streamed through her narrow and beautiful eyes.

It's hard to guess her thoughts.

Xi Liang Mo felt a lot of pressure under her treacherous gaze. Fortunately, she was wearing a loose tunic and a long-sleeved uniform. After unbuttoning the beautiful and gluttonous belt, he was able to easily untie the other clothes.

She put it on a hanger in addition to the outer robe, boots, belt, finger cots, and lots of exquisite jade pendants and other beautiful ornaments. Bai Liqing only left a bright purple loose shirt and wearing white silk pants, Xi Liang Mo reached out to untie her shirt, but Bai Liqing suddenly said, "Except for the middle pants."

Xi Liang Mo nodded and obediently squatted down to untie her belt.

"With respect to the princess, don't you feel humiliated for doing these things?" Bai Liqing's indifferent and hazy voice rang out above her head.

Xiliang Mo stopped his movements for a moment, only raised his head and smiled slightly: "Isn't it right for the disciple to serve the master? As for this princess, not the princess, it's just a title. If you want it, the The princess and the concubine will serve you. It's not difficult either. "

"You are sincere. If you don't know that you are still a virgin, the ability to care for others is no worse than that of the red-sleeved girl." Baili Qingyin coldly smiled.

Xiliang Mo bowed slightly, took off his pants and just smiled slightly: "Master said and laughed. If Tu'er is doing the red sleeve trick like this, the red sleeve trick will probably be ruined. In a few days".

If you call him Xiliangxian to hear this, you must be embarrassed and angry, but it's Xiliangmo. For her, he doesn't damage a hair, doesn't hurt or itch, and thinks he's farting.

Bailiqing was insulted by Xiliang Mo, with a self-tickling statement, and then coldly snorted and entered Baiyu Pool.

Seeing that she couldn't remove all of Bailiqing's clothes, Xi Liang Mo couldn't help but sigh in regret.

It's a shame, she's a bit close. If you can see her secret, you can tell if he is ... purified.

But think about it, she still gave up on this idea. If she really sees a secret that shouldn't be seen right now, Bailiqing won't let go no matter what he wants to do with her.

No, it is not impossible to take his life on the spot.

"Are you stupid? I can't wait for anyone, I do not want to bring the wine to the table, "Bailiqing ordered with an arrogant toe.

Xiliang Mo was not angry, and simply went to pour the wine at his own expense. When he returned, Bailiqing was already wearing a loose robe and was drenched in the water. The bright purple robe was soaked in water and half open, revealing its texture. The snow-white chest, clear, beautifully lined and strong, and the clothes floating under the water are her thin and graceful legs, half curved and half lazily stretched out.

Beauty enters the bathroom, the colorful haze is like a nine-day fragrant mist, and Xiliang Mo knows that this person's heart is like a snake and a scorpion, and the methods are very bloody, so I have to praise him.

Bailiqing lazily stretched his arms and half leaned against the water. After the hosta, Rumo's long hair was like a beautiful silk half sprayed in water, rippling, and his skin was as pale as white jade. In stark contrast, the gloomy, beautiful eyebrows tinted with rouge were slightly softer under the mist, making people increasingly unable to look away.

If he was just a man, if he couldn't follow the emperor's side, it would be a shame. With such a face and body, Xi Liangmo suddenly passed those thoughts in his mind.

After that, she shook her head and laughed. Male and female portraits have been a sinister omen since ancient times. Isn't this also?

She knelt beside Bailiqing, held up the sapphire jug, poured the wine for Bailiqing, handed it to him, and said warmly, "Master, please use it."

Bailiqing took it and lazily said, "Take off your clothes."

Xiliang Mo waved his hand and smiled humbly: "Master, how dare the disciple blaspheme the eyes of the master with the slightest body? If he waits for the disciple, ask Ms. He to call his beautiful concubine to him. Wait".

Bailiqing closed his eyes and tasted the wine while saying weakly, "You have thin veins and you owe too much to your body. If you cannot easily get rid of your muscles, you will not be successful in this life. Since you are unwilling" to cultivate your muscles. and bones in this white jade pool of Tianshan, then forget it. "

Xi Liang Mo was not ashamed to be pierced by Bailiqing's purpose of coming today. He just doubted that she was so cheeky today. He actually came to visit the teacher, thinking that he would teach him martial arts through the golden needles.

Her experience in Xiliang's house made her suddenly understand one thing. If she alone thought that she could go ahead with her own plans, it would be impossible without obstacles. Without the Bailiqing movement, she could have already died. Even if Xiliang's family reluctantly escaped with the skill of a three-legged cat, the people around them did not know how to break Fanji. ???

She had a weak base in this world. It was extremely difficult to cultivate her own power under the supervision of many people in the Yasukuni mansion. Thus, the loss of Bai Zhu and Bai Zhen made her suffer. If she breaks easily in the future, what will she take? Fight with Xiliangxian and the Xiliang family?

Therefore, she needs to become stronger, at least not to get carried away by the people around her, but although Mother Bai did not say it clearly, she also knew well that this body was still the soul of the true Xiliang Mo since she was a kid. I already owe too much, and it is almost impossible to trust the method of orthodox practice to get it done quickly.

But Bailiqing is different. With her unpredictable kung fu, she is sure to collect countless crooked shapes, and the rare kung fu in the golden acupuncture point needles is far more exquisite than Mother Bai's teachings.

So, she made a decision and wanted to beg him.

No matter what problems she has from her, as long as she doesn't cross her bottom line, she accepts it.

Thus, Xi Liang Mo only hesitated for a moment, a trace of determination flashed under her eyes, and then she carefully removed her clothes with her hands and feet.

After a while, she just removed a soft brocade sash embroidered with colorful lotus flowers and white silk pants. After hesitating for a while, she gritted her teeth and was about to untie the rope from her sash. Suddenly, Bailiqing I spoke lazily: "Okay, come and pour some wine for this seat."

Xiliang Mo's ears turned red, she still obediently walked towards Bailiqing and held the pot to serve him the wine, but Bailiqing's hand this time did not take the wine glass from her, but suddenly a handful. She grabbed her belly, and then threw Xi Liang Mo into the center of the pool.

Xiliang Mo was shocked, fell into the water, took a few sips of water, used his hands and feet together, and finally got up, coughing and trying to curse, but suddenly realized that he could not move, that touch of mist The smoke looked like a living snake, moving when smelling the fishy smell, it suddenly wrapped around his neck and slid down, around his entire body.

She was shocked and was about to speak, but Bai Liqing calmly spoke again: "Girl, you better not speak indifferently, move indifferently, this demon mist is the most poisonous in the world, only the demon in the marrow ". The Lan Zhishui pool can be contained. If you speak casually at this time, the mist will penetrate your body and invade your internal organs. If your internal organs are corrupted by water and die, please blame this seat for not reminding you. "

Xi Liang Mo didn't dare to speak right away.

Thin beads of sweat seeped down her forehead.

The demonic haze mist seemed to be colorful, touching the upper body, just to realizing that it was extremely cold, but the demonic mist water that soaked half of his body inexplicably made Xi Liang Mo feel increasingly hot.

As time passed, the mist was as cold as the wind from the glaciers of the Tibetan plateau, bones and flesh almost decaying, while the water was hot as magma, and she only felt the bottom of her body was so hot that her skin was torn.

But she Xi Liang Mo knew that this might just be the effect of these strange things mixed together, and the feeling that nerve conduits might not be true.

So she gritted her teeth, sweating in her head, didn't even hum, but she looked at the white jade screen, as if a flower could bloom from above.

Bailiqing looked at her weakly and couldn't help but feel a little strange in her heart. Is she this girl so strong and tough?

She didn't know what she was thinking, a smile crept from the corner of her mouth, and she slowly tasted the wine, and she asked people to take a memorial to review it.

As the sun was about to sink to the west, she raised her eyes and looked at Xi Liang Mo in the middle of the pool.

Her face was pale, her teeth were closed and she didn't know if she had passed out.

A trace of complexity flickered in Baili's blue eyes, and she sighed softly: "I thought you were a smart and gentle person, but I don't want you to be as stubborn as your mother. It's really time and life."

She then she left the memorial, let the servant eunuchs take it out and she walked slowly towards the center of the pool, those Lanyan seemed to be very afraid of her and they scattered everywhere.

He did not know where to conjure a few golden needles in his hand, his eyes narrowed and his technique was carefully inserted into Xi Liang Mo's body. After a while, Xi Liang Mo's body, which was originally stiff as a rock , it slid smoothly into the water.

Bailiqing reached out her long arms, took her in her arms and hugged her to the ground.

Xi Liang Mo has been dreaming, as if she fell into the hot oil pan for a while, then into the frozen pool again, there is always a horrible giant snake continuously chasing her. Absorbing the essence from her mouth, she escaped, she escaped, but finally she couldn't help herself, she will finally be desperate, and will not run anymore, she suddenly turned around desperately to hold the giant snake, biting its scarlet snake letter, the most deep.

"Ahhh !!!

She had a sharp pain in her mouth, nose, lips and teeth, she covered her lips and couldn't help screaming, but someone gritted her teeth in her ears: "You stupid girl, you want to die!"

She opened her eyes and saw that Bailiqing, who was wearing a plain purple shirt, was also covering her nose and mouth, her narrow and beautiful eyes shining with mist and fierce flames, staring at her cruelly.

Xiliang Mo was stunned for a moment, and she suddenly licked her lips. In addition to the smell of blood, there was a faint smell of sandalwood. She looked at him directly: "Master, were you alone ...?" She paused. After a while, I didn't say anything.

Some things are better left unsaid.

Saying it is wrong.

"Why didn't you say it?" Bai Liqing licked the blood from her lips, looking at Xiliang Mo's white neck sadly, filled with anger and exploded. Seeing this dead girl today is always awkward. First, Xin Yan's bitch, and then all sorts of 'attacks' from this stinky girl. She has been crossing rivers and lakes for many years, and no one has been able to hurt her a hair. Today she is better, and there are words above and below.

If it weren't ... I'd just play this stinky girl to death.

Xi Liang Mo stared at him with a bitter cold, secretly crying, and regardless of her messy clothes, she only covered it with a thin silk quilt, pulled on the clothes and used it with her hands and feet, and said: "Teacher, apprentice, I know you have worked so hard to feel lonely, and now the disciple is stupid and accidentally hurts the teacher. When the disciple returns to try to practice in private, he will definitely live up to your teachings."

What are you talking about, could it be said that you just look down on me?

Forget it, the eunuch is one of the most difficult creatures to serve. It is a taboo for both men and women. No matter what he's doing now, it has nothing to do with Fengyue. The best policy.

She picked it up in a daze, smiled softly at Bai Liqing, turned around, and left.

Bailiqing's narrowed eyes narrowed slightly, and it was rare that he didn't embarrass her.

Just by looking thoughtfully at her back, if this little girl did not remember the love between men and women at all, she would only serve as a sword in her hand, a true cold-blooded feeling. Otherwise, it would be Fengyue, so he is not very protected against men and women. He has been in the wild and dominant rivers and lakes for many years, and he is used to seeing Fengyue for the first time, and he cannot. he finds out about this little girl.

After that, he pondered for a moment, summoned the great red eunuch who was always on his side, and weakly instructed, "Little Lianzi, let the Mei Ministry choose some people and follow Princess Zhenmin."

Xiao Lianzi was shocked. The members of Supervisor Seri's Charity Department are usually the main assassins, who have only killed Lord Chitose. After bowing and obeying, he couldn't help but look at Bai Liqing's pale face and said, "Master Chitose , Why does Zhenyuan spend to wash the princess's bones? "

Zhenyuan is the base of the martial artist's destiny, and cultivation is not easy, so why the hell does the little princess make the Lord pay so much attention to her? !

Bai Liqing looked at him coldly, and Xiao Lianzi immediately lowered her head and didn't dare to say anything.


Xiliang Mo came out in a mess and simply ordered it, wearing a hood, and Bai Rui, who had doubts, left the house with the silent Mother He and exchanged clothes with Bai Yu in the incense shop. the way back home not to mention.

Let's talk about it. Word spread that the queen's empress was going to fill the prince's harem. The blush shop that Xiliang Mo had opened outside under her own name was taken out of her head, and a box of fragrant powder was sold for twelve silver coins.

Besides those yearning ladies, there are also many people who want to please Princess Zhenmin, that she is more likely to become a prince in the future.

The day before the elections, Xiliang Mo took Mother He and Bai Rui to the incense shop. The merchant was a 40-year-old middle-aged woman who saw the teacher coming and immediately greeted him with a smile and said, "Teacher" The above accounts have been settled.

Xi Liang Mo saw her gesture to herself and knew that the distinguished guest had arrived.

She smiled and carried her skirt upstairs. This top floor was transformed into a dozen elegant private rooms, offering the best tea and snacks, and only hosting aristocratic ladies who weren't willing to squeeze themselves downstairs. bedroom.

As soon as she walked through the door, she respectfully blessed the veiled woman sitting at the round table inlaid with red sandalwood and eight treasures: "Xiliang Mo has seen Princess Taiping."

The princess wears a veil of gold silk and beads, and she only reveals a pair of beautiful eyes with ice and snow. She wears a high bun and only an eight-tailed emerald phoenix hairpin is inserted, and she is dressed in Plain white and green. Peony Jinpao became more and more noble and cold, making people afraid to look directly at her. She said nonchalantly, "Get up, you and I are acquaintances too, you don't have to be so polite."

Although she spoke politely, her tone did not mean that she was half familiar and close, but that she was becoming more and more superior.

Xiliang Mo didn't bother, he just smiled and stood up, took an exquisite ten-inch square green sandalwood box with a golden chrysanthemum inlaid with a green treasure from Bai Rui's hand, and placed it in front of the princess: "Princess, these are a series of blushes and fragrances prepared by Moer for you. Use peach blossoms in spring this year, peony in summer, dragon claw and rosewood in autumn, iris, bergamot and pearls from the South Seas. . It is made by drying, sieving ten and ten milling. Moer did it personally for a month and a half, and only got one such set. Not only the color is bright, not easy to fade, but also has the effect of nourish the skin ".

The blush and flower lotion are packaged in brushed pure gold and encrusted with precious stones and extremely exquisitely crafted, making people's hearts fascinating when you look at them. ???

The older princess looked at this, and there was a flash of light in her eyes like ice and snow. She took it and looked at it, but she seemed to ask carelessly: "Tomorrow is the day the prince chooses a good wife .. I wonder if you are ready for Zhenmin."

Xi Liang Mo looked at the princess and she was shocked, as if she showed some sadness and joy: "Prepare yourself? If you are not prepared, I cannot choose in the end, so why bother me?"

Her words successfully piqued the older princess's interest, and the older princess's icy, snowy eyes looked at her: "Why, Zhenmin, don't you want to be a Liangdi prince?"

Xiliang Mo did not expect the princess to be so direct, she lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "Princess, children's affairs are originally the orders of parents, and the words of the matchmaker, how can our daughter's family be the teacher? "

The words caused a faint look in the princess's eyes, and then she coldly waved her hand, causing her maiden to withdraw from her, and Madam He also quickly led Bai Rui out of the private room.

"Zhenmin, you really don't want to be a good prince. I heard that the queen and the aunt of this palace like you to be her daughter-in-law." The princess took a sip of tea and looked at Xiliang with eyes sharp like an ice brow.

Xiliang Mo was holding the tea, as if he was extremely disturbed, the tears in his eyes did not know when, and he was silent.

Seeing that she didn't speak, the princess couldn't help but feel a bit anxious, and her tone was cold and hasty: "If you have any complaints, just tell this palace, can't this palace help you?"

"Princess, Mo'er ... Mo'er is already interested, but she can't help it." Xi Liang Mo seemed to hesitate for a long time, before gritting his teeth and finally speaking.

The princess was surprised for a moment, and a strange color flashed in her beautiful eyes that looked like ice and snow: "You are a fan of intention ..." She suddenly remembered some secret rumors that the little prince of Germany, Si Liufeng, had intended to ask the Jingguo family's grandmaster, the young woman was hired, but was rejected.

Xi Liang Mo put down the teacup and smiled bitterly: "Yes, but I think I don't have to worry too much about being selected as Prince Liangdi."

"Oh how do you put it? Is there someone more suitable for you to be Prince Liangdi than Zhenmin?" The princess looked at her.

"Naturally, someone is more suitable than me." Xi Liang Mo sighed slightly.

There was a cold light in the princess's eyes, and then she was very dismissive: "You said, is Xiliang's family's wife Xiliang a stupid woman, also worthy of being with the prince?"

Xi Liang Mo followed her words and whispered a little hesitantly: "Dragon prince prince Zhang Fengzi, ordinary women are probably not worthy, which is why the concubine prince and others are so blessed."

For a long time there have been rumors among the royal family and relatives, that the prince has a difficult life, and his wife and his son, but the prince's status is noble. Such rumors have not been suppressed for a long time.

The older princess seemed to be quite satisfied with Xi Liang Mo's words, and she said lightly, "Yes, the blessed want to be with the dragon's body often, and they will naturally shorten its lifespan."

Xiliang Mo seemed to have a slight sadness between her eyebrows: "So, I am also very worried about my second sister. Now, she is not good at all. If she is with the prince, she cannot bear Longzi's majesty." . , if so. She is broken, not to mention Erniang, even Dad and Grandma will probably be sad. "

The princess's gaze was cold and she looked at Xi Liangmo suddenly: "What are you talking about? Isn't your second sister Xiliangxian, the lord of Duanyang County? She was originally going to enter the palace, but after being disgusted by the emperor last time, does he still want to marry the prince ?! "

Xiliang Mo bit her lip and whispered under her breath, "The princess probably didn't know. Although Mo'er was a prostitute, she hadn't been spoiled in the Fuzhong before. Naturally different from her second sister, her second sister, Qinqi, calligraphy and painting is extremely beautiful, and was praised early. For the first talented woman in Beijing, how many people can not ask relatives to break the threshold is to enter the palace to serve the emperor.

Although her majesty displeased the second sister due to a misunderstanding, the second sister was originally the girl from heaven. She was all top-notch. No wonder the second mother hoped to enter the palace to accompany the prince. the concubine must also have inquired about her majesty or her empress, watching the appearance of the second mother, unless she has full confidence, she will not let the second sister enter the selection banquet. "

Every time Xi Liang Mo said a word, the princess's eyes grew cold for a minute, until the end was a cold sensation: "Indeed? How can Han be so sure?"

Xiliang Mo hurriedly covered her lips and forced herself to smile, "Princess, Mo'er just said casually."

The older princess looked at her as if she was puzzled, and then calmed her tone and said nonchalantly, "This palace will not blame you, but who is in your heart, so even the prince cannot see your eyes? "

Seeing the princess's sharp and aggressive gaze, Xi Liang Mo sneered at herself, then lowered her eyes and said weakly: "Yue's women have songs, you are so happy, don't you know? princess? is it that in his eyes? People, no matter how good, are they inaccessible to me? "

The older princess was struck by lightning, her expression was a bit stunned and she said, "Of course I know ..."

She then she hurriedly got up and said, "My palace is one step ahead and the bill has been handed over to the merchant." Before leaving, she never forgot to take the balm powder that Xiliang Mo gave her.

Xi Liang Mo looked at her with a cold smile: "The heart is happy, you don't know."

Now, the design of it is complete. It depends on whether Xiliangxian can enter the urn tomorrow. If Han knew that he was prepared to deal with her knives at the lotus feast, he would now turn into a knife that killed his daughter. to dead?