Evil Over Evil (Part 2)

"No ... let me go!" Xi Liangxian struggled desperately in disbelief. Right now, no matter how slow it was, he would react to what these people were going to do.

A woman whose innocence has been ruined, not to mention becoming a princess, is a humiliating existence in a high ranking family, she can only become a monk or die!

Xiliangxian was very cold, struggling desperately, like a dying antelope, the power that the delicate woman instantly exploded out made Xiaoxueke unable to catch her right away, and she even scratched some blood marks on her face.

"Bitch, you hit me!" There was a pain on Qiu Xiu's face, which immediately enraged him. They were all fierce murderous men who never knew how to feel sorry for and appreciate jade. He now he is irritated, he took Xiliangxian's hair and hit her with her big palms, slapped her several times, making her fall to the ground, making her dizzy.

Qiu Xu's guest was still kicking Xiliangxian fiercely in the heart of him.

Xiliangxian suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, her hair was messy and her face fell gently to the ground, the pain in her chest made her feel weak and she no longer had the power to resist.

Some other people in Tsing Yi laughed and stopped the guest with a smile: "Okay brother, fight again, this county hostess is about to die, what are we going to play at? The master will keep her to collect the three days. Guest, be careful The master can't do without you! "

Only then did Qiu Xiu bitterly spit phlegm on Xiliangxian's body, and at the same time reached out to untie her belt, and cursed: "Wait, you'll be a bitch sleeping with thousands of people. Dare to make a score! ! "

In the end, he didn't even put Xiliangxian on the bed, but instead he rushed straight to Tsing Yi's people rudely and put his mouth on her face and chest.

Where can Xiliangxian resist the force of those reckless people? She just kept fighting and crying ignorantly, avoiding those people's smelly mouths, but the pain from being bit constantly came from her body until she felt cold. .

She suddenly stopped fighting, looked up at the ceiling, and then, a scream of painful and hateful blood came from her throat!

"Ah ah-!"

On the other hand, the great princess Taiping outside the door showed a cruel and happy smile, looking up at the sky, she made a strange "Hohohoho" smile on her throat, but her cold and beautiful face became distorted and scary.

She let Linu, who was waiting to the side, shake her body involuntarily, and her head tilted even more, thinking to herself that maybe once the matter was over, she would leave the capital with the people asap. I'm afraid this problem will be solved. small so come down again. It must be a bloody storm.

And not far from this dark and dirty alley, there was also a humble cyan linoleum carriage parked. The owner of the car was sitting quietly and heard a vague sound from the depths of the alley. After shouting, he weakly ordered: "Let's go .."

Bai Rui immediately patted the car door lightly, and the coachman raised his whip and drove the little carriage in the other direction without looking back.

Bai Rui looked at Xi Liang Mo, who closed his eyes and rested her spirits, still a bit worried: "Miss, if the Realm Lord investigates ..."

"Don't worry, my father will not continue the investigation. Could he ask His Majesty to hand over Princess Taiping as punishment?" Xi Liangmo took a sip of tea from the small carriage drawer nonchalantly.

Bai Rui did not know the joints, so she asked this question.

But what she Bai Rui didn't know was how long she had been planning this.

Three and a half months ago, at the lotus appreciation banquet, Han's mother and daughter designed themselves to break up a secret adventure of two nobles in the palace, only to silently dispose of themselves by the hands of those. two nobles. she failed to kill her, but she also harmed one of her confidants.

Han thought it was all unknown.

But I don't know, I left a note at the nobleman's palace, and it was written with threats and threats, and the meaning was vague, but it was signed by concubine Han.

At first, he thought that the imperial concubine was his majesty's concubine, so he simply turned against the army and left a note in the name of the concubine Han. Then the pair of wild mandarin ducks must hate the concubine Han until bones, and they found a way to get rid of this mastery. They are secret people.

Once the concubine Han fell, the power that Han could threaten herself would be greatly weakened.

At the same time, she while she took care of the numerous traps set by mother and daughter, he also managed to find out who the man was, who could go to the island and lead a guard, he had doubted what ordinary prince he was.

But one day, when Princess Taiping suddenly came to her National Sex Workshop to find a high-level rouge, she saw the court lady next to Princess Taiping-Mingyue!

It was the court lady who colluded with the Han to lure her into the mountain dressing room.

At that moment, when Na Mingyue saw her, although her eyes flickered, she seemed to hide and avoid, but then she looked completely ignorant of the other person, and didn't even look at her at all, so Na Mingyue eased the mind of her. I thought she didn't remember anything that happened.

After seeing Mingyue so cautiously and hearing the cold voice under Senior Princess Jinzhu's veil, she finally confirmed one thing.

The heroine in the dressing room that day was the nonchalant Princess Taiping.

At that time, although she was shocked in her heart, she silently entertained the princess, and then silently asked Mother Bai to track down and find out what the princes were doing at the lotus festival that day.

The most suspicious princes never entered the palace that day, and the remaining two princes were in the palace, but they were all in the academy. The emperor asked Empress Lu's brother, Lu Youxiang, to enter the palace to give lectures to the princes. This Lu Xiangye is the most rigorous person and it is absolutely impossible for the two princes to drop out of school for so long.

But the prince was the only one who returned to the East Palace to rest after 9,000 years and went down to court that day, it is said that he was a little tired.

And those who can travel on the island where all Empress women are free from obstacles, and those who carry nearby dead or Ouchi masters, besides His Royal Highness, what else can they do?

Although such a conclusion is really horrible, but it can make the great princess who has always been arrogant and cold, and even the emperor's orders sometimes ignored, so convinced, how many people are there in the world?

Xiliang Mo is familiar with history books. The royal family in history is the dirtiest place. In ancient times, the Yang emperor of the Sui dynasty said: "A woman is for me, she cannot be born for me, I cannot be born, and the rest is nothing." Forcing the sister-in-law to be a concubine is the first, and there is even the dirtiest and most messy Northern Qi Emperor, Gao Zhan, who sleeps with his sister-in-law. Aunt and nephew's adultery is not something sensational and rare.

But even though it was inferred, at this point, after all, there was no conclusive evidence. She still wasn't sure if the person who had sex with the princess was the prince. Therefore, whenever Princess Taiping came, she spoke sideways. Although Princess Taiping grew up in a palace ravaged by crisis, she has a special identity, so she does not need to fight to survive the camp step by step, and her lover is involved, and taking care of her is chaotic.

As the selection of Prince Liangdi approaches, his resentment and jealousy are always unintentionally revealed, so he becomes more and more convinced of his guesses and then deliberately shows first that he has no intention of the prince and then uninterruptedly. Using Xiliangxian to wash and stimulate Princess Taiping really aroused her hatred towards Xiliangxian.

In other words, it is the envy and hatred of a woman towards all her lovers, but even though Princess Taiping and the prince are less than three years old, she is restricted by her status. She can never become the prince's wife, not even a righteous love for the prince.

However, she is noble and proud, and she always feels that no one is more worthy of the prince on the ground than she is, so Princess Taiping is full of hatred and derogation for all the women around the prince.

The more Xiliangxian reveals her talents and a girl's glamorous identity on her dressing table in front of her, the more Princess Taiping feels inferior to her widow status, she can only see women constantly appear alongside her lover. her, but powerless. her, constantly struggling with inferiority and pride.

Princess Taiping has been suffering day by day, her character has become more and more cold, arrogant and harsh.

But Xiliang Mo knew that it was like an active volcano covered in ice and snow. One day this volcano would erupt, and it was just an introduction.

"Miss, how do you know that the princess will take the lead in Duanyang County?" Bai Rui is still a bit stumped. Since the Bai Zhu and Bai Jing incidents, she never called Xiliangxian to be the second girl. Duanyang county lord thinks that such a vicious woman actually shed the same blood as the young girl, he is of no value to the young woman.

Xiliang Mo leaned against the car window and said nonchalantly: "Have you never heard of the prince's concubine in the East Palace, has there been no good result? The prince has two children together and cannot get out of bed. ; two princes Liangdi also died of childbirth. Today, the woman next to the prince has status, but two ruins who gave birth to a daughter who was not spoiled, a half-dead princess, although the prince has two children, his mother biological is a humble court lady. "

"Miss, I mean ..." Bai Yu has always been smart. Before Bai Rui hadn't reacted, she hesitated and asked in disbelief, "Did Princess Taiping take the initiative ?!"

Xiliang Mo smiled slightly, opened the curtain, and looked at the setting sun outside the window like blood. The sad autumn afternoon wind blows the dead leaves, and the golden palace in the distance, between the cornices and arches, casts a huge shadow. It was like a huge beast that devoured countless lives with its open blood vessel.

Why not?

The most poisonous woman's heart, the beauty and sweetness of a woman may be the most delicate and charming flower in the world, but jealousy is the poison that flows under the flower and seals the throat.

The man enjoys the beauty of the woman, but he does not know it and indirectly contaminates it with the poison.

What's more, that one is below one person, above ten thousand people, and even the queen has to avoid hers a third of her noblest princess.

He had long known that the princess would definitely attack a woman who lusted after her lover, but she had never expected her to be so reckless.

Even if the princess suspected that her son had been murdered, she would never think about her aunt coming up.

As for the queen, she has probably been used to these kinds of wives and concubines, anyway, there are countless women in the world who want to climb the dragon and hook the phoenix.

On the day Princess Liangdi was selected, she had been secretly observing the interaction between the prince and Princess Taiping, although they seemed extremely cold.

But every time Princess Taiping showed resentment towards the Xiliangxian girls who were consulted by the Empress, the eyes on the prince's seemingly indifferent face would sweep Princess Taiping coldly, and the muscles on her face were too.

It seemed that the prince did not love his aunt that much, but he had three points of fear.

It was also at this time that she was 100% certain that the tragedies of the women in the East Prince's Palace were the masterpieces of Princess Taiping.

Therefore, Xiliangxian's fate will be no better.

Bing Qing Yujie?

Outstanding talent?

Beautifully written hairpin lowercase?

"Princess Taiping will definitely destroy Xiliangxian's proud things, so her fate was already doomed the moment she chose to select princess," Xiliang Mo said nonchalantly.

Bai Rui and Bai Yu were silent at the same time. They thought that the battle between the government mansions had been extremely fierce, but they did not expect it to happen in the royal family ... Everyone could not accept this kind of horrible violation of morals, but they felt that such a thing was. Royalty seems to be too.

Suddenly, they all gave birth to the same kind of strange happiness. Fortunately, the older lady had no intention of being the prince's, so there was no need to be directly involved in such things.

At night in Kyoto, people are less crowded, and the sky is stained red by the setting sun, the ground is stains red and the world is also covered in a thin blood.

The cold autumn breeze coiled Xiliang Mo's black hair. He sat silently by the car window, raised his hand, gently pressed the passing hair, and suddenly calmly said: "Are you? I feel terrible. I can send Xiliangxian to hell today. Maybe it's my turn tomorrow. Like the people around me, you can end up like Honglian and Red Sweet. "

From the moment she buried Baimei, from the moment she delivered the first box of rouge to the hands of the maids, she had the consciousness of returning to darkness again as a previous life.

She wants to be free, she can no longer be easily trampled on by anyone, and all those who despise and hurt her will have to pay the price.

If it wasn't Bailiqing, nine thousand years old, who helped the night when she was in the Xiliang family, now it is he who has been insulted and turned to dust. Xiliangxian has never felt sorry for her, only asked her to do so. Try something call to harm others and ultimately harm yourself.

This trail is bound to be bumpy and even bloody. He is no more noble than anyone. From the moment she decided to participate in the power struggle, she was bloodied and indistinguishable from the Xiliangxian, the Han Family, and even the Xiliang Family. Above.

However, she can give them another option.

Bai Rui and Bai Yu were stunned at the same time and looked at each other, although they both saw the confusion in each other's eyes, they had a stranger determination.

"Princess, Bai Yu no longer has her original name." Bai Yu suddenly took the small pot of purple sand and poured tea into the cup, while saying in a low voice, "The slave servant was originally the daughter of a prostitute on the Hehe border, and even her father did not know. Who It is, my mother hates slaves and wants to sell me to General Hehe to be a "human sheep". It was mother Bai who saved me, so I was saved from being taken to cook. The princess gave me a new name and identity, therefore, I have lived under your protection from now on. If one day you hold a long knife in your hand, I will hold the sheath and cleanse your blood, if one day you fail. "

Bai Yu held the cup in front of Xiliang Mo in a respectful and graceful posture: "The slave and the maid are willing to die with you."

Xiliang Mo was shocked. He didn't expect Bai Yu to come from this kind of background. Her mother must have been a young woman from an official family, which is why Bai Yu had such a calm temperament. However, it is so rude, because the place where it is located is the Gobi sand desert, so during the famine, it was heard that the looting of Han women first insulted them, and then used them as the horrible custom of 'people and sheep'.

The so-called "human sheep" is treating people like sheep, cooking meat and eating.

The other cup was also held by another pair of hands that were thin, but rough from year-round work. Xi Liangmo looked at the owner of those hands.

Bai Rui looked at Xi Liang Mo and smiled. It was always a big smile, but she was a bit shy at the time: "Miss, the maid is not as good as Bai Yu, but the maid has followed the lady when she was very young and doesn't know who her parents are. She is smart. , so he always teaches his servants to take good care of the lady. Sister Baimei went and the servants took Baimei to protect the older lady. The master was in trouble, and the servants naturally had no reason to live alone, but simply to reunite with Sister Baimei. That's it. "

Then Bai Rui turned around and smiled mischievously: "So, as long as the old lady is good, the servants will be naturally good, and all the people of Lianzhai are good!"

Xi Liangmo looked at them, but her cold and indifferent heart was deeply moved, her beautiful and soft face showed a firm smile, and she drank their tea: "We must all be fine."

If she is the ultimate winner, she naturally can protect them, so she must become stronger and must not lose.

"Come back, the people in the house should be anxious." Xi Liang Mo looked up at the sky and uttered a pun.

The three masters and servants took a blue linoleum car and slowly returned to Lord Yasukuni's residence.

Because they were packaged and plain, the doorman hadn't noticed until they saw people getting in and out of the car before rushing to greet them.

While the Han was in the Xuan Pavilion, he had never seen Xiliangxian, but heard that Xiliangxian had returned. He also heard that when he returned, the big girl next to him was in charge of the carriage dispatch room. . After mentioning He had a bad temper and said that there was a problem with the carriage, prompting the county chief to return in an unidentified cart.

The Han family enjoyed the misfortune. She was sent by concubine Han to find out that Xi Liang Mo had been left out at the selection banquet, but Xi Liang Xian instead went for the newcomers, earning the eyes of the Empress Queen. as she wished.

"Now the princess even broke the carriage. It can be seen that it is really bad luck. This selection banquet must be the county lord's first prize. In the future, the county lord will become the empress, and the servants will come. ask the wife for a large reward for money and wine. Yes. The silver mother waiting to the side smiled flatteringly and at the same time served a bowl of oatmeal porridge for Han.

Mother Yin was originally a second-class mother who was in charge of cleaning the garden, and she could not even enter the house, but since Mother Li and other confidants were removed from Xiliang Mo, the Han family could not . I think it was sent by Li. The girl's mother-in-law raised the silver mother.

Han originally thought he had rough hands and feet, but he could still come, not if Mother Li had a graceful manner in the room all year long, and he always thought that he would lose stock when using Mother Yin. but today she is in the mood. Alright, seeing Mother Yin's rough hands holding her official baked celadon fish playing fine porcelain bowl with lotus leaves, he is not as ugly as before.

Han took a bite, and actually took a silver flower from the small silver flower fork bottle on the table and threw it to Mother Yin, and said with a smile, "Ying'er has nothing to do, but your old woman's mouth is soaked. Take sugar and drink it, don't get drunk. "

Mother Yin was overjoyed and took it with a smile. The servants in the room saw that Mother Yin had been rewarded, and there were people who did not rush to pet the horse and said many auspicious things.

The Xuan Pavilion was filled with laughter for a while, as if to sweep away the silence and sadness of the past few months.

It's just that Han's good mood didn't last long. When the lamp was in his hand, there was no shadow from Xiliangxian. Han got anxious and sent people to the palace gate to ask questions, and then contacted the palace concubine Han.

But the palace people said that the selection banquet was over before dinner, and the concubine Han also sent people back and forth, and did not leave Xiliangxian to eat in the palace, so Han suddenly entered panic.

"Go and search, send someone to find the second lady immediately. If you can't find her, don't come back!" His high-pitched voice penetrated the eaves of the Xuan Pavilion.

Until the time of curfew, the entire Guogong mansion boiled over. All the families that were sent to look for people returned. No one found Xiliangxian, although since Xiliangmo became the noblest lady in the mansion, Xiliangxian is not as good as she used to be, but the missing person is, after all, the second young girl to be born in the family, so it is also panic.

Although Lian Zhai didn't turn off the lights, he was much quieter than anywhere else, with only the sound of frogs.

Until a flurry of footsteps broke the silence here.

The old woman guarding the door yawned and opened the door: "Who, it was in the middle of the night."

When she saw the visitor, she couldn't help but widen her eyes: "Master Guo ... you ... why are you here?"

Lord Yasukuni led Ning'an and Han and his group carrying lanterns and they remained outside the courtyard the entire way, illuminating the originally dim, brilliantly lit tree-lined path.

"Where is the princess?" Lord Jing Guo asked with a deep face without answering.

"The princess has not slept yet. I heard that the second lady has left, waiting for the news in the room, and she was very anxious." The old woman who was guarding the gate immediately led the father-in-law to Xiliang Mo's main house.

Han's face was grim and anxious, but she still sneered, "Will she be anxious she?"

Grandpa Jingguo gave him a cold look and left first. The Han was angry, but concerned for Xiliangxian's safety, so he had to keep going all the way.

Lord Yasukuni entered the main hall of the Lianzhai, and Xiliang Mo did not sleep as expected. She wore only a simple green robe adorned with lotus flowers and a soft golden satin cape leaning against the window, reading by candlelight. Mother Bai led Bai Rui and Bai Yu to do embroidery under the lamp.

Soft candlelight covered Xiliang Mo's face with a faint soft golden light, increasingly highlighting her eyebrows, like jade, gentle and graceful. Hearing someone approach, she raised her face and looked suspiciously.

Upon seeing Duke Yasukuni, she looked a bit surprised and then she smiled: "You are here."

It was at this time that Lord Yasukuni was in a trance, as if he had traveled for a long time, and he saw another equally beautiful girl sitting in the military tent in the desert, smiling at the young general who had opened the curtain. She laughing: "Speechless, you are here."

He was stunned, but then the "Master of the Country", who was puzzled by the woman, regained his sanity.

He secretly sighed and then said lightly, "Since I haven't slept yet, I must have heard of your second sister. What do you mean?"

What to say?

Xi Liang Mo raised his eyebrows and stood slightly and said, "Master Guo, what do you think I have to say? You can't always think that I let the second sister disappear, so come here to question Yu Mo'er .? "

Yasukuni wanted to speak, but the Han family couldn't wait to take the case and coldly said to Xi Liang Mo: "If it weren't for you bitch, this lady really can't think about what Xian'er is child gentle and kind he would have been offended. People! Tell me, where did you hide Xian'er! "

Seeing the Han family looking at him with a fierce expression on his face, Xi Liangmo couldn't help but want to laugh, kindly? Nice?

Indeed, in the eyes of the mother, is the daughter always the best no matter what?

Or is it because you are a raccoon dog, that you feel cruel, cold and selfish all the meanings of kindness?

Xiliang Mo's complexion did not change, he just looked at Han and said in a low voice, "Er Niang, you are really very excited. Although Mo'er knows you care, it will be complicated, but there is a saying that I can eat rice indiscriminately. . Tell me, what proof do you have that I hid my second sister? "

Duke Yasukuni coughed slightly, looked at Han impatiently and said, "Okay, my lord will naturally ask you clearly, what Sister Mo said is not unreasonable."

Han felt aggrieved and angry, and blurted out, "It's clear that she's jealous that Xian'er is loved by the Queen Empress, and she's worried that Xian'er will snatch her seat as Princess Liangdi, that's why she attacked Xian. Eh , husband, how can you protect your flaws in this way? "

Duke Yasukuni grew more and more impatient. In the past few days, he thought that the Han family had shrunk a bit, but he didn't expect it to be so unreasonable.

Although he doubted that Xi Liang Mo had moved his hands and feet here, if the Han family fought loudly, he would definitely damage the family's reputation if the family home were incompatible at this time. Furthermore, Xian'er's reputation had to be taken into account. consideration, so Officer Yasukuni made a nonchalant order: "The wife is really tired of the second lady. Ning An, escort the wife back to the Xuan Pavilion."

Han looked at Duke Jingguo in disbelief. Right now, did he really kick her out? !

She wanted to say something, but Mother Yin hastily squeezed her hand, and Han's eyes fell bitterly on Xiliang Mo's face. That face, which was ordinary before, is now beautiful. The floor looks like the Lan family dog. Now as soon as he sees her, she feels more uncomfortable in hers heart of hers I really want to screw up that face!

"If Xian'er has something to do, this lady will definitely give the Han family strength and she cannot do without you!" Han stormed off, stamped his foot, and turned around.

As soon as Han left, the room became much quieter. Duke Jingguo sat on the chair of the Eight Immortals and looked at Xi Liang Mo, and lowered his voice: "Mo'er, Dad wants to talk to you."

Madame Bai immediately knowingly wanted to take Bai Rui and Bai Yu back, leaving a space for her father and daughter.

But Xiliang Mo suddenly called out to them, "Mother, you haven't finished the guarantee I want. I want to see you fight so I can go to school."

Duke Jing Guo frowned and looked at Xi Liang Mo a little disgusted: "Mo'er ..."

Xiliang Mo smiled weakly, softly and gracefully: "Grandmother, mothers and are not strangers, especially Mother Bai and Bai Rui. They both took care of me when I was young. When Mo'er had no food, I only relied on Mother Bai and Bai Rui to distribute. his meager portion to Mo'er, which is why Mo'er has only lived to this day. If you have something to say, say so. "

Duke Yasukuni's face changed slightly, green and red, and then he sank stiffly: "Are you blaming father for being cruel? He hasn't he cared for you?"

Xiliang Mo smiled softly: "The Country Lord is Mo'er's biological father, how can Mo'er dare to be so little filial?"

But that kind of smile in Lord Yasukuni's eyes was unusually ironic, but he couldn't really refute it, or even how to refute it, because there was no accusation in Xi Liang Mo's words, but the meaning that was expressed was already very clear.

Tense for a while, he had to treat Mother Bai and the others as if they didn't exist. He stroked his beard and said in a slightly soft voice, "Mo'er, my father knows that he has been busy with official duties these years. And he owes you a lot. It's just that Xian'er is your sister. Helping is always better. Than to fight with sisters. Father is a man of the past. Now that you are young, you will understand when you are older. "

Some words can be considered confidential.


Xiliang Mo listened silently, playing with the ends of his hair, and did not reply, until Duke Jing Guo raised his eyebrows slightly in disgust: "Mo'er?"

He said nonchalantly, "Master Guo, did you say that because you thought I was the one who let the second sister disappear? You should have checked that Mo'er came out of the palace gate and found that the house carriage had disappeared. Question, and the second sister never promised to lend me a carriage, so I came back in a linoleum cart that I rented. The second sister beat me to it. How do I know where she has gone?

"You ..." Lord Yasukuni looked at the girl in front of him without speaking. Yes, he had predetermined her guilt in her heart, so he asked.

He did not trust this daughter, because this daughter seemed to be growing out of his control, which made him a little unable to understand.

"Your daughter does not know where the second sister has gone. If it is too late today, rest assured. The second sister can be found tomorrow. If it does not work, the Soldiers of the Five Cities will be informed and I think there must be an intervention. from the government. I will definitely be able to find out where the second sister is going. " Xiliang Mo sat alone, and words that seemed soft and comforting were already making an order to dismiss the guests.

Duke Yasukuni had no choice but to sigh: "Being a father doesn't mean that. In short, you need to think about it carefully."

After all, I am preparing to leave with a negative hand.

Xiliang Mo seemed to be muttering to herself behind his back: "I heard that the second lady and the eldest wife were close friends from the boudoir earlier. Marrying the country's grandfather at the time must be a good story about the emperor and Major Ying. ".

Lord Yasukuni stiffened, spoke no more, and hurried away.

No one knows that the Han family and the Lan family are in the same situation. The words I said earlier would definitely touch people's hearts, but I didn't want to speak to myself under the seemingly involuntary but indifferent words of this daughter.

Xiliang Mo looked at the back of the stalwart who was leaving, but at that moment she saw him collapse with a bit of melancholy. He simply said nonchalantly, "Close the door and turn off the lights."

As soon as Grandpa arrived, she directly gave him a presumption of guilt, yes, even if she sent Xiliangxian to walk through hell on earth?

Anyway, from the beginning, her supposed father never considered her a daughter.

At the Guogong mansion, Lianzhai was the first to turn off the lights, as if all the noise from outside had nothing to do with here.

There was silence.


Xiliangxian's disappearance was secretly recorded until the evening of the second day. After all, her daughter was missing, even if she came back intact, her reputation would have been badly damaged if she didn't come back tonight, even if the heavens weren't as good as before. The woman is so tough, and she too is doomed to Xiliangxian's harsh fate in the future.

But on the second night, the Han family couldn't take care of that anymore, and the care was chaotic. She asked her brother to report secretly to Private Wucheng Masi. When she found out about her, Lord Yasukuni was enraged and scolded her back to the Han family. There is no alternative.

In the end, in the name of the search for the stolen goods and the servants who secretly escaped from the Yasukuni government residence, the Soldiers of the Five Cities and Masi carried out a large-scale search and search, exaggerating the news of that something went wrong at the Yasukuni government residence. .

But in the mansion, people panicked. On the morning of Han's fourth day of tears, Xiliangxian was finally found back.

She was found in a broken wagon, she was dying when she was found, she was dirty, and she was bleeding from her lower body.

The center of attention is getting tighter and there are always officers and soldiers who come to inspect the house recently. Linu knows that this place is too much to stay. In fact, she really wants to kill this woman completely, so as not to let the wind escape. but the meaning of the one above suddenly changed. She decided to keep her life.

Reluctantly, Linu had to let someone take the torn carpet and throw it into the carriage.

She led a group of subordinates, cleaned her belongings, and ran out of the capital completely under the cover of the people in the princess's mansion, and left.

The news Xiliangxian found made noise in Lord Yasukuni's mansion.

He was Lian Zhai's eyeliner at the concierge, so the news was spread to Xi Liang Mo as soon as possible. She was grinding the mandala powder hand under Xiaoxuan's window, "Oh I found it, I'm still alive. "

Bai Yu nodded and frowned slightly: "Yes, isn't the princess supposed to hurry after the extermination? Isn't this time that Princess Taiping suddenly showed mercy?"

Xiliang Mo mixed the mandala powder with wick powder, poured it into the rose water, and stirred it: "Royal people, there are some kind-hearted people. On the contrary, Princess Taiping is more cruel."

"The princess meant that ..." Bai Yu opened her eyes slightly with illumination.

Xiliang Mo said calmly: "What is more cruel than to let a proud and conceited girl lose her proud chastity, beauty and talent, but she is still alive, watching others get everything she wants?"

Princess Taiping wanted Xiliangxian to taste everything she suffered.

This is the cruel punishment ...

It seems that if she faces Princess Taiping, she must be a difficult and fierce enemy to deal with.

Xiliangmo lazily looked at the pink potion that was in the delicate glass bottle in his hand. The glass bottle glowed with a strange light in the sun. Who said that only women in this world are the scourge?

Loving man, isn't it the same?

Therefore, it was better for her to stay away from the prince.

Xiliang Mo suddenly faced the void, throwing the beautiful glass bottle into her hand, and at the same time, seemed to say to herself: "This is for the master. By the way, can your old man be satisfied with the blade of Answers? delivered by disciple? "

The moment the glass bottle fell to the ground, it disappeared, and under the oblique shadow, a strange voice sounded that could not distinguish between men and women: "The lord of the county, this is ..."

He can't just offer things without knowing anything, in case it's dangerous.

"This thing ..." Xiliang Mo paused, and then said: "This is called a smiling half step, after taking it with others, it is said that after taking half a step, you will not be able to stop laughing, and then for everything your body. It's hot, you can't wear clothes and dance, but this princess hasn't tried it yet. "

She covered her lips with her sleeves, toying with the fat blood-red parrot hanging from the window lattice, and said with a smile, "Presumably the master will like it, just as the disciple has not retrieved the jade jewelry set for him. head. "

The few invisible shadows in the shade of the tree shook and nearly fell off her body, then immediately stabilized her body and disappeared into thin air.

Indeed, she is a teacher and a learner. The princess knows Lord Chitose too well. Lord Chitose must be more interested in these things than in expensive and rare ornate jewelery.

When Bailiqing received the glass bottle, he was on his way to the study to check the wrinkles, and questioned a second-degree governor who dared to contaminate his silver, and immediately asked Li Jian's eunuch to give the potion to the kneeling ones. on the ground in cold sweat. The conscientious governor spilled it.

The fat governor appeared to have been poisoned. He rolled on the ground in pain, only to find that nothing was wrong, so he got up and took a step, and immediately began: "Quack ... Quack ..." The ground burst into laughter, and then, began to sweat uncontrollably and desperately tore his clothes, he ran out of the naked outer courtyard from the inner room, threw his bird somewhere and jumped while laughing.

The ladies of the palace were so scared that they screamed over and over again, and the hundred officials waiting outside were terrified, only the nine thousand year old woman had invented some method to torture people.

Bailiqing stood in front of the window with interest and happily nodded: "It really is a wonderful thing, a wonderful thing, I don't know what will happen to my lover, it is really exciting."

After all, I took the remaining half of the glass medicine bottle and thought about it to the end, and even the memorial was not approved.

Xiliang Mo is also studying mandala flowers weakly and seriously, how can we improve Pei Fang, how can she subconsciously underground in Bailiqing, so that she can see the truth about him? Didn't he notice?


"My daughter ..." Han held Xi Liangxian's hand with teary eyes. At this time, Xi Liangxian was still in a coma, with a high fever.

"Madam, be careful, if she is not well, Sister Xian'er will not be well." Mother Yin approached with a bird's nest bowl. Mrs. Han hasn't used food in two days, so how can she get it herself? she goes like this.

Seeing that Han was about to wave his hand to break the bowl she was holding in her hand again, Mother Yin immediately said, "Ma'am, there is news from Shangshufu, she doesn't want to read it."

Han's spirit perked up and she took it immediately.

Looking at what the letter said, she bit her lip and said with a cold expression: "Now that Xian'er's life or death is uncertain, I don't have the mind to deal with it. That bitch, if my brother thinks so much . Okay, let's do it, anyway, Wei'er liked that bitch. There's only one. I want Xi Liangmo that bitch to marry and die!