Bathing In The Wild Spring (Part 2)

"Master ... you ... what are you doing?" Xi Liangmo's eyes widened involuntarily.

"Speaking of a teacher, maybe you don't have a hot spring. Now I find the scenery here to be very good. You happen to be here as a disciple. If you only serve as a teacher." in a short time, only a thin half robe remained.

"Master, the sky is freezing, be careful in the cold!" Xi Liang Mo tried his best to stop him, but Bai Liqing seemed to find his nervous reaction very interesting, but his movements were twice as slow as the delicate belt around his waist with long fingers. Seeing Xi Liangmo looking at her fingers, she was so nervous that she couldn't help but jump out of the pool, but she didn't untie a knot for a long time.

Xi Liang Mo was thinking a lot about how to escape from the clutches of the devil, while she felt that the other party seemed inexplicably very angry, but she never found out where she had offended this grumpy monster!

Could it be that the truth about her tempting him to go to Qiushan was exposed?

But no matter where you look at it, there should be no flaws in this matter.

Xi Liang Mo still hadn't thought of a reason, Bailiqing had already removed a thin robe and even threw most of her beautiful jewels at Xiao Shengzi.

She kicked off her boots and walked barefoot toward the pool.

Xiliang Mo panicked more and more, looked at the legs under Bailiqing's lavender half robe and involuntarily blushed. She had to admit that this great evildoer had the capital of pride. Her legs were very long and muscular. His bony lines are powerful and beautiful, and even his toes are white as jade.

It is a pity that the most beautiful things are more poisonous, Xi Liang Mo looked towards the surface of the water, feeling the other person slowly approaching herself, she suddenly turned around and climbed into the pool, silently thinking about her heart, anyway, he was a eunuch who had been waiting for the emperor to look. There are many beautiful women, not bad for her.

Furthermore, Xiliang Mo is not the type of lady who will die if she sees a piece of meat. She always thinks that people should know how to observe the situation, make a small sacrifice, and escape the devil's abuse of a certain millennial demon.

Bailiqing didn't expect her to be so daring, and she didn't give a damn to hide from him. Suddenly spring ended and she really did surprise him for a while. At that moment, Xiliang Mo flew up and down. Wrapped in the cloak that Bailiqing had thrown on the ground in the past, he turned and ran towards Xiao Shengzi.

Everything was going fine in the first place, but at this moment, Xiao Shengzi, who was completely stunned like Bailiqing, let out a tragic cry, glaring at Xiliang Mo, as if she was seeing something extremely terrifying.

"Xiao Shengzi didn't see anything, nothing ...!" He then he hugged his head as if he had seen a ghost.

Xiliang Mo was so scared for Xiao Shengzi that her original plan to grab Bailiqing's clothes fell apart in an instant, she cursed and had to rush to pick up the dirty clothes from her.

But in the next second, a powerful qi suddenly surged up behind her and suddenly sucked her back, and Xi Liang Mo's slender body was instantly dragged back by that qi.

"Alright, alright, you don't even need your face to hide as a teacher." Bailiqing's grim and angry voice sounded behind him, surprising Xi Liang Mo, and she flew up a few hands, but nothing happened. It worked, and I felt like his body was completely out of control and I fell straight into the hot springs with a "puff".

The splash of water instantly submerged her, and a pair of long arms encircled her body firmly immediately and directly pressed Xi Liangmo against the pool.

"Hmm ..." She was shocked and angry, and she hit Bailiqing unceremoniously, and then she fought vigorously, but the more she fought, Bailiqing held her harder.

Xi Liang Mo only felt her shoulders grow more and more painful, and her breathing became increasingly difficult. Her almost suffocating pain made her unable to bear another lip. The surrounding water immediately poured into her mouth, making it unbearable. All self-rescue behaviors are just to quench your thirst.

Xi Liang Mo looked at Bailiqing's indifferent and beautiful face in the water, like a demon god who lived and died, strange and cold, staring at the ants fighting below her.

She bit her lip severely and touched her leg with her hand, where was the dagger she had tied before her. Xiliang Mo drew her dagger in her hand and stabbed it under her ribs without hesitation, but so soon as the dagger struck Bailiqing's waist, he couldn't get any further, and Bailiqing got stuck. The force from his wrist was so strong that he almost thought his wrist was about to be crushed and the sword in his hand fell into the water.

But she too she had room to breathe, and she came out of the water immediately, and the feeling of being exposed to the fresh air made her feel so beautiful.

Xi Liang Mo breathed in the cool air greedily, no longer caring about the pain in her wrist.

Then in the next moment, Bai Liqing suddenly pressed her against the stone wall, her thin lips, cold and strangely fragrant, grabbing her soft lips in an aggressive and fierce manner.

Bailiqing held her small head with one hand, forced her to raise her face and bear that it could almost be called out violently, and the tip of her tongue parted her lips, directly into Xiliang Mo, who was soft and smooth through the mouth and sucked, as if to disarm her and swallow her abdomen.

Her slender hand also slid directly into her cloak, clasping her slender waist and her rosy buttocks with the almost pinched force on her delicate skin, forcing Xiliang Mo to stick firmly without any space in her body.

"Hmm ..." Xiliang Mo was dizzy when they kissed her, her mouth and nose were filled with her cold and deceitful breath, and her delicate body was also imprisoned by Bailiqing in the pool wall. He was slim and graceful but like a rock on Mount Tai, among irresistible bodies.

After all, she is an unmanned girl, no matter where she has gone through such violations, her body will always unintentionally weaken.

Bailiqing did not let her go until she was about to emerge from the coma, almost unable to breathe under her fierce and aggressive kiss, but her slender fingers carved from her like cold jade from hers pinched her in a threatening manner. . Tender neck.

"Hmm ... cough, cough ..." she finally had a chance to breathe, Xi Liang Mo again coughed greedily and inhaled, her eyes were choked with hazy tears, and she only felt her lips They must be red and puffy like sausages.

A kiss like that is not sweet at all, much less tender, it just makes her feel humiliated.

"What are the uncle's nerves? You don't have to work so hard if you want to kill me!"

"The one who wants to kill the master, isn't it you?" Bailiqing Ju looked patronizingly at the girl who was half dazzled by the kiss on her arms, but still she did not forget the girl who stared at him stubbornly and furiously. , almost a kind of wanting a hand The desire to squeeze her little neck.

This ungrateful little fox actually dared to point a sword at him!

The killing intent in her eyes instantly made him feel a strange chill and a kind of extreme rage.

He wants to commit suicide, but does she dare to do it? !

Xi Liang Mo looked at the man who was completely unusual, smiling calmly even if he was angry. At this moment, his gloomy and charming face, his dark eyes that were originally bottomless, seemed to open the door of Jiuyou's Hell. The spirit pouring out of him was staring at him wildly, as if it were going to smash her into countless pieces at any moment.

He was full of blood and horrible darkness, and he was holding her so tightly that he could barely breathe, much less move.

That is the dark air that the king of the undead who has been immersed in killing and in blood for a long time, mixed with the best martial artist, exudes invisible sword energy, which is enough to cut through the skin.

Xiliang Mo couldn't bear the sharp tickling, but she stared at him. He gritted his teeth in tears and said, "Am I going to get caught underwater? I really don't want to take it. If you don't." Don't believe your life, just kill me!

This is the truth, she just wanted to force him to let go of his imprisoned hand, and she never wanted to kill him.

After all, he has never done anything to hurt himself. Although his mouth is very bad, he has always treated himself as a disciple with a toy attitude, teasing her over and over again, but he did his duty as a teacher always helped her and secretly, and most of his arts martials are his merit.

She although she is indifferent and sophisticated, and she has always been on guard against Bailiqing, if Bailiqing did not do anything that would really hurt her, she would avenge her revenge. Isn't it the same as the Xiliang family beasts?

Xi Liang Mo originally rushed all night, her body extremely exhausted, no matter how she could withstand the throw, if not, she would not want to be wronged by him and inexplicably lost her life on the spot, she probably fainted for a long time weather. behind.

I don't know if it was Xi Liang Mo's words that touched Bai Liqing a bit, or her stubborn face, but frankly, her eyes were gradually clouded and teary, and she remembered the man almost demonized.

The horrible and dark aura in Bailiqing gradually disappeared. Seeing his subordinates almost half fainted, Jiaowa's weak aura, his eyes were dark and unclear. After a long time, he finally hummed reluctantly. A cry: "Forgive me for not daring."

But the movements of his hands became smooth and careful, holding Xi Liang Mo in his arms, like holding a fragile treasure or porcelain, turning, letting the weak girl who was in a semi-conscious state lean against him. . Rest in his arms.

She stretched her hand against her back, her palm slowly exhaling and silently driving her internal force into her veins.

After a while, a bubble slowly floated around the spring.

Xiliang Mo only felt that his weak body was filled with a wave of heat, the originally exhausted Qijing and the Eight Meridians slowly filled with this enormous internal energy, like a floating dragon that circulates in vain in his body little by little, turning into scales on his body, and then slowly swimming toward his empty and languid dantian.

Those difficulties that were attached to the body seemed to gradually dissipate, and even the countless small wounds on the body were gradually healed.

What Xi Liangmo did not see was that five thin air streams gradually diffused from the Tianmen acupuncture point on the top of her head, condensed and swayed, and her pale face gradually turned flushed.

When she was able to slowly open her eyes, she saw Bailiqing half open her lovely eyes and look at herself. Although her eyes were deep and cold, her face grew paler.

Xiliang Mo is not an idiot. Looking at Bailiqing's appearance, in addition to her previous actions, she also knows that he is healing her own gong, and she is surprised to find that the breath in her body is flowing smoothly. The increasing depth of the Dantian's internal breathing was not at the same level as before.

If she guessed right, she actually helped her get past Ren and Du's two lines!

Ordinary martial artists, many people need to have good ability to get through the second Rendu channel, and when the second Rendu channel is connected, the inner strength of the martial artist can work on its own when resting, which means that they have been practicing kung fu, which equates to a ten-year increase in skill.

If you want to trust others to help you get through the two channels of Ren and Du, you need a superior expert who will dedicate at least ten years of royal energy to guiding the other party and bringing together the best.

There is no free lunch in the world, and if it is not an inescapable situation, hardly anyone is willing to sacrifice ten years of hard work in exchange for the inner strength of others for ten years.

Xi Liang Mo stared at Baili Qingshuang with stunned and boundless eyes, almost unable to see emotions at all.

Because it's him...?

He nearly killed her a moment before, but the next second of her spent a great deal of internal energy to help her open the two channels of Ren and Du.


"As a teacher, I really don't think I have such a stupid apprentice. I can't even beat a stupid like Si Chengqian. A stupid girl who doesn't even have the ability to protect herself, is there any qualification? Becoming an apprentice in This seat? Better to laugh and be generous. Die! "Bailiqing lazily leaned against the hot spring pool, and the warm water from the spring soothed his somewhat exhausted body.

Indeed, he is still older, but because I have lost some internal strength, I feel tired.

Xiliang Mo looked at Bailiqing, closed his eyes silently, steaming water vapor staining his delicate jade skin, wetting his long curled eyelashes like peacock feathers and the black feathers on his cheeks. Hair, nose like gallbladder, slippery lip color.

Such a calm and dazzling Bailiqing without pearls or jade, the intense purple blush tinted on the side of the eyebrows and the forehead softened with the water vapor, causing him to lose a haze and much Ningya, which infuriated him every time more. As jade eyebrows are beautiful, and his appearance is full of colors.

Although his mouth was still the same cruelly, Xi Liangmo suddenly felt inexplicably that being held in his arms by this great evildoer did not seem to be something completely unbearable.

Her chest is so beautiful and generous, and he feels comfortable holding her inside her.

The master is probably always fair, he gave Bailiqing a powerful and overwhelming appearance, but also gave him a mutilated body, even a distorted cruel mind and personality.

She had always suspected that he might not be a true eunuch, but she had only been fighting, even now that she and he are not even an inch apart, and she is basically not an inch, just a tattered cloak.

So that she could feel that there was no reaction from her lower body, unless he was not a normal man, in such circumstances, even Liu Xia Huiduo might not have any reaction at all.

After realizing this, Xi Liang Mo felt a completely relieved and somewhat curious sense of loss.


"Why, have you fallen under the guise of being a teacher? It is a pity that you have such good color as a teacher, but you have accepted such an ugly and neglected thing as an apprentice." Bailiqing seemed to be aware of her. He suddenly opened her weak eyes and curved her lips to her maliciously.

Xiliang Mo was too late to look back, she was shocked, blushing and turning away from her face, secretly hating her, what a pity, she didn't even know what she was sorry for.

But she now she knows that one day she will let Xiaobai come and eat the tongue trained in the evil spirits of the Five Poisons!

"Yes, Master, you are all over the country and the city is full of problems. You must be confessed for all beings to worship!" Xiliang Mo showed sympathy, turned his head but shook his head and rolled his eyes. The person is shameless, he will be invincible. This charmer and Xiaobai are shameless. Fight!

Xu is Xiliang Mo lying in her arms obediently and gently like a kitten. Even when she was not conscious, the small gesture of her hand on her waist pleased Bailiqing. Bailiqing no longer cared about her. Disrespectful little actions.

He pulled her hair between her fingers and asked lazily: "The teacher asked you what the hell was going on, why did you meet the prince and make such a scene?"

Xi Liang Mo's scalp was slightly itchy and sore. She reached out to grab her own hair, and Zi Ziran muttered, "What do you mean by 'being together'? Someone say he's my apprentice ?!"

However, she honestly explained the causes and consequences, including her recommendation from Cheng Qian to come down from the mountain and the ensuing entanglement. Of course, she ignored his true purpose in luring him up the mountain, and she only said that she wanted to do it. discuss marriage.

"Oh ... is it that simple?" Bailiqing narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Xiliang Mo with unfathomable charm for a long time, looking at Xiliang Mo's back and hair. This cunning old criminal may be with If Chengqian child is different, it is definitely not so easy to waste time .

She thought for a long time to say these nine points of truth and one point of false, there should be no flaws.

To lure this great evildoer into the trap and take advantage of it, you need enough patience and care.

Thus, Xi Liang Mo also leaned into her arms nonchalantly, as if he was still quite tired, but he was not afraid of her on the sight.

The air was calm, only Bailiqing's slender fingers slowly slid down her bare and delicate back caused by the sound of water.

Because she was attentive, she could perceive her fingers as if they were wandering behind her indiscriminately, that stranger her skin trembled strangely.

She twisted her body a bit uncomfortably, trying to avoid her provocation, but she didn't want her ragged cloak to benefit him so much, and she fell completely into the water, unconsciously surprising him. Put a sticker on her arms to avoid the risk of a new success.

Although he is a eunuch, she is still not used to being like this in front of others.

But she soon she realized that she was wrong, with a pole like that, she keenly felt the soft ripples of her chest and she felt the elasticity and the delicate touch of the skin that did not belong to her-adhered directly to the sexy breast of her.

Xiliang Mo reddened the ground, but lost, he could neither advance nor retreat.

Bailiqing seemed amused by her embarrassment, and then he raised his eyebrows, smirking indifferently, "You really are very excited."

"You are absurd, you are polite, you are overwhelmed, he is not as good as you!" Xiliang Mo smiled and muttered without a smile, but still she had to lean on her arms to hide her embarrassment.

But she let out a sigh of relief in her heart, thankfully ... it happened.

After all, the details of such a thing cannot stand up to scrutiny.

Bailiqing snorted, enjoying the girl's delicate skin. He was quite satisfied with his knowledge, but his lazy and sweet voice brought a trace of bloody coldness: "It seems that the people of the Xiliang family are really life. It has been too good, too leisurely, and I am so interested in these matters. government. I put my hands in the clouds and the rain, and I really underestimated them. "

Xi Liang Mo did not speak, but he sighed slightly. At this moment, she did not say anything inappropriate and she could only entice him to make a decision.

"Why, is there someone you don't want to give up?" Bailiqing asked suddenly.

Xi Liang Mo thought about something and then hesitated: "I'm not very familiar with my family, but the five-member cousin sister Feng and the nephew are really pitiful."

Bailiqing's cold jade fingertips teased her chin, and she said nonchalantly, "Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate. Why, are you going to keep an evil seed for twenty years and bother us? to you and to me?"

Xiliang Mo certainly knew this truth, but he believed that Sister Feng would not be that stupid.

She lowered her eyes and sighed softly: "Master, assume that I have not cultivated to her level, but I believe in my own vision."

Bai Liqing looked at the girl in her arms and suddenly sneered: "Useless little things, one day you will be killed by your own heart."

But Xi Liang Mo's eyes shone with a stunned look. He didn't have much hope. He only planned to send someone to save Sister Feng and Brother An before then, but he actually agreed to let it go. Sister Feng and the others?

Baili Qingshai has never asked close relatives, much less has she softened. When will they make her care about her apprentice's opinion?

"Thanks, teacher!" But Xiliang Mo's lips were slightly curled and she, for the first time, sincerely thanked him.

Regardless of the past and the future, Bailiqing intends to be used for anything, at least for now, she owes him this love.

Bailiqing looked at the smile on the corner of her lips, as if spring was warm, extremely seductive, so that a strange light shone in her eyes, and then asked, "And what about the rest of them? ? "

"Follow the master's disposition." Xiliang Mo smiled slightly, but this time his smile was no longer beautiful, but with a very grim icy killing intent.

"This is like a disciple of this master." Bailiqing finally nodded in satisfaction. How could his disciple not get blood on her hands, but simply be weak and kind?

"What if I ask you to serve the sentence yourself?"

Xiliang Mo only paused, as if she doubted, and finally nodded and said in a low voice, "I will obey the master's orders."

All of her performance is in keeping with the performance of a serious young woman who is not yet old enough.

Bai Liqing looked at Xi Liang Mo, who seemed silent, and a mischievous look flashed in his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked and he said nothing.

After a pause, he suddenly asked, "Are you really planning to marry that Si Liufeng boy?"

Xi Liang Mo actually had a headache thinking about this problem, but it was the best solution that she could think of right now. He couldn't help but marry his life, and he too needed an identity that could be disguised and protected.

So, Xi Liang Mo simply nonchalantly said, "Master, is there a better candidate than him? Yes Liufeng is the best target in my hands. "

"If Liufeng ..." Bailiqing did not answer him, but suddenly said: "You don't want to be Prince Liangdi, so you can be ruthless to the prince, then Si Liufeng, if one day I want you to make him kill him, and even destroy the entire door of the German Royal Mansion, what would you do? "

Xi Liang Mo was shocked, she ... didn't really think about this problem.

Yes, Si Liufeng and Dewang Mansion seemed to be the pillars of the Chaozhongqing sect. At first, she liked this too. She felt that she could better cover her relationship with Bailiqing, but she never thought that one day, Bailiqing would be the one. How should I behave with myself when I cannot tolerate the Royal Palace of Germany?

"Even if she can still be ordered to execute without hesitation, what if she is already pregnant with her boss Liufeng's child?" Bailiqing's voice did not rush, as if she was stroking a cat that she liked very much, slowly stroking the back of Xiliang Mo's neck and her soft and delicate back.

But she could hear the cruelty contained in Bai Liqing's sweet voice.


If she that day she was pregnant with a child ...

Xi Liang Mo was lost in thought of her and could use her marriage as a bargaining chip in exchange for better shelter and a mask to cover herself, in order to seize a piece of heaven and earth for herself.

She counts the so-called husbands.

But what if she had a baby?

Can she count the children too?


Xi Liang Mo was silent, Baili Qing silently looked at the person in his arms, a deep stream of still water in his eyes, like a very patient hunter, waiting for his sweet prey to enter the trap .

She was silent for a long time and suddenly said, "There will be no children."

"Hey?" Bailiqing slightly raised his eyebrows.

Xi Liang Mo raised her head to look at him, her eyes indifferent and steady, and said every word: "If Liufeng and I will not have children."

If he can't get pure affection, he will even affect his own children just like Lan affects her own children, so he would rather not have children.

Ever since I entered the path of power, he was destined to go into darkness one by one. Why should there be another child who is not the culmination of parental feelings, disturbing my feelings and judgments, and even repeating the tragedies of the past? Generation.

Bailiqing smiled slightly and stroked her delicate neck with satisfaction: "Very good, as a teacher, I like you. I learned quickly. I repeat it as a teacher. You must remember it forever, right. Only when others are ruthless and even more. Ruthless to yourself will you be. unstoppable and no one can stop you. "

Xi Liang Mo looked at his magnificent face and suddenly felt a kind of gloomy sensation: it is too cold from above.

The Buddha left his body, grew the lotus step by step, and ascended to the Buddha's seat in the western sky to enlighten all living beings. And this man, abandoning the most important part of being a man, abandoning the dignity of being a man, with a long sword in his left hand and a red lotus in his right hand, bloody step by step, he will feel lonely when he is in the throne of power?

"One more thing". Bai Liqing lowered her head and smelled Xiliang Mo's feminine breath, which smelled very good, and she magically whispered in her ear with a smile but a smile: "How do you prevent me from touching you? A teacher is so attractive, if a normal man He sees you like this, he will want to humiliate you and show you his affection. "

"Master ... Master ... Master!" Xi Liangmo only felt that his breath was so close to his earlobe, the sound was like an intelligent little snake licking and rubbing his ear, dangerous and sweet, causing every inch of skin to become strangely sensitive, and instantly put goose bumps on her back, and she couldn't help but tremble gently.

Her face was flushed, and she wanted to turn her face away from her a little embarrassed, how could this guy say that ... words as shameless as sweet words?

"Why is your teacher wrong? You really don't know men that much." Bai Liqing chuckled, holding her firmly in hers with her long arms, as if she were addressing her small white ears. With a thin lip, he bit her earlobe lightly and licked her: "Even if you drink shelter medicine, there is no guarantee that you are not pregnant, let alone avoid it. Ziyao hurts so much, how can you be a good disciple and hurt you as much as a teacher? "

I don't know if the atmosphere is too beautiful, or Bailiqing's whisper has the magical power to deceive people's hearts, Xi Liangmo may unintentionally display the boundless image of the spring landscape in front of him, but that person is not Si Liufeng. but she is here. The great evildoer who is arbitrarily deceiving himself!

Xi Liang Mo only felt the tremors in her body.

"Master of a thousand years, don't go too far!" Xiliang Mo blushed, gritted his teeth, and pushed his face away. How can a newbie like me compare to this great devil who has always been a kind and gentle people?

"What do you want me to do? Say it."

It's just that he thought he had gone to great lengths to push the block, but in fact he felt weak in his hands and feet, and he seemed to want to refuse.

Bai Liqing looked at his desperate and shy appearance, and then said with satisfaction, "It's very simple, but don't let Si Liufeng touch you."

"Hey?" Xi Liang Mo was shocked, her face reddened and she said, "I haven't thought about this, but ..." It was too difficult.

If Liufeng is not Liu Xiahui. If you insist on doing this, you may not please her head on. Anyway, he originally hoped that he didn't expect to realize the myth of a couple of people in this group of men in this lifetime.

Like Lan's father, Marshal Lan had a deep affection for his wife, but in the end he ended up miserably.

Baili's blue eyes flickered, as if everything couldn't escape his control, he simply said nonchalantly, "You don't have to worry about that. Since the master dares to let you do this, he can give you enough protection. Don't." . Do you believe it? Truth? "

Xiliang Mo paused, but still nodded, "Of course I believe in the skill of the master." She still believes in the acuity of this method charming.

Bai Liqing looked at Xiliang Mo, she suddenly smiled, then lowered her head to bite her earlobe and whispered, "In this case, the teacher's lover is about to get married. What do you want as a teacher?"

Xi Liang Mo looked at him and suddenly had a strange premonition: she held her chest and tried to stay away from the clutches of the devil: "Tui'er don't dare ask the master's things, don't bother! "

This servant is so generous. When monsters eat people, they usually bait to lure people into the trap. The current Bailiqing gives Xiliangmo this dangerous feeling.

Bailiqing did not seem to have heard him. Suddenly, she pulled Xiliang Mo out of the water and placed her on a relatively smooth stone. She put her hands on both sides of her cheeks. "Why not, you are a my apprentice? The beauty of your love between men and women, so that you do not feel lonely, because you do not have the comfort of a man after marriage, okay?"

"Not good!" Xi Liang Mo was shocked, covered his chest, turned around, and crawled out.

She knew that the eunuchs and maids of the palace would learn to serve the master and teach the young prince, but she had never heard of the eunuchs teach the princess!

Of course, Bai Liqing laughed warmly, grabbing her bare ankles and dragging her back abruptly: "You're welcome, being a teacher is voluntary."

Xiliang Mo gritted his teeth and roared, "But I'm unwilling!"

If you go with your uncle, you know that if you don't have a good heart, a pervert is always a pervert!

The protest was invalid and the spring had no limits next to the pond.


After a few hours of agitation, Xi Liang Mo finally blushed and sullen, lying in the carriage in a semi-faded state. It was already midnight when she was sent back to the Prince of Yasukuni mansion. As a result, before she got up the next day, she heard some, not so good news.

Li Shi suddenly fell into the water and is still unconscious. Ms. Shen is in charge of the house and helps Xiliang Mo prepare her dowry.

At the same time, she took Li's key and led someone to open the warehouse under Li's control, and she took all the contents inside Lan.

She simply says that things are old, you have to take them to rest or sell them and replace them with new things.

Xiliang Mo paid no attention to her and let Ms. Shen's actions. Seven days later, she took care of her body that had been hurt by Bailiqing, and Bai Yu invited Ms. Shen, saying that it was a matter of discussing the marriage.

Xiliang Mo was sitting in Lianzhai's main hall, tasting the last fragrant slices, and she looked at Ms. Shen'er with a kind expression. Until she saw her sitting on pins and needles, she said, "Second aunt, with cold asthma, he's sick for two or three months. Is he better now?"

"Thanks to the princess, my second aunt is better." Ms. Shen's thin face was filled with a hypocritical smile, but her heart was filled with anxiety.

Last time, she didn't expect this girl to not care for people's words, which is why she would be so humiliated in front of so many girls, and she would torture her until she passed out.

When she woke up, she cried and asked her teacher to plead for justice. How did she know that the girl was so heartbroken that she actually invited her teacher to go and went to Lianzhai to return, and she did not know Xiliang? What did Mo say to her second uncle?

The master, who has always been a bit scared, not only scolded himself severely with a black head and cold face, but also ordered him to avoid contact with the second wife of the longhouse, and even banned his own when he cried out to return to his parents' home.

She was scared and angry, she choked on water and hurt her lungs, caught cold and got sick suddenly, she coughed every day, she didn't realize she was scared until the day she coughed up blood . So she rushed to recover, it took her two months to cultivate.

Furthermore, the later master of her family also told her that Princess Zhenmin knew that she had intervened in the framing and framing at the canonization banquet, and she did not know where to catch her. Most importantly, Xiliang Mo also caught the teacher's acceptance of bribery from the department students.

Since then, although she hated Xiliangmo, she also feared that her face was like jade and sweet like a willow, but she was cruel and black.

It's just that I'm always reluctant in my heart!

This time, she finally took control of the family and didn't earn much money to do well. Lan's things are older, but she was a princess in the beginning, and there are indeed a lot of good things.

Mrs. Shener secretly glanced at the girl who was wearing an exquisite and expensive carp half arm of light green flowing cloud gold and a dark green embroidered spring pleated skirt. She was dressed in fox fur to highlight her elegance and beauty. He remembered that she was there. The girl in the yard was chased by the young lady and the young masters to compete with the dog. Once such a humble girl, she was almost beaten to death several times.

Now, a person who is reborn as a reborn person is really pressed on everyone's head!

"Since the second aunt is in good health, Mo'er has a gift to give to his second aunt, and Quan Zuo Mo is a gift to his second aunt Kang Yu." Xiliang Mo smiled slightly, as if he was very glad that his family's aunts recovered.

Ms. Shen'er was also happy, but she recalled that from Xiliang Mo's Li's support, he was not only majestic, but also a lot of oil and water.

Before Ms. Shen'er herself realized it, she had placed Xiliang Mo in the position of authority that she could live and kill.

"Come here, give the gift box to Ms. Shen Er." Xi Liangmo looked at Ms. Shen Er with a smile and waved her hand. Bai Zhen brought a beaded rosewood box in front of Ms. Shen Er.

Ms. Shen'er looked at the box and felt that there was something extremely precious inside. She looked directly at the box, but with a smile on her face, she said, "How is this done ... how is this done? ..."

But at that moment she opened the box, but the fear of suddenly looked at her, pale: "ah -!" She screamed a scream, knocked over a box.

The box fell to the ground with a crash and a round black object rolled out of Gulu. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a bloody head.

Waiting for Ms. Shen's screams to finally stop screaming, just trembling there, Xi Liangmo blew the smoke into the teacup calmly, then said, "What's wrong, the second aunt doesn't like Mo's gift. ' er? "

"You ... you ..." Ms. Shen'er was originally a deep wife, although she has killed her husband's concubine, fox-mei girl, daughter-in-law who she doesn't like , etc. but how can she bear such a bloody face to the mutilated human body?

He was so scared.

"The second aunt is working very hard to get Bai Zi to come in and wait for me. I also believe that Bai Zi is sent by an individual, so now I return Bai Zi to my second aunt. Why is the second aunt indifferent? Xi Liang Mo He chuckled, but looked at Ms. Shener very coldly.

When her belly band was stolen, someone told Orange Rain to lure Xi Liangyan and her lover out on a date in her garden. This action was not for the few people in her garden who could get in and out of her room!

It was just that at the time, it seemed like everyone had enough alibi, so she suppressed it and didn't show it until she later hit the mountain to make the tiger vibrate. The people sent from each house below each one had ghosts, for survival or wealth. Ronghua gradually informed Madame He in secret.

Bai Zi was also seen by the little girl who had sex with Bai Yue. In the end, Mother He tasted her first, and it was her.

After hearing Bai Zi's name, Ms. Shen'er finally remembered it. It turned out that the head in the box turned out to be Bai Zi. His blank brain instantly understood what was going on. She looked at Xi Liang Mo and only felt that from her her smiling face of hers became more and more terrifying, making her rigid with horror, and she couldn't help but shout: "You ... you ... are poisonous! ! "

She then she rolled her eyes and passed out in fear.

Bai Zhen looked at Ms. Shen'er, then took her head and put it back in the box, and then called Ms. Shen's personal girls who were waiting outside to take Ms. Shen away. ' er. Although those girls were puzzled, they didn't dare to ask, so they had to put them away, but Ms. Shinji reluctantly took it away.

Bai Zhen smiled, held up the box, and said to Xi Liang Mo, "The princess, Ms. Shen's second wife has fear incontinence. Why don't we send Bai Zi's head to the second wife again and make sure I'm scared? to pick up some more. I can't get up every month. "

Xi Liang Mo couldn't help but purse his lips slightly: "Only you girl who has many tricks, one trick is old, the second wife is not as good as Ms. Shen Er, who is so foolish. When the second's meeting master is upstairs, do you know what to do? "

Bai Zhen smiled and said, "Don't worry the princess, Bai Zhen saves her and will soon send Bai Zi to serve in Ms. Shen's garden!"

Bai Zi's supposed head is nothing more than a fake head with chicken blood, Bai Zi's human skin mask attached, and a fake head with a wig, which Xiliang Mo made to scare Ms. Shen'er some people are smart, good at attending current events, and act accordingly, like the Li family. Some people don't have great vision, but they are narrow-minded and like to make little stumbles in secret, like Ms. Shen Er.

The former kind of person can give a certain amount of trust and power, but you need to beware of whether she will start the price. The latter kind of person does not need to give trust at all, but directly force the other party to submit by means of authority and thunder, because it is this kind of person. It is an unfamiliar wolf.

Sure enough, in the evening, the second wife's east courtyard was rioting. The second master was angrily planning to go to the grandpa, but he didn't know that he had just returned from the hospital and came back in a desperate manner. He was shocked. Mrs. Shinji, who couldn't stop crying, scolded.

She said that she was dim-eyed and talking nonsense, and then went to the aunt's yard with a grunt and rested.

Mrs. Shener yelled after seeing the girl Bai Zi who was sent back by the princess to serve her: "Ghost!" Then she became unconscious and woke up, she was a little crazy and suspicious. This is a later story. Don't mention it.

From then on, the power of the head of the family fell temporarily into the hands of Xi Liang Mo.


At the same time, Xiliang Mo entered the family temple, and it was customary to set a banquet to entertain guests from all over the world.

The most important guest was Si Liufeng's sister, Princess Si Hanyu.

"Sister Mo, Yu'er recently got a rose gold plate of opal and phoenix ring ring, can I help my sister wear it?" In the flower hall, Si Hanyu blinked at Xiliang Mo and smiled authentically.

Xi Liang Mo still didn't dislike this girl who had a hearty temper and didn't have the noble lady in Beijing or who was arrogant or coquettish.

Xi Liang Mo looked at her strange appearance, and knew that she had something to say to herself, so she smiled and said, "Okay."

As she was about to lead her into the inner hall, Xi Liangyue, who was accompanying her, watched from the side, shaking the Baihua Tuan fan and suddenly smiled innocently: "Princess Hanyu, the shot is different, but let us sisters open our eyes. "

Xiliang Mo's eyes flashed as he was about to speak, but Si Hanyu raised his neck and said arrogantly: "Today is Sister Mo's good day. I will put it on Sister Mo and bring her out. Don't you see it? ."

After that, he ignored Xi Liangyue and the other ladies who looked at each other, and pulled Xi Liangmo into the inner room.

Xi Liangyue's face was pale for a while, and she suddenly asked indifferently, "Is the third sister here? Today is the day when she returns to Ning and Hexi. Ask someone to wait outside the gate. Don't be negligent."

Lv Wu quickly lowered his head and said: "Yes."

Xi Liangyue looked at the back of Xi Liang Mo and Si Hanyu holding hands away, and there was a trace of unhappiness in her eyes, could the concubine be so ignored.

Entering the inner room, Si Hanyu turned around and smiled and grabbed Xi Liangmo's hand: "Sister, it's really a good color. Even the imperial concubine is no better than your sister. No wonder my brother misses you so much."

Today's Xiliang Mo is dressed in a wishful high-level bun. The middle hairpin is adorned with bead petals and red stamens Jin Huasheng. Both sides of the bun are horizontal hairpins and two long jade beads swaying backwards, so transparent that there is no trace of impurities. The green jade was carved into a half-three peonies, accompanied by red gold leaves, and the jade 璞珞 intertwined and hung down to her shoulders, and a row of finely shredded jasper beads lay across her snow-white forehead.

The haze-colored makeup and satin weave with butterflies and flowers on her body are woven with emerald green peacock feathers with a flat gold needle method, and she wears a white silk robe dress underneath. The snow-white fox fur sets off her eyebrows like a picture.

Xiliang Mo smiled when he heard the words, "Sister's words can be said privately in the boudoir. Don't go outside, otherwise the sister will not be able to bear this disrespectful accusation."

This outfit was sent privately by the mother of the Neifu Palace yesterday. It seems that Baili Qing saw that the jewelry was corrupted by Han, and ordered someone to add makeup.

Although she had never liked things that were too gorgeous, after accepting them, she complained and wore them.

But now, what does Si Hanyu mean when he comes here?

"My sister is really careless, and I just praised it more. If my sister is going to be as tiring as the palace, then I won't come again!" Si Hanyu stomped like aggrieved, and groaned. The little face was full of delicate anger.

But Jiao has, naive? She can't believe that this girl who can make ends meet between the imperial concubine and the queen is really silly.

Xiliang Mo didn't go to coax her, just shot the girl around her out of the door, and sat down in front of the magpie Dengmei Huanghuali vanity mirror freely: "Isn't my sister going to give me a ring? Sister, did you hear that? Opals are rare. They may be waiting for an eye-opener."

The Royal Mansion of Germany manages two colored gemstone mines, which are dedicated to providing colored gemstones for the royal nobles. Si Hanyu never lacks these things in his hands.

Seeing that she suddenly changed the subject, Si Hanyu didn't answer her own words. His eyes flashed slightly, and he followed him. His face was still smiling and cursing with a small temper: "You are a greedy person. , Don't sell it for a tael of silver and pay for it."

When Xiliang Mo heard the words, she turned her head and looked at her with a smile but a smile: "If I'm really a little eyelid, my sister needs to know that my sister's life in the house is no better than my sister's, and my parents love and bless me like this. "

Si Hanyu was startled, Xi Liang Mo's eyes had a penetrating power, as if she could see the bottom of her heart at a glance, she couldn't help but make her feel weak, and she didn't expect that she would expose her shortcomings in front of her. It's not that I haven't seen those unfavored people Xianyu turn around, I just want everyone to lose their memory, don't remember their past embarrassment, and try to hide it.

It can be seen that the woman in front of me is really different... I'm afraid I can see what I'm here for.

Si Hanyu smiled, and sat down with a serious expression: "If my elder sister is really short-sighted, my younger sister knows that Brother Liufeng has a courtyard in Hangzhou, Jiangnan, and there are several Su embroidery shops. The embroideries in it are not worthwhile. Fei, for my sister to eat and drink all her life, wear gold and silver, and Hangzhou has a wonderful scenery. How about going there?"

Is this telling myself to stay away from right and wrong? It seems that many people know what Bailiqing gave her something... Xiliang Mo said indifferently: "It was the little lord who asked you to tell me this. Right?"

"I'm worried that my sister will be deceived by people with ulterior motives." Si Hanyu paused, and frowned lightly: "My brother's life is just glamorous, and it has been comfortable for a few days in more than ten years. My brother has a temperament. It's also a dust-free one, and it's rare to be so devoted to my sister. I only hope that you can live a comfortable life and don't be victimized by the villain."

At the end of the day, she was already round with tears in her eyes.

Xi Liang Mo was a little surprised, and then smiled: "Although Princess De is a step-consort, she has no children, but I heard that she is the aunt of the little prince, and she has always loved the little prince very much."