Chapter 5

Evan's POV

After another boring round of class orientation it was finally time for my favorite subject: lunch break. Yes, lunch break is considered a school subject because its part of the school schedule.

We walked out of the classroom and Jacob has his arms crossed on his chest with a frown, mumbling what he went through during break time.

"She just scolded me for the rest of break time! All she did was lecturing me about sleeping in class! Its worst than last year!" He complained with a pout on his face.

Me and Alistair didn't bother to hide our chuckle. Jacob just pouted more.

"You're all mean!" He said.

"You know what kind of person she is yet you still did it anyway." I said.

"I know she's being strict, but there is nothing we can do other than survive our last year of high school." Alistair said. "Now lighten up and wipe that pout off your face. You're ugly when you pout."

Jacob gasped, huffed and quickly looked away from us.

"Don't be jealous because I'm beautiful, Alice." He said.

Me and Alistair just rolled our eyes as we continue walking to the cafeteria, where there are some stalls from actual fast food restaurants. Its really convenient to go to a fast food chain without going outside the campus.

We entered the massive cafeteria and saw too many people. A few minutes of walking around we saw an empty table for four when the previous group got up. Its really annoying that they didn't clean up their mess and left us to do it. We cleaned up the table and threw the trash into the nearest bin.

"You guys go ahead first." I said. "I'll watch over the seats."

"Good call." Alistair said. "Poor Jacob is about to die of hunger right here."

"I'm not that hungry." Jacob said with an eye roll.

As if on cue Jacob's stomach rumbled loudly. Me and Alistair laughed at him.

"I see that the snack I gave you a while ago isn't enough." Alistair said with a smirk. "Come on, lets hurry so that Evan can get some, too."

Alistair dragged Jacob away to find something to eat. I decided to kill some time by reading manga on my phone. Yes, I am an otaku and I am proud of that.

After scrolling down a few chapters I looked up and saw a familiar figure. It was Beau, slowly entering the cafeteria. I stood up and waved at him with a smile. Beau spotted me and gave a small wave.

I was trying to call him to eat with us but I don't wanna shout. It seems like he didn't get the message and he quickly walked out the cafeteria without anything to eat. I was dumbfounded and slowly sat down. Suddenly Jacob and Alistair came back with a tray on each of their hands.

"Who are you waving at?" Jacob asked.

"Beau." I said.


"The guy I bumped into just this morning."

"Ah." Jacob nodded his head in understanding.

"How do you know his name?" Alistair asked. "You've met again?"

"Yeah." I said. " During break time. We ran into each other and we talked a bit."

"Why didn't he come over here to eat with us?"

"I tried but it seems like he didn't get the message." I said. "And you guys weren't here to occupy the seats."

"Hm." Alistair nodded and took a sip of his iced tea. "Maybe next time then. Its your turn to get your food."

I nodded, stood up and went to the stall of my choice. After purchasing my food I head back to my seat and what I saw made me groaned in annoyance. Sitting on the seat next to mine is my ex, Zoey. I tried to turn back and go outside but she spotted me. She called out to me giddily. I groaned and slowly turned back to walk to my seat, embarrassed at the people watching us.

I reluctantly sat down on my seat and immediately felt Zoey's arm encircling my arm. I looked up to Jacob and Alistair with helpless eyes. You might expect that they would tease me about this, but actually they are really sympathetic towards me. They can feel the pain I'm in right now. The situation I'm in now is really dang serious.

"You should have waited for me, Evi." Zoey pouted.

I hated that nickname that she gave me. Evi. Makes me want to throw up. Its more worst than Jacob teasingly calling Alstair "Alice". Zoey says that nickname with a flirty tone that feel wrong and dirty.

"I told you not to bother me, Zoey." I groaned, not looking at her.

She pouted more, expecting me to feel guilty.

"But I love you, Evi." She said. "Just give me another chance."

"No." I said. "I told you I'm not interested in you and never was."

"But I can make you interested in me." She said, giving me the puppy eyes that makes me want to barf.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, losing my appetite. I'll just grab some biscuits in a nearby stall. The guys looked at me with understanding and nodded at me, signaling me to go. I walked out the cafeteria quickly and I can tell that Zoey was going to chase me, but she got held back by my two friends. She just had to make a scene in public again. Just what I need on my first day of school.

How did Zoey became my ex? You might ask that from me. Well not to brag but I'm basically like a girl magnet, the hottest hottie in school, they say. Its annoying to be honest. Zoey, one of the most popular girls in school, is one of the girls that caught me in her radar. Zoey's father of the mayor and her mother is the headmaster of this school. I have no interest in her, but months of her persuading me to date her I had no choice but to give in just to shut her up. It was nothing special during the months we dated. She would just gossip, hold my hand all the time, and asks me to do something for her.

But the biggest issue is that she is known for being a brat. Like she would do something that she likes without thinking what others might think. Like our final day of being a couple. That day was the last straw for me. We were walking down the sidewalk when we passed by a homeless guy with a dog next to him asked us for money. Zoey groaned in disgust and kicked the tin can that was meant for the homeless guy to put in some money and told him that beggars don't deserve to live. My heart wretched from the sight and I felt my blood. I thought this kind of people only exists in soap operas. In front of the homeless guy I broke up with her and we argued. It ended when I ignored her and helped the homeless guy by giving a one-hundred peso money. Usually I give like twenty or fifty, but I gave one-hundred just to compensate what Zoey had just done.

In summary of who she is, Zoey is a spoiled brat

Since then Zoey has been approaching me every time she finds a chance in school, acting as if we never broke up. I always managed to run away though with the help of my friends, but sometimes I feel forced not to run away when she was about to cause a scene in public. Luckily I never told her where I live or my usual hangout spots, so I'm kind safe from her. Still, she's still known as popular to most people here in school, some are actually tired or disgusted of her.

The moment I walked away from the cafeteria I walked directly to the nearest vending machine and bought hot chocolate. Vending machines are so convenient, why don't we have more of those around the city like in Japan?

I looked at the time on my watched and saw it was almost time. A few minutes left before lunch time is over and an hour left before school ends for the day. I sighed and decided to wait in my classroom.

As I walked back to my classroom I saw Beau again just about to enter the classroom next to mine.