Chapter - 11 Value of Spatial Ring

Having 50 Gold when the game just released people will die from envy if not people will surely assassinate Zirx or rope him to join their guild. Zirx is going to save his money enter the first big auction in the FallBreach City coming in 10 days 50 gold should be enough to buy at least 3-5 good items. After two months, there will be a bigger auction that will behold by Arkham Empire. Every there will hold a big auction event in Central Continent. All the items from North, South, East, West, and Central.

Zirx goes where people sell items openly. Zirx needs a skill like Kick, Parry, Hymn of Deflection, Interruption of Fear.

"Selling skill book for a warrior!"

"Selling a weapon for archer its uncommon rank level 5 can still be used at level 8!''

''Buying Hippogriff Oil per dozen 5 silver per dozen if you have 5 dozen I'll buy for 6 silver per dozen"

"Buying weapon and equipment for mage level 5 is the requirement. We can talk about the price."

Zirx looks at the stall from time to time, but he didn't like anything in this place. He shouted and said, "Buying Skill Book for assassin Parry, Kick and also some rare material."

"I have only had Kick for an assassin skill and

Frosty Soil I don't know exactly what is the use of this thing but I can tell you that this is a rare material I have 3 of them." An Archer said.

"Oh, how much for all of them?" Zirx didn't want to reject it. Then the man standing him will one of the best archers in the game. He is a magic archer that focuses on the fire path and wind path as secondary. Zirx needs allies in every Continent to become a powerful monarch.

"By the way, if you have ever found rare material or skill like Parry, Hymn of Deflection, Interruption of Fear. I will buy it I have, are you going to be a magic archer? Because if you do I have a skill book for the magic archer." Zirx said.

"Ah, yes, I will be a magic archer, and may I know what skill book you have?" He asked he felt a little bit of ecstasy when he heard Zirx's word.

'It's called Showering Flame Arrow its an AoE skill for magic archer and suited for fire path archer." Zirx Reply calmly

"Can I ask are you going to keep that skill book? Give me three days no 2 days give me 2 days I will trade that skill book you have that's a pretty rare skill and I need it because I will be a magic archer that mainly focuses on the fire path. If ever find a skill for wind path magic archer I will buy it too or trade it?"

"No problem if you can get me the things I want we can trade.

"And my name is Phantom Voyage, and what is your name, can I also add so we can communicate properly?"

"Sure, my name is Forsaken Ruler, and how much for all the item you are selling?"

"43 silver and 21 copper, but never mind I will sell it for 43 silver and wait for 2 days I can either get Hymn of Deflection or Interruption of Fear. "

Zirx and Phantom Voyage talk to each other for a few minutes before they bid their farewell.

Zirx did not leave, he still wants to buy a rare material for the potion. He kept shouting and saying he will buy rare ingredients for making potions. At first, no one is selling their material but when they see Zirx trade with Phantom Voyage few people try their luck if Zirx will buy their rare material and Zirx buy all of them.

"Sorry guys I will buy it tomorrow I don't have any space for now so I need a spacious bag that can carry 20 items per bag if have I can buy it we can negotiate but if you guys don't have you need to wait for tomorrow transaction," Zirx said to the people who are willing to sell their rare material for making a potion.

"And also if you have Kobold Liver I will buy it, so bye." Zirx uses Vanish and Haste Step to disappear in front of the seller.

Zirx has 5 Frost Soil that can be found in a treasure chest, 2 Kobold Fang that can be found after killing a Kobold Leader that needs 30 players to kill, and their level must be 11 or above, and 3 Blister Blossom that can be pick up at level 15 monster area. All of these items can be used to make an intermediate potion. The potion can also kill people but their damage has a limited amount. For example, the Frost Soil can be used to make a potion that will increase damage in the ice path. Kobold Fang for strength potion and Blister Blossom for the poison that can apply in a weapon.

Zirx rent a vault, where people can store items. The more items people store the higher the will be. Zirx goes to a bank where only in Fallbreach City can store and get the item he put in his vault he rent a 2-month vault with space 100 items can store it cost 30 silver per month he pays 60 silver to rent a 2 months vault. He then goes into the auction house to see if there is a space bag or space ring. The spatial bag and spatial ring are different. if a player is using a spatial ring the item will appear in the player's hand, the player just needs to think about what item he wants and it will appear. While in the Spatial bag the player will search for the item he wants just to take out an item it will need more time. Spatial Ring is a rare item and the capacity is too low thus people did not particularly pay attention to this item in the early days of the game(Ruled Shall Return) but suddenly a player used this item in PVP, he survives when he used the ring potion pops in his hand, magic scroll, anything that can save his life pop in his hand. People who saw it post a video in the forum and the player who saw the video becomes curious how did he do that. And someone comment and he said, "That guy is using a spatial hence he can get the item he wants by thinking but the spatial has a limited capacity." When people saw this comment the forum uproar some feel happy that they save a spatial ring some regret that they sold an item or they sold it for a low price. Spatial Ring will be popular when people reach level 60.

After browsing the menu that the auction house provides Zirx found 2 spatial bags that can hold 12 items per bag he bought them without any hesitation it cost 14 silver and 36 copper the first spatial bag and the second cost 13 silver and 80 copper. But he did not find any spatial ring he feels a little bit sad but he realized that the game is operating for just 3 weeks.

Zirx Status Window

[Character: Forsaken Ruler

Title: Baron of information(+3 in intelligence)

Class: Assassin(Beginner)

Mastery: Sneak, +10% damage when you attack in the back of the opponent, +10% damage when in the stealth mode, +5% damage using ng dagger, all crowd control increase by 2%. (Can still be upgraded.)

Subclass: Alchemist, Rank: Beginner

Mastery of Subclass: has a 60% of making an apprentice potion, 40% of making beginner potion, 5% of making an intermediate potion.

Level: 14, Exp: 880/650,000

Health: 640/640

Mana: 155/155

Stamina: 260/260

Free Basic Attributes: 6

Free Hidden Attributes:1

Basic Attributes;

Strength: 4(46) Intelligence: 9(10)

Vitality: 4(23) Dexterity: 6

Reaction: 6(16) Awareness: 4

Charisma: 3 Defense: 5(50)

Reflex: 4 Balance: 3

Agility: 8(11) Stealth: 14(15)

Hidden Attributes;

Concentration: 2 Willpower: 4

Resilience: 2 Fortitude: 2

Race: Humans

Humans possess knowledge that surpasses the other race.

Equipment Zirx using right now

Executioner of Reckoning Mournblade(epic): +23 Defense, +25 Strength, +13 vitality, +11 reaction (Dagger)

Gutwrencher(uncommon): +2 defense, +4 strength, +1 vitality (Dagger)

Deception Ring(Rare): +2 defense, +4 strength, +2 vitality, +9 intelligence, +4 Stealth (Ring)

The Lake Voice Ring(Uncommon): +1 intelligence, +1 vitality (Ring)

Recruit's Spurs of Mists Belt Armor(Uncommon): +4 Defense, +2 vitality, and +3 Strength (Belt)

Recruit's Spurs of Mists Boots Armor(Uncommon): +4 Defense, +2 Agility, and +3 Strength (Boots)

Recruit's Spurs of Mists Gauntlet Armor(Uncommon): +3 Defense, +5 Strength, and +3 vitality (Gauntlet)

Sleeves of the Lone Wolf(uncommon): +2 defense, +2 strength, +1 vitality (Bracer)

Shroud of Conquered Wars(Rare): +10 Defense, +9 Agility, +15 Stealth, + 5 reaction (Cloak)]

Note: First I compute all item zirx have and their stats

I also add something in chapter 10 I forgot that he gets a title and I also edit his stats I calculated and made an error so I edit it.

I just realized that I forgot to mention that there is a path in magic swordsman and archer their path is Ice, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Lightning Path. And I just edit you guys can check it out now.