Chapter - 13 Hunting the Hyde Myst Wolf

"Follow that guy make sure you guys report it to me if he ever needs help try to assist. He will bring me a fortune thus he needs to be safe. If you guys left in the dust again it's fine because he has a skill. Got It!"

The two guys nodded in agreement. These guys are one the best assassins in the team Space Network is making. He's making a team that assembles an assassin class, assassin, thief, and scout. They are the ones who will give information to Space Network. If Space Network is the brain of his team, then the assassin is his eyes.

After bidding their farewell Zirx immediately go into Rimouvons Woods to hunt the outer wolf leader. After Using Haste Step Zirx movement speed increase drastically minutes has passed, he reached now the outer are of

Rimouvons Woods. Zirx observes Rimouvons Wood and he said in his mind 'So few people dare to fight their way in here the only player in here was the elite of various guilds. Well, I would not bother them but if they mess with me they will need to pay for that.' On top of that, he adds. 'I need to kill the outer boss in Rimouvons Woods quickly and quietly.'

Howl can be here from everywhere but Zirx pays it no mind he can easily kill all the wolves here he just needs one kill and that is the Hyde Myst Wolf if he is lucky it may drop something good that will be helpful to Zirx.

When Zirx is close to the inner area he found a wolf pack. The Hyde Myst Wolf doesn't have an exact location it can found near the inner area on the surface of the outer area of the Rimouvons Woods.

'Oh, so the Hyde Myst Wolf is in here, finding this wolf is exhausting I almost search every nook of the Rimouvons Woods. But it's fine I can easily kill their pack.'

Hyde Myst Wolf (Emissary): Level 15


Wolf (Starter): Level 12


Howl can be heard loudly when the wolf pack saw Zirx.


The wolf dash towards Zirx.

Zirx did not bother dodging it he let the wolf bite one of his arms damage rose on top of Zirx but the damage he received is too low thus he did not bother with it. He stabs both of the eyes of the wolf then uses a Horizontal slash.


The first wolf who dashes forward dies in a few sec. After seeing this the Hyde Myst Wolf howl in anger after seeing one of his underlings die in the hands of Zirx. After hearing the howl the rest of the wolf dive to Zirx and Zirx welcomes them. Activating Haste Step he dashes forward and uses the Moonlight Burst Strike to attack each of the vital parts of each wolf's brain, heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs. There 8 wolves that dash towards Zirx he uses the moonlight burst strike to stall time and holds 5 wolves. After using the moonlight burst strike he kicks one of the wolves in the abdomen. Then stab it in the head, slash it in the face. The wolf who received the attacks from Zirx roar, the wolf is spilling out the blood from his head it tries to escape but Zirx did not let it go. Zirx chase and use Vertical slash to finish it off. The other seven Wolves are circling Zirx around. 'Still not coming?' When Zirx saw the formation he frowned a little because he wanted to bait the wolf leader to jump in and kill it as soon as possible but can he do for now is wait. He charges forward and uses Temple strike to make a wolf daze.


Two wolf charge Zirx to save their comrade but Zirx kick one them. The wolf who received the kick fly into the tree, the tree was cut in half and a loud explosion can be heard. The wolf who flew has a lot of wounds due to crashing down into a tree. But the wolf that looks in his pathetic state still dashes forward. Zirx can't help but admire the wolf but sadly he needs to kill it to level up. The one who received the Temple strike is still alive and Zirx finishes its stabs and a simple slash.


Two wolves die at the hand of Zirx and his health only barely loses.

The six wolves which are 5 are lightly injured, 1 gravely injured.

Roar the six wolves kept roaring to Zirx while circling. Zirx had a wolf on all his sides left, right, front, and back he can see a wolf. The first one who charged was on Zirx's left side he doesn't have any deep injury just some small cut in his body, it growls at Zirx the gaze of the wolf is cold, it wants to tear Zirx's to limb. Zirx dodges it and runs back to attack the gravely injured wolf. Zirx deliberately slows his speed so the wolves can chase him.

When the wolf saw that Zirx is coming to him it slightly panics but still, it dashed forward to stall Zirx, and his comrades can attack Zirx from the back. The wolf who's gravely injured can be killed by Zirx by one stab or slash charge to Zirx to meet its end. Zirx slashes the wolf to its neck.


The wolves watched their comrades gushing out blood from its neck. The wolves stop moving and howl their howl can be heard as a sorrowful cry. Zirx really could not help but admire them their paying respect to their fallen comrades. But Zirx did not miss this opportunity he charged towards the wolves, he slashed one wolf near in his eyes and kicks it to head to the ground a few cracks appear. After it gets pinned down he keeps stabbing it in the head the wolf cry it wants to ask for help but in the 5 stabs, it dies. When the other wolves saw how their comrade die in the hand of Zirx they did not charge rashly, and they feel fear instead of anger. The Hyde Myst Wolf Howl with anger seeing his underlings keep dying in the hand of Zirx and yet they can even give Zirx a wound just bruised. The Hyde Myst Wolf wants to tear down Zirx and eats Zirx's flesh. He moves forward to face Zirx the rest of the wolves gave away their lead and move to his sideways

After killing 4 wolves the experience he gets is too long even though this wolf is a level 10 monster.

70 Yards away two people stand in the tree and observing Zirx and.

"Pst, should we help him now? The boss looks fierce. we can die you know our boss will compensate for it." One of the guys that follow Zirx said. He is the one Space Network send to help Zirx in the shadow. Space Network truly want to build a relationship with Zirx thus he sends two of his best assassin to help Zirx in shadow.

"Not now look he is not even cowering in fear even though there is a lot of wolves. He already kills the 4 Regular wolves and now he is facing 1 emissary Boss wolf and yet he still looks calm. We will wait and jump at the right moment so he can feel more grateful to our boss." The other guy reply they are only two, so they need to be more careful when they are going to save Zirx

"Why did I not think of that?"

"Because you're dumb." Then other guys reply while he chuckling.

Back to Zirx

Zirx could not help but curl up his lip, this the moment he's waiting for.


The Hyde Myst Wolf can't stop growling at Zirx.

Hyde Myst Wolf quickly uses the Wind of Help to increase his movement speed. The movement speed of the Hyde Myst Wolf increases drastically as he charged forward with his underling. The wolves move as one the shape of formation looks like an arrow tip that can pierce anything.

The two guys whose watching Zirx felt panic as their heartbeat increase. This the first time they that formation. Most of the players can't even find the location of the boss and yet Zirx is trying to fight it without any help. If these guys tell it to others without proof they will become a laughing stock. But they took a video of him fighting 8 wolves and easily killing 4 of them and yet now he's going to fight a boss with 4 underlings.

The Hyde Myst Wild uses his claw to pin down Zirx but Zirx avoided it. He stab the left side of Hyde Myst Wolf but it didn't pierce too much it only made a small wound. Zirx could not help but frown and he click his tongue. After dodging the attack of the Hyde Myst wolf, the other wolves charge one by one but 2 bites or claws will hit Zirx out of 10 assaults that the underling's wolf does. Zirx immediately retaliates he uses a kick to send one flying and he stabs one in the head there are still 5 seconds until the cooldown of Horizontal Slash he needs to hold 5 seconds to use the Horizontal Slash. But holding 5 seconds without receiving damage must be a dream to accomplish the Hyde Myst Wolf did not stop attacking Zirx. Hyde Myst Wolf uses a bite to attack one of Zirx limb. Zirx cannot dodge it does he sacrifice his left hand and let it be the one who will receive the bite.

Blood can't stop gushing from Zirx's left arm.

'D*mn it! My left hand has been numb, it will be useless for a second but that second can cost more of my health' He thought.

After he received the bite he attacks the underlings of Hyde Myst Wolf. He uses Horizontal Slash on one of the wolves when the wolf received it cries for help the wolf knows that he will not live long thus it cry. When Zirx saw that the wolf is crying he stabs the wolf mercilessly and it dies. The wolves howl again in anger they charge forward to kill Zirx.

After killing the last underling wolf Zirx's health drop from 100% to 53% he did not expect that but still acceptable from his point of view, he runs to drink a health potion, after drinking the health potion he looks at the Hyde Myst Wolf who still has 80% of remaining health. He clicks his tongue and can't stop frowning.

The Hyde Myst Wolf used Wind of Help and Bite Zirx.

Zirx avoided Bite by using Vanish and Haste Step to increase his movement speed and match the Hyde Myst Wolf. He used Temple strike to daze the wolf and it stopped and he follows up with Horizontal and Vertical Slash he smiled he knows that it can be dazed the wolf but he smiled banished in the instant because the wolf received the damage but it didn't receive the daze which is Zirx counting on to stall for time.

The Hyde Myst Wolf becomes persistent to Kill Zirx. The wolf uses its fang to chomp one of Zirx arm but Zirx retaliates back.

He attacks with a stab and he received a bite.

After 30 minutes of kiting the wolf only have 21% remaining health and close to in rage state.

When Zirx uses Moonlight Burst Strike both of his dagger shine like a moon which is bright. He strikes all the vital parts of the wolf, the wolf lost 4% of the health. The Hyde Myst Wolf Howl louder than his usual howl, the wolf body swells and his speed becomes faster. After howling he uses he charged to Zirx and Zirx received the charge which he was sent flying into the bolder his health depleted from 70% to 48% after seeing that he lost a lot of damage he quickly grabs a health potion and drinks it. The wolf did not stop its dash again with a high speed to kill Zirx. Zirx counterattacks it with Haste Step and as he jumps forward he spins 360 degrees to dodge the bite of the wolf. When he spins 360 degrees he stabs the left side of the wolf and he slashes the back of the wolf. He ten use Temple Strike to daze the wolf, then Horizontal and Vertical slash it depleted 3% of the health of the wolf. The wolf did not stop the assault even though he received a lot of damage he uses a bite and it hit Zirx's body he received a lot of damage on top of that he received a bleed which depleted 20 health for 5 seconds.

"Hey, hey, hey should we help or steal the kill?" This guy has a thin body and he is a tall guy and his hair was brown with black eyes he looks in the early twenties. This guy one of the men Space Network sends.

"Are trying to ruin your life? Don't be stupid that guy is strong he can solo that boss and now you want to steal that do you think that guy is a pushover? If we move forward we will be detected. On top of that if he sees us he will surely take revenge. we can't even see his face because he has a cloak how will we know that he is not one of the people we know?

Geez, stop being hasty okay?" The other guy said in a serious tone

When the two of them watching Zirx, they saw Zirx charge forward then he stabs the Hyde Myst Wolf in the head a shockwave occurs, and boom the Hyde Myst Wolf dies.

They could not believe what happened. The shockwave is so big that the wind becomes unstable.

"Hey did you see that? If you were in the wolf place surely even if you have 100% health you will die. Let's leave we can tell this to the boss." The always serious guy said

The carefree guy nodded in agreement. He wiped the cold sweat on the forehead. After seeing that skill he felt chill in his back.