Chapter - 16 Meeting a Past Life Benefactor

Zirx looks at the bracelet that he gets in the treasure chest the name itself can help him boost his movement speed and attack speed.

[The Perfect Spirit Bracelet (Rare): +5 intelligence, +3 vitality, +2 dexterity, +5 agility

Activate Skill (Wolf Spirit): Summon the Hyde Myst Wolf Spirit to fight the user opponent for 15 seconds or let the Hyde Myst Wolf reside in a user body for 10 seconds. When the wolf resides in the user body agility will increase by +100% and the dexterity will increase by +50% of users stats

Skill Cooldown: 15 minutes after the duration.]

"Well, this brace will be one of my life savings items." He mumbled happily.

Now that Zirx has the bracelet he can now let a sigh of relief. He remembered the shop that he always goes to sip a tea and relax. Even though this shop is not as good as the 3-star restaurant but the location is great enough to drink and relax. The location is on the west side where the sun will go down and the scenery is breathtaking thus Zirx always do this in his past life when he discovered this place he could not help himself but come back here, every dusk he will go in the shop called The Tranquility Paradise. Zirx went to The Tranquility Paradise. The shop is made of a huge tree to be precise the shop was in the big tree Zirx went inside to find his spot and wait until dusk comes out. The interior design was normal, the table and chairs are made out of wood. The smell of fragrance tea can be smelled when Zirx walked in. Zirx observed the people who are in here, few people can be seen Zirx expected it because this place is too quiet to talk about something people who came here is just to have a peaceful evening.

Zirx order a tea and it cost a little bit expensive it cost 15 silver per cup and in Zirx past life he will drink it twice or thrice a week and its name is Icy Night.

After a few minutes of waiting for the tea has been serving to him by the waiter looking at the cup that holds the tea its looks like plain water because the tea has a transparent color, holding the cup, the cup is not cold the temperature of it is normal but Zirx did not ask the waiter why its looks like normal water. When the waiter looks a Zirx, the waiter will open his mouth Zirx tell "It's fine I know what in doing so you go ahead."

The waiter bows his head and leaves alone Zirx in his spot. Zirx is sitting closed in the window.

Zirx takes a sip of the tea after sipping the tea a cold comes from his mouth until to his throat he smiled and said, "This brings me back to when I was struggling to find money in my past life but now I can drink this every day."

Few minutes have been pass and he saw the dusk he wanted to see and he already drink his tea. He leaves the shop now and he will hunt a night monster. Fighting a night monster is much more difficult than the day monster, their sneak attack is powerful, and the speed of the night monster is greater than in the day monster. But their health and defense are lower than a regular monster.

Zirx hastily run and went to the place where a level 15 night monster spawn. Those monsters did not spawn in the place but reside. If the night monster was exposed to sunlight for 2-3 hours the night monster will explode. There are a lot of places where they can found thus every night they need to eradicate to ensure safety when the morning comes. The place where Zirx is going to be is

Dimview Cave and it's a cave where a hybrid spider will be awakened every other night. There is a mission-related to Dimview Cave that needs to kill the Queen of the spider so Zirx will go to the old woman named Keira Elton she needs a material that will drop to the Queen hybrid spider called Shacintir. The current Queen Shacintir is a cursed bloodline in a spider tree because her mother is one of the Royal bloodlines of the Shacintir spider and her father is just a normal spider of course her family disdains her but in the end, she chooses her lover rather than her family and this happens in the past. The Shacintir spider queen now is the daughter of the royal blood and normal spider have when they elope. The name of queen Shacintir is Idda Atterton she coup d'etat and overthrown her bloodline and become the ruler of Shacintir bloodline. Zirx knows this because that he read it a book. Renting a book in the game will be common after 2-3 years of running the game. Some monster in Ruler Shall Return has a background story, for example, the Queen of Shancitir Spider, The Horned Vision Monkey, or The Masked Ash Anaconda there is a lot more. The loot that this monster drop is rarer than a normal monster and their spawn rate is taking too long before they can respawn back again for example the Spider Queen Shancitir Idda Atterton will respawn. back in a week after it dies. A monster like Queen Shancitir is called a Special monster.

Zirx went to the Keira Elton house to get his quest her house was the way to get into the Dimview Cave. Keira Elton has a grudge against Queen Shancitir because her lover was captured and killed by the queen it has been 3 decades before that happens and she still holds a grudge against the spider, Queen.

Zirx saw a house distant from the other house. The house looks on the verge of collapsing the are two chairs outside and Keira Elton is sitting on one of the chairs and she's looking where Queen Shancitir resides.

Zirx approach Keira Elton. Keita Elton greets Zirx when Zirx is walking where Dimview Cave location. When Zirx saw the grim expression of Keira Elton. Zirx knew he has a chance to get the quest, Keira Elton quest. Both Keira and his husband are adventurers they travel across Orkham Empire and when they save enough money to have land to have a good house and to have a family they only need one mission and they will retire until the nightmare happen their team compose 10 man team but only Keira Elton survive she is a mage and she studies alchemist just get her husband remain back.

"Hello, young man what are you doing going in that direction that place is dangerous you know!" Keita Elton exclaimed in a solemn tone.

Zirx could not help chuckle and said. "I would not go there if I don't have what it takes to survive or escape." Zirx pointing the location of Dimview Cave

"I see, Forgive me, adventurer. Would you lend me your aid and kill someone in the Dimview Cave, find some of the remnants of my dead husband if can not find it it's fine but if you can that would be great.

I can not give you anything but I can give you a map of Dimview Cave there are some areas where you can locate the chest, I record it when I was young but there may be some changes so you need to be careful. The part that I circle is where queen Shancitir lives, poison recipe that can do a lot of damage in any spider creatures and an earring that my late husband gives" When Keira Elton said in any second she could burst in tears.

"Oh, of course, I will be going there another task won't hurt me." While Zirx saying those words his smile warm and Keira could not but tears flow from her eyes.

[Congratulations you receive a quest from Keita Elton 'Kill Queen Shancitir'

Description: Keira Elton wants you to kill Queen Shancitir Idda Atterton. Bring back the remnants of her late husband if it's cannot found it's okay the user will not get any penalty for not finding Keira Elton.

Reward: Map of the Dimview Cave, a recipe, and an earring.]

"Young man, here I will let you have the map first after you get the proof that you kill the spider queen I will give you the rest."

"Thank I will do my best to kill the spider queen."

"Then I hope for you to succeed."

Zirx now dashes to the Dimview Cave to finish the quest before dawn.

Observing the place it should be quiet but Zirx heard a branch of a tree that keeps cracking Zirx finds what is the cost of the sound he was hearing. Zirx keeps getting close as the sound becomes louder. He saw two silhouettes running away from the spiders. Observing closely the silhouette is coming from the player named Deltaflight whose a warrior and the other was an archer named Alphablast. Seeing both of them Zirx could not help but feel thankful because these two help him when he was a new player. Zirx does not mind helping them now Zirx needs to pay for the kindness they give to Zirx.

"Alphablast you can leave I will aggro that three spider you have a quest you don't have to die in here."

Hearing those words Alphablast feels thankful but more than that he feel helpless if they didn't accidentally disturb this spider Deltaflight can leave here peacefully.


Alphablast and Deltaflight saw a vague silhouette that charge to the spiders the silhouette kept kiting the three spiders. The silhouette dodges all the attacks of the three spiders. After a few minutes, a corpse fell doe. in the ground and drop money and loot but the shadow didn't even bother looking at it the shadow summon a wolf to fight one of the two spiders and stall time for the shadow to kill the other one. Within a minute the two spiders fell and die their corpse did not disappear. Both of them feel thankful to the shadow but they could not help but be wary about the shadow if ever the shadow will attack them thinking of the outcome it will be sure a one-sided massacre.

Deltaflight is the one who talked to Zirx and said. "Thank you for helping us, we can't repay you now but in the future, you can contact us and we will help you."

"Oh, and my name is Deltaflight and this guy is my friend name Alphablast and again we are thankful for you saving us."

"No need to thank me I would come here to kill those spiders for my quest it's just that you guys are lucky that I came here in a good time. I am Forsaken Ruler, do you mind if you guys can help kill the Queen of the Spider in this area?" Zirx said his name and ask them if they can help him. Zirx can complete this mission by soloing it, but with the help of these two, it will be much easier. Both of them is an alone player they did not join any guild, mercenary group or adventurer group. Thus they cannot advance only by using a skill they also need some backers to help them have the item they needed.

"Oh, we will go there two but we realized that we can not go in so we go back but in our way we accidentally disturbed a group of spiders. Sure both of us will help you." Deltaflight said.

"I have no problem with that," Alphablast said.

"Sure, come with me."