Chapter - 24 Auction

Zirx levels up thrice upon killing the zenith rank monster if he can solo it he can level at least 4 times.

There is a lot to drop, there are 6 items that drop after killing the bear. 6 items are pretty a decent amount even if they kill 20 Grisly Bear the item that may drop would not exceed 10 drops

They found a set of equipment for an archer the set contains three parts bracer, gloves, and boots. They only get two items in the set and it was bracer and gloves. They need 5 days before the monster spawn and the monster will increase the level by 5 up to level 30 Zenith rank monster.

[Gloves of the Beast (Unique ): +8 Defense, +10 strength, + 3 Aim

Passive skill: Gain +1% extra damage every time the user kills a beast monster 3 seconds duration per kill. Stack up to 5 times.

This a set that contains a set for Archer. Contains Bracers, Gloves, and Boots complete the set to unlock the passive skill.

If the user has a piece of the equipment gain additional 1% damage to any beast monster.

If the user has 2 pieces of the equipment gain additional 2% damage to any beast monster. Every time user kills a monster the next basic attack will get additional 5% extra damage.

If the user has completed the set of the equipment gain an additional 5% damage to any beast monster. Every time user kills a monster the next basic attack will get additional 10% extra damage. +1% drop rate if the user kills any beast monster.

Requirements Level 20 with a strength of 10, with a defense of 7, and with an aim of 1

Part of Equipment: Gloves]

[Bracer of the Beast (Unique ): +10 Defense, +7 strength, + 2 Precision

Passive skill: Gain +1% extra damage every time the user kills a beast monster 3 seconds duration per kill. Stack up to 5 times.

This a set that contains a set for Archer. Contains Bracers, Gloves, and Boots complete the set to unlock the passive skill.

If the user has a piece of the equipment gain additional 1% damage to any beast monster.

If the user has 2 pieces of the equipment gain additional 2% damage to any beast monster. Every time user kills a monster the next basic attack will get additional 5% extra damage.

If the user has completed the set of the equipment gain an additional 5% damage to any beast monster. Every time user kills a monster the next basic attack will get additional 10% extra damage. +1% drop rate if the user kills any beast monster.

Requirements Level 20 with a strength of 10, with a defense of 8, and with a precision of 1

Part of Equipment: Gloves]

"Alphablast here you can have these two items it is for the archer that is not going useful for a magic archer nor a ranger. So it's fine you can have it."

"Wait, wait, wait! Are you sure I can have this a good set of equipment? Can I truly keep these two items?"

"Yeah." Zirx nodded, he then gives the item in his hand to Alphablast.

'Well, I would not use this might as well give it to them for helping me getting the first kill of Zenith monster.' Zirx honestly didn't mind it. 'Maybe it can help him to improve adequately.

They also found 2 rare materials for making a weapon and a hide for making a robe. Lastly, a weapon for priests is just an uncommon weapon so he doesn't check it anymore instead he gave it to Phantom Voyage so he can sell it. As for their warrior who dies, he will give him a gold coin so for the compensation.

He will leave Fallbreach City after a week. First, he will go to auction, buy the item he will use if he is going to travel the North Continent.


They now teleport back into the city where they would meet Deltaflight need at least to wait an hour before he gets to revive. Phantom Voyage looks at Zirx with an admiration for the things he does. First, he let them know where a Zenith monster spawn, second he distributes the item properly, and last he gives compensation for coming with him. If someone finds the location of the Grisly Berserker they will surely hog the location and they will never tell it to others if they might, they will sell it at a high price.

After that, they bid their farewell.


A week has pass tomorrow where his siblings will visit he has 120$ dollars left if he sells more coins, items, etc he can at least earn ten thousand dollars in a day if someone will buy it. He login back to the game the auction that City held will begin later so he needs to prepare. He has 35 gold coins which 3 times higher than a powerful guild. Most of the guild has 2 gold coins fund to buy the necessary item that can help the guild leader to achieve something. As for the super guild like Aspiring Dynasty, the guild where Geolust was an affiliate has 7-10 gold funds, it was pretty high at this point but Zirx has three times higher than them so he doesn't care about it.

Entering the game, he looks at the time inside the game, and an hour before the auction start. He went to a place where players like Zirx can sell their coins, item, information, etc. It is called Market House it is a two-story place where the first floor, the player put their items and wait for someone to buy them, the second floor is for information can be negotiated, swap, or sell. Few people put their needs on board waiting for someone to help what they desire.

Selling item does real money is common for the rich player for someone like Zirx they need to sell to earn some money for they need or wants.

Zirx put 10 gold coins that cost 100 dollars per 2 silver, it was a pretty high price but still, players would pay for it. Overall if he can sell it he would gain at least 50,000$ it was a good deal.

He put it in the coins list where people would buy coins if needed. His eyes widened after seeing what happened he merely put the coins and it was gone, no, someone bought it. Zirx smile widened after seeing what happened. He received a message from the buyer who said 'We can make a negotiation I will be the buyer of your gold and be my supplier I can increase the price by 10% higher than the market price?'

Of course, Zirx doesn't know the identity of the buyer and the buyer doesn't know the identity of Zirx. Zirx reply with hesitation, he didn't want people to find his identity if they meet Zirx can easily hide his identity but as the game goes on they may might t be a time where his identity will be revealed. It is fine if his identity was revealed but not now soon. Zirx reply, he rejects the offer instead he said 'I will sell more after a month if you can wait for that I will try to negotiate with you.' Zirx reply was firm he would not change his mind if he makes a decision he should say. He didn't bother waiting for the reply he immediately left the Market House. They can only chat there so the moment he left the one who chats will not be able to message Zirx.

He only needs to wait and the auction will start few people would know this because this is not included in the information of the game players need to discover what will happen to that place and what time it will happen.

An hour passed a new auction house open it was bigger than the other where people can sell and bid on the item. To that player with free time will surely come here the moment they realize that this is a heavenly place for people and they don't have any coins to buy any item they want, they will surely regret it.

Some NPC enters the place. He soon enters the place as well. He observed the place it was simple yet grand, the demeanor of the place is also outstanding.

30 minutes has passed, after waiting for half an hour the auction will now begin he can't help but smile.

A man walks out of backstage he was wearing a black suit, he wears a mask, his eye color is blue as his hair his body is well built he was not small nor tall his height is perfectly complemented his body.

"Hello," he greeted the guests as he said his name and the rules of the auction. "I am Aelmar Stow the host of today's auction. We will start now so please sit and behave properly, we also would like to avoid trouble if someone has animosity toward each other we would not tolerate it." His voice was polite but the last part he said was slightly loud. "Also we will present 15 items to auctions there are three items that can be the best item overall it will appear every 5th item shown."

A murmur can be heard after Aelmar Stow adds another part of what will happen to the auction.

After saying that the first item that appears was the box of glass on top of the glass there is a cloth to hide the item.

"Our first item is a stone that can help a success rate of making a unique weapon or unique equipment by 5%, the maximum use of this stone is 5 times. The stone is made from a Grandmaster Alchemist the owner wishes to sell it. It was called Freedom Stone. The price will start at 60 silver the minimum bid will be 3 silver."

"60 silver." The first one who bid was a player he was a priest he was wearing a blue robe, holding a staff as he gazes the stone with a desire. But some butted in.

"65 silver, I will buy at 65 silver." He repeated it twice is also a player but holding a bow in his back.

"70 silver"


After bidding the priest bought for 3 gold it was a fair price but the priest can't help creases his brow from annoyance. He was an affiliate with a guild so he has a budget.


The fifth item now was going to present Zirx was now going to join, the item that will present now, it should be going to be a book the book was bought by a woman she became a famous alchemist because there is a recipe in the book but first the owner of the book need to fulfill a quest before the book becomes useful. He knows how to fulfill because the owner posts how she became an influential Alchemist.

"The fifth item will now present its a book we found interesting it can help an alchemist to a certain degree. The book doesn't have a name on its cover so we don't know who owns it but it surely can help an alchemist. The price will start at 20 silver the minimum bid will be 1 silver."

"25 silver." A woman shouted from the left side of Zirx, the woman has short brown hair, blue eyes her body was slim, her skin tone was not pure white but a little bit brown her name is LightSpyre.

'I see so she desired it well sorry but I need it.'

"30 silver."

LightSpyre frowns after hearing those words she looks at the man who was covered by a cloak she tries to look hard but could not find anything.

"31 silver." She immediately adds silver to increase the bid.

The host was slightly surprised that there is at least someone who would buy the book.


Zirx bought it for 80 silver and 50 copper it was pretty low compared to its true value. He chuckles. He will also stay until the auction end he only knows the first 5 items in the auction so there might be a good thing in here to see.