Chapter - 20 Ambush

Six went to a nearby tree he tries the new throwing weapon he gets.


The half of the blade penetrates a tree and left a deep mark. Seeing the result he can't help nod in satisfaction.

The quest he gets from Keira Elton is still not finished so he will do it later at dusk.

He's killing monsters and doing a lot of dangerous stuff so he needs to relax a bit.

Zirx thinks about what will next he will do.

Should he hunt a level 20 The Giant Freak that ranks Emissary or a level 15 The Grisly Berserker whose rank Zenith is equivalent to a level 25 monster whose rank is Emissary?

He could hunt both of them but he needs to think about which he will hunt first.

He is throwing a knife in the nearby tree while thinking. He needs to think carefully if he has an advantage in terrain and if needs to use a necessary item. He can use 5 magic scrolls per 12 hours after 12 hours the usage of the magic scroll will reset in 12 hours even if Zirx didn't use any magic scroll.

Zirx can kill the Level 15 Zenith if he has any allies. So he calls Phantom Voyage, Deltaflight, and Alphablast. He explained that Zirx knew a location where a Zenith monster, Emissary monster, and many more...

Of course, Zirx will only tell them if they are not going to tell it to other people. But in Zirx heart he knew that the three of them would not betray him but if they did Zirx will hunt them down until they regret their decision.

"Okay I will be there, tell me what will I need to bring and I only found Hymn of Deflection. The Parry and Interruption of Fear can wait for the other day." Phantom Voyage exclaimed. Phantom Voyage didn't have any connection thru Zirx the only time they met once and it was when Zirx is buying rare ingredients, materials for potion-making.

'Wow Hymn of Deflection is a rare skill for melee class only 2 out 10 people, usually have a parry skill and in a day he gets what I need at most when fighting melee monster or player.' Zirx was really surprised when Phantom Voyage saw the message left by Zirx he guesses that the Zenith monster is rarely seen in the early game. The loot they will get is will be much better.

"Are you sure that you want me to help you? What if I tell your secret?" Phantom Voyage message back Zirx.

Zirx was taken aback when he read the message he certainly was not wrong when he asked this guy.

A person like this is Zirx needed when he wants to conquer the world.

"No worries if you won't do something that will make me mad I won't bother you it's just I need a player to hunt this monster."

"I see then I guess I will keep this as a secret."

Deltaflight and Alphablast were in the same place when they receive Zirx's message. They both have mixed feelings on their face. First Zirx saved them accidentally. And now Zirx wants to ask both of them for help. They don't know if they will help or not but one thing is for sure that guy whose Zirx would not ask them something would not benefit Zirx. They remember that Zirx also has a quest related to Dimview Cave. If they help Zirx they will ask Zirx to help them too. Of course, both of them are aware what they are doing they don't want Zirx to take advantage of their kindness by saying both of them will help Zirx if needed. Deltaflight replies that they will help Zirx to kill that monster but in return help them kill a high-rank Shancitir Spider. Zirx nonchalantly agrees to both of them Zirx will be there by midnight. Seeing the message they are both satisfied with Zirx's reply thus they agree.

Zirx instructs them to buy an Underwater Pill cause they will need it. Before they can reach the spot they need to swim. Zirx also adds that it is better if each of them will have like 5 pills and they will not have to worry if they die Zirx will fully compensate with silver.

Waiting for them to come to the place where they will. Zirx buys rare material for potion and magic scroll. With Zirx Legacy he gets from the beggar if he attains Master Rank in Alchemist he can create a magic scroll but the success rate was not good as Quasi Grand.

The three people Zirx contact will be in the restaurant in any minutes.


"Hey, why do you think the guy who saves us, contact us. Do you think he will let us in a dangerous situation?"

"No need to worry. If he wants us to be in danger he will not help us or inform us that he found something like this. All I guess is that he needs help to kill a Zenith monster."

"Okay, oh, this the place where Zirx wants us to be. We should enter now."

Deltaflight and Alphablast enter the restaurant. They saw Zirx sitting at a table for four people. He was talking to someone and that someone is Phantom Voyage. Both of them walk slowly not to be a disturbance in the place.

"Hello." Deltaflight is the one who greeted Zirx and Zirx company.

"Hello, Please take a seat," Zirx greeted both of them. "he is Phantom Voyage the four of us will be enough to handle that monster," Zirx said that without any fear. His eyes are calm and his voice said that he was not lying or anything.

"Um, I'm not looking down on you but are you sure that the four of us can kill that Zenith monster. It's a Zenith monster a Zenith it's practically the monster of the monster for now. We can't do it if we are only four you know." Alphablast politely talks to Zirx and he looks at Phantom Voyage he was checking if Phantom Voyage has a skill. Looking at Phantom Voyage, Alphablast approves that Phantom Voyage has some skill. It is not that he ridicules Phantom Voyage. After observing him he could not help but sigh where did Zirx find another expert and it's an Archer which is a kinda little bit hurt his pride because he was also an archer.

Zirx saw the expression of Alphablast he can't help but chuckle Zirx know he will be like this so he didn't mind it.

Zirx wants to use a contract item so that they will not tell anybody the location of the Zenith monster that spawns every day.

Contact form is a rate item because if two people make a contract they must obey what is written in the contract and they can add what is the punishment if the contract was broken.

"Now that you guys meet we will move now and don't worry if you guys die I will compensate for it. So no worries right. If you think we cant kill run I will aggro it."

Listening to Zirx voice they knew that he was sincere and he will not run away from his words.

They are now going to the place The Grisly Berserker lives.

They need to pass through Sherer Mountain from time to time they encounter some Golem who lives at the foot of the mountain. Zirx and Deltaflight don't need to make a move to the golem, Phantom Voyage and Alphablast is killing the golem before they can make it to their location.

They need to cross the other side of this mountain and they will find a river. Under the river, there is a passage there where they will swim there to arrive on the other side.

Any minutes they will reach the river. But alas plan has always a mishap even though they take a detour not get the attention of these people. But in the end, someone certainly wants to ambush them.

Wind Cutter

Fire Bolt

Paralyzing Curse

A few spell rain into Zirx. Zirx knew he was the target he shook his head to find the location of the one who fires it.

"What." the three people who with Zirx, look at him in shock all the spell meant to kill Zirx if they are two close to Zirx they might be gravely injured.

"Oh, right? You guys are here you guys escape and run away here, now! I can escape by myself." His word was warm but his eyes were full of fury. Zirx wants to tear down those people if he knew who was the one who sent the ambush.

The three people shudder when they saw Zirx eyes and the way he talks was different from his eyes.

Zirx was truly furious he doesn't want to have an enemy yet but it can't be helped. Zirx thinks that this from the guild Genocide of Tricks where Geolust was affiliated.

"Nevermind we I need a buyer of my rare ingredient or material. So I will help you." Phantom Voyage was resolute when he said that.

"I see they are bullying people by their numbers. They will not let us go so we might as well rampage here." Licking his lip Deltaflight seems to be happy.

A battle maniac Phantom Voyage saw the attitude of his teammates they were all filled with excitement.


"What is up with this team, but it can't be helped I also want to fight someone at my level" Phantom Voyage shoots an arrow at an incoming warrior.

Zirx uses the Haste Step to get closer to the mage whose 50 yards away.

Zirx's speed is faster than the other assassin's. There 10 people, 2 warriors, 1 archer, 3 mages, 3 assassins, and 1 priest. They are standing not far, not close but at a perfect distance so if anyone got attack there will be a backup team that will rescue them.

20 yards

5 yards

In just a matter of sec, he reaches the location of the three mages.

"D*mn it! He's already here." One of the mages cried out when he saw Zirx is coming at a tremendous speed.



The mage who cried out received a sudden pain in his chest. He looks in disbelief he knew Zirx was still 8 yards but how come Zirx was in his place after he just a second.

His health was only 230 which is pretty low for a mage and now he received damage that almost half of his max health. He was the one who cast a curse spell on Zirx but it didn't even graze Zirx. A mage who is going to be a Curse mage is the most fragile in all path even the priest is more durable than a cursed mage. Curse Mage mainly focuses on debuff their damage is not as high Elementalist but one their advantage and that is their cast time speed.

The other two Mages cast a basic spell but they need at least 2 seconds before the spellfire and Zirx only needs 2 seconds to kill the cursed mage.

He panics the cursed mage knows that his companions will not save him in time. He needs to at least stall time to survive. He only has one trump card and it needs to be in perfect time before using it. Now that Zirx was close and he was going to cast a spell.


Zirx was going to attack with a normal attack but when he saw a light coming from the staff he knew its a spell that will blind the enemy by 1 second. Zirx used Kick to cancel the spell and Rupturing Strike for heavy damage he saw that it didn't die he stab it in the head then the cursed mage fell on the ground. Zirx then turns around and dash towards the mage.

Zirx did not bother the loot that drop he needs to kill them all before some of his allies die.

One of the assassins, archer, warriors were holding Deltaflight and Alphablast. The two mages and priest was the close one to Zirx and the assassin who saw a mage die rush where his priest and mage teammate was. Phantom Voyage was in a dire spot but he can manage to hold on he was fighting a warrior and an assassin.

Zirx rushes to the priest even though it looks like it doesn't have any buff spell it has a healing spell which will be annoying.

Zirx used Vanish even though it's a life-saving skill he needs to use and finish the priest off.

The priest has bad luck when he was in the ambush. His face was distorted from fear and shock.

Moonlight Burst Strike

All the 5 attacks hit in his vital parts he did not even have time to cast a healing spell he just die. He was not surprised in fact he knew that it may happen but it honestly shocks him when Zirx kill him in a single skill isn't Zirx damage was too much but in the end, he knows there some people who are far stronger than Zirx did.

Seeing this the mage was lost in thought why would they ambush a monster who practically slicing them like a piece of paper. Their spirit to kill Zirx was gone but their instinct to survive burst they want to run, escape and do not want anything from Zirx. Seeing this Zirx laugh he never felt this excitement in his life.

He killed the two mages and the assassin he helps Phantom Voyage whose life was closed to zero. Deltaflight and Alphablast are already finished with their enemy.

They pick up the loot that dropped. Zirx told them that they can get all the item. If they don't want it for free them take it as pay for help me killing the Zenith monster. And the three of them agree.