05| silent


Listen to Enough For You by Olivia Rodrigo


I saw him once again.

But like always, I've always been like a stranger to him. Why am I thinking of this? Of him? I don't know. I really didn't.

I switched the position in the bed for the millionth time but I still couldn't stop thinking.

Different things were invading my thoughts and I simply let them eat me up inside. I groaned and pushed the duvet aside walking over to my sliding door. I don't know  how many more nights that I'd remain on my own. I don't know how much more I could take. I stared at the midnight sky with thoughts still flooding my mind.

Was I that invisible?

Am I that invisible to the point where you could avoid me almost everyday? Am I a burden? A nuisance? Am I annoying? My thoughts were paused when I saw someone's shadow. I furrowed my brows, tearing my gaze away from the sky and allowed my eyes follow the direction of the shadow.

"Oh what do you think Melinoe?" I gasped when I saw the shadow coming closer.

"In fact... the hardest thing is for a person to even be in the same room is you. To breathe in the same air as you, because you are that annoying, you are a burden that I don't even know why my brother even bothered getting engaged with you," My chest tightened as I continued to listen t his every word. I saw those familiar blue eyes that had already pierced through myself before they could even try. "You can keep on that big act but we both know that you can't even keep yourself happy. And you wonder why, we were never close and you wonder why, I have this against you." He paused and took a step forward.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to listen to anything Damon had to say to me but I just couldn't help but ask him my unanswered questions. "What did I ever do to to you? What did I do to deserve this type of treatment from you?" I cried.

"You're asking me? Melinoe you're seriously asking me?" I senses a hidden emotion in his questions but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Yes because I want to know!" I yelled. "Really?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Because you're no different from your pathetic Fiancé and you always play the victim when you're no different from the man who's making you suffer,"

My heart sunk and I felt like I could no longer feel my heartbeat. His words were like daggers to my heart and I didn't think I could take it with

his blue eyes were piercing into my chestnut ones, almost as if he was trying to read me. But I was afraid that he already had. And I was afraid that he already hurt me.

A tear unintentionally escaped my eyes and right as I about to wipe it away, he did it instead.

"Mel! Melinoe?" I heard a voice. Aaron.


"Damon I-"

"Go ahead. Your fiancé is calling for you," and before I could say anything he was gone. I ran my fingers through my hair and  Aaron appeared.

"Hey honey," he said pulling me into a hug. "Hey,"  I said lowly and that's when he connected his lips on mine.

But I could still feel his stare.

To confirm it, I opened my eyes and he was staring at us. Hot tears escaped my eyes and I closed my eyes once again.

When Aaron broke the kiss,

He was gone.
