13| silent



"Be my girlfriend," I looked at him my baffled as I tried to process everything. "Con permiso?" [Excuse me?]

I needed to make sure I wasn't just hallucinating. Maybe I heard wrong. What if he said something else? What if he asked someone who was behind me?

"I asked you to be my girlfriend."

"No you didn't ask me. You told me to. Big difference. Oh and if you still want your answer, it's an obvious no." I attempted to walk away but he stopped mr again. "You are crazy if you think I'll be your girlfriend,"

"What's so bad in asking my future sister in law to help me make a girl jealous?"

"Do you accept being my girlfriend?"

I didn't say anything and I was being a bit hesitant. "Fine, but only for that girl okay?"

"Only for that girl,"

Something in me finally clicked when I realized that he was talking about making another girl. It left an odd feeling inside of me and I still was finding a way to process everything he had just said to me.

It even surprised me that I actually accepted to all of that but really what made me give in was the mention of another girl. Right?


I groaned and threw my pillow across the room as I grew frustrated that I was losing sleep of thinking of things that didn't even matter. What the hell went wrong?

I took this trip in so that I could think of my life and avoid everybody else from back home. Now everything did me like a 180 and there was only so much I could do.

So much...


I was woken up by the sounds of knocking. "What now?" I muttered and pushed the duvet aside and got out bed.

Last night I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't notice how much time had passed. Now I was being woken up and I barely know how many hours of eye shut I got. I lazily made my way to the front door of my hotel and tried fixing my hair in time. "Who is it?" I asked as I was getting closer. "Your boyfriend."

I furrowed my brows but opened the door anyways and only to find a surprisingly smiling Damon who was dressed in black t- shirt, a pair of jeans and wore black sneakers with white bottoms. "What do you want Damon?" I asked not caring if I sounded nice or not.

I was tired and that's all I could possibly think of. "I wanted to invite you out for breakfast,"

"You mean dinner?" I corrected. "No I mean-"

"Dinner. You meant dinner and that is totally fine as long as I can enjoy my sleep some more, I don't mind. I am not in the right mind to schedule times so just let know when I can ready. Right now I will not be showering and styling my hair, stare at my closet for over an hour hoping I can find something to wear, okay? That is the last thing I'll be doing. And I'll just order my own breakfast, I don't feel like being in the public eye after you told a little boy that we were a couple," I finished rambling.


"Thank you bye!" I cut him off not able to hear him say another word. I quickly made my way back to bed and fell face first.

My eyes closed and I immediately drifted back to sleep.


Damon and I had already arrived at the Italian restaurant and let me tell you that I felt lighter and less exhausted. Since this was our "first date" I was practically forced to be here since I was his "girlfriend." Today we were here and it was because the girl that Damon was trying to make jealous and impress was coming here for a double date.

I solely regret in participating and actually agreeing with everything that Damon had in mind.

I drank the cold water that was on the table and never spared a glance at Damon. "You know you're going to have to act like my girlfriend, right?"

"Mm," I replied and gulped the water down. "And you know that means interacting?"

"You're being so damn annoying," I whispered. Then he did something that took me completely off guard, his warm hands entwined with mine on top of the table. I looked at him and I wanted to scream something out but I kept quite and allowed my hand to be heated.

Right after that I heard voices from my back and Damon sent me an almost unnoticeable nod and that's when I knew they were here. "Damon," I heard a manly voice.

I turned around and stood up as well. "Hello to the both of you," I greeted and engulfed the girl into a small hug. "Christopher," I heard Damon say and I took this as the chance to ask this girls name. "I'm Melinoe and you are..?"

"Kayla," she smiled. "Nice to meet you Kayla." I mirrored her smile. Her brunette locks were straightened and she wore a velvet maroon dress that stopped mid thigh. Christopher was dressed in a three colored tuxedo that made his chocolate skin glow under the Italian restaurant lights.

"Um, we're totally going to need help with these Italian cuisines because I've heard the best about them but I've never tasted any," Kayla said. "I'm sure Damon could guide us,"

"Of course," he smiled and he revealed his silent dimple. "After tasting these, you'll never go back." After the waiter had taken our orders Kayla began forming conversations and she seemed like a not only a pretty girl but also genuine, kind and chilled person. I definitely didn't mind the idea of being friends with her maybe she could accompany me on this trip.

Although there was one thing I noticed, she didn't give me a lot of signs of showing interest in Damon and that really had me contemplating things.

"Getting married?" I heard Christopher say. "Huh?" I muttered.

"Oh my gosh, congratulations! That is a beautiful ring!" She gawked at the engagement ring and I internally winced. Why hadn't I taken it off?

Because you're engaged?

I managed to stretch my lips into a small smile as Kayla kept talking. "Invite me to your wedding," I had ultimately regretted drinking the wine as it entered the wrong pipe and I was now letting out a few coughs. "Honey are you okay?" Damon asked whilst rubbing my back.

After a few more coughs, I cleared my throat and answered him. "Yes my love," I forced out through gritted teeth but hid it with a smile.

After we had desert, we decided to call it a night and said our goodbyes. Kayla and I exchanged phone numbers and went our separate ways.

"Damon," I whispered as we walked to the car. "how come she doesn't recognize me if she knows you?" I asked him honestly. It had been a question that had been on my mind for quite some time.

But his answer was something I didn't expect. "The world doesn't revolve around you or Aaron Garcia."

Why the sudden change of mood? I frowned but I ignored him and the whole car ride was silent as I looked out the tinted window.

"The world doesn't revolve around you or Aaron Garcia."