16| cries



It's been three whole days that we haven't spoken. Three days have went by without her calling me or me calling her. Three days we haven't hung out. Three days we still haven't spoken.  Three days without hearing her voice or seeing her smile.

But I was lucky that I got to actually see her. I would see her at Kathy's desk having conversation. But I doubt she saw me. I saw her with that little boy Ethan once again. It was day four and I was slowly counting down the days that felt more than it actually was. I got out my hotel room and went to the elevator and I was on my way to her floor.

I had been lucky that I didn't have to go all the way to Kathy to ask for Eli's room number. Grateful with that week we spent together, I knew her room number. The elevator doors opened and I took a deep breathe and got out.

I was now standing in front of the door. I didn't know if she would answer if I would knock and say it's me. Of course she wouldn't.

My fist rested on the door but I couldn't move it. I felt stupid. I shouldn't have come here. After what happened three days ago I don't think there was anything I could do. I stopped something that I knew she'd regret the morning after because it was nothing new. I remembered the shock on her face when I told her that.

But her words cut me worse. She said that it was a mistake she said that it was nothing. But I didn't blame her. Whether she was saying it out of spite, it still struck a nerve. I knew I deserved to hear that after I was the one who didn't have a problem with this in the first place. I wanted to be selfish so why was I hurt now? I should've expected it.

But I needed to speak to her. It was going to be four days that her and I hadn't communicated. We needed to talk about it. Right as I was about to knock, the door swung open. And that's when I saw her. She knitted her brows, clearly not expecting me to be behind her door. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she was dressed in yoga gear.

"What do you want?" Her voice was hard and cold and so was her eyes. "I wanted to speak to you,"

"Hmm, funny because I don't see anything that we need to talk about, brother in law." My jaw clenched and she folded her arms, as if daring me to challenge her.

"If you have nothing to say, I've got somewhere to be," she said and grabbed her duffel bag before pushing me aside. "Eli we need to talk." She shut those door and her back was facing me. "What do we have to talk about?" She asked still not facing me.

"That night." I finally said and she didn't say anything back. "You sure got some nerve," she chuckled with absolutely no humor and faced me. "We'll talk," she shrugged. "About the bet." She smiled lightly and patted my shoulder.

I didn't even mind the last parts of her words.

All that was on my mind was that I was going to talk to her.


"I remember everything,"

"What's everything?" I furrowed my brows. "Everything of a year ago. Specifically the night before new years and the day of new years eve," It had seemed like time had stopped.

"W-what-" I stuttered.

"I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in a long floral dress with a leg slit that my mother wanted me to wear. Aaron had left the party early because he's not a night owl as you know, and that day it was Nichola's birthday and I didn't want to be a party pooper for any reason. So I got a little tipsy, it was about to be midnight and the party was almost over. Everybody said their goodbyes and in the end it was only you and I." She paused. "Fast forward, I spilt drink on your white t- shirt and- I- we kissed. The following night we made love..."

She trailed off and played with her fingers. Her eyes never daring to spare a glance at me. "Could you at least look at me? "

Silence crept in and she still didn't look at me. "Look at m-"

"NO!" She yelled and got up from the sofa. "I can't look you in the eye and I won't."

"And why the fuck not? Huh?" She didn't answer. "The cat finally got the princesses tongue," And for the first time since we talked, she looked at me. Her glare was murderous as her eyes were bloodshot. "Don't you ever call me that." And I snickered at this.

"I'm not who you think I am damnit!"

"Oh really? And what do I think you are?"

"You think I'm some princess who grew up with a silver spoon. You think everything was easy for me, you don't see my struggles. You never did.  Everything was simply given. And just because I smile, doesn't mean I'm fine! So I'm no rainbow, I'm no blue sky, I'm no sunshine. I'm none of that."

"You don't think I've seen your struggles?" I asked stepping closer. "Yes. Apart from everything with Aaron, you didn't see anything."

"Then make me know, make me understand. Show me the dark side, I'll take it all. Show me the real you." And then she did something I least expected.

Her lips crashed into mine and we ended up undressing each other.