20| cries

[Her pov till further notice]



It's been two whole weeks since I've seen him and I knew he was already back to his home.

My stupid self was still pleading to see him despite what he had said to me. But my head was much more smarter. My head wanted nothing to do with him, It didn't mind not seeing him. Maybe my feelings could also be faded by the distance, they were new. But I didn't have any high expectations of them fading suddenly because the we're too strong.

I finally switched off my phone for over a month of blocking out people. Once it was on, I was welcomed with a bunch of emails, calls and texts. I sighed, rubbing my temples.

I had come back to my own reality. One that I've been able to escape and that lasted for the shortest time.

But I was grateful for it anyways.

I hurriedly put my phone down and went over to my snack drawer. Once I got there, I was down on my knees and searched for a snack before I went back to my seat. I settled with two Pringle tins and my nose scrunched up at the sudden smell. "What the fuck is that?"

My insides began to shake up a bit. "Is that- is that-"

"Oh I'm so sorry boo, I know you don't eat meat and-"

"Oh my God-" I got cut off my something that was creeping my throat and I immediately made my way to the bathroom. Barging in, I immediately threw up in the toilet. My hair was luckily in a bun so it didn't get into any stickiness. I released my guts for at least the second time to today and the six times this week.

"Boo what have you been eating?"

"I don't know," I sighed and flushed the chain. I went to the basin and took out the toothpaste and began brushing my teeth.

This wasn't the first time that I had been throwing up. I rinsed my mouth and washed my hands, shutting the bathroom door and sat on the sofa of my jet. "Okay look don't freak out," Kayla sat down next to me with her lip in a pout.

Oh right, Kayla. Kayla's  friend, Christopher was actually just a friend. I really did think that he was her boyfriend and that Damon was trying to get to her and what not. But no, everything was false. She was never interested in him, Damon made the whole thing up just so I could be a temporary girlfriend. Funny thing huh?

Why though? The only thing he gained from it was too make me fall for him and sleep with him- "Girl what?"

"Huh?" My head snapped towards her. Her eyes slightly widen but then it seemed like she expected it. "Did I say that-"

"Yup," she answered popping the 'p' and "Alright, back to what I was saying... you said you slept with Damon right?" I nodded. "And you've been throwing up and being more sleepier than ever?" I nodded slowly but this time I was getting to where she was going with this. "That impossible no- we  used prot..."  I trailed off.

"Oh no," I panicked. "It's just a smaall possibility-"

"A small possibility? Kayla no. This is a big possibility. I need to take a te-"

"Got one." She cut me off again. "Wait how did you- ugh. No this is horrible. I'm engaged to another person, about to get married and I'm pregnant with somebody else's baby."


My head snapped into her direction. "Oh yeah... you didn't know that part," I smiled sheepishly. "I'll get into detail later but I'm not really in a relationship with Damon. In reality, I'm engaged to his brother, Aaron Garcia and I left for this trip, I ended up doing weird shit and got pregnant with his brothers baby and my weddings around the corner. Could you please give that pregnancy test?"


After landing, I had slept in a hotel and now I was standing at the front door of my home.

I rang the door bell and awaited for someone to open the door.

I had spent to two with Kayla and those two days should've been days I spent here but I wasn't ready yet. I was getting calls and texts but I still didn't view any of them. The first test came out negative and I was filled with mixed emotions and the second was positive.

From those two days I had to go and visit my gynecologist and it was confirmed,  I was pregnant.  I was still contemplating if I was going to tell Damon or not.

If I do, my engagement was over. But if I didn't, he'd be oblivious. Would he even care? Well even so, he was going to meet his dad. Don't even ask me how I have the feeling it's a boy.

The door finally opened and I came face to face with Lisa. "Ma'am! What a surprise!" She smiled and I engulfed her in a hug. After some small talks, I rested my suitcase somewhere else.

I scanned the familiar surroundings and it felt like I hadn't been here in forever. "Melinoe?" I turned around and I came face to face with a pair of blue eyes.

The figure came running to me and went ahead and caught me in a hug, spinning me in around. "Aaron," I smiled. Once he put me down, he engulfed me in a huge hug and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

I felt another pair of eyes and I opened my eyes snapped opened and there, I was met with a piercing stare.
