23| silent (pt.2)


"I know that it breaks your breaks your heart, when I cry again, over him." -Ariana grande, ghostin.


I styled my hair into a sleek back pony and dusted my jeans. Once I was done, I gave myself one good look before grabbing my phone from the bed. I texted Aaron and told him that I was ready.

It had been a couple of weeks after my mothers funeral and I had been coping better than I expected. But I knew this is what my mother would've wanted to me to be happy whether she was with me or not.

But there had been one person who comforted me. The person I least expected.


But his brother, Aaron seemed to have a change of heart after the funeral. He seemed like he cared more, he did more.

I was now in a few weeks into my pregnancy , thankfully I wasn't showing yet since it was still early. I don't know what excuses I'll be giving when my belly gets bigger. I sighed and decided not to give that any thought at the moment.  Right now, I was ready to go on a date with Aaron and ever since my mothers funeral things have just been more  real between us.

For the first time it actually felt like I wasn't the only one trying.

And that made me feel good.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my phone beep. That should be him.

And I was right, It was him. I clicked on his message and I had to read it more than once. My heart sunk when I read the message.

Aaron: Hey baby I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it tonight.

Tears began to block my vision as I slammed my phone on the bed.

Once again.

"Ahhhh!!!" I roared and got a hold of the lamp and threw it against the wall. I began taking off every accessory that was on my body  and all that was left was the rock on my finger.

"You piece of shut!" I screamed looking at it. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and my eyes had already begun to feel heavy. I freed my hair and went over to the bathroom.

The first thing I got to see was the mirror and in that mirror I saw myself.

I was a mess.

I was a mess once again. It was like history was repeating itself and this time it came on even harder. I would've never expected for me to act that way, but some of the fault lies in the pregnancy hormones. I sunk down the wall slowly and hugged myself. "Eli, Eli are you ok?" I heard someone running.

I ignored them and continued to stare into space. I felt a hand on my shoulder and my body immediately reacted to that by moving away. I looked into his piercing blue eyes before breaking the eye contact almost immediately. "El-" he went in attempt to touch me again but I moved away.

"Don't touch me,"

"What- what happened-"

"You're just like him! You're just like your brother. No fucking feelings whatsoever! You don't care! How can you live by destroying other people feelings? How can you sleep thinking you've damaged someone with your words and your actions? "

"Eli I-"

"Don't 'Eli ' me! You're two heartless pieces of shit and you know what? I am ashamed for carrying your-" I got cut off by a sharp pain that struck my belly like lightening. "Ahh,"  I  tried to suppress my sounds but I was unable to because of the pain.

"Hey are you-"

"Don't touch me damnit," I hissed, shooting him a glare. I tried standing up but the pain was still there. I managed to force myself up and walk away. I moved out the bathroom room and I sat on my bed with my hand on my belly.

His eyes moved to where my hand was but I ignored him and pretended not to panic. I didn't want to remove my hand, immediately. It would've been suspicious.


"Oh God, not again." I tilted my head back. "Could you just listen?"

"And what do I have to listen to? Did you listen to me? Did you have the time, or were yuh just too busy? Like your brother,"

"Don't compare me to him," he said through gritted his teeth. "You're no different from each other," I shrugged. "Stop," he balled his fists.

"You can tell you learned a lot from your older brother," I paused.


"You're exactly the same. No matter how many times you try to deny it-"

"STOP!!!" I winced as I heard the ringing in my ears. But I wasn't done just yet. I needed to let out my anger and my frustrations.

"Why should I stop?! You can do whatever you want, but I can't? What do you men think that you can have control over us? Why can't we do, the things that you do? Cause I am fucking tired. I'm exhausted! How do you live with yourselves hurting each other. How do you claim you feel something for me but you treat me this way?" I said the last line in a whisper. Hot tears were once again rolling down my cheeks and this time I did nothing to stop them.

I admit that I did feel lighter. As if that entire weight had been lifted off my shoulders. He engulfed me in a hug and I finally felt like I could breathe properly. His arms wrapped around me, his fingers drawing circles on my back, calming me down.

"I love you," my heart stopped. I had to replay his words over and over in my head because I couldn't believe them. They were to good to be true, It was another lie, another trick.

And I wouldn't let myself be played once again.

"Your just a liar!" I pushed him away. "It's the truth,"

"Why do you keep torturing me with your lies? You're a damn liar!" I suddenly felt a pool of liquid in between my legs. My brows knitted as my back faced Damon.


It was hot but it had a texture.

It couldn't have been pee because I would've felt myself push it.

I was lucky I was wearing a pair of jeans but that still didn't  change the fact that I was- bleeding?

"Hey Mel are you- oh." I saw Nichola at the door and her eyes moved back and fourth. Her eyes then dropped to my legs and her eyes slightly widen. "Mel I really need you for an emergency right now,"

And off she dragged me to God knows where.