27| silent


"Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, that's alright cause I love the way it hurts."-Rihanna ft Eminem, Love the way you lie.


Previously: "You are trying to hurt me with your words," Right as I was about respond, I felt a sting on the side of my neck. And it took me a second to realize what he had done. "Damon that's gonna-" and I felt another sting. I was about to scream but I slammed a hand onto my mouth.

"Melinoe?" He knocked and Melinoe froze.

"Melinoe are you there?" Eli bit lip before answering. "Uhh- yes I'm here," she answered with her voice pitched. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes I'm sure. I'm just- busy with something right now,"

"I need to speak to you." I was about kiss her but she held her hand on t chest. Creating space between us. "Is it that urgent because I have a busy day ahead of me,"

"Mel I just want to speak to, I'm opening the doo-"

"No, no, no. There's no need. I'll speak to you when I'm finished."

"What are you so busy with?"

"Nothing important. Can you just have a little patience? Please." I didn't hear anything for a while before I heard his footsteps. And it was silent after a while.

"Get the fuck off me," Melinoe pushed me off and rearranged her clothing. "What the hell?"

"You heard me," She was about to walk off but I caught her by the wrist. Once again, she was inches away from me.

"And what if I don't want to?"

"Then you'll just have to deal with me not wanting you to do anything," She glared. "You want me,

"Get over yourself," she tried pushing me but I caught her wrists and pin them against the wall. "You know I'm only speaking the truth,"

"Let go," she tried fighting back but I didn't budge. "Or what?"

"You really wanna know?" I nodded and only to receive a knee at my area. That's when I automatically let go and  fell on to the ground. "Don't you ever, ever come at me like that again."

"Get out." She kicked one of my legs. "W-what?"

"I said," she bent down to pick up my shirt. "Get out." And threw me with it. She bent down once again but this time she pulled me by the arm but only got so far in lifting me up. "I don't care if you fucking crawl to your room, It's right nest to mine but you're not staying here." She opened the door and shut it once I was out.


I found myself staring at the ceiling with my hands over my head.

She was leaving soon.

And she was going to get married.

But despite everything else, she looked much better. I think it would be unnecessary to stop her from marrying Aaron since now she's more set on marrying him. "Damon," I heard a knock.

"Can I come in?" I recognized the voice. "Sure." I answered.

"Why do you look so down?"

"Eh it's nothing," I lied. The figure came and sat down next to me. "Who do you think you're fooling? I know you all to well." she said. "What's bothering you? Come on, tell me." She held my hand before letting it go.

"Have you ever been in love?" I asked. "Oh I see little brother, I see where this is going now,"

"I'm serious Nichola," I heard her sigh before answering. "That's not even a question you should ask me, you know I've been in love, unfortunately with the wrong person,"

"He didn't deserve you," I said. "That's what you all said." 

"Even Melinoe?" I cocked a brow even though I already knew the answer. "So come on, carry on."

"So I'm not even sure how it all happened but I fell for a person I should have never fallen for. I never felt it before, my feelings were just neutral, that's what I thought at least. Now they are so much more stronger and deeper and I don't think there's anything I can do now. I've fallen too deep for something that can never be." I finished off. "How are you so sure that it'll never be?"

"She's with someone else." I answered. "And?"

"And you know her," I confessed. "Did you honestly think your sister is that stupid not to know who you're talking about?"

"You know?"she nodded before sitting upright. "You need to prove to her that you're worthy of her, you need to prove you love her, it's never to late. Maybe you could stop being the cause of some of her tears and actually listen to her and maybe to not only what you feel but to what she feels too. I know you love her, I can see it and you know that I only want to see her happy and smiling."

"You know I love you little sis right?"

"So do I, but I'm your one year older sister, thank you."

It didn't matter whether she was my blood sister or not, but she knew me better than anybody and she is Melinoe's best friend. Which person could ever offer me better advice than her?

I ended up sleeping in the midst of thinking about her words.