Chapter 2

School is rather peaceful for Y/n, sitting on his desk, listening to the teacher's lecture. With his pencil and notebook, he quietly drew doodles on the corners of the paper. Sometimes writing down important things for his class which will be later used. His train of thoughts was stopped when a boy sitting next to him stared at the little doodles. "Woah man, you good at drawing. Too bad I suck." He said, his eyes still on the paper.

"Ah, oh..uhm.., thanks!" Y/n said, trailing off at times, not expecting someone to look at his paper and compliment his little doodles. The boy smiled, "No problem, you got to teach me how to draw though next time." He said, sparking up a conversation. One that Y/n like to be in, although he isn't a full-fledged drawer, he likes to create doodles to pass time. Going through his backpack and take out a small notebook, containing all of his past drawings and opens it. Showing it to the boy sitting next to him.

The boy looks at the drawings with pique interest. "Say, you got Art class?" He asks, which made Y/n shake his head. As before, he hadn't thought of taking art class, therefore not picking it. "What? With that kind of skills you not? How about you get into art club? A lotta people will like you there." The boy suggests, looking through more of the drawings in the notebook which Y/n lets him do. "Oh really? Been a while since I joined in clubs before." He said, making the boy raise his brow.

"Where you shy then?" He asks but Y/n shakes his head, making him think for a bit before saying, "You was busy with homework or something like that?" Still made Y/n said, "Nope, I have so much free time after school." The boy's face is in disbelief, "Then why don't you join any clubs before?"  Y/n, rubbing the back on his head with a sheepish smile, "Well, it's because I have a childhood friend, Tobias who always make me hang with him." Y/n replied.

"Clingy eh? Must be annoying." The boy said, propping his arm on the desk with a light huff. Y/n making a small laugh with a nod, "Yeah, pretty much is but, what's your name?" Y/n asks, wanting to pursue the potential friendship, now being able to have a friend other than Tobias. "The name is Asher! You?" He said with a smile.

Y/n had gone on and introduced himself too. Both laughing together as their friendship became official. The two now going on about drawing and how having PE together would be very fun. Tobias in his class, resting his head on his hand as he stares out at the daze. Tapping his finger on the desk, grumbling things to himself. His mood wasn't his usual bright and friendly. Rather closed off and upset, still on about how Y/n didn't want him to hold him on their way to school.

Being rather bummed about it, he props his arm on the desk and rests his head on it. Staring at his left where there is a window, daydreaming his class away. As his teacher is doing nothing since they already talked about their class and such. Leaving the students time of their own. Tobias isn't the kind to be so social, especially when he and Y/n depart each way on a bad note. Imagining himself having Y/n all for himself, no one would bother them, they would spend all of their time together.

The thought of that makes the young Tobias grin as it made him feel a bit better. A soft tap on the shoulder was getting on his shoulder, not having the care to see who did that. He ignores the touch, only for it to become rougher, enough for the messy black-haired boy to sit up straight, seeing a girl next to his desk, standing. With her hands behind her back, and was leaning a bit close to Tobias to get his attention. "What?" Tobias said, sounding annoyed that the girl ruined his precious daydream of Y/n.

Hearing that made her bow, "Sorry! Just wanna talk to you, cause you look sad." She apologizes, fiddling with her finger while looking down. Tobias had no interest in her as he continues to ignore her and rest his back on the desk. "W-wait! I want to be friends with you!" She stutters, not wanting her interaction with Tobias to end just yet. Tobias moves his head up and looks at her dead in the eyes before looking away. "No."

The response isn't what she expected as it made her frown a little, "Pretty pleaseee?" She begs, clasping her hand together, making a sad expression. But that doesn't phase Tobias but, imagining Y/n begging him is something he would like to see, giving him an idea. "Fine, you will help me with anything and everything, no matter what. Got it?" Tobias said, turning his head back to the girl.

"Yeah, got it! My name is Chiharu, what's yours?" She asks, sounding energetic and happy that Tobias would finally accept her friendship offer. "Tobias, we will have a lot of fun." He replies, a grin appears on his face as he found someone willing to do his future bidding, feeling that it would be easier to get Y/n all for himself by removing those around him. "So, what kind of classes you have?" Tobias asks, starting the conversation.

Making the young Chiharu think for a bit, "Hmm...I got math after." Which made something clicked into Tobias mind, Y/n have that class too, which an idea came to thought. "There is someone I want you to befriend, his name is Y/n. Can you do that?" Tobias asks Chiharu, which leaves her nodding in response. Poor girl, not mowing what she is getting into and is only being used. "But that'll be easy, what do I do after??" She asks, tilting her head to the side. Which made Tobias take a while to think of what for her to do next.

"Then I want you to know how he feels about me and what he thinks of," Tobias replies with a shrug, not knowing what to add to the plan as of now. "Oh yeah, also make sure no one comes to the rooftop, is that easy for you to understand?" Tobias added, almost forgetting about that part. The girl nodded, just saying yes to anything at this point. "Got it but...why-"

"Don't question my orders, kay?" Tobias cuts her off, his usual cheerful grin shows up. Leaning back to his seat with a chuckle afterwards. At first, made Chiharu surprised at that response but she shrugged to herself and does a thumbs up. "Got it, Tobias!" She said, sounding so happy and pure like again, the poor girl doesn't know that she is being used for something far sinister. And how it will affect her whole life in the future.

Then the voice of their teacher got all of the student's attention. "Okay guys, the bell is about to ring, go get your backpack and be ready to leave." Upon hearing that, Chiharu went back to her desk which was across and closer to the front. Grabbing her backpack with a happy hum before going back to Tobias desk. "Wanna walk together to our class?" She asks, holding her backpack while holding the strap and scratching the surface of it. Tobias getting up from his desk as bend down to get his backpack which is underneath his desk and grabs it.

Standing back up with a nod, "Yeah, why not." He answers. With the bell ringing the two exit their class and walking through the halls together. Chiharu trying so many ways to start a conversation, asking Tobias so many questions ranging from, "What is your favourite food." To "Do you think I'm cute?". Tobias answering to those with, "Anything." And "No." Leaving the girl a little hurt in the feelings but that doesn't bother her that much. She thought she can make Tobias fall for her either way.

The two parting ways when they have to take separate halls to go to their class. Chiharu humming a song to herself, her arms swinging side to side in sync with the song. Finding her way to her math class, she can see all of the students sitting on their desk and some talking to their friends. Which made her realize something, she doesn't know what Y/n looks like or who he is. Only knowing his name made Chiharu stuck in a messy spot.

Her scratching the surface of her bag strap intensify, stopping instantly when a burning feeling on the tip of her finger increases. Seeing that it left a red mark, she lets her hand go and shakes it off. Finding an empty desk and sits on it. Putting her bag down and thinks of ideas to find Y/n. Of course, she can't yell out his name and see who responds because Y/n might question her on how she knows his name. "What if-" Chiharu stopped herself, of course asking random people if their name is Y/n is stupid, a stupid idea.

But it wouldn't hurt, right? Chiharu shakes her head, forgetting that as she thinks it's bad either way. Slapping her face together, "Get it together, you gotta find Y/n!" She said to herself, letting out a heavy sigh. Feeling a hand on her shoulder made her almost turn her whole body around. Seeing a boy looking at her with a small smile. "That's me, what you need to find me for?" Y/n asks, making her almost choke on her spit. Coughing, covering her mouth with her hand, later catching her breath. She didn't expect it to work like that as she tries to explain and stumbles over her words. Laughing awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head. "Haha, um..."

She trails off, not knowing what to say. A few minutes of silence made the situation between the two unbearably weird before she burst out saying, "Let's be friends! Best friends!" Catching Y/n off guard with the sudden proposal. First becoming friends with Asher and then having another opportunity to make another friend. It made the young Y/n happy, "Cool, I'm Y/n by the way." He introduces himself.

"My name is Chiharu!" She said, her rapid beating heart slows down as she is thankful that he didn't question her right away. Letting out a relieved sigh, "So yeah, how'd know my name?" Making her freeze in place, looking away with a nervous laugh. "Haha have PE, right?" She asks, looking back at Y/n, fiddling with her hand. Him nodding his head in response.

Chiharu lets out another heavy sigh, "Well uhm, the...teacher for the class wanna make sure that a group of you guys get your sports uniform..?" Sounding unsure at the end, feeling like she should just give up and apologize to Y/n. Before she opens her mouth, Y/n replies with, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about getting those uniforms from the office, thanks." He said, turning his head to see an empty desk beside there Chiharu is sitting and sits on it.

"Do you have P.E too?" Y/n asks which to Chiharu nods, "Right after lunch." She answers but, she doesn't share those classes like Y/n, Asher, and Tobias. Upon hearing that Y/n doesn't share Pe with her leaves with a small frown. "That sucks big time." She said with a pout, making him let out a laugh. "Really big time." He said. Which the two share a small smile.

Before they could converse any further, the teacher came in and started their class. The sudden friendship between the two had begun, both of them working together on an assignment which was given by the teacher. Chiharu asking him multiple questions. Soon learning about Tobias and Y/n, slowly starting to understand why Tobias wants her to befriend Y/n.

'Because he doesn't have classes with him and wants to know what's up!' She thought in her mind, with that answer alone made her quiet enough to not asks Y/n about Tobias nor press it any further. She smiling as she listened to Y/n talk about himself, hearing the positive, and calmness in the boy's tone. His body isn't all stiff and crouching over in pain as the pain of his sides went away over time.

The two's conversation came to an end when the bell ringed, her getting her bag as Y/n went and grab his backpack. Chiharu waving goodbye to Y/n as she went off in different ways before he went his way to the rooftop. Wondering what Tobias needed him for, not thinking too much as he goes through stairs after stairs. Soon being halfway, his legs start to ache while sitting on the stairs. " long does this take." He said to himself before standing up.

Standing on one leg and does a few small kicks and does the same to the other before going his way through the stairs. Looking at the entrance of the rooftops is lines of orange cones blocking the stairs and Tobias standing behind it, leaning against the doors which leads to the rooftop. Leaving Y/n confused as he still went up on the last stairs before walking over the orange cones and to Tobias. "Isn't the rooftop closed? What if-" Y/n was cut off by Tobias as he pulls his hand and opens the door to the rooftop and bring them outside.

Y/n's brows furrow as he steps back away from Tobias, which to no avail he pulls him close to a punch straight across the face. Making Y/n fall down due to the impact, holding his cheek pain. "What was that for?!" He shouted at Tobias, hun tackling Y/n down and landed punches after punches. His red eyes staring straight at Y/n, panting heavily with adrenaline spiralling out of control. His vision getting shakey, "Y/ made me...soo hohoho..fucking mad!" Tobias said, laughing uncontrollably.

His hand grasped around Y/n neck, at this point Y/n is utterly terrified of Tobias. Blood dripping from his nose and his hand holding the black-haired boy arm. Pushing it away to avoid being strangled, it been a while since he had seen Tobias in his frenzied state. Seeing his eye wide, his hand shaking, and erratic breathing was enough to make Y/n scared of his life. Remembering the last time Tobias was like that, he almost beat a kid to death, laughing hysterically with blood coating his fist. "T-Tobias please, I-I'm so so so sorry!" Y/n said to him, tears rolling down his cheek as he moves his body to get Tobias off of him.

Tobias body stood still, using his weight and sits on Y/n chest. Keeping him still as his hand roams around Y/n's neck and then cups his cheek, leaning over with his face rather close to the other's. "Why did you tell me to let go?" He asks, sounding hushed and pissed. His red eyes meeting Y/n's e/c. His fingers fiddling the locks of his Y/n's hair, his body twitches a couple of times before letting out a burst of random laughter.

The young Y/n couldn't hold it in as he stops moving his body and bawls, scared of Tobias, his face aches, the dull pain from his sides aches, scared of everything, everything hurts, he hated it, hated it a lot. "Oh no no no, Y/n. I'm sorry." Tobias said, snapped from his frenzied state as he showers Y/n with kisses all over his face. Caressing his cheek before placing a soft and gentle kiss on the lips.

At first, became a sloppy kiss on Y/n's mouth. The poor boy froze in a confused state, feeling Tobias's tongue swirling around his mouth. Hearing moans and pants coming from Tobias. Later, Tobias breaks the kiss while bursting out his usual laughter. Finding it is a hard time to hold it in, "I love you Y/n, I love you, I love you, I love you." He said, repeating his words over and over before letting out a happy sigh. Looking at Y/n with his usual grin.

Poor young Y/n, looking traumatized at what he just experienced. No longer wanting to look at Tobias, turning his head away, shutting his eyes. "Eh? Y/n, don't do that, look at me and say you love me!" He heard Tobias, cupping his cheek and turning his head back, facing the one on top of him. "N-no..let me go!"

The grip on his face suddenly became tighter, Tobias's nails almost digging under his skin. "You are being a bitch here Y/n..." he mutters but loud enough for Y/n himself to hear. His moods turned from happy to annoyed in an instant. Making him unpredictable as to how he will react to anything. Tears still going as Y/n sniffles and breaths heavily, finding it hard with Tobias sitting on his chest. "I-I love you, o-okay?" He stutters but, Tobias's nails dug deep under his skin making his repeatedly yelling "Ow, Ow, that hurts!"

"Look at me when you say that." Tobias demands which Y/n nods a lot while looking at Tobias, seeing the expression on his face. Looking like a killer who had lost all of his patience, ready to hurt his victims any second now. "I love you!" He yells to which he is satisfied, him pecking Y/n lips before getting off of him as went on to grab his lunch. Leaning his back against the large fence and opens the box, eating his lunch there and then. With his usual grin plastered on his face.

Y/n touches his face, he doesn't feel any swelling nor sees any bruises when he used the black screen of his phone to see a reflection of himself. Only dirt on his chin, blood on his nose, and nail marks on his cheek. Focusing on himself and using a handkerchief from his backpack to wipe off the blood. Before hearing, "Why don't you eat your food Y/n?" Turning to see Tobias eating his sandwich, looking back at him with a smile.

"And sit with me, I won't hurt you...yet," Tobias said, snickering while he lay and empty spot beside him. Y/n cautiously approaches Tobias and sit next to him, leaving some space away from each other which to him, he doesn't care. The two sitting and eating their lunch together in silence. Y/n going deep into thoughts as his first kiss was stolen by Tobias and how his mood swings are dangerously fast. Staring down at the floor. And faint noises of other kids chattering what the only sounds that keep the atmosphere between the two other than quiet.