Chapter 4

Y/n wakes up to the Saturday's sunlight hitting hit face through his bedroom window. Feeling a cozy and warm feeling inside him, turning his head to see Tobias and reaches down and wraps his hand around the boy's bandaged one gently. Not wanting to press the wound to inflict any pain on his.

As usual, the boy have his arms wrapped around Y/n's waist, only being the side where his bandaged hand isn't present. Y/n thought to himself of letting his guard down is a bad idea, yeah Tobias is more passive than usual which is a big difference to him. He then look up at the ceiling of his room, only taking a bit to realize Asher is comming over. Before getting anymore excited about bringing over a friend for the first time. He slowly wriggled his way out of Tobias's grasp.

Rolling off the bed and went straight to get everything ready. Although watching f/s (favorite show? Isn't a big deal, it is one for the h/c boy. Now already dressed, while prepping snacks in the kitchen. As again it was his first time bringing a friend over, he made sure everything is perfect. With the snacks to taking out game boards from the dusty but well-lit basement. Y/n was doing all that non stop, his sweet smile just cannot be wiped off his face because of how excited he is.

Carrying a tray with snacks to the living room, placing it on the coffee table. Moving his hand to the side and claps his hand together, dusting it off. It was a lot of work but to him, it is worth it. Y/n's dad came downstairs letting out a heavy yawn, seeing that is song got snacks and everything he raise a brow. "Y/n what is all tha- Ohh it's for that kid Asher." The dad said, answering his question himself. Walking to the kitchen to make himself coffee.

"Yeah dad, and he is coming today!" Y/n replies, taking the remote that was on the couch and turns on the tv. Flipping to the channel where  f/s will be aired at and he put the remote down on the coffee table where the snacks are at. Slumping onto the couch behind him, finally relaxing after hours of preparing everything. Doing so first thing he woke up in the Saturday morning.

Looking over to his right is a clear sliding door where he can see his mom reading a book while having a cup of tea in her hand. Seeing his dad open that door and close it behind him, sitting next to his mom. And it seems like they are talking, the clear door blocks Y/n from hearing anything. Good thing the doorbell runged, making him show up and away from the couch and to the door. Turning the locks and then the knob, swinging it open to see Asher.

"You're here! Come in come in!" Y/n said, sounding joyful, stepping aside to let the boy in. Asher took the time to look around, noticing the ton of snacks and channel on the tv they will air the f/s. "Woah, you got a awesome place and there is so many snacks!" Y/n letting go of the door and locking it before walking to the couch, motioning Asher to follow.

Asher did and took a seat on the couch, seeing that the show will be coming on at any minute, "Cmon Y/n, it's almost time for the show!" He called out, seeing Y/n run and quickly sit on the couch. The two are just in time as the tv begins to play a short clip before the show starts, the two share excited whispers. In the duration of watching the show, Asher's heart is beating rapidly, realizing that he is in the living room alone. Y/n's parents are outside, and Tobias, presumably still sleeping.

Seeing that Y/n eyes are glued to the screen, watching the show. He looks down, seeing his hand is close to Y/n's, his face becomes warm, placing his hand on his face to feel the warmth spread. His hand scoots closer to Y/n's bit by bit, and in his mind is batting a whole war on wether he should hold his hand or not. The tips of his fingers brushed again the smooth and s/c fingers, wrapping his fingers around Y/n's.

Asher blush slowly fades away but to only become a straight up tomato when Y/n brings his hand closer to his and hold it. Humming a short tune while watching the tv, leaving the poor boy a red mess. Letting out a deep sigh, not to loud nor quiet but, enough to remove the pent up stress within him. He became comfortable as he went back on watching the show.

Sound of a door creaking fills the empty hall up stairs and small thumps coming from the stairs. Following with a yawn and groan, approaching the couch. With the arms propped on the top of the backrest, Tobias leans in between the two, glancing down at their hands together and shot his head to Asher, "What are you doing?" He asks which interrupted them watching the show and the cute little handholding. Y/n letting go as he turns his head to Tobias, "Oh, you're awake, finally!" Before Asher would ask what he is doing here, he realized that he lives here too.

He sighs, missing the handholding already, and the peace of handholding with Y/n. "You two watching f/s huh?" Tobias would say, stand up and walk around the couch, in between Asher and Y/n before sitting in the middle of the two. Purposely separating them, at first it was a little awkward but Y/n cleared that up by playing board games once the f/s ended.

Pass time to once the show ended, playing an ending song following as the show is stopped and Y/n taking out the board games, Asher helped himself with the snacks, taking a bag of chips. On the other hand Tobias next to Y/n, looking at the games, then turning he head to Asher with the same grin from yesterday when he went back home with Y/n.

Making Asher grip onto the chip bag tightly and gets off his seat on the couch, wanting to punch the annoying brat's face, he fist up his hand. He wants to land a hit, only to be stopped by the terrible timing. Y/n turns his head with a game board in his hand, forcing Asher to let go his hand and do and odd pose. Making Tobias snicker at all this and Y/n confused.

"Well, I got a game!" Y/n said, ignoring all that. Placing the game on the floor and opens the lid seeing that there are missing pieces rummaging through the slim box to see that it isn't there. Usually he can find those missing pieces by going back to the basement and look at jars which contains game board pieces. Which his mother put them there if she found them laying on the ground or anywhere. "Ok, you two stay right here, I'm going to find the pieces of the game." Y/n told them two, not wanting this special day to be over yet to missing game pieces.

Standing up from the floor and runs off, trying to be quick as possible. As his foot steps begins to fade away, Tobias turned his head to Asher, with a disgusted expression, "Ew, why are you getting close with Y/n...?" He said, the venom in his words can be almost felt by Asher, cocking his brows. "Why does that matter, he held my hand back so he wa-"

"Don't bother and stay away from him, he doesn't deserve a piece of shit like you..." Tobias interrupted the boy, going as far as cursing at him to make his words and himself intimidating. It only made Asher more upset upon hearing it, his hand clenched into a fist once again, and his teeth grits in anger. "Shut up! Y/n will leave you for someone else. And he and I will be together forever." He replies, unexpectedly saying the one thing Tobias feared the most. "N-no, that'll never ever happen. Y/n loves me, and I love him!" He shouted angrily before punching Asher in the stomach.

Asher wraps his arm around his stomach, groaning in pain before being tackled by Tobias, his back thuds onto the ground. His face meeting harsh punches by him, having to bring his arm up to block the hits. Instead on reacting like Y/n, begging Tobias to stop, he fights back. Pushing Tobias away from him, the push was hard which made him fall behind. Asher wasting no time and hold Tobias from the white baggy shirt, pulling the boy close to him with a smile.

"You afraid that it's the truth? Y/n never liked you anyways, who would like someone who so clingy and annoying. " Asher said, wanting to push Tobias more further. He tried to punch him with his bandaged hand only it to be caught by him. He pressed the bandaged wound, earning a scream from Tobias. The cut hadn't heal yet and it stings every single time when he accidentally apply pressure on it.

Trashing his body around just to make Asher let go of his hand. A perfect hit landed on boy above him in the guts by his knees. "GAaH!" He yelled, letting go of the bandaged hand and holds his stomach for a bit. His grip on the shirt tightens, calming himself down before punching Tobias in the face. His head snaps to the side as he only let out a groan, the hits not affecting much as Asher thought it would.

Seeing that it annoyed him, he let go of the shirt and pushed Tobias onto the ground, using both of his hand to punch him left and right, and left and right. Tobias knowing that he is at a disadvantage, let the punches land on him, not bothering to defend himself. Just pained groans and huffs is to be heard from him. The feeling in Asher after he stopped punching Tobias feels empty, no revenge was fulfilled to him. Like, he's not begging for it to stop, nor putting up a fight, he just...stood there taking it all.

To Asher it was weird, standing up from the ground and the slightly bruised and bloodied Tobias. Sitting up which his hand on his head and bandaged one resting on his leg. Taking the time to let the pain wash away before he look up at him, with a smirk. "You not bad but, you not stronger than him." He said. Leaving the boy confused at who Tobias is referring to, feeling rather weirded out by him.

Awkwardly dusting himself off and wiped off the blood coming from a small cut on his lip with a napkin that is next to the snacks on the coffee table. Throwing it away in a trash bin shortly after. Just in time Y/n is back, with the game pieces, Tobias got off the floor and walked away without saying anything. As he passed Asher, he place a hand on his shoulder before muttering in his ear, "We'll have lots of fun." Before letting go and went back upstairs. Covering his face to avoid Y/n questioning about the bruises and blood coming out of his nose.

Not wanting to ruin Asher's relationship with Y/n just yet. To him it is weird, but something he can quiet say about it. Looking at Tobias until he couldn't see him anymore, turning his attention back to Asher and walks to him with a smile. "Guess it is me and you then." He said before going on his knees and set up the games. Asher getting on his knees too, glancing at Y/n while he finished stetting it all up. Despite the small fight with Tobias, he felt at ease just by looking at Y/n.

The two spend most of the time playing multiple board games, making small bets and Asher making jokes along the way. And of course him laughing to those jokes, while the two were playing the game,

Y/n had finally won a game against Asher, throwing his arms up in the air cheering for his win.

"Finally!" Y/n exclaims, his whole body is relaxed as the same smile on his face still remains there. Feeling proud of himself, Asher laughs in response, "Guess I lose." Saying in a sad-like tone. "Now you have to eat something...spicy!" He replies, having to think for a bit to come up with a bet.

"Pffft, that's easy I can handle it all." Asher said leaning his back against the while sitting on the floor. Crossing his arms with his toothy grin, looking at Y/n as he sees the boy stand up and head to the kitchen. He rose a brow before he gets up from the floor and comes to the kitchen, looking out at the clear sliding doors, he could see Y/n's parents engaging in a deep conversation before pausing to notice him before Y/n's mom waves at Asher and his dad holding a book lift it up with a smile before the two went back with talking.

Probably it's about the book but never mind that. He goes to the kitchen, seeing Y/n combining various spices and hot sauces. Seeing that the bowl became a clump reddish brown substance, making Asher face scrunch up by the sight of it. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" He asked, not trying to avoid doing Y/n's bet but the looks of the "hot sauce" in the bowl.

Y/n shaking his head, "It doesn't look all that good but, it is super super spicy. Me and Tobias made it together in winter and our mouths swelled for two whole weeks!"

He said, laughing to himself as he remembered those days. Finishing up the "hot sauce" and puts a spoon in it. He hold the bowl and hands it to Asher with a wide grin, "All done! Try itttt." He added, while the boy grabbed the bowl, looking at it carefully before moving the bowl around to get a better look at the substance which is called hot sauce or, the hottest sauce in the world. The burning smell hits his nose, nervously gulping down, he grab the spoon and scoops it up.

The burning smell is almost overwhelming, sticking his tongue out, it was visibly shaking and it backs out every time it went too close to the sauce. "I can't do it!" Asher said, shaking his head. Y/n pouts, looking at him with a pleading expression, "Pretty pleaseee? I will let you keep most of the snacks we have?" He begs, it being enough for the silver-headed boy to take it on. Seeing his expression made his heart flutter, shoving the hot sauce in his mouth, not wanting to waste any time to swallow it.

Now heaving, the burning sensation quickly flares up, making him fan his mouth over and over. "I-it's soo hot! Hot hot hot!" Asher almost yelled, which leads to Y/n giggling, he quickly went on and grabbed a glass and milk from the fridge, pouring it in the cup and gives it to Asher. To which he grabbed the glass and chugged the milk down in one go, it only helped the burning decrease by a little. It expanding onto his lips, increasing the hot and fiery pain. Making him panic more as well, instead of it being a fun little and daring bet, it became chaos.

Asher lips swelling and his whole mouth burning while as Y/n tries to put ice over his mouth, soon putting it all on a bag and cover it that way. Feeding him an ice on top of that, it succeeds in cooling down the burning sensation. Asher slumps over the kitchen counter, completely exhausted from the fiery chaos. Y/n, rubbing his bad, feeling bad about all of this, "I'm sorry Asher." He said, with Asher responding with, "Nono, it's cool man."

Y/n's dad opened up the clear sliding doors and

poked his out, it seems like he heard some loud yelling, gushing of water, and such. "You boys alright ?" He asked, looking at the two who is still in the kitchen. Both of them said yes together, hearing the sliding door now closed, they let out a heavy sigh. Glancing at each other, a burst of laughter came out of them, Y/n held his stomach while Asher lightly banged on the counter. Soon it dies down, both letting out a heavy sigh after their laugh before looking at the clock.

"Aw it's almost time for you to go home." Y/n said with a huff. "Well...can I help you clean before I leave?" Asher ask, rubbing the back of his head with a light shrug. "Really? I will very much appreciate it." He replied, both sharing a smile to each other as they head to the kitchen and picked up all of the game boards. Making sure all of the game pieces are there in each of the boxes before moving on with trash on the floor and on the tray, picking those up and throw it in the trash can.

The two having to just wash the bowl of the hot sauce, spoon, and glass that was for the milk. Despite it can be easily done by one person, the two had fun spending time together with the small pile of dishes. Both drying their hand once finished. "It was fun hanging with you Y/n, let's do that again sometimes okay?" Asher said, with another smile to which Y/n nods yes too, "Of course! You are really fun." He replies.

Asher heading to the door as Y/n follows, unlocking it and opening the door for Asher letting him leave. He waves goodbye to him as he does the same. The two said goodbye to each other before Asher going his separate ways. He then closed the door and locked it, giggling to himself as he first opened the clear sliding doors to his parents, with a huge smile. "Today was the best day ever, we watched shows, play games, Asher tried the hot sauce, and then we cleaned up but, it was so much fun!" h/n quickly summarized his whole day before not holding in his uncontrollable laughter before closing the sliding door and went up the stairs and into his room.

He sees Tobias laying on the bed and flopped onto the bed next to him. Seeing that there was some yellow marks on his face, of course he doesn't know the cause of it so he brushed it off. Before he went on the same ranting like he did to his parents, Tobias suddenly sits up, awake from his nap, looking at Y/n. "Hey Y/n, what do you think of Asher?" He stared at him with a quiet gaze, "He is a really nice guy! He is also nice and friendly, really cool to talk to!" He went on and on to talk about him before Tobias usually interrupt by saying, "Do you think he is a bad person?"

Y/n raise a brow before shaking his head, "I've never though about that, why is that?" Tobias stopped any further discussion of that topic by simply saying, "Eh, no reason." Before planting another kiss on Y/n's cheek with a grin. It made him blush lightly, holding the cheek he had received the kiss from. "D-don't do that." To only hear a quiet laugh from the black-haired boy. "Oh we will be together forever." He mumbles to himself with a wide grin. Thank god Y/n didn't heard him as he just tilted his head to the side, he smiles and ruffles Tobias's head.

And that was the first step to Tobias's path to his first murder.