Chapter 6

Everyday is a busy day, almost seem that there is no stopping. From hanging out with Asher and Chiharu after school, often visiting at that cafe with so many books, even some shops and an arcade nearby. Occasionally Tobias would've join, often seeing both him and Asher argue about something so small and childish before almost having a physical fight. Y/n and Chiharu is always there to break the two from advancing any further but the question, "Why they always hate each other." Always remained in the boy's head.

What got them two to dislike each other that much, it started around when Asher first came over, despite the tensions between the two, he will still come over to see Y/n when he get the chance. Mainly to provoke Tobias even further every time when Y/n isn't present, it is almost like a war ground between the two. Like a competition on who can bring down the others the fastest and the most, it is also a rather toxic argument. The words that came out of their mouths and to each other is impossible to even imagine what they might've said

Even the sweet-hearted Y/n can't imagine such vulgar words that could've come out of those two. On the other hand, Chiharu started to spend more time with him, personally. Like it is only them and no one else, either they are at the park together or decided to go to the mall. With the hand holding and sitting close to him, and touching his thighs and shoulder. Passerby often mistake them as a dating couple well, Y/n was the only one clearing it up for people who thought they were, but Chiharu on the other hand didn't make an effort to clear any misunderstanding up.

Almost as wanting all this to happen. He didn't want his friendship with her to be strained because of that. Always reminding her that they are just friends or sometimes rejecting her lightly. Of course she didn't care and continues to do so. But she doesn't do it in front of Asher nor Tobias at all. Knowing his possessive nature over Y/n and how things would get ugly if he finds out. That isn't all there is to it, when the four go to places together, their eyes are on Y/n. From looking at the boy's features to the shape of his body.

They are young kids with a growing mind. Having an attraction to this one boy. Y/n doesn't even know it, the three almost constantly making a discreet move on him in hope to be with him alone. Almost a competition on who can spend more time with Y/n. To this point, are they his friends only because they have a crush on him? Are they willing to go far for


And his teacher of course is a great guy, like a best friend to him too, always watching old films together after school when Y/n got the time and helping his homework. As time progressively goes by, he spent less and less time with the three and more with Mr. Bridgeton. The two developing a tight bond together, beside watching films, Bridgeton would often bring lunches for them both and buy small gifts too. Giving Y/n easy grades for simple favors like helping him set up class to playing a game to occasionally giving the older man a back massage. It was really enjoyable to the young boy with helping and playing games as he didn't think too much about his teacher's reason for all this nor the relationship between the two can lead to something rather unexpected for the naive boy.

The sounds of unclear speech fills his ears, his eyes blinked as he regains his focus. With the bright light that appears from the screen made his eyes squint while being in a dark room. Quiet chatters were also to be heard at first, looking at his surroundings, class wasn't over yet. He couldn't hear anything now, nor feel. Like he is in a void with people, trying to make a grunt out of his mouth but it became quiet.

It didn't take too long for him to start getting worried. He placed his hand on his throat making a grunt to see if he can feel the vibrations. He can but like before, it didn't emit a sound. Then the quiet chatters became easier for him to hear despite not being able to hear anything before.

"Mr. Bridgeton is so close to Y/ weird."

"Y/n, can you really trust your friends?"

"Rid of him before it's too late Y/n!"

With just a palm on the back of his shoulders was enough to make him wake up. His whole body flinched which made the desk shakes. Grabbing the attention of the few, letting out small laughs. He was sleeping all this time, he thought he was awake. People can hear him now too? So odd...not expected at all.

"Hey kid, you were grunting there, wanna make sure you okay."

Bridgeton said, Y/n blushed from realization. He had make noises in his sudden dream. Muttering "S-sorry." While putting his head down. All that sleeping in class is really getting to him. After all, Tobias muttering and talking in his sleep kept him all up that night. Not being sure wether if he was going through a nightmare or just developed a habit of sleep talking.

Shaking and then placing his hand on his forehead after. Glancing down at his paper to see that he hadn't answer his questions and back at the tv, seeing that it is almost finishing. Before he could think any further, Bridgeton told him, "Hey don't fret, you can finish this after school." Making him let out a heavy exhale.

"Thank you Mr. Bridg- Ah um..K-Kain." Y/n whispers his teacher first name at the end. Not being confident on if it is a good idea to say it out loud in front of the class. Which only leaves the adult laughing and patting his back with a gentle rub at the end. "You're welcome kid!" He said before he made only few steps to his desk. Which again Y/n is sitting in front of the teacher.

With the remaining minutes left to the film, the boy tried to write all the answers there is to at least do something. He set the pencil down as the ending came and credits started rolling. Him and the rest of the students started packing up to go to lunch. Rubbing his wrist as he stood up, starting to pack his stuff up too.

He took the paper and hands it to Mr. Bridgeton, the teacher's hand brushed against Y/n's but in a certain manner the young boy can't quite point out before taking the paper. "Well you've finished this faster then I expected but hey, still up for watching old films again?" The teacher said which in response the boy said.

"Yeah, I am really excited. Lets not forget to play sports after too." With a warm smile on the young boy's face. Conversing with his teacher, before the two talk any more, the bell had rung. Sending Y/n back to his desk to gather his backpack and books and waved Mr. Bridgeton goodbye while leaving his classroom.

With the same smile on his face, as he walked out of the classroom, he was instantly stopped by Tobias. Of course it seems like he knows where all of his classes are because Tobias often stopped Y/n after each and every classes. Easily getting used to the unexpected presence of him. "You seem so happy today, why's that?" Tobias asks, sounding rather quiet and careful in his tone as if he wanted to know what's going on between the people he is with.

Y/n was quick enough to shake his head, "Oh it's nothing, just won't be going home again today."

"It's something, where you get the gifts from? You...have someone crushing on you or what?" Tobias asks him again, this time sounding impatient. Y/n didn't feel comfortable answering that question because he thought he would earn a negative response from Tobias. His teacher, Kain often said that many people think it is weird to give gifts to people and often are mean about it so it wouldn't be a good idea to tell others that. Instead of answering Tobias's question, he turned his heel and walked away.

As the boy felt a tug on his arm and stumbled backward, Tobias was the one who pulled him by the arm. "Answer me Y/n, where you get these stuff from, cause all of it are expensive.." the other shook his head and jerk his arm away from him. "Stop asking me all that, leave me alone." Y/n said, his brows furrowed before walking away. Tobias loosing his line of sight of him when bunch of students flooded the hallways. He clenched his fist with a clear expression of frustration.

Feeling as if someone is staring at him which got him to turn his head, facing the door of Y/n's teacher classroom to see both the door open and the teacher present. Most would say Bridgeton wasn't looking so cheerful, since he heard the conversation between Y/n and Tobias. "I think it's time for you to head to your class young man." Mr. Bridgeton said with a forced smile on his face, obvious enough for Tobias to see through it.

He turns himself facing the teacher, "Stay away from Y/n...stay fucking away..." Tobias said, his threats coated with anger and obvious hatred to the teacher. But all he got was a scoff from the other, "You are so funny, but me and Y/n are tight together, no wonder why he doesn't spend time with you~" Bridgeton said, with a wide grin on his face but covered it with his hand so other kids walking pass them wouldn't notice part of his true nature.

Tobias know with his current situation he can't attack the actual sick teacher without getting in any annoying troubles. Forcing himself to calm down with a crooked smile, "We'll see about th...that." He stumbled with his speech, keeping sure to force on that happy smile before turning away. His mind now stormed with various thoughts and plans, constantly thinking how Mr. Bridgeton is dangerous between their relationship and to Y/n himself.

Oh no, he wouldn't allow that to happen at all. Cause that teacher is a major threat, and just like his father, he need to be gone as soon as possible. But ruin the sick teacher's life too so no one feel sympathy for that man's death and be glad he is dead. Tobias's head drooped down, quiet laughter escaping from his mouth. A great plan came up to his head but first, the hardest thing he have to do is wait for the perfect time.

Lunch was as usual of today, Y/n ate with Asher this time as a change from always eating with Mr. Bridgeton as Tobias ate with Chiharu. And the teacher just staring at the young boy from afar. As much wouldn't notice but there is so much intensity roaming in the cafeteria, wait no, the school, as things may go down under at least two weeks. People's lives would get ruined or not, maybe it was just a mask to trick others.

But yes, who would know what Tobias got in store for the teacher. Or what the teacher got in store for Tobias.

Y/n is eating the sandwich that is served today form the cafeteria, biting down into the fluffy bread. With lettuce, tomato, turkey slices all together in layers equals a good sandwich. Asher couldn't help himself but stare at the other boy, and would sometime take a few bites of his lunch. Already enjoying the fact that Tobias and Chiharu isn't in the way so he can have some time with Y/n by himself.

With time passing by, only the quite fills between the two and of course other kids chattering around the cafeteria. As Y/n doesn't mind it at all, enjoying his lunch while Asher, kept on trying to find the perfect opportunity to ask him to hangout or, even bolder on a date. He didn't want to keep it to himself and worst, loose the opportunity to be around the other more. The boy's eyes shut as he said, "Let's go somewhere this weekend!" It was almost a shout, but it was enough to grab Y/n's attention.

"This weekend? Uhm.." He said, while thinking about it, looking down on the table before his hand on his chin. Remembering that Kain, Mr. Bridgeton said that the two will be together this weekend. To which he shook his head no, "Sorry I already got plans!"

Hearing from that made Asher bummed out instantly, which made him mutter, "With...who?"

It made Y/n raise a brow since he didn't heard him at first asking, "What did you say??"

"I said, with who?" Asher repeated himself, hint of jealously is all around his tone.

Once again Y/n shook his head, "Can't tell you Asher." That confused the other even more, thinking about why not and how weird that is. "But-" Before Asher was able ask any more questions, the bell rung as Y/n sprung up from his seat, taking the tray and waving Asher goodbye with a smile and walked away. Trying to run away and quickly get to his class, of course Asher was able to notice it, which lead him to huff before picking up his tray and went off.

The rest of the school day went by quickly, the bell ring at last indicating the students it is time to go home. Students can be seen tuning out of their classroom and out of the school, Y/n on the other hand was just packing up his stuff from his last class, swinging his backpack on his back before exiting the class.

Walking through the crowded hallways with many students and staffs going into different directions, constantly having his shoulders getting bumped by others, letting out a huff before taking a different turn which leads him to a less crowded hallway. Making it easier for him to leave the school without getting into so many people.

A faint voice calling out Y/n's name grew louder, which made the young boy wondering who is calling his name, turning his head to see Tobias who clearly seem to be out of breath. The black haired boy wiped the sweat on his forehead before looking at Y/n, cupping his face before kissing him gently on the forehead, whispering, " Je te protégerai pour toujours..." before hugging Y/n tightly and dashing away.

Which made Y/n confused, it was all sudden to him.

"Huh..?" He said to himself, a warm feeling spread across his face, he cupped his face to feel his face is all warm, now looking flushed. Shaking his head to clear his gushing thoughts as he begins to walk his way back out of the school. Now on his way to pass the massive gate that is the entrance to the school.

But not very far, he can see two people waving at his directions, squinting his eyes to get a better view from where he was at to see, seeing that it is his parents..but, why are they here? Is the exact thought that went off in Y/n's mind. Good thing he wasn't too far from them as speeds up his pace, easily closing the large gap between himself and his parents.

"Mom..Dad, what are you guys doing here?" Y/n asks as soon he came up to them.

"We are meeting Mr. Bridgeton of course, good thing you are here, you can come with us." His dad said, "I've saw Tobias on the bike, kind of sad that he didn't say hi to us before he left, he seem busy." His mom added with a light shrug.

"How come I never knew about any of this?" Y/n asked, a nervous or anxious feeling, or something begins to bubble up inside him.

"Well, just an hour ago your teacher had called us to talk about how you doing in class and...said there is other stuff to talk about regarding your other classes." His Mom said, almost trailing off to remember the rest. Then she turned her head to see the teacher approaching them and looks back at Y/n and his Dad, "Your teacher is here at last, cmon you two." She said, walking to Mr. Bridgeton, shaking his hand.

The two adults greet each other, Kain and Y/n exchanging couple of glances before Y/n avert his gaze away, scooting himself a little far from his teacher to hide behind his father. Getting his head ruffled by his dad before all four of them entered back to the school again. A raging feeling, or something related to frustration is building up inside the young boy, he couldn't quite pin-point where that such feelings came from nor why he feels such way at Mr. Bridgeton.

"Everything alright little guy?"

Y/n looked up to see that it was his dad talking to him before turning his head down and turned away. With a light shrug, he doesn't know what to say, emitting a soft "Ehhhmm." His dad didn't say anything else before giving his son a small and tight hug. His mother and Mr. Bridgeton is having a swell time talking to each other, ranging from favorite films to places they either went or want to go. Y/n's Dad can be seen to feel a little envy, but shrugs it off. He knows his wife always get along with others instantly, even the wrong people.

"Alright finally, this is my class so come in!" Mr. Bridgeton said, opening the door to his class and let them all in. His mom said thank you and exchanged a smile to the teacher as he smiles back. But his father did a short nod and nothing else. Y/n on the other hand just entered inside the classroom with no further interaction.

The three took a seat on the desk while Bridgeton pulled in his seat from his desk and sat there.

"First of, it is wonderful to meet you two, Y/n's parents." He said, using one of his usual charming smile which easily made Y/n's mom smiled again.

"My name is Mr. Bridgeton, I'm not too much of a old guy so feel free to call me Kain." He added with a laugh.

"Kain is such a nice name, so unique!" His mom said, then his dad said, "You teach students movies and tv shows that it?" With his arms crossed, seemingly obvious that he doesn't like the teacher.

"Oh nono, not just that, I'm also a history teacher sooo..I just like to add history with films." Mr. Bridgeton quickly explained, he nervously laughed at the end.

Y/n's mom gently nudged his dad quietly whispering to him, "You scaring your son's teacher already!" She said, "Well I'm always like that to everyone." He replies back, leading into a small yet hushed argument. Y/n glances at Kain to which he glances back, to the young boy it was hard to keep eye contact as once again he turned his head down and away.

"Ah sorry Kain, my husband…over here is always like that to everyone Y/n and our other sweetheart Tobias meets." His mother said while her grip on his dad is in a deadly grip, instantly shutting up from taking any more. "Oh it's finee, and that name Tobias, kinda ring something." Bridgeton said as he can't quite figure out exactly who.

"Pushing that aside I want to say that Y/n is doing great in class and there is an upcoming project later on about historical moments in the film industry." The teacher said, wanting to erase the lingering uncomfortable atmosphere. Noticing he hadn't gotten much of a reaction from both the parents and Y/n, thinking of an idea from the back in his head last minute.

"And in the following month, there will be a field trip and I know how much Y/n looks forward to such things." Is something that got the boy's attention.

"What kind of field trip?" Y/n asks himself which earn himself a light laugh, "Now you can speak, M/n, your son is such a shy one." Which made his mom and teacher exchange short laughs before he added, "It is a surprise for the class but it is something about going to three places at a time."

A sound of awe came from the young boy's mouth which made the adult smile before Bridgeton says, "Other than that, it's best for you to know how your son is doing in class." Before going on and discussing school related stuff. It is easily enough to bore Y/n, he excused himself to go to the bathroom and walked out of the classroom.

Something feels wrong to him, walking his way to the nearest bathroom. Something out of place, something kept on making him upset. At Kain for some reason, so many complex thoughts roam in the kid's head. He shouldn't have to worry so much about it, he washed his hands and went on to dry it.

He remembered something, there isn't going to be any field trips because, the school allow it after a month to finish few tests and quizzes for all grades, Kain said the wrong math teacher, and he isn't interested in something that is about (insert activities you don't like). Y/n wonders if he accidentally got them wrong and meant the other teachers or, something else.

"Huh..mmm." He boy hummed to himself as he exits the bathroom and walks his way back to the classroom. The school feels abandoned and empty, of course because there is no faint chattering in the school and only the buzzing of the ac makes the school less abandoned. Once he reaches to the classroom and opens the door, he sees his parents shaking Mr. Bridgeton's hand.

"Y/n you came back in time to go, surprisingly." His dad said, his mom picking up her purse. "That seems quick." Y/n responded as he rose a brow, looking at his parents exiting the classroom. As he follows them, a hand which turns out to be Bridgeton's is place on his shoulder and he turned around.

"Let's talk for a little bit and I let you go hm?"

"Oh uhm, fine." Y/n said, only to stay quiet after saying that. Which doesn't bug the teacher, instead he asks, "Is everything going ok? You seem mad at me."

He shook his head but stopped, his brows furrows, "I actually don't know how to explain why I'm mad."

"Is it because you are worried about how people think of the bond we have, your friends keeps on asking you questions, and worry about if this is wrong?" Mr. Bridgeton said, all of this is what went on Y/n's mind, and yet he piece together the right words to explain it all.

Leading him to nod his head, "Y-yeah, all that." He said. Now being taken into a warm but tight embrace. "Don't worry about any of that.