Model Hostage

Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 00: 46

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234.

Done trading with Aba, I returned to the card lab to finally get started with the creation of a custom blow-up doll card template for Vivian. 

Without any further ado, I activated my soul pupils while ordering Hive AI to record my mental strength pattern as it interacted with the ingredients while I created the card. I took a common core and a slime spirit core and placed them on the card creation page of my grimoire. Then I transferred the soul pathways of the slime spirit core into the common core. Next, I took 10 wood wisp cores to enhance the soul pathways of a slime spirit empowering it with enough vitality for it to materialize its body and withstand further enhancement by the runes.