High Tension

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 04:14

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Outskirts 

"Big brother? Kid, are you mocking me?" The jet-black monster worm glared at me and an ominous aura covered my monster worm body. 

"Was I not obvious enough?" I asked the devil with a scorn-filled gaze. 

"How dare you a puny mortal look down on me," The ominous aura oozing out of the jet-black monster worm strengthened by a few folds.

"Shut the fuck up, Belphegor," I cussed Belphegor knowing that he could not hurt me since I knew his true name. 

"..." the jet-black monster worm glared at me but did not dare to speak a word. But his glare spoke all he wanted to say. 

"I bet you are regretting your choice to become a devil merchant right about now aren't you, Belphegor?" I taunted Belphegor. 

"Regret? Kid, you still don't know what true regret is," Belphegor said grudgingly