Sense Of Urgency

Date- 7 April 2321

Time- 04:34

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Royal Palace, Guest Palace

Ann's imagination ran wild learning that Jill Norley was the woman who bedded her young lover. What hurt her more was the fact that the boy looked into Anna's eyes and claimed that the other girl did not matter to him, only to learn that he was still in contact with her. Ann was now not only brimming with jealousy and hate for Jill but felt weak and stupid. Which caused her mind to go as far as to contemplate that the boy was so stubborn about joining Morningstar University because of Jill Norley. 

"Girl, what you are saying doesn't make sense, a little context would help," Colleen said with a frown. Just knowing that Jill Norley was related to that man had her worried for the boy, she did not have time for Ann's romantic drama but she choose to remain patient.