Uncrowned Ruler

Date- -/-

Time- -/-

Location- Reverse Dungeon, Yellow Plains Planet, Freedom Fighters Secret Base

*Clap**Clap**Clap* the demigod in charge of freedom fighter's finance began to applaud and then with a sneer, he mocked Luna saying, "Isn't this a hoot. You found a new way to spew bullshit. You could not prove that the illusions in the VR-Universe are living beings so you came up with a neat way to con us in to believing that those illusions are living beings by saying that they have their definition of reality and living beings and we would not look at them with our definition of reality and living beings. Bravo Luna, only you can sell such bullshit. 

If the illusions are living beings from their definition then what are we according to their definition? Illusions maybe?"