
Date- ???

Time- ??? 

Location- Reverse Dungeon, Yellow Plain Planet, Freedom Fighter's Base, Plague Palace, Sector DS0909, Infinity Library

Above all, Wyatt wondered, since the Librarian had decided to ban him as a favor to Belphegor then why did Zaltan accept his appeal and patiently explained to him what actually had transpired. 

"How can you just ban a paid member?" Wyatt asked Zaltan.

"Since you are already a paid member, we could not completely ban you so we flagged your card over suspicious activities such that you will not be able to access the books of the Infinity library. Once your subscription ends we do not plan on extending it instead we will permanently ban it, stopping you from ever stepping foot into any branch of the Infinity Library. After all, we reserve the right to whom we want to provide our service," Zaltan patiently explained to Wyatt what was actually going on.