let's try again.

Moin has another identify that not known by Many. His uncle is an inner elder of the sect. Even if something happened His uncle would be the one to take Care of it. And more importantly, his uncle has the potential to become more strong. With his uncles' support, not many people dare to touch him.

"Thanks to me you guys are safe today". Moin said with a proud expression.

"what an outer elder can do anyway!" Iver with a snort.

"Anyways do you guys plan on joining any alliance?". Asked by moin. For many days he has been thinking about this, but it was just in his mind and never thought seriously. But now he is serious about this.

He doesn't have a clear knowledge of how strong Ayan is. Maybe in his view, he is the most promising genius he has ever seen. There is a high possibility he will become one of the strongest characters in the future.