earning extra money

Everything she asked he just gave it to her. Everything she wished for as long as it was within his grasp he would give it to her.

She even waste the pill he buy with all of his Fortune and wealth for his breakthrough. In the end he failed to step into the revolving core. But he didn't said anything to her.

She created many problems like fighting will other kid . Bullying others or taking Away something from another person , he still supported her . After all she is the only person he love In the entire world.

There is no one who take more placed in his heart other then her. But as time passed she start to create more problems. But now he mess with someone who even enslaved him.

 "What will happened if he says he will take her life for disrespecting him, will i be able to do something? He can control my full body with one word" just by thinking this Lewis body tremble slightly.