4 oh thy prince, please grace us with your presence

this is very tiresome.

I dozed off as my teacher kept going on and on about the history of this world. I am a 10 year old, miss ma'am. A literal child that is supposed to be playing instead of studying right now.

"Young miss," the teacher called, I jumped from her voice, "I'll be leaving." she smiled. I gave a polite smile back and watched as she left the room.

Sigh. I slumped back down my chair, I spaced out staring at nothing in particular. This is so boring.

the door opened revealing Clara with a cart of sweets. "young miss?" she questioned.

I jumped from my seat and grabbed a macaroon, "I'm really bored, Clara." I complain. "Is there anything that we can do other than studying?"

she thought for a moment, "what about we play chest!" she suggested happily.

I frowned and shook my head aggressively, "that's so boring!" I glared at her and slumped down the chair as if I were melting into the chair. "I'm boreddddd!!"

she sweatdropped as she wave her hand around the air. I jumped up when an idea crossed my mind, "let's sneak out to town!" I jumped from my seat with stars shining in my eyes.

her whole face paled, "young miss we cannot! my lady and master will get—" I put a hand on her mouth to stop her blabbering.

"they won't if no one sees us!" I smiled, skipping to my closet excitedly. I pulled out a cape that was big enough to cover my face. I presented myself infront of her, "see? no one would suspect it's me!"

she hesitantly opened and closed her mouth, "but young miss..." I removed the hood from my face and pouted giving her my best puppy eyes.

"please?" I begged with my puppy eyes. She blushed and rethink her decision before finally sighing in surrender.

I jumped in joy, we sneaked out of the manor with our heads low. I was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with red skirt that reached below my knees and ankle length boots.

I stared in bewilderment as I watch people bustle through the streets. "wow!" I walked to a stand that sold apple candies, "Clara look at this!" I yelled to Clara who was stood next to me.

I happily took out enough money for two candy apples. Saying my thank you to the vendor and passing one candy apple to Clara.

"Young miss, haven't we been outside for far too long?" Clara worriedly asked, "shouldn't we go back home?"

rolling my eyes at her words I turned to her, "Clara we've only been out for atleast a minute or so, what are you spouting?"

she shook her head, "I'm just worried about your health, young miss." I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

"you're older than me, you can just call me Mara." I stated. She aggressively shook her head to the point it'd probably fall off her neck.

"I cannot do that." she answered. I stared at her thoughtfully, "how about you just call me that when we're alone?" I suggested with a smile although it was hidden by the hood of the cape.

we walked around town for an hour, I stood outside a bar as I waited for Clara to come back. She had to use the washroom.

I stared at the peasants that were walking infront of me. there were children that ran around laughing thoughtlessly. I hummed a tune quietly waiting for Clara.

out of nowhere I hear a shout from one of the vendor, "how dare you! you thief!" the vendor shouts in anger.

I looked over the voice of the man. He was shouting at a small figure who had a cape draped over their self and a hood to cover their face. They were sitting on the hard ground.

"get put of here!" the man shouted again, the figure stood up and walked away with their head held low.

I walked up the vendor with my hood off my head, I handed him money and he handed me a bag of apples. He grinned as the money fell onto his hand. I stared disapprovingly at the greedy vendor.

I looked back at the bar door and saw that Clara was still not out. I thought she'd take much more time and walked to where the hooded person walked off to.

I found them at a dark alley with two other hooded people, they seem to be discussing something but I ws too far away to hear their voices.

I shook the fear away and approached them, "hey excuse me!" I called with a soft smile. They stood still as they saw me approach them. "sorry for disturbing you but I saw the commotion earlier and thought I'd give you these."

I handed the hooded person whom was the same height as I the bag of apples. I scratched the back of my head. "it's not much to fill one's stomach but I hope that helps." I laughed silently to myself.

the hooded person 'stared' at me for a second "you—"

"WHAAAA! YOUNG MISS!"l I heard Clara from the distance.

I turned by my heel and look behind me to see Clara childishly running to me with snort and tears dripping down her face.

"Clara?!" I shouted as she gripped my wrist. "you almost gave me heart attack! I thought you were lost or worst kidnapped!" she yelled on the top of her lungs and squeezed the heck out of me.

"ahahaha," I laughed nervously.

she pulled away from the hug and noticed the sun setting, "we need to leave now." she announced dragging me back home by my wrist.

"but—" I tried to protest but was still dragged away, I turned my head back to the three hooded people that were watching the whole fiasco.

I waved at them weakly with a small smile as a form of goodbye. Today sure was a long day.


"my lord," one of the hooded man called out to the shorter hooded figure. "we must leave now."

"I second to that," the other hooded figure agreed pulling the hood off his head. his red hair, hazel brown eyes and coffee brown skin was truly gorgeous. His name was Paul Zen Ramirez and he was a knight.

The other person also pulled off the hood that covered her silky blonde hair, long lashes, blue eyes and pale white skin. she was Grace Nanama. "your grace we must leave immediately."

the shortest out of the trio nodded his head and pulled the hood off. his silver hair, long lashes, blazing red eyes, and pale skin reflected the golden rays of the setting sun. he was the crown prince, Ethan Elise Vern.

he nodded his head and walked behind the two knights.

"that girl sure was interesting." he voiced as the picture of the black haired beauty played inside his head, racking his brain in shambles.

"you seem interested, my lord." Paul teased the shortest of them. The gray haired child only stared ahead, seeming to be bored.

"she seemed to be from a privilege family." Grace voiced her opinion, "not to mention, isn't black hair a rare colour for hair?"

the gray haired kid only remained silent as the two bickered of the girl with raven black hair's origin. no one would've expected for the crown prince to fall in love with a girl whom he had just met a few minutes ago.

Mara never expectted for her life to be hectic after this encounter. She had just tried to help a 'begar' that had been 'starved'.