8 why is this man here?

my eyebrows twitched as the scene infront of me unfold. the damn crown prince was here again. sitting on my couch, arms crossed hovering above his chest and eyes closed. the two knights that were guarding him had a warm yet warning smile plastered on their face.

"why are you here?" I asked bluntly with a frown. Clara whom was behind me gasped and stuttered to try and explain my behaviour.

"you are too blunt with me." the prince glared, uncrossing his arms and opening his eyes.

rolling my eyes I retorted sarcastically. "oh forgive me dear prince for I have wronged you. what load of bullcrap." I whispered the last part quietly in order for no one but me to hear.

letting out an annoyed tsk he looked at me with annoyed eyes, "we are supposed to be married, we must get along as you are going to be my wife."

smiling sickly sweet I replied, "and as your future wife I would like a divorce immediately."

"hmm," he hummed and stretched a hand for the cup of tea waiting to be drunk, "you are quite rude for a lady."

"what has my gender have to do with this?" I angrily asked him with a glare that screamed murder. my glare caused the knights to flinch and rest a hand on the hilt of their sword.

he seemed to have not noticed my glare, because he continued. "a proper lady is supposed to support their husband and not go around talking and acting like a man."

𝐼 𝑠𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑑.

I slammed my hand on the table that shook from the force, the tea on it spilling everywhere in the process. the knights jumped from their place. the prince had his eyes widened. Clara had her soul coming out of her mouth.

"men like you are scum," I glared as he opened and closed his mouth as if he were a fish that was pulled out of the water. "you are only giving me more reasons not to marry you, because you are nothing but trash, and I deserve more than trash. For I am a gem that is surrounded by fools."

I stood straight and glared coldly once more, "and just so we're clear, I 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐄 you." and with those words out of the way I walked out the room, slamming the door closed in the process.