Chapter 2: General Harold

(Chapter 2 is set 5 years after chapter 1 in the perspective of Orion)

It was a sunny morning in eastern capital, and the eastern monke corps trainees have just finished their training. I woke up feeling like a big steaming pile of monkey trash, as I had no sleep because of the harsh training I received last night. We had to wake up early because of the ceremony turning us trainees into full monke warriors. In monke training you can pick a speciality weapon out of the five classes, (spear class, sword class, hammer class, axe class and flail class) I picked sword class since it was the easiest, with the hardest being flail class. The only monkey I know that chose the flail is one of my friends, Monkassia, she was one of the most skilled flail monkeys In the trainee monkeys. The second most common class was spear, with the soldier that saved me, Ash, being the most skilled spearmen in the army. Hammer and Axe class was rare but not as rare as flails, usually the people using hammer and axe were in the top 100 trainees as they were complicated.

As I went down stairs to have breakfast I was greeted by one of the top 100 trainees standing on the table, her name was Thoterana and she was an axe user. Although she is skilled she has one issue, she has dated at least 60 of the trainee monkeys in the last five years, the people who date her only do it for her ravishing monkey looks, as she has the personality of wet lettuce. She was shouting at the top of her lungs at her latest boyfriend for some reason. Because she was as illiterate as a blabbering squirrel all that I could make out coming from her mouth was that of the incoherent blabbers of a pile of new born giraffes. Because she was so loud she alerted one of the guards and because of that we were 2 minutes late to the ceremony and we missed registration.

The ceremony took place in the centre of the city, with a massive stage in the middle. I was assuming we were getting visited by the almighty chad of a monkey war general Harold, a skilled battle axe user that has crossbow aim of the gods. He has over 5000 confirmed kills with his crossbow alone. "you're late, Orion" , Said Monkassia, not very visually agitated but I could tell she was. "Sorry, It was Thoterana getting her monke garments in a twist again", I replied. Monkassia responded back with a humph, she didnt like Thoterana that much because she is a stupid twat and yet has a higher ranking, Monkassia was number 58 in skill and Thoterana was 39. All of a sudden a blast of trumpets played as confetti was blown onto the stage. Everyone was startled by it. Jumping out from under the stage War General Harold launched him self onto the stage. "BEHOLD TRAINEES!! IT IS I THE GREAT WAR GENERAL HAROLD, THE MOST STRONG, POWERFUL, AGILE AND SKILLED BABBOONS OF ALL TIME!!!! AND I ALSO HAVE A LOT OF WOMEN FRIENDS!!! OH SO MANY WOMEN!!! I AM HERE TO TELL YOU TODAY YOU SHALL BE SELECTED INTO YOUR SKILL BASED GARRISONS!!!!!! I AM SUPPOSED TO OVERSEE THIS BUT I HAVE TO ATTEND TO MY WOMEN FRIENDS!!!! DID I MENTION MY WOMEN FRIENDS?". What the actual hell. I expected the great monke god of war to be a bit more... well composed, instead it seems he's a bit of a playboy, good on him though I guess. I was hoping I would get into the Shadow Monke garrison, as it was a garrison focusing on stealth operation and infiltration of western cities. As we lined up to be selected the annoying news of us having to be selected last came to us, as we were late. I just prayed that the shadow claw garrison has a space left once I get there. Usually only top 100 trainees get into shadow claw, and I wasn't top 100, I was 136 but there was still hope as stealth was my best statistic. There is 5 stats monkeys get tested on while in the trainees, physical strength, intelligence, stealth, speed and weapon skill. My worst stat was physical strength but I still had hope to get in a good garrison. I saw the leaders of all 15 garrisons in the army, Sword wrath garrison, Monkey Shadow garrison, shadow claw, spearman garrison, bulwark garrison, rampart garrison, hammer apes, axe apes, flail god garrison, frontline garrison, trench garrison, warcry garrison, flank garrison, shield garrison and the most powerful garrison, East genesis. I felt like I was in the line for hours, after all there was 500 trainees, but I was so relieved when I got to the end though, but that relief was replaced with agitation when the selectee said "your statistics seem good enough to join the shadow claws but they're full so you can be in monkey shadow". My face turned pale and i clenched my fist. Why couldn't have I at least got into flank or sword wrath, but instead I have to get into the reject version of shadow claw that is full of virgin idiots. Since my training group was last I was greeted by two of my friends, Jomnonke and Bertmonkdt, "so what did you get Orion? I got East genesis and Bertmonkdt got Shadowclaw". WHAT THE HELL, WHY ME. I wasn't too surprised by Jomnonke getting east genesis, as he was number 5 in skill, BUT BERTMONKDT GETTING SHADOW CLAW, HE LITERALLY SPECIALIZES IN HAMMER CLASS, HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE STEALTHY WITH A HAMMER?! "I got monkey shadow, because shadowclaw was full..." I said depressingly. " Awwww tough luck Orion :(, maybe one day you could get an opportunity to switch" Bertmonkdt replied. "well we are going to go over to Elesa, you know the monkey with number 1 skill rank ? so see ya" Jomnonke said smugly. Although Jomnonke and Bertmonkdt were close friends of mine they are very arrogant sometimes, as they both come from noble families. Bertmonkdt was part of the Banasniara family, a family that comes from the west originally but sided with the east once the war started, they get their money from the banana industry, a food that is rare ever since the war started, and Jomnonke comes from the Monkifurippu family, originating from Asia, they get theyre money from selling swords and owning a martial arts private school. I saw Monkassia walk towards me with another top ranking flail user I think is called Molucas Jonmonkaro. " let me guess, you both are in flail god?" I said to Monkassia. She smiled and said "Of course! and you got into shadowclaw?". I felt to embarrassed to tell her the truth but i went with it "actually shadowclaw was full so I got into the beta shadowclaw full of monkey virgins" my face turned red in embarrassment whilst Molucas said "Oh. My. GOD. I have never met someone so unlucky in my monke life!!!". The alarm went of meaning that there was two hours until we got into our first battle, so we went to prepare.

Two hours later and we are in dropships preparing to jump into a battlefield just outside of a trading City called Portmonkem. The westerners were trying to attempt a sabotage on our trade. Whilst everyone else got into their parachutes Bertmonkdt just lied around on the seats "Are you not dropping of here?" I questioned him. "Actually no, I'm dropping of in Wesmonkarenianausan for a recon mission" he answered. "The westerner capital?" I added. "Yes its gonna be dangerous but ill be fine". He replied. I gave him a nod then jumped out the plane. The monkey shadow squad was sent to support the flank garrison in infiltrating the westerner forts they set up. Whilst I was falling I saw western forces arming catapults. I froze. The same design as the ones that decimated everyone I knew and loved. I remembered the pain and trauma those catapults gave me. I was lost in my own memories I tried to forget but always remembered. I snapped backed to reality seconds before it was too late to activate my parachute and ended up fine. I got my swords ready as I fell slowly to the ground. But then I heard the same noises I heard when they launched the boulders 5 years ago, but they didn't launch boulders this time, they were bombs. I was safe because I was in the air ,but the monkeys on the ground weren't. thankfully since my squad was outside the blast zones but then I looked up to the dropship I launched out of. One of the bombs made direct contact with the dropship and it was blown into bits. Bertmonkdt and a few of his comrades were still in that dropship, but now they have been probably ripped apart, blasted into pieces. After 5 years another one of my friends are dead. Why me.

Chapter 3 coming soon...