Chapter 4: The hostage

I had to go to Afrimonica quickly , before the do anything to Monkassia, This may be a trap but i have to make sure shes alright. "Hello my heroic monke child, Have you rested well? Actually no time for that i have news for you boy, you have proven yourself as a strong and competent monke soldier, in order for you to truly hone these skilled we have decided to promote you to the East Genesis garrison, temporarily though, unless you prove that you can be a true member." Harold said whilst entering my room. I couldnt beleive what i was hearing, Ive been in the army for 1 days and im already promoted to the best garrison there is. This almost distracted me from the fact that Monkassia was imprisoned. "Im honoured sir, But i received a letter from the person that destroyed Grand monkem tower, take a look" I handed him the letter. He scanned it vigorously before gasping. "They didnt leave any coordinates just a city so i dont know how we'l-". he cut me off. "Ive received a letter like this before. The kidnapper he... Killed my wife because i couldnt find where she was kept. Turns out... If you just... Add a little bit of ink too the corner of the letter... Ah Ha! He waterproofed the corner so if you put ink on itll revealed writing, it says shes in a abandoned warehouse in the industrial district of Afrimonica, I know exactly where it is, as when i was a child, before the split i lived near there" . I was surprised by the abstract way of hiding stuff, but releived we know where Monkassia potentially is. "Great we'll head there now then?" I suggested. "No youre still injured, and we have to get recon before rushing in, we'll send spies for about 2 days before setting of, so rest child" Harold said before leaving the room.

As i had 2 days i decided to explore the Army Castle. Since i now have access to the extended areas, as im in East Genesis, i went around looking at all the relics and army stuff they have in the castles chambers. As i walked around my eyes caught something in a dark hallway. I went other and saw it was my friend, Ash. "Hey ash!" i shouted. He was startled. "what are you doing here?" I asked. Oh... Its nothing im just..." I ripped off his suspiciously long jacket before a book fell out. "Whats this then..." I said picking the book up. "WAIT" He shouted "Thats Horanesse's diary, she asked me too look after it whilst she had to go shopping as she didnt want anyone reading it. You see last time Jomnonke snook in and read it, but i got bored and read it so please dont read it because its disrespectful". I looked at him suspiciously "Ok then" I said whilst throwing the book back. You better stop reading it then or else you would be a hypocrite. "Yeah yeah, So have your injuries healed much?" he asked. "Not really, im very burnt but other than that im fine" i replied. "good too know, how about we go get some breakfast?" He requested, I nodded in agreement. Me and ash went to a fancy restaurant for elites. God i love being called and elite. The food was good but i was preoccupied by the thoughts about Monkassia, i still have much to tell her. At the restaurant we had just eggs and toast, a basic breakfast but better than usual. Me and Ash discussed what we think harold will come up with as a plan to get Monkassia back, Thinking about it why does he care that much about Monkassia? "So do you know why Harold cares about Monkassia so much? he seemed saddened by the fact she was missing" I asked. Since Ash sometimes got to attend some meetings with harold. "I dont know much but from what ive gathered is that she is important somehow, not because of power, she just is.". Hmmm, strange...

After a couple days passed i was healed enough and we knew the information need too sneak around to Afrimonica without being seen. Since planes are too noisy we decided to use an abandoned railway that goes into West Monkeria and links to the abandoned warehouse Monkassia is in. We've decided ill go in alone and let out a signal if its a trap, About 25 soldiers will be hiding inside and 200 outside. In the train people were muttering on why Monkassia is so important, and a lot of people were blaming me for making Harold rescue my friend but it was partially Harolds idea to get her back as well. I went around the entire train and noticed that Ash wasnt in any carriage. Was he bailing out from this mission? Was that book not actually horanesses diary and some type of plan on avoiding the mission? That was a ridiculous idea but its kind of sketchy he's gone. the sights rapidly changed as we crossed borders as the original capital of monkeria was in the west so valuables were more common in the rest making people richer. The western houses had at least 3 stories with pearly white paints and fancy pillars on the doors.

We arrived at the city in about 5 hours. Luckily there was tracks next to the warehouse that where used to delivery valuables when the warehouse was active. From the looks of it the warehouse has recently seen activity, probably from Monkassia captors. we had a few eastern spies come over to confirm Monkassia location. She was in the middle strapped to a chair, looks like shes the only one in the building, so i went in. The signal i needed too do if there were an attack is simply whacking my sword on the floor as it makes a distinct noise, like an echoing metallic clink. I tip-toed inside as quiet as i could too not alarm anyone who could be hiding inside. I entered the centre of the warehouse and their she was! Monkassia, right their in the middle of a room strapped to a chair with tape over her mouth. She saw me and her eyes opened wide as she started squealing whilst looking at the floor. I went closer and noticed that a bit of the floor was hollow. I heard a noise coming from below it... It sounded like... A thermal charge about to blow...! I quickly jumped out the way and smashed my sword on the floor, Chipping it, but it was a loud enough noise to alert the soldiers. It didnt exactly go to plan as the soldiers set to be inside waiting didnt have enough time to do enter but the outside soldiers were able too rappel down from the broken ceiling. The floor blew as a cloud of smoke erupted from the floor. I noticed the chair monkassia was strapped to was cemented to the floor so i went over to realise her before an enemy took her and before i knew it i was on the floor. Someone tripped me with a weapon and i landed face first on the concrete floor. I rolled over to see who tripped me and i froze... Above me i saw ash with a sad reluctant face holding a spear above his head. He started crying as he muttered "i...I'm sorry..". He was about to swing the spear into my face when i heard the noise of wood breaking. Monkassia had broken out of the chair! Well she was still in the chair she just broke the legs so she wasn't stuck on the floor. She dashed towards Ash and tackled him to the ground. Ash kicked her into the air and ran about 5 meters away until getting a syringe out of his bag. What was he planning? Why did he betray us? WHY WHY WHY WHY?!?!??! Why does everything have to go wrong! My family dies and one of my new family members betrayed me! I realised ash couldn't of been the hooded figure as ash was taller than the average monkey and the one in the tower was the same height as me. So is there another imposter among us? It wasnt the right time to think about that though. Ash injected himself with the strange green fluids in the syringe and he started crying even more until he stopped crying and gained a straight face with bulging open eyes. His body straightened as he stared at the ceiling then looked straight into my soul as his eyes glowed red. What was happening? crystal fractals started spreading around his body until he was encased in what looked a rough vertical oval diamond. I wanted to stop him but i was so shocked that I couldn't move and all the soldiers were busy fighting the enemies that jumped out the floor. All of a sudden more crystals grew out the sides of the large crystal that resembled bones, the bones of legs and arms, then flesh rapidly started forming around the crystal that resembled muscles, then skin. In the time of a few seconds he was some type of monster. Basically a massive monkey with no head and a hole in his chest where you could see the area of the crystal where his head is. Which i assumed is how he sees out of that thing. fleshy tendrils started extending from Ash's head in the crystal as the monster sprung to life and a large slit opened on the creatures stomach as teeth slipped out and he released an almighty roar. Monkassia ripped of her bindings and screamed "HOW!?".

Chapter 5 coming soon...