The next day consisted in nothing but happiness for Xavier. He spent the whole morning in bed with the woman he loved and now his family was coming into their home to spend the day in the pool barbequing up some ribs, tri-tip and hot dogs with all kinds of homemade sides. He loved having his family over to their home on the hot days playing in pool getting wet with his family. Everyone rotated having Sunday dinners at their homes. Everyone started piling in the house and going out back. Xavier loved seeing how comfortable his family has made themselves around their home and the happiness it brought out of Bella. Bella seemed more content when the house had laughter and noise coming out of it, maybe that was because of the last eight years of being alone. He couldn't help but wonder what the sound of future kids could bring, getting lost in of thoughts of the future.
"So how you doing young one?" Isaiah asked with Hailey coming around to hug on Bella. Sean and Hunter followed suit. "There's our favorite cousin." Sean said as Hunter slapped him in the back of the head so did Aria. "They ain't married yet botard. How you doing girl?" Aria said hugging her. "So how about a girls afternoon tomorrow? Leah and Maddie are free around 4:00." Bella asked. "Oh what are we going to do?" "Well the planner has everything set up for my party. SO we thought we would go shopping for something to try to dress up a little as not decked full out or anything but clothes wise you know to the theme for Saturday. You in?" Bella asked.
"That sounds so fun. Whose everybody going to be?" "Well Jayden is going to be Edward Scissor hands and Rylie will be his Wynonna. Dre' is going as the Mad Hatter and Maddie is going to be his Alice. Zain is going to be Sweeny Todd, and Leah will be the pie maker. So I think Zavier said he wanted Jack and Sally. It was a close tie between that and Sleepy Hallow film with Johnny Depp. I think your parents are doing the Beetle Juice couple, not Michael Keaton but the actual couple and I think Cam is going to be the actual beetle Juice I can't wait to see it. So I've been meaning to ask if you have a date you wanted to bring?" Bella asked.
"Well there is a guy from work I really like we've been out a few times and he wants to be like official. I've been waiting to bring him around the family I just didn't want it to be an actual family function but if I can bring him to the party that would be great and less a stressful environment because all the attention is suppose to be on you. I would love it." Aria said getting a little excited. "Well text or call and see if he's ready to take that bullet. Oh you guy scan go as the Corpse Bride couple it would be so cute!" Bella said getting excited. "Let me see." She took out her phone went into a guest room and made the call.
"So babe how's everything going?" Xavier said coming up to her kissing her neck hugging her from behind. "Well I'm surrounded by great people, getting fat on good food. I am happy." She said sinking into him. After everyone ate Xavier's uncles and Aunts surrounded around the fire pit While the kids played in the lit up swimming pool. Bella was walking out to go sit with Xavier when Aria came running over to her. "I not only have a date but a serious boyfriend. He loved the Corpse Bride thing by the way so I will be shopping with you guys by the way. Figure get a long cute white dress and mess it up a little. He already has a suit those colors and even has a rip on the shoulder. Thank you so much for helping with this. You will help when things start to go south right?" Aria asked getting nervous. "Everything will be fine. I can't wait to meet him. Who is he anyway?" Bella asked.
"He is only a year older than me and he works in the actual advertisement while I work in the P.R. So by their guidelines we are allowed to date and I have been put up for a special project that could land me a nice promotion. So all in all best week ever. Wish me luck." Aria said coming around the circle of family adults. "There you are was wondering where you ran off to. Zain and the guys and girls came over and was sitting around them to. "What's got your mind away form me?" He asked loud enough for people to look and noticed. "I was wondering you got Trevor coming tomorrow, so when do you think you will start interviewing for help because trust me when I say he will be quick." Bella said laughing looking at Xavier. "The guys and I are actually going to post an ad in the paper about a full week of interviews from like 9:00am-noon for the whole week and put an Ad on our Facebooks and other medias." Xavier said taking setting his drink down with hand and pulling her back to his chest on the long L shaped chair in between his legs holding her close to him.
"Well I was thinking are their many mechanics in town?" Bella asked. "What do you mean like shops are actual mechanics?" Jayden asked. "Mechanics." She finished. "No, not really I mean besides us old fogies." Noah said making everyone laugh at him. "So than is it safe to say that whatever help you may get is limited?" Bella asked. "I guess so, maybe we can rotate than like two od us get a weekend off and two stay on. With any luck I think the most were looking to see is maybe four guys who knows what they might be doing." Zain said. "Is that what got you worried we won't find help we need. There's a hand full of people who are qualified I promise." Dre' said trying to easy Bella and the other girls minds.
"No, it's not that it's just I was thinking of the high school." Bella said. "My high school?" Rylie asked. "Yeah you know the auto shop kids some of them do it almost all four years right? So what if you guys set up like a program where like the first year completed could like shadow you guys with the parents and customers consent of course and the second years and up who prove they can handle the job go through like a program where they can get work experience and a job while still being able to go to school, think about you guys would get your nights free and weekends. Just take the most capable workers and schedule them to close up, and boom you got more workers getting experience, and legally you have to start them at a smaller wage. So you actually save money. They longer they work for you the more their wage will go up." Bella said starring at the fire and than looking up and around the group.
"What?" She asked looking around. "You know child I swear there are times you just amaze me." Kayla said smiling at her. "Are you sure you on twenty-five because honey I swear you go tan old soul." Lamar said with a chuckle shaking his head. "I think that is a great idea." Zain said. "We can come up with different levels of testing to test their knowledge and see where they get placed in the shop. If they are at least sixteen, that's the legal working age right now with a work permit." Xavier said. "That's our Bella!" Leah said blowing her a kiss. "Well I guess you think of everything. Don't you." Xavier said smiling into her hair. "Yup what a catch you have." She teased him. "Don't I know it." He tickled her sides back.
The evening died down and They were getting ready for bed. "So I have been wondering myself about you plan to do when you go back to Bellbrook. I know you go through a lot of people so before you ask I mean what are you going to do about your meeting Friday over there with Jaxon. I mean you know how do you feel about all that?" Xavier asked as he turned off the light and got in the covers. "Well I did break down and call Ryker, but just for you know a outside voice of reason. He's not partial or impartial to either party and he stills know the story of both us. So I told him what happened. He asked what it was I wanted to do. I said I don't know but I can only narrow it down to I don't want to sue or give up my shares. I can't seem to bring myself to even want to get even or even reprimand him." She said taking a breath.
"The actions and words he took, it hurt me deeply. I've been close with this man for eight years. I know right now he's also hurting. So I brought myself to go the choice to go and forgive him for hurting me. I think I need to let this go and do my best to keep this professional as possible I love the company and don't want nothing to happen to it or anyone who is employed with it I mean that's thousands of people. So I' going to rise above it and move on. With Jaxon he's just got a long way to go to prove himself worthy of any time of trust, but it's never going to be the same." Bella said.
Xavier was conflicted that was the rational thing to do but a part of him still wanted to beat the living shit out of that guy. "What did the wise Ryker say to your choices." "He told me not suing was very kind of me and smart because it would put so many innocent people out of work, and I will never forgive myself for being that cold hearted. Than he told me I should just beat the crap out of Jaxon and taser his ass." Xavier started laughing very hard. He really like Ryker. He got to speak to him a few times on the phone and met him in person a handful of times. He was not one to back down and would definitely put someone in their place or knock them off their feet. "Wise man that Rylon. Let's go to sleep baby we got such a long day ahead of us." He said cuddling her into him as they drifted apart.
"Mr. Knight?" A man with three other people behind him asked. "Yes. Good morning gentlemen." Xavier said accepting the hands that reached out eagerly for him while the guys came up behind Xavier coffees in their hands. "I'm Trevor I spoke with you on the phone Saturday." Trevor said with a smile. "Yes, the contractor. Hi thanks for coming so soon. You guys want to come in the shop and have a seat?" Xavier said scratching the back of his head, as the four men came up behind hi following them in. "Alright you guys get to it well be in here." Xavier said as the guys waved.
"Ok. Mr. Knight I have with me the city inspector John, the person who will be in charge of permits and other things John here checks for this is Derek. This guy over here he helps on some jobs sometimes this is Bryce." "Well it's nice to meet all of you guys. Thanks for coming down so soon. So where would you like to start?" Xavier asked. When a knock on the door, and it creaked open. "Sorry I'm late. I am apart of Trevor's crew. Excuse me, I'm Leo." He said shaking his hand earning a glare from Trevor. "Anyway I brought four set of draw ups you can either pick one or tell me to get some new ones this is just what I see and well combine it to what you need, and what you want and than we Derek here gets me the permits, and I can start building by Wednesday. You'll be amazed how fast certain people move and get things done when they find out this project has caught the interest in Ms. Aldermans close circle. So we'll start building by Wednesday if you approve one of this designs. John checks everything for us test things make sure we met code and all the requirements and your done. I think we can be completely finished in less than a month. Only if you are satisfied by our work." Trevor said happily.
"What do you mean people move faster for Ms. Aldermans close personal circle projects?" Xavier asked confused. Well I got a call from Ms. Alderman who said someone very special to her needs a contractor. She said you are very important to her and she would appreciate it if I could take a meeting to see if you would be interested in any of my work. So when someone as big as she is, for the things that she does, says someone important to her is looking than sir you get up graded to like pope or President status. So whatever you need Mr. Knight we will see to it personally. It's not to offend you or anything we just want to make sure you get the best job your looking for." Trevor said. The other guys nodding along. The respect they have for his woman was incredible. Loyalty down to a fault.
"Well I like the third one. Yes Let's have the guys look at it real quick go ahead and show it to them all the designs but I like number three. Have them vote on it please. I really like your work man. Bells was right you got one hell of an eye. These are great man." Xavier said to Trevor feeling proud of himself and thankful people appreciate his hard work. Derek started on the paper work for the permits needed on his laptop seeing as he is the one who approves them anyway. John was looking around at the cars asking a couple of questions to the guys on the cars they working on. Leaving Leo sitting straight across from Xavier.
"So you are the man of the hour. You must be quiet a special person to come recommended so highly by one of our best and important clients." Leo smiled as he said so respectfully. "I guess I'll take your word for it." Xavier chuckled raising one of his hands to sit on his chin as he adjust himself to lay back a little in his swivel chair. "So do you know Ms. Alderman well than?" Leo asked. "Yes, I do she is an amazing woman." Xavier said proud fully. "We've done a lot of work with her I have to agree. She's quiet the looker though right? I mean you wouldn't think someone as beautiful as her would have that big of a heart." Leo said. "I guess, your right." Xavier said starting to feel uncomfortable with the conversation. Derek looking up for a second with an odd look and than looked down continuing working.
"You seem to be close to Ms. Alderman may I ask you a question?" Leo asked. "You can ask anything you want but I can't guarantee I'll answer you." Xavier said placing his hand on his knee as its prompt up on his other knee. Do you know if she is single or not?" Leo asked. "LEO! What the hell? How the hell are you going to ask a man if his girlfriend is single? Leo your fired from this project go home. Mr. Knight I sincerely apologize I don't even know why he showed up here today." Trevor said rushing his words out. "It's alright Trevor. Please call me Xavier. Leo feel free to leave if you are not assigned to this job you need to leave my shop. I strongly suggest you watch how you talk about my woman in their future, you may find it very bad for your health." Xavier said in a warning tone. As Leo looked a little scared and left.
"Well Xavier it's unanimous third plans for the win. I promise we won't have any other issues like what just happened." "Trevor it's alright man let's just focus on getting this thing going." Xavier said with a smile slight smile as the guys went to work on the day went by quickly. Xavier and the guys were locking up and just standing outside the doors. "Man it's finally happening man Knight Mechanics finally expanding that's exciting man." Jayden said with a big smile on his face. "I can't wait until the new hires get comfortable enough and we get some weekends back." Zain said with a little excited jump. "I can't believe how quick its going after trying for so long you know." Xavier said running one hand down the other arm. "The power of names, is a scary thing. Well nothing is scary than any of ol ladies being mad as hell but you know what I mean." Dre' said making them all laugh inn agreement.
The week was going by faster than she had hoped for it was now Wednesday and she had just dropped off lunch to the guys as they started all their ground breaking today for Xavier expansion. She was so proud standing their with the other girls watching their men be so excited like little kids. They earned and deserve this and so much more. She was walking into the diner looking for the person who was starting to put her on alert other than friendly face. "Bella, hey thanks for coming." Carter said happily as she sat down. "It's fine I know how it feels not to want to let someone down on an important project so lets begin I am strapped on time this week with meetings coming up and contracts to over see and all." She said in her peaceful work voice.
"So starting with the obvious questions how many are expected?" "At least up to between twenty five hundred to an even four thousand. Four thousand invites have been given out and over had responded trying to make enough for those who never respond. "Ok that's heading for the right track. Well go full four thousand just so we are prepared if not at least there be doubled everything so there will be room for extras better to need it and have it and need it and not have it. Location?" "Just going to go for a hotel in a ballroom or banquet room the one down the way from the building itself." Carter said as the waitress came and took their order.
"Food?" What do you recommend this is where I get questionable because so many peoples allergies I understand we need variety of choices you know like vegan, allergies of shellfish, peanuts do we just do a little of everything?" Carter asked looking clearly lost. "Yes, DO a little of everything do you have a theme or using a color scheme? Like what's the entertainment maybe we can bounce the food off of them and have it be a quirky enjoyable thing?" Bella asked she took her hand and rubbed his arm for a second feeling bad for him. "Hey take a breath your doing great it's really a lot easier than it looks once you find out the minor details everything will just fall into place. So what is the entertainment you would like to have?" Bella asked.
"How about like a gypsy thing we can have jugglers, acrobats, those woman who can take a sheet and twirl around like a gymnast all crazy like you know. We can make food Chicken or fish plates and have finger foods circling around." Carter asked. "Now see that is different, original for the Bellbrook society and they would adore it. Let's talk colors." She said as they got all the details down on paper they pushed work aside and enjoyed their lunch and company. Two hours later they were parting ways. "Ok so we need to pick a day and than I can help you make all the calls to get everything into motion. I have to be in Bellbrook on Friday for a meeting. So any time after that. Saturday I'm also out." "Big plans." "Well yes, it is my birthday and I expect you and our city's finest to be there, yes?" She said in an authoritative manner pointing her finger playfully. "Well yes ma'am of course. Are you sure it's ok with your better half us showing up at your house, you know we don't get along to well we wouldn't want to make anything awkward." Carter said.
"You are grown ass men you should know how to behave around others whether you are fond of each other or not you are all there for me and my friends who want me to be happy. Now if you don't think you can put aside your differences for a friend for one night than please stay home. If you can act like a damn adult than I welcome you. Choice is yours with that being said don't make me regret helping you if you can't be civil to everyone there. Of all people you would think four cops would be able to maintain being civil to four other grown ass men beside if any of the guys give you any grief you guys come find me and the girls and well be sure to deal with them. See you later." Bella said.
"So are you ready for today. You know I can take off today and go with you the guys will be fine all the cars are done we just got to have people come get them it's a half day today. Trevor needs us to shut down for a couple days to connect tome lines together and make sure all the water, gas, and internet stuff that goes under the foundation gets all set up before they level it all out and get started on the building." Xavier said. "Wow how long will you guys be out of commission?" She asked pouring him some juice. "About a good week as long as everything sticks to the plan. So half day today to make sure the place is emptied out just in case anything happens you know. So this coming Monday through basically the following Monday after looks like I'm free." Xavier said standing in front of her leaning down to kiss her neck.
"Well you know I know Rylie is out on summer break. I know Maddie and Leah has some vacation days saved up how about maybe the ten of us go camping for like three days. We can fish, swim, and hike. We can do it in a tent scarring the wild life what do you say?" She asked. Happily. "It doesn't' even have to be camping we can just get in the car and go to random amusement parks or water slides how about it?" She asked playing with his hands. "You had me sold at camping. I actually got a nice two bedroom tent we can pop up. Some sleeping bags and an inflatable air mattress that blows itself up on a battery control pump. We can go rough it out for a couple days the guys would be down. You think the girls would actually like it though?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"We used to go camping all the time in college whenever we all could catch a break us and some others. Ryker and Nacho snore the loudest when they shared their tents poor Melody would crawl in bed with one of us. D would be telling Leo to go shove something in their mouths to end all of our suffering. The other three lovely ladies would sleep right through it because they sleep like the dead. I used to but that big tent that would fit like ten bedrooms in one and we would all share you know or was it twelve but we used two rooms for storage anyway we used to love it. Trust me they will be down. Nacho and Melody are to see her folks this coming week s their out and Ryker is back to back cases all week. So it would just be us ten." Bella said looking at Xavier who pulled out his phone and texted the guys if they were in to go camping.
"They are all in the girls are going to ask for time off today. Being as they are the ones who makes the schedule anyway I have a good feeling they'll ready." Xavier said with a chuckle. "Crap babe, I'm going to show up late if I don't leave soon. I love you I'll be back before dinner." She said kissing him goodbye as he walked her out and opened her car door for her looking at her deeply. "I swear I'm ok. I'm going to be an adult about this. You'll see when I come home everything will be fine." She said as she pulled out of the dirt part of the drive way. Honking and waving past Cameron.
"What brings you here today?" Xavier asked smiling coming up to his brothers truck. "I know you got a half day wanted to see if you needed some help maybe you guys want to catch a movie I know Aria is with Rylie and all the other girls are at work so thought maybe get some guy time before college maybe we can go see Callen or something?" Cameron said scratching the back of his neck. "That sounds great your driving us though let me go get my things and lock up." Xavier said jogging in the house. "Hurry up man." Cameron said with a playful honk. Xavier flipped him off as he ran back in the house.
Walking into the building everyone was happy as usual to see Bella and greeting her as she swung by her office before joining the meeting. Gathering her things and having some of the other assistants in the finance department tasks she had completed and approved of so they can continue with releasing money and funds where they need to go as well as whose projects got accepted for the following time being. Setting up the meeting room with cups and pitchers of water and placing down the booklets of the presentation that was sent before hand. "Bella." She stilled took a deep breath. "Jaxon." She said back. "I was hoping to talk to you before everything started real quick." Jaxon said coming up to her looking like crap. She knew he felt as destroyed as she felt about the situation.
"Well here's your shot. Make it quick." She said not showing any emotion. "I just want you to know I am sorry. God I'm so sorry." He choked out trying not to have his eyes water. "You have no idea how much I am sorry and how I want to go back and change everything. I miss you. I miss us being us. I hate when something happens and I can't text you or talk to you about it. You have no idea how much I need you in my life. I don't care if it takes forever of me trying to show you I am sorry, just please don't cut me out don't shut me out of that big heart of yours. I need you in my life Bells in anyway you'll have me in yours please I'm so sorry." Jaxon said begging almost on his knees.
"I put in a lot of thought of how I want this situation handled. What I would say or do to you once I got in front of you. You know you hurt me deeply. I know you're hurting yourself because of it. I am not pressing charges for the contract breach. I am not selling or trading my shares. Everything office wise will stay the same. I just don't trust you anymore Jaxon. You took it and just set it on fire, along with so many other things in your fire of jealousy. I am willing to be civil to you in the office but you have to start at the bottom of the begging to get my trust back and even if you get it I doubt it will ever be the same as it was. You have such a long way to go while we start over. I forgive you Jaxon this one time." She said as she walked to the table. He smiled really big. "Thank you Bells." He came and pulled out her normal chair next to him for her to sit. She went to the opposite side of the table and sat. looking down taking a deep breath. He closed his eyes took a deep breath shook his head slightly and sat down in his normal chair. Knowing they are really starting from ground zero. He just wanted to try to fix this it was killing him from the inside out. It felt like he was just being gutted.
The meeting went great it was the perfect deal Bella asked her questions and agreed to everything on the spot. All in all it was perfect. She gathered her things made sure her office was locked. She went to the elevator and as the doors shut Jaxon squeezed in. He looked at her. "Jaxon Dolton, please to meet you." He said as he held out his hand for her to shake. She looked at him for a second. Starting over she thought to herself. "Isabella Alderman." "That's a beautiful name, looks like it was made to with that smile you got there." He said just like he did when they first met. "Does that line actually work?" She asked unamused. "No, but it's not really a line if it's truth." He said the same as they did before. "It was great meeting you Isabella I really hope we see more of each other." He said as he put a gift bag on her files, as they exited the elevator.
She got in her car pulling into the drive way walking into the Kitchen about thirty minutes before sunset. Placing everything on the kitchen island. Listening to all the voices she walked in the living room to a bunch of guys cheering yelling and just having fun. She looked at the scene in front of her. Dre' looked up and caught her attention first. "Hey Bells, how's your day?" He asked happily coming up to her for a hug and kiss to the check. "It was great actually. I have a feeling your guy's was better." She said with a laugh. Xavier came up to her hugging him to her. "Was it really great?" He asked a little worried. "It was really great. Everything is just fine. I guess you can say it's like starting all over." She said with a soft smile. "Ok than baby girl."
He looked around at all the guys. "I hope you don't mind baby we just wanted to have us a little guy time. It was Cameron's idea before he heads off to college." Xavier said. "I don't care what you guys do in our home honey. Callen looks so happy look at all that hair growing back." She said looking happily at her little family in her living room. "I'm grabbing my tea and my book, and heading over to my swing, you guys enjoy." She said as she went and hugged all the guys. Walking back to the kitchen she looked down at the bag Jaxon gave her. Taking everything out to see a couple of multicolored roses, a couple of small framed pictures of her and Jaxon at past parties, even some with Dimitri and the girls. Some charms to get added onto the charm bracelet he gave her for her first birthday where he promised on every birthday to keep it growing. She smiled deeply.
"I think your friend misses you." Xavier said standing behind her his head going into her neck. "Yeah I know. I miss him too. We just got a lot further to go down this road before things can be ok again. Holding up a cheap beautiful wolf charm. "Well maybe not as far as I thought but still a ways to go." She said going to her porch swing reading herself into the sunset. Until she heard the knock on the door. To hear more guys coming into the living room. Jayden, Zain, Callen and Dre' left just before dark. Cameron and Xavier were still playing xbox. "Bella come in here child." She heard Dante yelling for her. "Hey big daddy Dante. What's going on?" She said with a playful smirk. "You joke but I love you calling me dad baby girl." He said hugging her tightly. "All the Knight men and boys were standing in her living room. All dressed to get wet.
"All the women turned us down. How about you darling you want to go night fishing?" Roman asked. "So in a weird way your asking if I want to go Knight fishing?" She said with a big smile. Damien came up hugging her. "Finally someone I can word play with." Kissing her cheek. "That sounds wonderful I'm down give me a couple minutes to change and get some water shoes on and stuff. Help yourselves to anything in the kitchen to pack sodas water bottles snacks we can take with us. I got the snack cabinet set up for you kids go get what catches your eyes. The kids all took off in the kitchen to pack their back pack. She got ready quickly they were all packed and ready to go. She locked the door and run over to Xavier who had her door to the tuck open and lifted her up and put her in her seat and buckled her up stealing a kiss. They all drove off to his spot at the river.
"Alright y'all where are we going to set up shop?" Lamar asked. "Boys get your as back here." Isaiah hollered to the younger ones. "Let Bella pick, after she picked the last spot that caught over twenty of them last time." Hunter said getting his little cousin's pole set up. "Alright love, where's the special spot?" Roman asked. She walked down to the left a little ways she was a good twenty steps away from everyone else. "Here, right here. This will be the spot." She said. "You sure about that kid?" Noah asked. "It feels a little quiet." He added looking at the river. "That's the point." She whispered. "Why are you whispering?" Mathew asked. "Fish can hear us. They get scared and run when they hear us. So if we stay quiet, than it leaves more fish for us to catch love bug." She said playfully playing with his hair making him smile.
Xavier loved seeing her interact with his family. After about an hour they had at least about six fish a piece between about the sixteen of them out on the river. "Your such a natural at this kid." Dante said smiling at her the moon was so bright it seem to light everything up. "I used to do this all the time with my parents in the summer time. It was cheap and on extra hot nights since we didn't have air conditioning we would just take river fishing trips and cool ourselves down. Than take quick showers before going to bed. It was so much fun and cheaper than anything else we could have been doing at that time of night." She said with a smile. "I've been taking my brothers night fighting since they were in their tweens." He laughed. "Our parents worked all kinds of hours so t ogive them some time together I would get us all out of the house for a little while. While we down having great time together I always thought if I was lucky enough to have family of my own I wanted to bring my kids out doing the same thing. Just something special to share you know. Piece of me going to them, maybe they will all bring their kids out doing the same thing." Dante said looking at his expanded family like a proud daddy.
"I use to think the same thing as I watched my parents dancing with each other to the radio on the river bank. Something they've been doing since they were in their teens. Guess great minds think alike." She said with a smile. "Who knows maybe you'll be bringing my grand kids out here doing the same thing." He said with a wink. Making her blush deeply. "Maybe." She said softly. "You know Bella honey I am so sorry for your past baby I am, but I am just so thankful you are here now. Here with my boy changing his whole world for the better. I've never seen him this way. It makes me so happy to see my boy so in love finally after all this time. Being treated the way he deserves. Even though I know with everything in my body you won't please don't hurt my boy." He said with a small tear in his eye looking at Xavier helping Colton throw his cast in the water and getting excited with Damien encouraging Colton hyping him up.
"I promise to ever hurt your sweet boy. I think he deserves the best. There's lots of times when I wonder why he's with me knowing he deserves so much better, but I am just going to love him with all I have until he figures out he can do so much better, with much better." She said with a self-mockery laugh. "Honey you don't get it do you? All those nights he prayed for you. He may not have known your name, or what your face looked like, but trust me girl it was you he was praying for all the way down to the T. You are everything he's been hoping for, for the last four years hell I think he's lifetime. Trust me when I say this honey when it comes to you and Xavier there is nothing better for him, he knows it. Hell honey I think it's time you took a good look around baby girl. You maybe a Alderman, but were born to be a Knight." Dante said with a wink. Maybe I am, maybe one day she thought to herself as she fished with the men in her life until about midnight when they started to clean up and was all getting in their vehicles. When the police lights popped on.
"Hello gentlemen. Good game tonight?" A man asked walking up to the truck. "You could say that." All the kids under eighteen were in the cars, all the adults were about to get in the car. Of course Xavier being so huge no one could see Bella in the behind him. "Knight?" "Anderson, Moore." Xavier said flatly. "Look we just got to check your guys license and you can go. We honestly don't care about anyone under eighteen just the adult ages. Cameron just get in the car." She heard Eli say. As she heard the gravel crunch up Nathan and Liam walked up. "Licenses out gentlemen well be quick and y'all can get home." Liam said. "Damn you guys had a great night." Nate said looking at the couple of buckets they had been loading in the trucks.
"What can we say we had the fish whisperer with us tonight. Just a little time with the family." Noah said proudly. As the guys were half way done getting to Xavier Carter and him had a bit of a stare down as he realized he gave him two passes. "Who may I ask is this great fish whisperer?" Carter asked in a mocking tone. "Watch the tone their Carter you talking about my women that's her pass right there too." Xavier said with a warning. "I don't see Bella here." He said with attitude. "Well you wouldn't with my big sexy mountain of a man standing in front of. He's a little protective. I love him though." She said with a wide smile. Making Xavier to smile softly back at her. Than glare back at Carter he hated the way he looked at her eyeing her up and down when she wasn't noticing.
"Well the game speaks for itself, there don't it. Maybe one of these days you could show us how it's done." Carter said seductively that Bella was the only one who didn't hear it. "I think we can do that at some point well have to see when Xavier and the guys are free." She said smiling at him. He loved the fact she was so innocent to Carters stupid tricks and always plugged him in every situation he offers up. His uncles were laughing in the car trying to be discreet about it but failed miserably. Dante chuckling hard next to them. Even Cameron, Sean, and Hunter were snickering.
"You guys are free to go. Oh Hey Bells while I got you here I got some time Tuesday afternoon if you want to hit up the café and finish up that little project of mine?" He asked with his million dollar smile. "Oh sorry I won't be in town." She said. "I think we'll get back Thursday morning but I think we'll taking that as a day of rest. So I'll be up for Friday or Saturday around lunch time if you're free." She offered up. "Yeah. That works great I'm off Saturday. So maybe lunch back at the diner or maybe just meet up at the park? You got a gala or something out of town?" Carter asked scratching the back of his head.
"No, Xavier and the guys are taking us camping I'm so excited I haven't been since college." She said with a little bit of a bounce. Xavier wrapped his arms around her she was to adorable sometimes. "Camping, that does sound like fun. I will definitely see you Saturday how about noon at the diner?" He asked hopefully. "Sounds good. We'll see you guys tomorrow for the party right?" She asked before they started walking away. "Of course." The guys smiled and stood there as they watched them walk around to Xaviers truck. "Sext mountain man." Xavier asked with a laugh to Bella. "Hey don't go making fun of me because as soon as I get you home I plan on going mountain climbing." She said with a laugh as Xavier playfully smacked her ass hoping her and buckling her up. Everyone in ear shot of the happy couple smirking at the four glaring cops ahead of them. They all felt a little proud of her. She was definitely born to be a Knight most of them thought to themselves.