The guys were all standing around the café Mrs. Ellie let them have the back room to hold their interviews seeing as the shop had to be shut down. They would be having them here for a week. Open interviews for about three-four hours. Surprisingly even with the rain they seemed to have brought on more people than they thought they would it was the last one and they had already hired four of them on he spot. The just need a couple more to have a full schedule to equal out enough to even days off without having a good amount of coverage they even hired their two back supervisors. They were actually good friends of Xavier's dad, who knew them well. Only in their forties. The last person to be interviewed was a woman in a too short of a skirt and shirt that was hugging her just a little too tight and cleavage very visible. It made all of them uncomfortable just being around her.
"Can I help you ma'am you look a little lost." Xavier said in the most respectful voice he could muster. "Well aren't these the interviews for the Knights Mechanics shop?" She asked a little confused. "Yes, are you a mechanic?" Zain asked flatly. "Well no. I was actually wondering if you guys had a receptionist to handle the customers and the shop while you were all working on the cars." She asked in her seductive tone that made their skin crawl. "Yes, we do I hired one this past Saturday. SO if that's all your looking for, you may help yourself out." Xavier said not even looking at her the guys all looked down at the other applications they received. "Seriously? Are you sure the other person is well qualified I mean I have great recommendations. I'm sure given the proper chance you could see how great my skills could be." She purred out at Xavier. Who couldn't help but look at her like she lost her damn mind.
"You know I was trying to be nice about this but fine we can do this your way. The woman I have hired has a Master's in business, and that's only her second degree, she has experience working with people, and I have none for a couple of years now. Not only that I can trust in her when she comes to work she will be dressed appropriately and not like she's trying to get paid to catch a date on the corner like your assemble here. She has great customer service skills, works well with any age group and won't flirt with the staff, not that I can say the same about you. Now you may take your application, your resume and whatever dignity you want to scrap back up off the floor and please exit the room." Xavier said as the rest of the guys looked annoyed to be in the same room with her. She looked shocked and mortified and left the room quickly."
"You hired a receptionist already. That's awesome man I didn't think that far ahead." Zain sad with a happy smile. "Do we know her?" Dre' asked. "Yeah you can say that." He said with a smirk. Alright you guys let's head home and well get started again tomorrow. Xavier came in the door. Of course I can't wait to make it to your gala three weeks Sunday. Well that will surely be different. Yes I look forward to it. I will need four tickets in total actually. Yes, that's right four. Thank you for checking in it was wonderful talking with you take care than." Bella said as she hung up. "Who's hat babe?" "Xavier asked sneaking a kiss to the cheek. "Some metal resource company that makes really big parts to fix boats, all kinds of boats like oil rigs, or the military ships and so on their having some sort of Gala and invited us seeing as I helped save them about twenty-three million dollars in certain deals with certain people. They sent us a plaque." She said pointing to the desk that just came in the mail.
"You never stop amazing me baby. I swear you look like a normal person. Than you open your mouth and say things like that, like it's a normal everyday thing that people can do." He said shaking his head drinking his snapple apple. "Well I guess for you it is." He said shrugging. "How's Noah?" She asked not looking up from going through papers and typing on her laptop. "He's great still in the hospital. You want to tell me why you door dashed him food to his room?" Xavier said laughing at her sitting a little on his desk. "What I thought he would be hungry hospital food sucks and that was one of the best barbeques places around aren't we supposed to take care of family?" She asked in an attitude way he found adorable. "Yes, baby girl we are." He said. "Than there that issue's solved, let's start on bigger things now like world hunger." She said in a mocking tone. "What you going to door dash for them too?" Xavier asked in playful tone. "I might." She said with a wink back. They spent the day going over paper work for each of them and had a peacefully quiet day enjoying each other's company.
Bella had just hung up with Darla about all the plans. While Carter was struggling to get the food order right with the caterers. "I swear it's like I'm drowning how do you do this?" He asked Bella his hand holding up his head while he was waiting on hold. Rolling her eyes she took his phone and just than a man came back on to try to fix the problem. "Hello." The man on the other end said in an irritated voice. "Yes I would like to order service for an event we are having in about two weeks." She said flatly. "Ok ma'am well let's see what we can set up for you. So how people will I be for?" "About four thousand is a base line just in case everyone shows up. I require the waiters and bartenders as well." She said simply. "Ma'am that maybe a problem seeing as it's only a two week notice parties that big require more time. We thank you for thinking of us but we can not serve you thank you."
"Don't you dare hang up on me unless you plan on looking for new employment. You will do this party just like Jaque has done for me every time I call him, not get out your pad and write this down like a good boy before I start to get upset. You have been rude since my client has gotten on the phone. Now you either write this down or I will call Jaque personally and have you fired." She said in a tone that left no room for argument that even scared Carter a little bit who's eyes were starring at her wide. Never hearing sound mad about anything. "Who may I say that I am speaking too." The man asked man with attitude. "Isabella Alderman." She said flatly. There was a pause on the phone. "I am so so sorry Ms. Alderman I had no idea. I apologize for the inconvenience, and the ignorance of my performance. Please continue with you order." He said in a stuttering voice. "You know what the way you talked to my client is unforgiveable regardless what kind of day your having. Please inform Jaque he has lost my business in the future. I can not do business with people who can not have any respect for others I will put out for new caterers in the morning I am so so sorry Mr. Anderson. I promise you this won't happen again." She said as she hung up.
"What was that? That was the best place in all of Bellbrook. You had him eating right out of the palm of your hand to. I won't be surprised if that guy just didn't pee himself after hearing that." Carter asked amazed by her. "He was rude and I don't tolerate disrespect. Once he figures out he has to tell his boss, he lost one of their biggest clients ever, and they think word will spread of why I left, they will come calling on their hands and knees you watch I think I just cut down your food budget in half, while given you a free open bar." She said looking over papers and receipts on the laptop.
Her phone started ringing. "Watch and learn." She said with a smirk. "Hello." She said nicely. "Bella my love how are you?" Jaque asked in a happy voice you can hear concern. "Well to tell you the truth I am a bit irritated and it so happens to be with about three different members of your staff. Who felt the need ot play phone tag with my client while speaking at him like a toddler who needed discipline I have to say Jaq honey I expected so much more from you. I went out of my way to talk you up for his event, in two weeks with four thousand people. I mean everyone who's anyone is going to be there I told him he need the best, however my sweet love bug if this is how your employees represent themselves it is just such disrespect to you. I was just about to put word out looking for a new catering chief." She said in a sad heart breaking sigh.
"Well wait Bella my love there must be a way we can work out this ugly misunderstanding. I will do anything." He pleaded knowing his lively hood and very reputation was on the line with her. "I want a free open bar on your dime, and I think half price on the trays, and plates of food would work itself out rather reasonably. I may just be inclined to rave to the reporters about the food for the papers. I may just also be so inclined to have mama Gracie use you for the women of Bellbrooke luncheon in two months." She said looking at her nails. "Seriously. Bella do you have any idea how big that luncheon is to get for a job?" He asked getting excited. "Like I said I only deal with the best now do we have a deal or not." She asked flatly. "Yes, email me what you would like and it shall be done. You will never have such a problem here again I swear it." He said excitedly and hanging up.
"I swear to god you could probably end wars." Carter said looking at her lost in awe. She was laughing at him. "So Mr. Anderson you are officially all set up you have nothing to do or worry about other than sending that list to Jaq Darla will handle everything else. You are all set." She said happily." Putting all her stuff away. "You are just so incredible. So are you coming? To the event that is?" He asked her. Well Yeah I think I will. I know what it's like to have to be forced to be apart of this world so yes I will come support you." She said happily. I have something the day before but I can drive up there the day of." Carter got up and hugged her happily. "Thank you so much. It kind of makes me sad this got done so quick I was actually having a great time spending time with you I was actually learning quiet a bit. Do you think maybe I could meet up with a couple more times and ask your professional opinion on some other things. I still have a ways to learn." He asked in a hopeful voice.
"Let's take it on a case by case bases but yes you can always call me if you get stuck after all you're one of Dolton's partners it is my duty and honor to make sure you don't tank when you finally have free reins." She said getting up to leave. Picking up her phone she called Xavier and informed him she was done and coming home. The guys took off to the sports bar and Rylie was going to be their ride home even though they didn't drink that much they still didn't believe in getting behind the wheel. Not answering his phone she thought nothing of it and went home.
"So she really thinks we went to a sports bar?" Dre' asked. "Yup." Xavier said. "I like this one." Jayden said as he got out his wallet sliding over his credit card. "I like this one. Zain said doing the same. "I want that one." Dre' said slapping his down to. "What about you sir?" The man behind the counter asked. "This one, this one is my Bella." Xavier said smiling deeply and taking out his card. "So we're really going to do this? This is actually happening?" Jayden asked getting a little excited holding the new box close smiling. "We all in this together right?" Dre' asked getting a little nervous. "Yup we in this together, doing this together." Zain said happily. "Question is when?" Dre' said. "My birthday, we're doing this on my birthday." Xavier said. "Dude that's in two weeks." Jayden said with a smirk. "So?" Xavier asked. "It's just like a long time to wait." He said still smirking. "SO whipped man all of us." Xavier said shaking his head.
"Hey dad." Xavier said walking in the door. "Hey son. What you up to?" He asked putting down his book. "I just got down shopping with the guys. Thought I would come over and I don't know get your advice on it." He said scratching the back of his head. "Well son I love you but yellow is never your color." He's dad said with a chuckle. Xavier pulled out the small box and put it on the table next to him not saying a word looking a little excited and nervous. Coming to his dad felt more like a second opinion of making sure he was on the right track and not going to scare off the love of his life in his own words.
"Well son that is definitely an amazing ring. Anyone special pop in your head when you took notice of it?" He teased knowing the answer. "Thought I would pop the question and steal Dr. Nacho before he elopes this weekend." Xavier teased. Even though Nacho and Mel were in fact eloping in a private ceremony with just there parents and taking off to their honeymoon. "Are you ready for this step?" He asked looking at his boy. "I feel like I have been waiting forever for her. I finally got her, everything has been such a crazy ass ride from start to finish I mean yeah it's going to be a little difficult, I know with the way her job is and everything. Who she has to be for awhile she wants to retire when she hits about forty-five or fifty." Xavier took a deep breath. "I finally have everything I ever wanted and waited for to make my life complete. I just woke up a while back and wondered what the hell am I waiting for?" He said looking at his dad like taking this step was the easiest choice in the world.
"Do you think she's ready Xav?" His dad asked giving the ring back to him as Xavier took and just stared down. "I believe with everything in me that she loves me with everything in her. I believe she was made just for me. She is the other half of me I never was missing. I also believe that she is as ready for this as I am." He said looking at his dad. "At least I hope she is." He mumbled with a laugh to mock himself. "I think so too son. I am so proud of you for not only giving her a real chance but yourself one too. She is truly something else. A woman worth fighting for. Like I already told her she was born to be a Knight. Good luck son." His dad said putting his hand on his shoulder as they both stared down at the ring a little bit. Before putting away, getting up and leaving back home.
"Where you been all day?" She asked taking out the lasagna. "Went shopping with the guys changed our minds on the bar today." He said keeping his level of calmness. "Find what you looking for?" She asked kiss his cheek going back to the oven to grab the garlic breadsticks. "Yeah after a long time. I found exactly what I was looking for." He said smiling to himself lost in the way she moved around the kitchen. He grew excited at what kind of future laid ahead of them soon to come. He couldn't wait to be down on his knee with his brothers surrounding the women they loved asking to be their world from now until eternity. He was thanking what every high power and force, and being thankful to himself for whatever he did to bring an Angel like her to him. Not being sure why he is being so blessed, but he will spend everyday making sure he is the right choice for her.
Taking the panties he stolen from her room without her knowledge he pulls down his pants and wraps them around his raging hard on that was now being to painful to ignore. He closed his eyes and pictured her there on her knees in front of him. Those beautiful eyes looking up to him begging to have him in her mouth. Imagining her tongue swirling around his tip as she takes him in her mouth like a greedy girl starving for her favorite treat. Pumping himself rougher and faster until he found himself cumming hard on everything around him so much of it everywhere. "FUCK! BELLA !" He cried out to himself. There was so much of his seed poured out he could only wonder what it would be like when the time actually comes.
His phone rang. "Hello." "Is it all done?" The man on the other end of the phone asked. "Yes everything is set up and I'm starting to get her completely on the hook. Once she gets that scar faced gorilla down there they'll both understand how much he doesn't belong in this side of her world and slowly but surly realize how perfect we fit and than Xavier will be gone before we know it. He will crack under the pressure of this side of her world. No way is he up or can handle any of it. What the hell can a simple mechanic really know about this stuff." Carter asked laughing. "Yes, hopefully soon we can put that simpleton back to where he belongs. If this doesn't work well than there's always paying him off. Otherwise we would hate to have to put him in jail for breaking contracts. It would sure be a shame if Bella lost all her clients and business. There's no way in hell he would let her suffer like that. Not being able to help people the way she has been would surely gut her. I don't this damn boy would ever let that happen to her." The man on the other end laughed evilly. "Soon enough Carter we both will have everything we wanted." The voice said hanging up. Leaving Carter to smile widely as he cleaned himself off putting the panties out of view. "Soon, baby you will be all mine, covered in me begging for more. Loving only me." He thought to himself smiling even deeper at the future so close in front of him he could almost feel it.