"Mr. Rylon here are the rest of the papers you wanted and this was delivered for you today." "Thank you Kimberly." He said as he started looking at the things that he was just given. Opening the big orange envelope he looked at what it read at his mouth hung open at the first page. "Kimmy who did you say dropped this off to you?" Rylon asked getting a little mad. "Just some random courier came and said to make sure it only got to you. There is no return address though I found it weird." She shrugged to him. "Do you nee anything else Mr. Rylon." "Kimmy we've been close now for five years just call me Ryker and yes please cancel all my appointments I need to go see a mechanic." He said aggravated. Someone was messing with his family now and he didn't care who that person thought he was no one was going to hurt his family. Time to get this little boy in check if he thinks he's going to let this fly. Time to go make sure this mechanic gets his shit straight. He thought as he got in the car to make his way down to Atheo.
"This day needs to end." Jayden whined. "It's already half day don't worry it'll be over soon. When they heard a door slam and four pair of angry foot steps coming over to Xavier practically seething. "We need a word with you. The boys can come too no point in them being left out of this." Dimitri said trying to keep his anger in check. "Alright boys to the office the rest of you do what you need to be doing." Xavier order out. "What is wrong with you guys?" Zain asked worried they were all going to pop a blood vessel. "Here look at this and ask me that. I want you to really look at it too." Ryker said as he shoved the papers angerly at Xavier.
Reading through the first message page, than everything through it the other guys mouths dropped open in shock they couldn't believe what they were reading. "You don't honestly believe this crap do you?" Dre' asked them. "I would never do this to her. I don't even know what the fuck this is or where it came from. I WOULD NEVER DO THIS TO HER. WE JUST WENT OVER THIS SHIT TWO WEEKS AGO!" Xavier starting to get mad shouted. Looking at the angry men in front of him he knew why they would be mad now, but this was not his doing. "Did she see this?" Xavier asked his heart starting to pound a little harder. "No. She didn't and she's not going to either." Nacho said keeping his anger in check because only calm minds are going to get any where useful he thought to himself.
"Your not paying attention, Mr. Knight. Now really read those again. You are so much smarter than this" Dimitri said looking at him calmly. "How much closer do you want me to read? I swear I didn't sign this this is not my signature. I don't even know what half of this crap means, or even what or where these places even do." Xavier said feeling lost scratching holding the back of his head with two hands. "If she see this, she will never trust me. She'll leave won't she." Xavier asked getting teary eyed and the guys rubbing his shoulder and back.
"Oh please our girl is smarter than that, and apparently you if you haven't counted all the flaws in this already." Leo piped up. The guys popped their heads up confused. "Are you new or something we already know she smarter than us. That's like saying hey guys the sky is blue." Jayden said like this is their first time meeting. "Ok, let me help walk you guys through it. Xavier we know damn well you didn't draw this up, and that is not your signature. We know you have nothing to do with this. Bella won't get mad at you but may god help whoever did, because the only way to piss her off is to fuck with her family and she will show you more furry and crazy pain than you ever thought imaginable. It won't be fast either no she will find every way to ride out their torture slowly especially if the person they are messing with you is you." Ryker said with a serious voice to make sure he heard him. While the other three men nodded in fear and agreement.
"Notice the first problem is there's not only no return address, but no name of the other lawyer, their office no phone number or fax number. These however are official papers that got drawn up so by the terms of the contract this person knows how to create and make a contract. So he or she is apparently in the same types of business that go through Bella, because they knew what they were doing. Problem two this person knows Bella pretty well to be able to have all her partners and businesses known like this because this information is only for people of the highest rankings such as owners or board of trustees types because they are the only ones with a list of partners that they run through. They also must know her well work wise because they exactly how much shares down to the T and how much each company is worth as of today's date. Where as you never once follow the stock market to even know what the initials of these places could even be under to be bought to begin with.NO offense man. It's just stock market isn't your thing or ours either but we know all about it from Bella." Ryker said.
"Other flaws were pretty simple to point out your name gets misspelled a few times in there dude. Even your name of your business right here is spelt wrong and even the address is wrong on it. Your home address where you live right now the numbers are mixed up. Your car type and license plate and shit is wrong too everything is backwards. So how the hell could you think she wouldn't noticed all that crap?" Dimitri asked laughing a little. "That's not even your signature because again the damn name is spelt wrong Xaievr Knighte." Leo said laughing hard with Dimitri. The rest of the guys couldn't help but smirk. "So what are we going to do about this?" Ryker asked him looking serious. "I'm going to give it to her." Xavier said with a shrug lowering his shoulders.
"Are you nuts?" Nacho asked. "No. I am going to tell her that someone is fucking with us and we need to talk and work it out she needs to know about this, I won't have no secrets from her. Especially ones that could damage what we have together." Xavier said. "Hey boss, we got a call for a tow. An abandon car on the side of the route 52'." "Alright Leroy, I'll get one of the rigs." He said taking a deep breath. "Ryker can you please take this to her and explain everything to her, and I will go straight home to her after I bring back that car? You guys go ahead and head on out too. Just lock up and I'll just leave it on the rig in the yard back there." Xavier said as they all nodded. "You sure about this?" Ryker asked before he walked away from Xavier who was about to shut the door to the tow truck. "Yes, please tell my love everything maybe you two can start figuring this stuff out. Fuck man I'm dumb as hell with all that crap, but I'll be damned if I let anyone come and try to hurt us. Took over four years to get here Ryk, I won't let her go, or anyone hurt her either." Xavier said with authority. Ryker smiled turned and walked to his car, as Xavier drove off to grab the abandoned car.
Pulling up the side of the road in front of the abandoned pile of crap that had duct tape all over it and bungie cords it was clearly past being on it's last sanding legs. There was still light out side as the sun wasn't set yet. Walking up to the car he found it weird the license plate was gone. On both sides. The VIN number was scratched off from where he could through the front windshield. The doors were unlocked but everything stripped clean no numbers or identification any where on or in the car someone was obviously trying not to be connected to the vehicle. Weird he thought going to have to get it to the shop and call the DMV or police department on the owner or vehicles info. After getting it on the truck he looked around to notice no one there but still felt like he was being watched out of no where a car turned the corner at full force and ran straight through him. He managed to bang his head on the side of the truck and hit the ground with two bounces.
He got up slowly only to get struck by the same car and have his body fly far and hard a few feet away from the truck he heard the car tires screech off and police alert sound come up in front of him now. As he heard the familiar sound of an annoying voice, calling on a walkie for an ambulance for a hit and run gave details of Xavier and the car that hit him. Xavier wanted to get up and deck the little fucker, but blacked out from all the bounces of the head instead. He couldn't help the smirk on his face, hoping the plan worked. Hopefully she already received the copy of the papers he had sent to Ryker. Hopefully they were written correctly, soon he was hoping this would all be over.
Bella and Xavier's whole family came rushing into the hospital as Nacho calmed them down letting them know that Melody already had him checked out. "He has a little swelling in the brain form the impacts he took repeated it will go down in a couple of days maybe three or four. There is a lot bruising around the ribs which will fade quickly in about a week or so. He's just going ot be sore as hell for awhile and is given two weeks on rest only. There is a problem though. Until the swelling in the head does go down he may not exactly remember anything of the last couple of years or months but as soon as the swelling is down and the haze he is currently feeling dies down his memory will bounce right back." Nacho said sadly.
"So what your saying for maybe a week he may not remember Bella?" Dante asked in a sad and worried voice. "Dante he didn't know me or Melody, and this happens all the time. Do not worry he will bounce back he just needs a little time. Don't be too hurt Bells because he went through something very traumatic if he wasn't built like a damn mountain he could have died. He walked away from this in the best way possible. Mel and I are on call for the next wo days we will be right here with him checking on him. He will be able to be discharged by tomorrow. So don't worry everything will work out." Nacho said as he made his way hugging everyone. "Well just go in there and see what happens and deal with it as it comes." Kayla said cupping Bella's cheek. Who nodded with her.
Walking in the door everybody went in family sections every aunt and uncle with their kids went in a little at a time as to not over whelm him. Finally Cam, Dante, Kayla, and Bella to go into the room. Xavier looked up smiling hugging all over his mama, and dad. Cam trying hard not to cry looking at all the bruising and purple marks on his brother making it hard to breath as he chuckled at their worried. "Y'all need to relax I am fine. It looks worse than it is really." He looked in the corner at the beautiful woman who came in with them. He was just starring a her lost for words. "You scared the hell out of us. Are you ok." She rushed up cupping his face with her hand looking into his eyes checking him over.
"Uh, I'm sorry? Do… do I know you. You seem really familiar." He said using his hand to hold over hers so she didn't take it away from his cheek still lost in her beauty. "Son, do you not remember who this is?" Dante asked sadly a little disappointed. "Can we have a minute alone please." Xavier asked not breaking eye contact with her. "Yeah sure. If you need help to put him in check you holler for me." Cam said making her laugh and Xavier too. As the door shut the starring remained taking a deep breath at he same time. It was time.
"I was told the swelling in my head is making things a little hazy but I was told it would fade soon. I don't remember your name, or who you are really. I just feel like my heart and brain are just like screaming at me that you are important. I mean feel this. He said as he put her hand on sore chest to feel his heart beating quickly. You make it a little harder to breath. Please tell me your not with Damien. I know all the guys girlfriends already came through." He chuckled at her. "I understand how confused this must be for you. How much trauma and hurt your body endured, it pains me so badly to see you like this." She said as the tears just kept falling off her face. He was quick to wipe them away. "I'm your fiancé'. We're getting married. I'm Isabella Alderman. Everyone calls me Bells or Bella." She said as his face lit up a little.
"Seriously? You? I'm getting married to you?" Xavier asked laughing looking at her as she retracted her hand. "Yeah. Is there a problem with that?" She asked getting a little nervous maybe he didn't like who he saw in front of him wrapping her arms around herself. "A problem?" He asked taking a deep breath trying to adjust himself on the bed to be more comfortable. "Have you seen yourself. You looking all like that, you are leaps and bounds out of my league can you explain how my fugly ass landed someone like you to agree to not only be with me but marry me?" He said just lost in her beauty. "We have the same friends. He girls hung around you guys for about four years. I came off and on to this town to be with them, and by doing so I have hung around you guys. We got close. Than I moved here permanently and we got closer spending time together and we got together. You are not fugly, you're my walking wet dream." She said pushing his chest in being offended he calling her man ugly.
"Whatever you say sweetheart. Would it be weird to ask you to just lay her with me for a while. Let me hold you a bit maybe something in this brain will trigger faster." He said wiggiling his eyebrows. "It's not weird for me after all I'm the one who did deflower you." She said giggling at him. His mouth dropped. "Are you serious?" He asked all of a sudden his mouth went dry. "Yup." She said popping he P sound at he end. "Was I any good?" He asked looking down holding her close to his chest playing with her hands. "You are the best. You'll remember soon enough though." She said placing a kiss to his cheek. "Look at you two all cozied up. That's a good sign at least." Dante said. "Well hell dad look at her. If you just woke up from a horrible hit, and had a fine looking woman in front of you say she's yours you really going to say no? He said making everyone laugh at him and Bella smack his chest. "OW!" HE said still chuckling.
"Oh crap, I'm so sorry babe." She said to him. "I must be hurting you leaning on you too her I'll mover off." He stopped her grabbing her waist and wrist. "You aren't moving from where you at. You are not hurting me." He said pulling her back. His eyes getting a little dark from the lust he felt from her calling him the pet name. "But your ribs are." He cut her off again. "Fine. They are fine. Just please stay here like this with me a little longer." HE asked with a pleading heart. I know I don't know you completely right now. I know your important. I know I need you. Just please stay." He said looking at her. "I don't know you, but my heart does, and I know it's beating the truth." He whispered in her ear making her legs squeeze together from that deep low voice that drives her nuts. "OK." She blushed as she leaned back the way they were. They all talked for a couple of hours until they were asked to leave.
"Can't she stay please?" "No can do big man." The nurse said with a smile at everyone. "They can come get you at seven in the morning though you'll be discharged as long as everything goes well with you tonight." She smiled brightly. "So who will be coming to get him so I Can have him ready for you?" She asked looking at them. "Me. I will. I'll be taking him home." Bella said as she wrote down her phone number on the board. "Here feel free to text me if you get lonely. Jayden found in he tow truck is perfectly fine." She said handing Xavier his phone that was fully charged with a spare charger for him. "Thanks Bells." He said blushing from her kissing his cheek. She walked out with the rest of the family and went to their home where she cried holding his pillow missing him on their bed. He started looking through his phone and the gallery where there was hundreds of pictures of him and the guys, the girls, his family, but mainly of him and Bella being happy together, or her, or her sleeping on him making his heart race a little faster.
A knock on the door at eight p.m made her alert. Opening the door knowing her little gun and taser hidden in the small table near the door. "What are you doing here?" She asked looking confused a him. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Bella I was the one who found him. I called it in. I got him help. I was there and saw him. I needed to make sure you were alright. I know it wasn't easy for you. I know I have no right to ask, but your still my friend Bella and I worry about you. Is he ok?" Carter asked as he leaned his body into the frame to pushing to come in or come out. "He has some swelling so he won't remember me full for a couple of days. He just knows I'm someone important to him." She said tears rolling down her face. Carter moved so quickly pulling her into him holding her close and letting her cry on him. Seeing her like that brought his heart pain. "It'll be fine Bells. I promise." He cooed to her. She let herself fall apart in the comfort arms of her friend that still gave her the creeps.
"Did you at least see who did it?" She asked him pulling away from him and still sniffling. "I came around the same corner as that car I noticed it just totally floored it at the stop sign and made sharp left turn and by the time I got up there the car was already speeding away I couldn't see the driver the car had fake plates. It was abandoned and already lead to dead end search. Unless Xavier can remember what he saw it's most likely going to be a cold case. We can't even find a real number to whoever called in about the car he was towing. It's crazy. I'm sorry Bells there is nothing more we can do other than talk to Xavier which I will be on my way to do right now so wish me luck." He said in a self mockery chuckle. "Thank you Carter. Thank you for helping him. I'm so lost without him. I swear he is my everything." She said sighing. "What if the swelling goes down and he still can't place you Bells?" Carter asked curiously. "Well I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we come to it won't we." She said rubbing her arm up and down. "I feel bad leaving you alone like this." He said lifting her chin up to look at him. "I can stay with you, if you need me to Bells. All you have to do is tell me to stay. I don't want to leave you alone when your this upset." He said with eyes that were worrying for her. "I can stay with you." He said one last time.
'No. I'm perfectly fine Carter. I just need to get a little rest . I have to get him in the morning. Bright and early and I can't wait to have him home." She said pushing away further form him. "Tomorrow? Isn't that a little too soon? He was banged up pretty bad." Carter asked in shock. "Nope my sexy beast of a man is actually just sore and bruised thank god. It could have been so much worse we are so blessed to be this lucky. She said in a thankful voice. "Thank you for checking in on me Carter. It means a lot to me. I need to go rest now though have a wonderful and safe night." She said as she waved him off and shut the door with all the locks going in place and security systems.
Walking in the door he looked at the man he wish he could just get rid of, who couldn't seem to get his damn hooks out of his woman. "Well you look like shit." Carter told Xavier looking at him standing straight up with his thumbs linked through his belt on his uniform. "Now, now don't try seducing me with compliments Anderson, besides visiting hours are over and your not exactly my type." Xavier mouthed off to him. "Really and what exactly is your type. Brown haired, light skinned angel like short woman, because if so I just happened to have left a house that held one who matched that description perfectly." He smirked to him. "What the hell do you want Carter why are you here?" Xavier asked getting defensive now.
"Well it is my job to come check on the victim to ask if you remember anything to help us with the case, because like you heard me say before I got nothing to go and both vehicles the one you was towing and the one who hit you are useless no real way to track them and even you know that's true. I did just leave a beautiful woman who was beside herself in grief though over the accident of her man friend." Carter got cut off by Xavier. "You stay the hell away from Bella. She aint one of them sluts who fawns over you. She's mush better than that. She aint Natalie. You better step off what isn't yours Anderson." Xavier snapped to him. "I know damn well what that woman is worth. You know damn well I don't' fuck with Natalie, and never have. What you don't seem to remember is Isabella and how much I love her. I deserve her more than you. What the hell could you give that woman, honestly man? With your scared up face I think you forget just how far you out of your own league with this one. I know you can't remember her right now so I'm here to do you a favor and help remind you here you go man." Carter said giving him his phone with google on a list of all the companies that go through Dolton Industries.
"What's this supposed to be?" Xavier asked looking at a list of companies confused. "That, is every one of the business your woman works either for, or owns a part of personally." Carter said with a smirk. Xavier stood there shocked. "Yup, she should be with me not you. She is apart of my world, a world in which you would never fit in because you hate people like us. Honestly how do you think she will thrive with you being bored as a wall at the events she has to attend and other things she has to handle down at Bellbrook and other places. Do you honestly think you are good for her. What do you know of the business world, she is single handedly the smartest person either of us has ever known hands down. Knowing you can work about five lifetimes and not even come close to what she's worth? What do you honestly think you can give her, that I can't. What makes you think you can in any way shape or form be anywhere close to better than me?" Carter asked snapping at him like a crazy person.
Handing his phone back and looking down at his still on the gallery. He felt a quick heart broken and than got filled with warmth and a smile crept to his face. "I never thought I'd see the day when Carter fucking Anderson would lose his shit and be jealous of me." He said with a chuckle his hand rubbing down his face. "What did you say to me boy I aint jealous of shit of you." Carter said taking a step forward being pist as hell. "Aint you though boy. Why else would you be in here right now, telling me to back off a woman I apparently already have. To remind of how little you think I am compared to you. Aint nothing little about me and you and I both know that now don't we?" HE said with a smirk. "I know exactly what I can give that amazing woman you talking about. I guess I'll start with obvious unconditional love which she was just showing me not even more than two hours ago when she was laid up with me right here in my arms. Than I guess I will show her how I and only I can love her and her body as she told me also a few hours ago about how I was the best. Than I think I will give her my last name, and start building a family. That's what I think I will give her that makes me better than you. She already choose me Carter when she said yes to whenever I asked her to marry me. So why the hell you still tripping?" He snapped at a fuming Carter.
"She should have been mine and you stole her from me. You just got lucky with her, that's it aint nothing special about you. She'll see that soon enough. You don't deserve you should have seen how I left her with her eyes full of tears over you. I offered to stay and comfort her, being the great friend I am. MY shirt is still soaked from the damn tears you made her cry. Who's to really say you will ever remember her once that swelling goes down. She don't need to go through any more hurt than she already has. So why don't you be a good boy and do the right thing and back off her until you can remember who she really is?" Carter said in more of a warning tone.
"Why don't you be a good little boy and fuck right off. You think you're going to get to me about being with my woman tonight?" He laughed hard in a mocking one. "You just said you offered to stay with her tonight, she's been gone for almost two hours and you are right here in front of me which means my woman told you no, and is still holding it down for her daddy. I may not remember everything but I am remembering little bit more each hour that passes and the more I think of her and see our pictures the more I remember her under me and what she liked to be calling me. You don't know her like I do. You never will either man, because I know with everything in me that woman is mine and she was made just for me. You can do with that information what you see fit. DO you even like Carter, or are you just chasing her because for the first time in your life a woman told you no. For the first time a woman you chased is actually trying to run away from you and doesn't want you to catch her. Are you just mad for the first time in your life you want something you can't have, and I have it because the very thing you chasing keeps running straight back to me her real man? I know I love this woman and I won't give her up to a douchey tool like you. So you got another thing coming if you think I will ever bow out or down to you. If she wanted you Carter she would be with you like you said she is a smart woman I doubt very seriously she would be right where she wants to be. So now why don't you act like a man and respect her choice to be with me and go find your own woman." Xavier said with a smirk and a warning tone.
"I have loved that woman for four years. I met her before you ever did by almost four months. It should have been me. It will be me. In the end you both will realize how much better I am for her. I can give her a family, a home, and everything in between better than you ever could. You aint the only man who can give her the things she needs. Trust me once I get her under me she wont even remember her own name. She just needs some time for you to realize how much you don't fit in her world." He spat out.
"Well dude from what I can recollect, you don't cross her mind once. If she wanted you she'd be with you. Too bad for you though man she's wearing my ring and hell from the way she talked to me she may even already be building our family as we speak my baby in that beautiful belly. If not I'm sure she'll swollen there soon. Feel free to show yourself out the damn door and let it hit your jealous ass on the way out. You only here because you think I would ever back off of what's mine to someone like you. Your punk ass better guess again. She's all mine and you can just suck it." He said as he moved his hand to gesture to his private area. Carter left slamming the door in anger. He night went quickly as he his memories came back little more each time he closed his eyes and drifted off. He could see her face and hear her voice and her with others.
She pulled around the front and he was already waiting for her outside after refusing the wheel chair the male nurse still walked with him and waited with him seeing as he would be the closest thing to be able to try to lift him up if he fell. "I didn't think they would let you out like this already." She said with a smile opening the door for him to get into her classic beauty that made him smile. "I love this car bay." He said to her as she tried to help in the car, he let her just so he could feel her hands on him. "Yes, it's one of our favorites to go on date night when we don' take your truck you love that too." She said smiling as she buckled him in he kissed her cheek both feeling the sparks every time they ouched each other. He knew she was important. He just didn't realize just how far deep down his love for her would go, but hell he was getting excited to find out.
Once they pulled up to their house. He looked to her confused. "Welcome home baby." She said smiling coming around to have him lean a little on her worried how sore he may be. "This is your home?" He said a little shocked it was absolutely breath takingly beautiful. The back yard was amazing the pool, the grill set up, the three car garage set up. He had to stop for a minute taking a deeper look at his tools being there the same way they were in his home. "No, silly goose this is our home. You moved in with me when your landlord sold your house because she was moving up to live with her kids she had early set Alzheimer's. So I asked you to live with me and it was the third best thing I ever done in my life." She said wrapping her arm around his waist.
Looking down at her with a smirk he couldn't help himself wrapping his arms around her waist to ask. "What are the first two?" Wrapping her arms around his neck she smile. "Saying yes to being your girlfriend is number two and saying yes to become your wife soon will be number one." She said smiling kissing his cheek. He couldn't help but stay lost every time he looked into her eyes. Those eyes that were stuck in his head and dreams. "I do remember you for the most part Bells. I don't remember everything fully just yet, but I know enough to know I still love you. Can I kiss you?" He asked her looking in her eyes making her feel like the world no longer exists, she could only nod to him. He pushed his lips onto hers and it was like the whole world had shifted. Sparks flying all over them he held her closer to him. Time no longer existed, until they broke apart for air.
"I don't have to be smart to know that was the best kiss I ever had." He said resting his head to hers. She just nodded to him. "Every time is the best with you though Xav. Just think we get a lifetime of this." She said happily her hand cupping his cheek happily. "I can't wait. How about we get in there now though I am starving for some of your waffles." He said "You really do remember more than we thought you would. Good signs baby." She winked as he followed her in the house smacking her butt along the way. Making breakfast and talking about what they were going to do for two weeks worth of resting. There were a couple days were rest wasn't going to what they would be doing.
Xavier just finished up changing the breaks on the charger checking the other fluids, and was washing his hands in the little sink in the garage. His memory had fully come back and it's been a full two weeks he returned to work tomorrow on Monday. Bella took a full two weeks off and stayed with him like a mini vacation in the home. Coming out with a magazine with some things circled. "Hey babe what do you think about these for center pieces?" She asked looking at the little fishbowls that had a special light to be lit in the water with little flowers floating on top. "That is both cool and pretty. I like that. Do you think Darla can find stuff like that?" He asked with a smile he loved when they went over the things for the wedding. It just made it feel more real for him and he couldn't wait for it to get here fast enough just another month or so about six weeks at least.
"I think so she's the one who gave me this." Bella said chuckling. "Did you find a dress yet?" He asked wrapping his hands around her waist pulling her into him lovingly in front of the car. "No but the girls, your aunts, our moms and Dimitri have all picked a day for us to go. Dimitri made an appointment using my name in Bellbrook. Also Nacho, Ryker, Jaxon and papa Corban worked out who was giving me away they all wanted to do actually Nacho and Ryker both wanted to share and Papa Corban told he would shoot them both where they stood if they even tried so Papa Corban will be giving me away." She said making them both laugh. "Sounds like pop's man. You know I really like them. They just grow on you man. So different than I thought they would be. Even Jax." He said to her. Jaxon has gotten closer to each of them as he promised. Things were going good finally he thought.
Thinking about her walking down that aisle in special dress making her look even more like an angel he couldn't help but imagine ripping it off her. She kissed him deeply as he was already starring into her eyes deeply already with that dark look. Getting caught up in the moment he lifted her legs around his waist lifting her body up and laying her down on the hood of the car. Lifting her dress all the way to her breast as he pulled the bra cups down attaching himself to her left one, ripping her panties and freeing his painful erection from his pants. Knowing everyone is busy until they go to his parents house later that day he was taking his time with her teasing her, playing with her thrusting deeply and slowly. Sucking on her breast than coming back up lifting her hands above her head and holding them there with one hand as he smashed his lips down to hers again, and using his other to use two fingers to also fill inside her as he was thrusting into her and using his thumb to rub over clit making her back spasm continuously.
"Fuck! Baby it's too much I don't think I can." She got cut off by him. "No, no baby. That's it just lay back and let daddy take care of you, you going to take it all baby girl. I know you love this. I can feel it through every muscle through your body head to toe baby." He said as he brought them both over the edge calling out their name, that's when they heard them. "OH shit, sorry Bells." Nate said turning his head to the side and down quickly away from them. "What the hell?" Carter said not looking away just starring and the almost naked Bella in front of him, both happy at the sight and angry as he had to see Xavier take his hand and his dick out of her. After hearing them call out for each other feeling rage thinking that should be him. He gathered himself enough control not to shoot the man in front of him right than and there.
"What the FUCK are you doing here?" Xavier yell as he quickly pulled her dress back to down to cover her body that was only for him to see. "Do you just get off or something or have a sixth sense of showing up a all the wrong times to our house uninvited. Fucking fingers broke to pick up a pone to tell us you on the way or something. Isn't it like illegal or some crap for to just keep walking in our home unannounced at your damn free will officer." Xavier snapped at both of them. "First off this is the first time I came over in my uniform on duty. Second town and place like ours its common to walk in to your friends home. Like it or not Bells is our friend. Third no one was answering the front door, we heard weird noises coming from here and the damn door was half opened." Carter said gesturing to the door. "Yeah man how we supposed to know you getting freaky in here, I mean hell you go ta bedroom." Nate said snapping at him.
"Well first off where and when we get freaky is our business being this our house, and we are a passionate couple we can roll around everywhere we see fit. You already figured that out from last time though didn't you if we answering the door don't you think we were a little busy?" He snapped back looking at Carter with a smirk. "OK ENOUGH! What can we do for you gentlemen?" Bella said looking a tall the boys after fixing herself, and now placing her hair in a messy pony tail. Making both Xavier and Carter hard and looking at the beautiful woman in front of them. "We came by to see if Xavier remembered anything about the person who ran him down. You know just trying to follow up. Everything else is a dead end. No cameras, no proof, no evidence, both cars are useless info we cant find anything about them. So he is our main source right now other wise it's going to be cold case until he can trigger something." Nate said looking at her sadly.
"Sorry boys, nothing clicking just yet, but I will go down to the office and file anything I remember, and save you guys a trip." Xavier glared at them. "We're sorry Bells." Nate said as he came up to kiss her cheek. "Sorry Bells." Carter followed suit. Making Xavier to grip her waist pulling her back into him. "Well these things happen I guess. I mean I never had them happen to me so many times, in my house, but it happens apparently right?" She tried to awkwardly laugh off. "Babe, I'm going to go the cakes out of the oven they should be ready by now, and clean up to go to your parents. House. Drive safe boys." As she turned and walked off into the house after kissing his cheek. "Well boys if that's all you need we have other things we have to do today so feel free to leave." Xavier said sharply as he walked them out to make sure they left. "You know where to find us if anything changes." Nate said, while Carter was still trying to suppress his anger. "You ok man?" Nate asked him knowing how hard it is to see the one you want with someone else but he never had to see the one he wanted under another man twice now. "What do you think man need to step it again." Carter gritted through his teeth. He had finally broken and had, had enough. It's time he ended this for good. He thought to himself.
"Later after the girls had all gone into the house to talk about whatever woman talked about. Damien came up to them Ryker who popped up out of no where in tow. "Man check this crazy shit out." His cousin said mad as hell. "Hey Ryker. You hungry son there's some food left in the kitchen." Dante said as the guys were all outside sitting around. "Thanks pops, I'm good though." Ryker said as he smiled at everyone else and waved. "So I was going through the reports made about the accident when this crossed my attention read it. Take a look." Ryker said with a smirk. Looking up all the men grew mad. "You're telling me this little fuck tard is the one who filled out the damn fake pre-nup?" Xavier snapped. "Yup. Are you sure you guys grew up fighting each other I mean all the those years you would think he would know how to spell your name by now man. Seriously how do you not know how to spell your name." Ryker chuckled.
"Well we'll we are just going to hold all of these and I have a guy who is going to be watching and paying close attention to our little friends the officer douche squad. I plan on using both reports on evidence to build a case against him as soon as I get enough information because I have every reason to believe that, that damn tool is the reason for all of this. Including your hit and run. Travis actually pointed it out in a suggestion and I took it and ran came across all of this." Ryker said making the guys get angry. "Are you saying that this little fuck wit is the reason why my boy got plowed down the other day? Also the same numb nuts who made that crap job fake prenup to cause problem between my kids?" Dante asked in a scarily calm voice as he and all his brother slowly sat up and leaned forward.
"I'm saying it was our gut instinct but we decided to dig up facts and sorry to say but those facts are coming up right." Ryker said looking at the men. "So what do we do now?" Cameron asked getting mad and feeling helpless that he can't help his big brother. "Well we just sit back and have my guy keep tabs on them and still let me get all the data I can it may and can take a while but basically we just need to sit back and let numb nuts sink himself deeper. Not only will we have a case of a lot of charges such as harassment, hit and run, assault, and premeditated attempt to murder based on the fact that the driver reversed and hit you again. I actually think I'm going to have to get some stalking charges for you and Bella I'm having Travis look into it. I think pretty soon here Mr. Anderson will be out of a job and looking at some serious jail time. Not to mention he will have to pay you for the medical cost back to the insurance company, and have to pay for the two weeks you had to take off work, plus including the mental stress it cost you and your beloved there." Ryker said with a smirk.
"Wow, son you really milk and drain all charges for all they worth there don't you boy?" Lamar said laughing with the others. "I am the best for the reason." Ryker said with his hands opened wide as to take a bow. "Ry, what are you doing here?" Bella said coming out with her stuff as she was ready to leave. "What do you mean what am I doing here, it's family night." He shrugged not wanting to worry her or let her know what's going on with Carter he needed her to be normal so she needed to be left in the dark for a little while. The guys smirking at how fast Ryker was quick to change subject. "Yes it is, but why are you here?" She asked again being confused. "You my little sister, this about to be my brother right? That makes us family. What I can't be here because I'm Italian let me tell you something little girl I bring the spice to this place." He said making everyone laugh. "Whatever you say big brother. Babe you ready I'm tired and I have to run to Bellbrook with D tomorrow." She said hugging some of the uncles bye.
"Yeah baby, let's go I got an early day to I'm opening up and got bunch of paper work to fill out. Keep in touch man." He said giving a bro hug to Ryker and his brother patting his uncles on the shoulders. As they got home they agreed on the cake, and flowers for the wedding. "So about the honey moon I need to know how many days to take off work, and where we going." He said with pulling her to him as they started laying down. "Hey you ok?" He asked her as she looked a little off. "Um, yeah can you actually just pick a place for us to go and decided how long and stuff I'm cool with whatever I'm just kind of in my own little mind right now." She said. "Yeah I can do that it'd be nice to surprise. Seriously though what's wrong?" He asked looking down at her getting worried. Have you maybe moved some of my things around?" She asked being confused. "I haven't touched anything babe. Hell you been doing my laundry and putting everything away. I haven't touched anything is something missing?" He asked raising his eyebrow.
"Well I'm missing some under wear, shirt, my short shorts, and a bra and little things are just gone. I can't figure out where they could have gone. Even like my shampoos or lotion is gone." She said getting nervous. "It's ok babe. Calm down I'll go over the cameras later but we'll figure it out how long have they been gone so I know how far to go back." He asked hugging her closer. "About couple of weeks actually. Thank you honey." She said kissing him sweetly. He smiled and held her close as he drifted off with his friends warnings running through his head of Carter going into their room. He made it obvious he has no problem coming into their home uninvited when their there, what if he's getting in when their not. Time to change up the security system and make a special call to Travis. Let's see just how well Carter gets around this time. He smiled to himself. Time to start showing your true colors Anderson.