"Lady Hinata?! What are you doing here?!" Ko exclaimed, alerting everyone to my presence.
Ino, Tenten, the Inuzuka, and I had formed up and kept pushing the enemy back to the east gate where they entered from. Now at the heart of the battle, It was unavoidable that I would meet other Hyuga.
"Ko! Mind your business and focus on the enemy," I shout, "Haa!"
I destroy a woman's sternum with an elbow strike the jump into a kick to knock her head off.
"Lady Hinata...." A few Huyga gasped. I assumed that they weren't at the finals, so they had no idea I was a cold bitch.
I figured sooner or later. I would have to reinvent Hinata Hyuga. And if I had the stage, I might as well go all out. With my weights off, speed and strength weren't an issue as I could kick a person through a wall with ease.
The issue was Hyuga's respect. I used taijutsu solely to make my way to my father and grandfather's side.
When I arrived, I used a tenketsu needle, placing it right in the middle of the enemy's eyebrows causing him to drop dead.
"Hinata!" my father growled.
"It's not the time, dad. Uncle Hizashi!" I shout across the battlefield. "Clear the field!"
Hizashi looked at my father, and she reluctantly nodded. A moment later, Hyuga shinobi echoed.
"Gentle Step Lunar Gale!" They all performed a sweeping kick the launched an air scythe, leaped into an ax kick the fired another air scyther, and their bodies constructed with chakra were pushed from all of their chakra points, forming an air person that was launched to clear everything in their path.
"Heavenly Dipper?" I asked my father, and he looked at me, shocked, before frowning at my grandfather, who just laughed to himself.
I've known for years that my grandfather was aware of my nightly raids of the Hyuga library.
"Heavenly Dipper takes two Master Gentle Fist users to do. You are no master." My father roared.
"You stubborn old fool." I call him, "You know damn well I threw that match and held back during my spars so that you could keep Uncle Hizashi around because you were too cowardly to invite him over for anything other than sparring matches between Neji and I. So be quiet, and let's do the damn technique to end this!"
The quiet, recluse, sometimes caring, and other times aloof Hinata had snapped at her father and claimed to be a Gentle Fist Master. For the most part, the battle was over. We didn't have to do anything, and we would still win. But this display was to garner the support of every Hyuga, which will help in my Chunin selection and hopefully get the attention of that bastard Danzo.
My father caved, and he took the stance as we looked to the destroyed east gate. Many sound and sand ninja were fleeing for their lives as they knew the battle was lost.
"Mark." said my father
"Mark," I echoed him.
With our Byakugan, we set a target.
"Hidden Art: Eight Trigrams: Lion Style: Heavenly Dipper!" He shouted in unison as we flashed away and appeared in the sky above our target -the middle of the swarm of fleeing enemies.
As we came down are hands were forming signs at breakneck speed.
"Ten directions, Nine palaces, Eight Trigrams, Seven Stars, Heavenly Dipper, Roar! ShiShi!"
Our hands clasped, and our chakra erupted and merged to form a great lion. The moment our feet touched the ground, we sprang in the gentle fist, performing the first form to the last form, fluid and without flaw. As we moved, the great lion ShiShi, wrecked the battlefield, slaughter our enemies by the dozens.
Stepping into our final form, Sweat drenched my body, and I panted heavily as maintaining the Heavenly Dipper was more taxing than I ever imagined. My father and I pushed out with all of our might, and the ShiShi pounced before releasing a devastating roar that destroyed 100 meters of forest.
My chest was heavy, and sweat burned my eyes as I looked at my father. I saw him smile at him, and I couldn't help but cry. If a father is absent, he can't be proud or disappointed. I became used to living without either recognition in my past life. At that moment, it finally sunk in that Hiashi Hyuga is my father. I am the only Hinata he knows, and his prideful smile was because of me.
My chest felt hot, my cheeks burned. I stepped to hug my father, really hug him, and as I took my first step, the world went black. I had used too much chakra, and now I was done for.
When I wake up, I find a black kimono and letter.
Sometime later, I find myself walking through the countless mourning people surrounding the academy. I never really became close with the old man, but I think the collective sadness of the people affected me as I walked to the roof of the academy where the funeral for the Third Hokage was held.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't sad. But I was affected by the sadness. Walking between two formations, I took my spot in between Kiba and Shino. The councilman was speaking at the time. He spoke of reverence and honor for all those who protected the village.
The sky was very gloomy, and even the heavens wept for the old man. The funeral lasted for an hour or so before the rain stopped and the sun broke through. Once the funeral was over, all of the head Jonin were gathered with noble clan leaders.
For the time being, Hanabi and I helped the clan rebuild. Kurenai Sensei had given the team a few days off. She didn't tell us why but I knew she wanted to be with Asuma Sensei.
After a day of hard work, I made my way to the Aubrame clan. When I arrived, I spoke to Etsu, Yoshi, and Karin. In a time when the village was weak, they would be more open to new clans.
"Tomorrow, I'll get a few clan heads together before we go to the council," I tell them.
"Didn't the Hokage just die?" Karin asked.
"I'll speak to the new one. If it's who I think it is, I know just how to get what I want. But first, I need to know. The Uzumaki Kekki Genkai, Healing bite, did any of you inherit it?" I asked.
The room went silent, and Etsu finally replied, "Karin and I. Only Yoshi has the Adamantine chains, Female Uzumaki acquire them later in life, and they take years to develop."
"Then that's what you tell them. Don't say a word about the healing bite. They'll turn you to lab rats. Be ready at dawn." I finished.
Leaving the Aburame compounds, I then visit the Inuzuka, Yamanaka, and my father. Needless to say, my father was the easiest to convenience as he was a lot more light-hearted towards me than usual. Before I ran off, he told me to be at the clan training yard by noon the next day.
His request was odd, but I accepted. I also noticed the demeanor of my clansmen had changed. When I walked by, they gave me respectful bows accompanied by a 'Lady Hinata.'.
But the changes didn't stop there as my Grandfather and Greatuncle called me into the meeting hall. I knew these old men were up to something. Rarely did the elders of the branch and main family congregate, especially in secret.
"Hinata Hyuga...Hand it over." My Greatuncle spoke.
I played the fool, and my grandfather sighed. "How you found out about it, I don't know." Said the lying old man. "But you can only gain access after you make the trip to the family shrine. If ShiShi blesses you, then you may claim the Otsu scroll."
"If you hadn't proved yourself a Gentle Fist Master at the tender age of twelve, I would have taken this to the clan. But our clan is in need of talent. With that being said, your uncle Hizashi would like his son to take his place in the main family..."
"No." I interrupt, "I marry whom I want when I want. Hinata Hyuga is no one's puppet. If he wants him in the main family, then do away with that archaic cursed seal and Invite them back. The only resentment uncle holds is that he was cast out by his family for being born seconds late. Welcome him back, and there will be no conflict."
"Hmmm." my greatuncle and grandfather grunted.
I sighed, overly annoyed at the situation. "What? If you can tell me why the first cursed seals were placed on the branch family, I'll give you the Otsu Scroll and agree to marry Neji."
I waited. There was a list of reasons why it could have been implemented. To protect the Byakugan from the Otsutsuki on the moon, prevent a repeat of the civil war that happened on the moon. Anything at all. But the truth is, no one knows the truth.
"Nothing? Well, how about you leave the Otsu Scroll with me, and If I manage to open it, I'll tell you all the secrets within. And Greatuncle, it will explain exactly why there has to be a branch family and why that fucking seal is never coming off your forehead."
My grandfather smiled and looked at his brother. "I told you she was a Lioness. Neji's engagement will remain with Hanabi, and we will take a trip to the family shrine in three days to settle the matter of the Otsu Scroll."
"Do you have such faith in this little girl?" My great uncle asked.
"Of course, Matsu. She reminds me of grandma Chiho." my grandfather replied, and my great uncle shivered.
"She was a dangerous woman, Masato."
"I know, and my Hinata is a dangerous woman. She killed her first man at three years old. She's as dangerous as the come these days." my grandfather replied, and I realized then why I love the old man.
"Hmm, so be it. But Hinata has admitted to throwing her match against her sister and has proved her mastery of the Gentle Fist. The elders will call for a competency test."
"Needless." I speak again, "I plan to become Hokage. My sister managed this crisis very well and will only become better as the years go on. I'm a shinobi, and I will live a shinobi's life."
"Very well. You may go." My grandfather spoke with a smile.
I gave them a bow and rushed off. I just hope they don't go around telling people I want to become Hokage. They might start expecting me to do heroic shit.
Fucking old men always try to maneuver when a woman displays some power. Marry Neji? Tsk. I'll let him fuck, but marriage isn't for this one. Especially not at the behest or arrangement of others.
Anyway, I zip through the village with extreme haste, checking the local taverns, inns, and brothels. I finally found him in a small brothel, hit hard by the recent attack on the village. A tall and well-built man in adulthood with fair skin sat on the couch with two busty young ladies. He had waist-length, spiky white hair that he usually ties back into a ponytail, with two shoulder-length bangs framing his face. There were red lines under his eyes which extended towards his jawline.
I smirk at the old man, mostly his raging rod that tented his pants, and the young women rubbed with seductive enthusiasm. As the man was sliding one hand up a skirt and the other was already at work fondling breasts, I walk up and stand right in the old man's face.
He was about to speak when I beat him to the punch. I didn't care what kind of personality he had. All I cared about was what he could do for me and maybe what his cock looked when it was all big and angry like it is right now.
"Legendary Toad Sage Jiraya of the Sanin...." I say, " you two bitches find another cock to suck, this one's mine."
My Byakguan activates, and my veins in my face bulge. The two whores trembled and quickly scurried away. Jiraya looked like he had cum in his pants, and his mind had come to a sudden halt. I walked over to him and gripped his precum-soaked knob through his pants. Taken a close seat to him, I simply polished it a bit as he cooed and moaned like a little girl.
"Ahh, you're so much better than the pink-haired girl." he moaned, " It's good to see the village hasn't been slacking on its kunoichi training."
I giggled to myself as I imagined Sakura sneaking around to play with Jiraya's cock. The little bitch did have cock addiction. I then began to wonder if she gave Kakashi sensei a taste yet. I mean, if I was her, I would. And how else would she satisfy her urges? Everyone knew she was giving Sasuke and Naruto blue balls.
Not wanting to waste an entire night, I fished Jiraya's eleven-inch cock from his pants. Big and angry was an understatement. It was veiny and swollen. His tip was red and ooze slick, sticky, translucent precum. I use his own juices to lather him, grab his heavy sack, and began to massage him with all the skills of my accumulated years.
I could fill his dick twitch in my hand as the flow of precum increased. Pulling down on his balls, he comes, and his first load is held back as his eyes roll to the back of his head and body shakes. My jerking doest stop as I began to abuse his tip in full view of the brothel. Everyone watches in amazement as Jiraya's cock became fatter and grew another inch.
Motioning for a pretty blonde-haired girl. I asked her to get on her knees as I performed a transformation Jutsu to make her look like a young Tsunade. Jiraya's eyes went wide with shock. Quickly gripping the base of his cock, I release his balls and use both hands to milk him onto the face of a young Tsunade. His mind went wild, and he howls in delight. Rope after rope of thick hot spunk panted the young woman's face and large milky tits.
I was amazed as he came for two minutes, every rope stronger than that last. Just like women, men produce a lot of love juices in anime. Even Yoshi could cum buckets but never as much as what I milked from Jirays's cock.
The brothel was silent, and the atmosphere was tense as the blonde-haired girl was so turned that she finger fucked her cunt to orgasm in front of everyone. The cum drenched bitch was the sexiest thing I had seen in my new life the moment her mouth hung open, and cum filled it as her pussy gushed onto the wood floor.
Jirays's cock began to soften as he leaned back and panted. Reaching over, I grab Jiraya's money pouch and toss it to the young whore. I continued to play with Jiarya cum soaked limp dick as small waves of pleasure still affected him. I whispered in his ear about dirty bullshit, and the promise of fresh untouched pussy and his limp dick shot two more ropes of jizz, soiling my lap.
"I have to admit, you have a gorgeous dick master Jiraya. But even still, you're the lucky one. To have the Hyuga princess stroke you in public. Mmmm, consider it a gift for allowing me to touch it."
I lick my hands clean of his spunk and joyed the salty sweetness savoring the familiar taste of my past delight. But I definitely have to get new pants, again.
"I know who you are, Hinata Hyuga. I saw you and your father do that High-level jutsu the other day," said Jiraya. "Go on, tell me what you need. The pink-haired brat got some kenjutsu out of me when she sucked me off and some chakra control training after a clumsy handjob. But what you did...Wow!"
I put on a prideful smile as pleasure is my forte. If not the byakugan princess, then I would have woken up as a succubus all those years ago.
"I'm glad you have such high praise for me. Let's take a walk." I tell him.
He takes one last look at the blonde hair girl, and his cock twitches before he stuffs it in his pants and rises to his feet.
A moment later, we were walking through the village in the dead of night.
"You know they'll be making you Hokage," I told him.
I could feel his gaze as he asked, "And how do you know that?"
"Same way I know about your thing for Tsunade. Research, and it doesn't involve peeping on women." I reply.
The man smirked and said, "You need something only a Hokage can do."
"Exactly, and it will protect Naruto against the Akatsuki and allow him to learn his legacy when he discovers his parentage."
Jiraya frowned and felt a wave of killing intent. "What do you know of Naruto's parentage?"
"What everyone should. There was only one Uzumaki in the village during the time of his birth. Said Uzumaki loved the fourth Hokage, and she was pregnant at the time. And highly doubt the fourth Hokage found a random child between trapping the demon fox and sealing it. Oh, and said Uzumaki was the Jinchuriki of the nine tails at the time." I explained nonchalantly.
"What?" I ask as I felt Jiraya's gaze on me for several paces. "Anybody could figure it out if they had common sense and asked the right questions. Did you know that Naruto actually lives in his mother's apartment?"
Jiraya must have thought of everything as he suddenly palmed his face.
"Shit..." Jiraya mutters as I chuckled.
"It was really too easy. An orphan with the last name of a noble clan. Blonde hair and the Jinchuriki of the nine tails. All of it is too coincidental. So, as Hokage, if they give it to you, I need you to accept three Uzumaki into the village and allow them to claim the Uzumaki compound."
"These Uzumaki?" Jiraya asks, "Where they from."
"Grass shinobi. Orochimaru was after them. I figured the village was their safest bet."
"I can make that happen. But... You have to see me again sometime." Jiraya became all giddy.
"No," I told him with a serious tone. "If I ever touch your glorious cock again, it'll be free of any deal or coercion. Just be happy that I'm telling you it will happen again."
Jiraya laughed jubilantly as I took a step and vanished. I really hope Jiraya doesn't fuck this up.