Chapter 3

-Well Kate, you are the best student I had until today, but are you sure you don't want to continue in a professional way? ... Despite being 10 years old, she is one of the people who trains the best.

-Thanks Miss Anna, and I will not continue professionally it is more of a hobby at the moment haha By the way, how did you talk to Alfred? When I named Alfred I could see how his face changed even though I tried to hide it, I did not read those books on behavior and psychological analysis for nothing, I could see with the naked eye that this nervous haha

-What do you mean Miss Kate? Looking away

-haha Anna I know you like Alfred and I know that he is interested in you.

- I don't know what you're talking about, and look at the time, class is over so I'll go bye-bye Miss Kate ... As she left quickly, she didn't realize that Alfred observed the conversation they had and that she had forgotten her purse. look for the bag I hear Alfred talking to Miss Kate

-Miss don't make fun of your teacher Anna is not what a lady does. Said Alfred smiling

-Alfred but they are the same age she is cute and gets along with you I have seen how they look at each other do not think that Bruce did not realize when he was here and if he were here he would think the same as me

-Miss I am already too busy for a relationship and Miss Anna ..

-Come on Alfred I don't want you to be alone forever, you know that we will support you in what you are like as a second father to Bruce and me.

Alfred looked a lot like Daniel Craig and Anna looked like Sasha Luss would make a cute couple. Alfred in the comics did not have a partner and that is something I want to change. He already known Anna for over 4 years and more research was done on her. To begin with, the real name was Anna Poliatova and not Anna Petrov.

He came to know that she was a very strong woman who left Russia on her own, she left the Russian secret service pretending to be dead, she found out all her history from when her handler picked her up to the deal she made with the current head of the KGB to disappear. If there was someone who knew her and accepted her I suppose that someone is Alfred. Despite all this, she became a new identity and became famous in the world of Ballet until she retired and trained many talented dancers.She aria a good relationship with Alfred.The only thing that stops her is that she cannot have children due to an injury he had when he was an agent. She thinks that Alfred would not like a woman like her with her past as an agent. While Alfred is seen to be very interested but stops by Bruce and my thing that neither I nor Bruce wanted since we want the best for him.

-Thank you Miss Kate I'm glad you think well of me and I suppose that if you insist so much I can't refuse to say anything I'll just let things happen.

Alfred smiled at what I told him

-All I ask Alfred and by the way I hope you don't hurt her or hit you when she learns to fight hahaha

Outside Anna listened to the conversation with a smile thinking that they did not notice it, but since they could not notice it Alfred a former SAS and Kate was training not to miss anything he just wanted her to listen so they can have more opportunities ..

So 3 months passed and Alfred and Anna's relationship was no longer just friends since you could see Alfred and Anna smiling more because Anna had her dance studio, she couldn't spend as much time as they wanted together but they still looked very often. Anna told her problem to Alfred who told him that he had no problem, he told her that he already had a girl to take care of and that he knew who she was, which Anna was surprised but when Alfred told her that he only cared about Anna and not who he was or what he did in the past earned him a nice night from what I could hear when he passed by his room when he went to drink water.

Metropolis, today it was going to open its factory and the branch in metropolis, it had already opened one in Jump City and National City which were a success, it began with sets of sportswear and sneakers which had an offer greater than what they could produce. This led to the opening of branches and sales to clothing stores in other cities. Today I was walking through Metropolis with Alfred and Anna, who had been invited to visit Metropolis with them, they left a new store opening, since I wanted to see how it was going and from what he saw there were many people. When a 10-year-old girl passed by her and felt her hand reaching into her pockets, Alfred who was next to her was going to say something but Kate stopped him and told them to follow the girl. Which was very easy for the three of us. They followed her to an orphanage just as she gave the wallet to what seemed to be the orphanage caretaker, they stood aside to listen to what they were talking about which they didn't like at all.

-Only this did you get girl ?. Next time I get double that or you won't eat anything. He said as he entered the orphanage

Upon hearing this, both Alfred and she became angry, but the one who looked the most angry was Anna as it reminded her of her childhood due to the fact that she went through something similar when her parents died. When they saw the girl leave they followed her to a park. Kate told them that she was going to come closer to not make noise, she approaches her and sits next to her scaring her, seeing that she was about to run, she speaks to her

-Don't run away I didn't come to you for a few dollars

-What do you want of me? said the girl making a bad face to scare Kate

-Nothing I only approached to talk to you because I saw you giving the cash you stole to the one I suppose is the caregiver of the orphanage, why was that?

-I had to do it but not as according to her the one who does not work does not eat. Despite putting on a strong forehead, the girl could be seen with tears in her eyes.

Hearing what was happening at the orphanage, he couldn't help but get more angry.

-Alfred, can you take care of that orphanage?

"With pleasure Miss Kate let me make a few calls." While he was going to talk on the phone

When she saw 2 people behind her, the girl was scared but when she saw him leave, she only asked Kate who they were and what she wanted to say when taking care of the orphanage

-He is Alfred, he is the butler of my family even though we are only 2. She is Anna, Alfred's girlfriend, and because of the orphanage you don't have to worry about solving everything. What is your name girl?

Anna upon hearing Kate say that she was Alfred's girlfriend blushed a bit to say the least which earned her a small smile from Kate as she liked to tease her teacher with Alfred.

-My name is Mercy Graves I am 11 years old and you are also a girl so do not talk as if you are much older.

Hearing her say the name Mercy Graves it was familiar to him, but he did not know where he had heard it until someone came up with it, she was Lex Luthor's secretary and bodyguard. Looking at her she looked like a little Cassie Cage from the Mortal Kombat game, you could already see how beautiful she would be when she grew up. As he watched her, an idea occurred to him since she was the future secretary and bodyguard of Lex Luthor, who ran a multinational company should have talent so why not take the opportunity?

He made her talk to Anna who spoke to Mercy with pleasure since they had a similar story, while this was happening Alfred was talking to the current city commissioner of metropolis

-Hello Commissioner, this is Alfred Pennyworth, the current butler of the Wayne family

-Hi, how can I help you.

The commissioner answered quickly since having a good relationship with the Wayne family can lead him to spend much more time as a commissioner or himself to shorten his time not for nothing they are one of the most influential families in the United States

-This afternoon when I was walking with Miss Katherine Wayne, a girl stole the wallet that she had on top, which we followed to an orphanage, in this we saw the girl give the money to what we assume is the current caregiver of the orphanage I think you already know why I call him sir.

-Mr. Pennyworth I can assure you that this will be resolved in the next 2 hours. I will call you when I'm done.

-Thank you, Commissioner, I appreciate your help bye.

The moment he cut the call, Kate approached him

-Alfred I want to adopt Mercy.

(picture of Anna and Mercy)