My boyfriend is waiting for me


For about two weeks now, all Sonya do as the assistant secretary is to make coffee, take care of his food and have lunch with him everyday. Except for the little task she does, she just sit on her seat and relax and when she is not on her seat, she will surely be in his office. she has not answered him anything about his proposal and he also did not mention anything about it. Maxwell press a bottom on his office phone and summon Micheal in.

"about the company trip, which department turn is it?" he asked Micheal as he enters. "the accounting team and the finance team" he answered.

"arrange for it to be the CEO's floor and also make proper arrangement about it personally cause i will be going also" Micheal look at him with a puzzled expression.

"sorry sir, but this arrangement has been like this for a very long time. and besides the CEO's floor does not usually go for things like this. if you do it like this then you are announcing it to everyone in the company that you have another purpose behind it" Micheal stressed.

"what's the big deal about it just tell anyone who is curious that the rules have changed" he said nonchalantly.

"okay sir, i will do as you've just said" he said and walk out of his office.

"why do you look like an hungry man" Amy tease him.

"and why do you always have the time to gossip" he asked and walk over to her.

"so are you going to tell me or not" she said.

"our boss wants us to go to the annual trip with him" he explained.

"what! are you serious? but that has never happened before" she exclaimed unhappily.

"you even sound more unhappy about it than i"

"of course. there are just five of us on the CEO's floor and without the CEO, we get the best of everything on the trip and as we like. If he goes with us, we wont be able to spend how we like"

"don't worry, i don't think he would mind spending more" he said assuring her.

"that aside, boss birthday is in a few days time, why don't we join make the two event together" Amy suggested.

"you are in charge of that you can discuss it with him. I have a very important work to do" he said and left. Amy walk to Maxwell's office to tell about her idea. she knock on the door and Maxwell ask her in.

"yes, what is it?" he asked.

"sir, Mr Micheal just inform me about the change in our annual trip, and I also remember that your birthday is in few days, so I will like to ask what you feel about combining the two together since you don't always like an elaborate birthday party"she answered. Maxwell look at her and thought about her word.

"its does make some sense. He did not like parties but celebrating with the employee will guarantee Sonya's presence" he thought.

"you can do it like that" he replied and Amy leaves his office happily. Amy inform the rest and make preparations concerning it. She arranged for a place not too far where the other staffs are going to join them later for the party.

Sonya sat down for the last lecture for that day. She put a call through to Charles but he did not answer so she text him instead. The lecture ended about an hour later and she pack her books and leaves. She got out of the class and tried calling Charles again when Morris came to her. She met him last weekend at a convenience store and they talk a little in which she got to know that he is a lecturer at her school. After that he tried asking her out but she pretended not to understand him and try to avoid him.

"Sonya, I ask you to come see me yesterday but you didn't" he said when he get to her side.

"I was very busy yesterday and had a lot of classes" she lied. "okay, that's where are you going right now? I can take you" he said. Sonya did not want to tell him that she is going home and look for something she could say to reject him. "thanks, but my boyfriend is waiting for me" she said and quickly turn to leave. She got home and met Evelyn reading while Loveth was cooking.

"am back" she announced. Evelyn immediately stood up from her sit and drag Sonya to her side.

"what is it?" she asked. "shh, Loveth is cooking dinner" she said.

"what! why did you allow her?" she said understanding what she meant.

"there was nothing i can do about it. she insist and she almost get the reason why am against it" she explain.

"what exactly is she cooking?" Sonya asked.

"i don't know, she said she just made a new recipe and wants us to try it. she replied.

"what are you both saying in secret" loveth voice caught them by surprise.

"nothing, just normal stuff" Sonya quickly replied and leaves from Evelyn side.

"what normal stuff are you discussing like that?" she asked suspiciously.

"i was talking to her about our company"s stuff" Evelyn said and drag her along with her.

"don't bother with that and just go take care of dinner. am famished" she said and pull her back to the kitchen. after sometime, loveth serve the food for them and they sat down to eat.

"i present to the both of you my latest recipe" she said elatedly. Sonya and Evelyn look at each other and the food. the food looks odd and inedible.

"what is the name for this" Evelyn asked.

"I've not given it a name yet, but you guys can help me decide that after tasting she said proudly.

"why don't you let your boyfriend taste it first. as your lover you should cook this for him as a love dish" Sonya suggested with the hope that she will believe it and she actually did. "Hmm, what you said is reasonable. but I've spend a lot of time on it. are you saying to waste it? she said.

"ahem.. why don't you just send it over to your boyfriend's apartment packaged with love" Evelyn suggested.

"i already served it" she complained. Sonya and Evelyn quickly stand up and begin to pack it.

"we can quickly heat it and pack it immediately" they said and quickly get to it. loveth was confused and before she could understand what was happening, they already packed the food well for her and handed it over to her.

"you can just get a cab to send it over for you or better still you send it" Evelyn said.

"so what are we going to eat for dinner then?" loveth said. "don't worry before you get back dinner will be ready" Sonya said and they push her out and close the door. they rest their back on the door.

"was that too harsh?" Sonya asked.

"then will you like to eat that for dinner?" Evelyn restored.

"yeah, that's right" Sonya said and they laugh together.

"but wait! how are we going to get dinner ready before she comes back?" Evelyn cried.

"that's so easy, just give me few minutes" Sonya boosted and head to the kitchen to prepare something for them to eat.