Dating rumors

After awhile Sonya was able to contact Charles family and it turn out that Amy, Simon's girlfriend was his sister. she was surprised and chatted with her for a while. then she discover that she and Simon already broke up a long time ago. after sometimes she bade her bye and headed home. she check her chat with Maxwell but he has not read her message at all.

….Micheal drove Evelyn back to her apartment and went back to the party venue. Almost everyone has left except a few drunk ones. He called Amy to find out where she is but she was not picking up. He hissed and kept the phone back into his pocket and went around to look for her. He knows that she would never go home unless he told her to and search for her the more. After searching and not seeing her, he went to the room she was staying to check. He got there and met the door wide open. He entered and close the door. Amy was on the floor. He could smell the scent of alcohol all over her. He walk up to her and bend down beside her.

"Amy!Amy!" he called but she did not answer. He pick her up from the floor and lay her on the bed. He covered her and went to get her some water. He place the water on the desk beside the bed and pat her gently to wake her up. Amy sat up suddenly and start to undo the button on her clothes. Maxwell held her hands to stop.

"do you know what you are doing?" he said and turn to leave but Amy held him back and pull him to seat on the bed beside her.

"help me with it" she said drunkenly. And held his hands to her clothes. Michael slap her hands away.

"you are worse when you are drunk. I told you to wrap everything up but you were busy drinking instead" he was still taking when he felt her lips on his. He froze and the remaining words were stuck in his throat. Amy kissed him more and wrap her hands around his neck. Because it was so sudden, Micheal did not know how to react. When he felt her hands on him, he quickly pull her away.

"why? don't you like it?" Amy asked half awake. Micheal ponder on what she said.

"no, she is just drunk" he thought and push away the thought on his head. He remove his hand completely from her and stood up. Amy also knelt down on the door and held his hand to stop him from leaving.

"am I not attractive?" she said with a smile. Micheal sigh and turn to face her.

"you are attractive but right now you are drunk and not in your right mind" he said to cajole her. Amy bought his face nearer to hers.

"don't worry, I know what am doing" she replied and kissed him again. He felt her tongue in his mouth and felt himself giving in to his lustful desire.

"he really should not do this. Its like taking an advantage of her" he thought. But the taste of her lips on his made her irresistible. He like it and wanted more. He place his hands on her waist and deepen the kiss….


Sonya got home very tired and went straight to her room. she change her clothes and lie down without taking a shower. she feels very bothered by the way Maxwell left the hospital. she quickly log into the xxx app but handsome man was not online again. so she send him a message to him.

"hey, its been a while. how are you doing?. actually i have something really important to ask of you. i know I once said we shouldn't meet, that we should just remain anonymous friends but i will like to change that. i want us to meet as soon as possible please. anywhere in country x, i will come find you. this is my number" she first type and wrote her number for him. And if you are wondering why, I need to meet you to confirm something important.

"its better to come clean with him than just beat around the bush" she thought. then she log out and went to her contact and click on Maxwell's name. she called but its was unreachable. she tried a couple of times again but still get the same reply, she decide to text him instead.

"can we please meet, I have something important to say" she text and also added at the end.

"I like you" she prayed in her heart that he gets the message.Sonya received a message from Simon and closed the app

"when are you coming here?" she asked. Simon replied her immediately.

"why? is there something wrong? i will be there in a month from now" he replied her.

"its nothing i just need some money" she answered.

"okay i will send some money to you right now" he replied and in a few second she receive the money. Simon has been the one taking care of her expenses since university, she wanted to inform him about Maxwell but decide not to. She knows that will surely be against it. he has always been against her having any kind of relationship with guys. instead she typed

"why do you break up with Amy?" she ask but Simon didn't reply. she waited for a while and drop her phone when he didn't reply for a long time. she drop her phone to sleep. then she jolted up from the bed and remembered that she has test tomorrow and has not opened her book yet. she quickly open her bag and remove the book to read.

"its means she wont be able to go to work tomorrow" she thought and fell asleep on her desk after reading for a while.

.... Micheal open the door to Max well's office without knocking and rush in. Maxwell raise up his head from the computer in front of him.

"what's it?" he slowly catch his breath before replying.

"there is something wrong with the company in country D" he answered.

"i just receive news that the goods that was ordered for sank while its was being transported there" he further explained. "how many?" Maxwell asked.

"everything" he answered.

"you mean goods worth about ten million dollars sank and you are just telling me now" Maxwell yelled and stood up from his seat.

"i font tgink that's really the case. Am investigating on it and I also got to know about it now. the managing director is trying to escape and he is on the run as we speak. I think they tamper with the transaction somehow" he quickly informed him.

"arrange the earliest ticket to country D now and inform Amy about it. also tell her to come inside" he said calming down.

"i did that already" he replied.

"good, inform my parent and contact our people in country D to get that man before we arrive" he instructed and quickly close what he was doing on his system. Micheal went out to carry out his instructed and Amy comes in.

"sir am here." she said.

"am sure Micheal brief you already" he said and she nodded her head.

"while we are away make sure you take care of things well in our absence. and also I need you to help me get another phone, my phone is fell in the water yesterday. And make sure to restore back everything on it for me. make sure you get it ready before i get back" he instructed and wave her out. after about an hour he headed to the airport with Micheal and departed to country D.

....Sonya got to school the next day looking very tired. immediately she entered the school, she notice people staring at her. she wondered why but discard it and went for her test. after the test. two ladies walk up to her and greeted her.

"are you really dating Charles" one of them ask.

"what are you talking about?" she asked as well.

"the news is on the students official group. a girl named Blair announced it with a photo evidence" they explain to her. Sonya quickly open her phone to check and truly it was there. the photo that was attached was when she held Charles when they entered the hall yesterday and also some pictures of them at his restaurant eating together.

"is it true?' they ask again.

"no its not" she reply and stood up from her seat. she hope Evelyn has not seen it yet. luckily for her the other class was canceled and she remembered that she has not eaten since yesterday evening, she quickly went to grab something to eat. then she decide to go to the company to take a sick leave for Charles and maybe she would be able to see Maxwell and clear the misunderstanding Blair created before going to the hospital to check on Charles. she has been checking her phone for Maxwell's reply but there was none. she took a cab and alighted from it and walk into the company