Surprise you

The meeting lasted for a very long time. After the meeting, everyone went back to their work. When it was about 6:30pm, almost everyone has left the office. Maxwell dismiss Micheal and Amy earlier and went on a date with Sonya.

"It's the CEO's girlfriend" Loveth said jokingly as Sonya enter the house.

"Evening to you too" she greeted smiling. They both held her and pull her to a seat.

"It's time for question and answer" Evelyn started.

"What question? Am not going to answer anything" Sonya said and held her mouth with her hand.

"Just few month ago, someone was saying she doesn't have a first kiss" loveth said on top of her voice.

"So now will you tell us in full details. Do you guys kissed already?" she continued.

"what are you talking about? Kiss who"

"no need to pretend we know all about it already. We followed you last night" Evelyn answered her. Sonya look for a way for her to escape from them and luckily, her phone rang. "Sorry I have to take this call" she said and ran fast to her room before they could stop her. She close the door gently after her and pick up her phone.

"Hello Simon" she said.

"Hey, haven't heard from you for a long time now. Why? Are you doing something you shouldn't be doing?" He said.

"What are you talking about? Am just busy with my studies" she answered.

"Okay no problem. Very soon I will know if it's a lie or not. Come outside" he said.

"Outside? Outside where?" She asked. "Outside your house" he replied. Sonya quickly open her door and walk to the window and open it. She saw Simon standing outside the house. She quickly close the curtains and hurried out to meet him. She got to him and ran into his arms.

"Simon!" she said happily. Simon also hug her.

"when did you arrive? You didn't tell me you will be coming today" she said surprised.

"I wanted to surprise you" he replied. And they separated. "are you not going to invite me in? He asked.

"my bad, come in" she said and as they were about to enter she suddenly stop him.

"wait! You cant come in" she shouted.

"inviting him in means that he will meet Loveth and Evelyn and they might split it out that she is dating Maxwell" she thought. Simon is the least person she wants to know about their relationship right now. cause she knows that he will never support her dating someone like him. She had told him she is just here to look for her father and now it's looks like she is breaking her promise.

"the owner of the house does not allow us to bring in guys especially at night" she said using that as an excuse.

"really? What kind of rule is that in this century" he asked not convinced.

"yes, I wonder. But rules are rules we shouldn't break them" she replied.

"why don't we hang out tomorrow then. Its a Saturday and am free" she said to convince him more.

"okay then, we'll see tomorrow" he replied and turn back to his car, he hug her one more time before driving off.she went back inside and headed straight to her room thinking of a way to tell Simon that she is now dating someone.

Sonya woke up and saw a good morning text from Maxwell. She sat up and quickly reply back.

"when are we meeting today?" he asked.

"I have an appointment with someone today" she replied back and receive a reply from him immediately.

"am already on my way to your house to pick you up" he answered. On his way? Sonya thought and quickly stand up from the bed and enter the bathroom. After dressing she made for kitchen to prepare a quick breakfast of bread and milk and quickly finish it. Evelyn entered and walk up to her yawning.

"why are you up early today, do you have an early class?" She asked. Sonya smile at her without saying anything. Then she hurry downstairs and saw Maxwell's car waiting and entered then he drove them off.

"what appointment do you have?" He asked and face her. "Simon arrived in country x yesterday" she informed him. Maxwell knew she was talking about her cousin. She has told him a lot about him in the past.

"so I made an appointment with him for today" she continued. "okay, so will you like me to drop you there" he asked.

"yes, but can you do something for me?" she asked.

"what is it?"

"The thing is I don't want Simon to know about us at least for now, not till I tell him" She said.

"That's it?"

"Yeah, in case he sees me with you, I will just introduce you as my boss or better still Evelyn's brother" she continued.

"Why can't your cousin know that we are in a relationship, it's not like you are a kid or something" he said not satisfied with her request.

"Ahem, I don't know how to explain this but it just have to be like that and besides it's not like we are going to announce our relationship in the first place" she said nonchalantly. Maxwell kept quiet and continue driving. He was displeased at her word but didn't say anything. Since he didn't say anything again, Sonya concluded that he accepted. She told him where to drop her and after he dropped her and he left. Maxwell remembered most of the things she told him about Simon and for some reason he does not feel comfortable about him. More of their chat on XXX app is about her caring and loving cousin.

Immediately Maxwell drop her she phoned Simon to inform him that she has arrived and he came to meet her immediately and invited her in. They chatted for a long time and Sonya learn that her aunt has remarried. After he said to take her out for shopping as he need to buy somethings. They made to move when Sonya receive a call from Evelyn.

"hey girl, where are you? Loveth and I are going out to buy some clothes and we thought maybe you will like to join us" she said.

"am also going out to buy somethings with Simon. He just got here yesterday" she replied.

"really? Then can we go with you. I will like to meet your cousin" she asked and she look at Simon before answering yes. They drive to pick them up and went out together.