Her father is fake

Maxwell appear next to her and collect the muffler from him and finish putting it on her.

"you don't have to worry about that, she was with me" he said and greeted loveth and also Evelyn.

"no wonder. I don't even remember the last time you called to check on me as your sister, then you cant do without seeing her for a day right?" Evelyn said to him.

"Mr Hart, are you here to drop her?"

"no, I came to join you" he replied.

"yes, that will be great" loveth said and Evelyn also agreed with her. "okay then, lets go to the movies first" Sonya said and went toward maxwell's car with him. Evelyn also joined them.

"I thought we are going in my car" Simon said to Sonya.

"sorry, I have to go with Maxwell, but you go with loveth" she said and push loveth towards him and enter the car with Maxwell and Evelyn and they drove off.

"lets go then" loveth said and Simon open the car door for her before turning round to the driver seat side and followed them.

They got to the movies and pick the one they would like to watch. But there was still about an hour left before the time for the movie. So Simon suggested for them to go over to the jewelry store near the cinema and look around to see if there is something they might like to buy. The three girls happily walk in and start checking out different type of accessories and try them on. Simon move near the necklace section and pick up a very beautiful one. "Sonya, come over here for a second" he beckon to her. Sonya left what she was holding and went to his side.

"what? do you find something you like?" she asked and notice the necklace with him.

"whoa! Do you want to buy that. Its very lovely" she said and took it from him to admire it.

"why are you buying a girl's necklace? Do you have someone in mind? Who is it?" she said and lean in to him for his response. Simon tap her on the head and pull her away.

"what are you talking about? Its for you" he said and collect it back from her.

"really?" she asked surprised because he has never given her a gift like this before. Simon remove the hook and put the necklace on her.

"just take it as an early birthday gift. Am sure you don't remember that your birthday is next week Right?" he said. And seeing her expression, he knows she must have really forgotten again.

"its beautiful on you" he said as he admire the necklace on her. "okay then. I will accept this first but you must get me another gift on my birthday" she said and touch the necklace. He paid the money for it and they left the section. Since Maxwell was busy with Evelyn, she decide to accompany him and followed him to the next section.

"why are you looking around here? It is a ring section and you don't have anyone to give a ring to" Sonya and motion for them to leave.

"I can also get you a ring" he said. Sonya furrow her brows at him. "why? Can't I get you a ring" he asked.

"are you kidding, of course not" Sonya replied.

"I don't mean it that way. What I meant is that, as your cousin at least I can get a ring as a present" he explained.

"don't bother. Is not like am getting married anytime soon" she said and walk away from the ring section.

"Sonya, after we solve out everything about your dad and you are through with your degree here we will still return back to our country like we agreed right?" He asked holding her back.Sonya stopped and keep quiet not knowing exactly how to reply him. She knows that she made a promise to him to return at a particular time but things are different now and although she doesn't know where her relationship with Maxwell is heading to but she still wants to stay with him longer.

"we have few minutes, lets join the others and get the popcorns and juice, then we can wait in the theatre room for the movie to start" Sonya said instead and went back to meet the rest of them before he stops her again. They bought what they want and headed to the theatre room.

"I will meet you guys inside. I have to go back for something" Maxwell said and left. He went back to the necklace section and specially pick up a very beautiful necklace for her and went back to join them.


Sofia went out of the house secretly afraid that to avoid her husband. For years now she has been feeling guilty about what happened twenty years ago. She got out of the house and went to meet Stella, her sister.

"Sofia, what a surprise visit. Did your husband allow you to come greet me today" Stella asked surprised. Since she gave birth to Emma, Elliot has stop her from going out alone without someone escorting her.

"I have something very important and urgent. I actually left the house without anyone knowing. I've got a problem" she explained and sat down.

"A problem? What problem will you have to come to me for help" she questioned.

"I need your advice on something important" she said and continue. You remember Benetton right?"

"yes I do. Your ex-husband" she replied.

"I actually had a child for him. A girl. You know then I was blindly in love with Elliot so I accept then to marry Benetton so I can get his money for both of us"

"you did what? I don't quite understand. I thought you and Elliot lost contact then and that's why you decide to marry him"

"no, is not like that. Truly we lost contact with each other and Benetton was on my neck and he actually proposed but I still love Elliot so I rejected him and few days to that Elliot came back begging me" she explained.

"so why then do you still marry Benetton" Stella ask further. "when Elliot came back he was married to someone already. He explain to me that she got pregnant for him by mistake and he had to marry her because of her family. I was so mad at first and wanted to get marry to Benetton immediately but then he told me to follow his plan and by doing that we can still get together later and like a fool I agreed with him"

"what plan?" Stella asked curious.

"Benetton was very rich so is his wife so we decide to marry them for their money and do away with them later after getting a fortune from them"

"and you stupidly accepted?" Stella was getting angry at her words. "yes, I did" Stella sigh heavily.

"so why are you telling me this now" she asked.

"during the course of my marriage with Benetton I start to fall in love with him. Elliot told me to make sure I don't get pregnant and he will also find a way to get rid of his wife pregnancy. But later I got to know that the woman actually gave birth to a baby boy and that's Zac, my son" Stella interrupted.

"Zac is not your son? This is shocking"

"maybe its because of that or I really wanted to give Benetton a child, I also became pregnant and gave birth to a girl. Not long after I gave birth, Benetton was involve in a car accident and died. So my child grew up knowing Elliot as her father. Then suddenly one day I was in the house with her when his wife barge in and warn me to stay away from her husband. I called to inform Elliot and soon after I heard she was died and Elliot came to me and said he can't get rid of her son because we can also get what we want through him. He told me to come with him but then I refuse. I did not want to leave Sonya behind, so he suggest we dump her or kill her. I did not want her to die, so I drop her with an old friend" she concluded already weeping.