2.The wedding day

He ruffled his neat hair, and his body got hot. He unbuttoned the suit and threw it on the couch.

"Stop crying; the sound of your tears frustrates me!" Shouted the man once again. He bent over Vira's face. He was Challenging the eyes of the girl who was still crying in front of him.

"Sob, You made me cry!" Vira raised her hand.

The man's hand grip left a red mark on her wrist. Without any mention, he slams her on the mattress just earlier.

"Okay," said the man understandably.

"I'm sorry I pulled your hand and slammed you earlier." Asked the man. "But, can you stop crying on our wedding day?"

Vira shook her head weakly. But what's even sadder was, She's married now! This man had been rude to her on the first day of the wedding.

"Huaaa!!!" Vira burst into tears again!

"shhhhhhh !!" The man tried to make Vira stop her crying.

"Can you stop it?" but Vira was still sobbing, making the man even more upset.

He forcefully covered Vira's mouth with his palm, forcing the crying to stop, but .. the girl bit his palm.

"Ouch! Ouch, it hurts stupid!" Vira does not care about the man's curses.

The groom grimaced in pain.

Vira pulled the veil on her head she slammed into the bed.

"Who are you, why do I have to marry you huh!"

The man frowned; they looked both confused.

The two of them stared at each other's faces for a moment.

"I'm Vino, you're Lisa right!"


Vino closed his ears, unable to hear the girl's cry in front of him; Vira's shrill voice could crack his eardrums.

"I'm Vira, not Lisa! Fuck Lisa !!"

Shouted Vira while throwing her heel in any direction. Vino tries to avoid Vira's throwing heel.

"So you're not Lisa? Why didn't you talk from the start!"

The girl stared intently at the man who said his name, Vino, her gaze razor sharp.

"Damn, your subordinates are not professional; how can your servants not recognize Lisa and me, huh!"

"Wait .." asked Vino with his palms raised; he tried to think for a moment.

Vira pulled her hands on her waist. She was still annoyed, remembering what happened this morning.

Arriving at the airport, she was immediately facilitated by a luxury car, she couldn't refuse, and now she was too late!

"Lisa or Vira? Who is my mate?" Vino asked himself.

"Whatever!'' Vira shouted. "What certainly is not me. I came here because I wanted to go to college. College! Not married!"

Vino shook his head weakly. "Then the marriage agreement that we have pledged in front of the priest, what do you think?"

"What agreement!" Vira was even more surprised

"You said you would marry me, be my wife, have children and live with me until my father agreed to pass all his property to me!"

What! What kind of agreement is that? Vira made a strange face; she didn't understand. "I've never heard of such a weird agreement like that! "

"Seriously!" Vino glared and scolded while pointing an index finger at Vira's breast.

"Hey, watch your finger!" Vira pushed Vino's finger and didn't let it touch her chest.

"I don't understand what agreement you mean; it all has nothing to do with me. Vira intends to leave the luxurious building where they are married. So bye!"

Before leaving this building, it's good for Vira to change clothes and clean up make-up.

As she stared at her messy face on the cellphone screen, she surprised herself.

Hmm, crazy, I'm so ugly, she thought.

But wait a minute!

"Eh, what were we blessing before God, binding wedding vows? "Vino pulled his lips, smiled, then nodded, giving a yes to Vira's question.

She just realized she had married a man standing in front of her, what was his name!

"Vi, Vino .. Oya Vino!" Vira's voice trembled. "Vi, Vino, can I just go home or not?"

Vino glared at the girl in front of him, his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Sorry to say, I have to get married quickly so that I can legally inherit from my father, if I don't get married, My father's inheritance will automatically fall to my younger brother if he gets married first, so please .. bury your dream to go away from my side "smiled Vino, grinning in horror.

"But your bride was Lisa, not me!"

"Want Lisa, want Day after tomorrow, want Visa, the important thing is I'm married, that's all, don't need to talk much, it's better if you take a shower now!"

Vira caught Vino's throwing towel, he told me to take a shower? Surely he wants to sleep together?

Usually, when they get married, take a shower, a new partner will ... Vira shook her head in horror.

Wow, how come her mind is so perverted!

"What's wrong with you?" asked Vino

"You told me to take a shower, you want to sleep with me!" exclaimed Vira while covering her chest with a towel.

Vino stepped foot, brought his face close to the girl's face.

Ouch, he wants to kiss me for sure!

"Please, have a mirror!" scolded Vino.

"If you don't have it, it's a BIG one on the table !!"

Vira followed Vino's forefinger, she saw the reflection of her face with smudged mascara, unkempt hair, tear powder.

"Geez, who is that? Please tell me where the exit door is. I want to exit immediately" muttered Vira as she walked toward the bathroom. That me or a freakin 'black world witch!

Vino folded his arms across his chest. His eyes glared at Vira who walked away to the bathroom.

"I'm crazy, how could I like a girl model like that!" grunted Vino, sneering Vira's back sarcastically.

"I think all girls are not attractive! I just need the legacy of my father and my position!" Vino said firmly to himself.

Damn it, young CEO mercenary! He hasn't even known love yet.

If he already knows the disease of 'love' even a cat's shit tastes sweet like chocolate! just watch later!