5.Pity girl

Lisa crept out of the house, her eyes alert, noticing that she had escaped Tina's eyesight.

She made an appointment with William, her lover.

They made an appointment in the village park, where the couple spent the evening together.

Lisa was relieved that she could run away from home safely.

Dressed in the best clothes like the capital's celebrity, Lisa strolled towards the village garden. Steal the attention of neighbours and country girls.

She feels proud of the clothes, bags, and high heels. She got all this from the man who proposed to her, the rich man in the capital who was about to marry Vira.

Seeing William's happy face on a lawn chair made Lisa impatient. She jogged with a sassy style, approaching her lover.

"oh my love, you are so beautiful today!" Praise William pinching Lisa's chewy cheeks.

"Ah, I'm always beautiful throughout my life!" Crouch Lisa with her lips snarled.

"Hehe... I know. But, today my lover is much cuter and very beautiful in pink clothes. You are like a living barbie doll!" William's praise made Lisa smile happily.

"It was because I can smile property today?"

William was surprised, "So what?" He asked.

"You know dear. I've been dizzy with a guy's proposal for a month, he's very interested in me. Ah, I finally got free!"

William increasingly did not understand. "How I don't understand .. who dares to disturb my future wife!" Lisa's lover's face looked red with jealousy.

"yes, what do you do dear It's hard because I'm beautiful, so many people like me. but you just calm down now because I took care of everything! OK! "There was pride in Lisa's sentence just now.

"What's, OK? Don't tell me you accepted that man's proposal!" Will sulked

Lisa rolled her eyes glanced at William's jealous face. "Uh, really not! "Said Lisa irritably.

"I've cleared everything! "Lisa's eyes turned meaningfully.

Will paying attention to his girlfriend's face and waiting for a clearer explanation from Lisa's lips.

Lisa looked at William with love, "I sent Vira over there!" whispered Lisa proudly in her lover's ear.

Instead of being happy, William looked surprised. He pulled his head quickly, staring at Lisa's triumphant face.

"WHAT!!" He said, half screaming.

"How shocked are you?" Lisa felt William's reaction did not match with her.

Will adjusts his expression, don't let his reaction make Lisa suspect that he has always had a crush on Vira. Yes . he has had a crush on his lover's cousin since elementary school.

But . because Lisa was too confident and misunderstood. So they are dating now.

Will must forget his love for Vira because that won't work. Vira didn't seem interested in him even though he was a handsome and popular young man in this village.

"No, it's not like that, dear. The man is just looking for an excuse. If Vira marries that man, what will the fate of her love with Dion be?"

Lisa shrugged. Why should she care, while Dion, Lisa's older brother, has never contacted them since studying abroad?

"Why think about it. Besides, Dion also doesn't necessarily remember Vira!" Lisa said indifferently.

"How do you have the heart, dear. You know that Vira likes your brother!"

William's words annoyed Lisa.

"Why do you defend on her! You want me to marry that man, huh! Why are you thinking about Vira's relationship with my older brother, they don't even care! You are weird, you know!" said Lisa irritably

"no honey," William persuaded Lisa calming down.

She didn't want Vira to marry that man, and he also didn't wish Vira and Dion's relationship would go well. He didn't want to let Lisa go by his side.

"What I mean was like this dear, why don't you just refuse the man's proposal?" Lisa raised both eyebrows, not melting at William's words.

"Then .. do you want me to use the old cellphone again? You want these clothes to be turned over, this bag and jewelry are gone from me! "Lisa grabbed the hem of the dress she was wearing.

"Then can you buy it or not? If you can give me, I will reverse all of this!" Will sighed heavily at Lisa's scream.

"It's up to you dear," said Will

"That's why you don't need to debate, it's good for Vira, she doesn't have to bother going to college if she can marry a rich man!" Lisa continued.

"Just pray that old man will die quickly! Become a rich widow!" William laughed at Lisa's sarcasm that matched her cute facial expression.

"You are mean to Vira .. hehe .." William chuckled in response to Lisa's cruel words earlier.

"I don't care!" Exclaimed Lisa sitting back on the park bench.

William put his hand on Lisa's shoulder, embracing his lover.

"eh honey, is it beautiful jewellery?" Lisa showed off the new ring on her finger.

"It's pretty, like a girl wearing it!" William replied with a fake smile.

Hopefully, Vira didn't get married! Hope William silently in his heart.


Vira is on the road.

"Why sis? "Asked the passenger next to Vira. She felt that the girl next to her was acting strange.

The girl smiled and pulled up the knit sweater she was wearing. Vira pulled her clothes. "Are you cold? My body feels cold huh, I feel goosebumps! "

All the other passengers compactly stared at Vira in annoyance. Where's the cold! Didn't she see everyone raising their hands, swinging like a fan?

Imagine a minibus with six people, up to ten people; the air conditioner didn't work either.

Vira let out a faint smile. It looks like she has a fever. So she's the only one cold here? She scratched her sweaty neck.

Why do I feel bad!

Vira's hunch about tomorrow was never wrong. It was the day she was born as a single for the last time!

She dreams of going to college and having a good job in the capital.

Her eyes stared along the village streets with great emotion.

She held back tears.

Nothing special as long lives here.

She recalled how mean and cruel the Darsono family had treated her. And today . she let go of everything!

I'm free. 

I'm free now! Vira thought happy.

She will leave Crocodile's cage and stop by, living in the lion's den.

"hehe ..." She laughed to herself.

Her behaviour made her the centre of attention on the minibus.

"It's a pity, She is still young but she out of normal life. "Whispered another passenger.