You set me up!

The next day,

Vira was dressed neatly in a shirt and span skirt, not forgetting her 3-centimeter loafers, she tied her hair in a ponytail, her face was dyed with makeup no-makeup look.

Vino was enjoying boiled eggs with vegetable salad at the dining table, he already looks healthy, his face also looks fresh this morning, his hands are still stirring the leisurely cup of coffee that is still steaming hot


Vira's face appeared behind the door of her room, the girl smiled.

Vino turned around for a moment then continued breakfast.

Vira stood annoyed in front of Vino's table, her hands folded on her chest, her face popping up, she sulked a little.

"Why are you having breakfast without me. I even cooked it for you. You can't wait for me a moment?" Her lips puffed up, she looks spoiled.

"I'm not the type of guy who likes to wait. When you're hungry, just eat. Do you want?" He offers eggs on his spoon. Vira shook her head.

"I'll get my plate. How's your health this morning? Is it getting better?" Asked Vira attentively.

"I'm getting a lot better, thank you for taking care of me last night, you can stay in my room, we are husband and wife. Besides, I won't do anything weirds to you. Vino's voice sounded flat but felt different in his wife's ears.

"I'm more comfortable sleeping in my room .." Vira whispered then took her food.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask a question. Why did you sign me up for an expensive college?" Asked Vira with a curious face.

Vino shrugged lightly as he finished his breakfast. "It's not expensive, it's what we agreed," Vino replied with a small smile.

"Ah, I owe you a lot. "Softly Vira a little frustrated.

She thought about how to repay all the money Vino was spent. This man is not someone who likes wasting his money, he loved his money very much.

Vira could only sigh heavily, it seemed, a baby would be a non-negotiable reward.

"Why?" Asked Vino, surprised to hear his wife sighed heavily.

"You can enroll me in an ordinary university, no need for an expensive international school, it overwhelms me," Vira replied with a face that looked frustrated.

Vino chuckled at his wife's complaint, the man had finished breakfast and sipped his hot coffee slowly, he was very relaxed facing Vira's annoyed face waiting for the reason from his lips.

Vino grabbed the black suit and tried to put it on, but he had a hard time inserting his right arm, he repeatedly tried to push his hand away, he can't conquer the sleeve hole very well.

"can you help me?" Request Vino.

"We've been practicing all night, and you're still failing this morning," Vira replied.

With a patient face, Vira helped her husband wear a coat, she tidied Vino's black coat, tidied her husband's clothes, tidied up his tie, which was still a little messy.

She patted Vino's chest, making sure all of her husband's clothes were perfect.

A wife has to do this, right.

"Thank you, thanks to you I already understand a little how to dress," Vino replied, blinking his eyes.

"So you don't need the ladies in the office to help you get dressed."

Vino arched his eyebrows at his wife's whisper. "There are no women in my office," Vino replied in surprise.

Whatever, Vira couldn't believe it, because yesterday, she heard a woman calling her husband, and it pissed her off.

"Let's go .." asked Vino to his wife after waiting a few minutes, he waited for Vira to finish breakfast.

"Going? We have different destinations, I go to campus and you go to the office." Vira replied in surprise.

Vino glanced at his watch then smiled. "I still have time, I'll take you to campus. "he said.

Vira doesn't believe that her husband will take her to campus, in a luxury car, fully dressed in a tie? She shook her head.

"No, I better go alone and take public transportation. I didn't want to be the center of attention on my first day of college. How about your presence, your luxury car, stealing people's attention? "Vira refused, with an absurd excuse in Vino's head.

"Isn't that great? You will be known as the rich Vira. If you have a handsome, rich, and popular husband, you should be proud. "Vino answered with arrogance.

"I don't want to, I go to college to study, I'm not interested in social status and popularity, it sounds troublesome. I don't want to bother you, especially until you bother me. After all, money and wealth are nothing, they do not guarantee someone's happiness. "said Vira.

Vino, who had gotten down from the chair, was surprised to hear his wife's long words.

"Oh yes?" He stopped his steps, his face did not like the words of advice from his wife.

"That happiness will come if you are rich, and you have a lot of money!" Vino replied with a serious face, his fingers playing the contacts of his luxury car, throwing and catching.

Vira squinted at the contact of the luxury car that was spinning on Vino's finger. Showing off!

"Riches will make you feel happy!" Vino continued, he walked first leaving his wife.

They prepare to leave the apartment.

"Yep ... you greedy man! His head only has money and possessions ... his eyes will turn green when he sees money !!" grumbled Vira behind Vino, the girl's finger held up, showing her middle finger with an exasperated face.

He surrendered that today Vino will take her to campus. She hopes that no one cares about her husband.

Isn't this a famous and popular campus? There must be a lot of rich people there, Vira tried to calm herself. She hopes the first day on campus will be fun.

"What's with your face? You look very tense. "Asked Vino glanced at Vira's face for a moment, he was driving.

"Yes, I'm happy to go to college. But also a little worried." Vira replied, smoothing the hair that fell on his forehead.

"What are you worried about?" Investigate Vino.

Vira took a deep breath before answering her husband's question.

"I am a country girl, living in an underdeveloped village. Being able to go to the city and get an education on campus was my dream. But, you gave me the best campus, you drove me to college in a luxury car. You even gave me great clothes and a stunning skincare regimen. It was all so much fun, I still can't believe it. And all of this makes me nervous, whether… can I accept all of this well, or .. am I going to do something wrong? "She clasped her sweaty hands together. She looked nervous.

"Take a deep breath and then exhale, do it several times. When you are calmer you can talk again. I did not understand what you said earlier." Vino answered with a calm face.

Vira did what her husband asked. She took a breath and then exhaled slowly several times. Until she feels calmer now.

"Have you calmed down?" Asked Vino seeing his wife's face, which already looked relaxed.

Vira nodded slowly.

"I'm not asking you to be the smartest or most popular student on campus, I'm not asking you to be a great and talented woman." Said Vino making Vira's head turned.

"I told you. I only need one. Do you remember what I asked you?" Vino asked with a broad smile.

Vira hissed a little. "You just make me even more nervous."

Vino chuckled, "relax, you must enjoy your day as a student before you are busy being a mother."

"What do you mean?" Asked Vira confused.

"Why this campus belongs to my father, he will ask directly with you later. So be ready. He is not a patient person."

Vira was speechless.

"You set me up!" She shouted irritably, she hit Vino's shoulder who was laughing happily.