you have to accept the risk

Vino stared into his wife's face before he landed a kiss on her lips which looked so soft and chewy.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Said Vira with a low voiced.

Vino opened his eyelids again, he stared at his wife's lips that were moving to tremble.

His wife's tiny palms, touching his broad chest, stifled the pace of his body getting closer and closer.

"Mm, you startled me! "Said Vira, not online to meet her husband's eyes, she looked nervous.

She looked in another direction to put her eyes avoiding her husband's gazed.

Vino noticed his wife's clumsy behavior. He drew a small smile, eager to tease his wife.

"You look beautiful and seductive in that underwear, do I have to buy up all the stock of that model at the shop? "

Hearing her husband's naughty words made Vira shocked, She shook her head quickly.

She covered her underwear by pulling the hem of the white shirt she was wearing.

The lower part was slightly closed, but now the breasts were peeking out.

"kyaa !!" She screamed to herself at the ridiculousness acted.

Vino laughed at his wife's behavior which made him so amused.

"I have to take a shower, I have to go to campus! "Muttered Vira with her burning face.

Vino didn't want to let go of his wife's wrist just like that.

"Didn't you offer me a cup of coffee and breakfast? "Asked Vino, reminding his wife.

Vira's red face burned even more. She nodded slightly in a strange manner.

"Then why do you even want to run away from me?"

Vira lifted her head, her lips pouted slightly. "Runaway? How can I escape from you." She whispered.

Vino nodded happily, "then, make it!" He requested.

"But Vino, before that .. can I go to my room and wear my pants!" her voiced barely audible.

Vira whispered with smoke rising above her head, she disappeared in front of her husband with ninja-style disappeared.

Only the sound of the door slamming was heard.

Instead of being surprised, Vino laughed with amusement.

Shortly after.

Vira came out with trousers, her husband stood in front of her. Gaze at her appearance from toe to head.

Vino made a disappointed face, he let out a heavy sigh. "Ah, I like the previous appearance more than this one!" He said pointing to the trousers Vira was wearing.

"You want to fight with me! Forget your wild imagination!" Elvira cynical stepped into the kitchen by stomping her foot.

She took a few pieces of vegetables from the refrigerator, salad is a must-eat for her husband.

Wait! Salad is a portion of healthy food.

She remembered Broto's words yesterday, causing her hands to stop working.

Now, there were so many strange thoughts in her head that she dared turned around, staring at her husband, who saw her with astonished eyes.

"Why?" Asked Vino strangely.

"Vino, may I ask you," Vira whispered with her eyes fixed on her husband's face.

"What?" Vino answered in short words. "Just ask." He replied as he stepped into the kitchen, approaching his wife who was standing stiffly with both hands holding on to the side of the kitchen bar.

"This sounds a little strange and sensitive, but ... I'm curious," Vira whispered.

They are getting closer.

"Just say it!" Said Vino. He was already standing in front of his wife, bending his body slightly, so that their faces were only about 10 cm apart.

"When you saw I was only wearing underwear, mm .." Vira held her burning face, but she needed Vino's honest confession. "Do, you feel something strange inside of you?"

It was the strangest question Vino had heard.

"You want me to answer honestly or .."

"honesty! I need an honest answer from you!" Vira's voice interrupted her husband's sentence.

"Good!" Answered Vino. He brought their faces closer so that the tips of the pointed noses touched each other.

"But you have to accept the risk," Vino whispered in a deep voice and a meaningful chuckle.

"What kind of the risks? " Asked Vira.

"something risky like this!" Vino pulled at his wife's waist.

He landed a kiss on his wife's lips.

Vira pushed her husband's body, but couldn't.

Her husband had been holding back himself since earlier, so he wouldn't miss his opportunity this time.

The two hands that were holding his board chest slowly weakened, Vira's grip turned into a soft touch.

I felt his desire, his touched as a normal man, why did Broto telling me all that nonsense words?


Vira laying her back in the chair, the girl leaned her back lazily, her mind still hooked in the apartment incidents from this morning, remembering the embarrassing incident that was ruined her pride.

"How could I forget to wear my pants this morning!" She hissed irritably to herself.

She wiped her forehead which looked sweaty.

Her bad luck increased, she saw that the man sitting behind her was an annoying man from the other day.

Hazel tapped Vira's back lightly with the tip of his ballpoint.

Be patient Vira .. patience... She whispered to herself.

Vira held the resentment in her heart, she was lazy to turn around, but Hazel kept poking her back.

Several pairs of eyes were in the same class as them, watching Hazel's mischievous behavior towards Vira.

They started gossiping, making rumors that didn't make sense.

They started to assume that Vira and Hazel's relationship was close enough, seeing the two of them sitting close to each other and greeting each other-- Especially Hazel.

"Don't they look good? The man looks so luxurious and the girl looks simple, they will look harmonious and balanced. " one of their classmates begins their opinion to the other in a whisper.

"Yes, I agree with you, Hazel looks so aggressive and cheerful, while the girl looks so calm and innocent. They are destined to be a complementary couple. " one of them replied in a whisper as well.

hello, I can hear your chats ... Vira grumbled, getting annoyed.

The more she ignores Hazel's annoying behavior, the more speculative there will spread.

Forced, Vira turned around, she found Hazel's face with a big smile, the man deliberately put on the most handsome face with the right angle, so that Vira could see the charm in his face.

Vira brought her face closer, her finger asked Hazel to bring his head closer, she wanted to whisper something.

Hazel understood and thrust out his ear, not forgetting, he looked around with a smile, Surely this closeness will provoke a scene on campus, Hazel thought happily.

"what are you doing. We don't know each other, you and me are not friends, so stop bothering and following me!" threatened Vira angrily.

Hazel answered with a smile, which made Vira even more annoyed.

Oh, my God! I ran away from the apartment to get a calm and pleasant atmosphere, but why with this man! He was the same as Vino, annoying!