Can you help me?

Seeing her belongings being taken out of the room, Vira was surprised.

"Wait, why are you taking all this out of my room? "Asked Vira with an astonished face.

Herman drew a smile at this beautiful woman.

"Ah, do you own these items?" Vira nodded her head, answering Herman's question. "Why do you keep all your things in this room? You're married, are you fighting and separating beds? " Herman looked at the husband and wife in front of him with a suspicious face.

Vino pulled his wife's shoulders, embraced Vira. "Of course not, our relationship is very good and harmonious," Vino replied hugging his wife and smiling broadly.

"Honey, you should keep your belongings in my room," Vino whispered with a strange look to his wife.

Vira understood very well the attitude of her husband at this time, the woman nodded slightly. "Leave this thing here first. Your room is very elegant and classy, ​​my belongings do not fit into your room." Vira answered with a bitter smile.

Wouldn't it be troublesome if she had to carry her belongings upstairs, where her husband slept? Herman only stayed here a few days, after all.

"Leave this stuff in your room. I'll take care of all this stuff another day." Vira explained then.

"Ah, then, I'll keep your stuff in the warehouse. You don't need all this stuff, do you?" Herman asked.

Vira arched her brows, of course, she still needs all this! Why is this man so meddling with her belongings?

"Yes, you can put this item in the warehouse, my wife already has a lot of stuff in our room," Vino answered with a lie. "Now take a break, me and Vira also need rest .. "said Vino.

"Alright then, I will prepare dinner, I will call you when everything is ready. "Herman replied.

Vino nodded in agreement but his wife's face looked disapproving.

"How could I ignore all my belongings!" Vira whispered in her husband's ear while leaving Herman.

"Never mind, we can buy some more," Vino answered in a whisper too. He embraced his wife tenderly, led her upstairs.


"Why does that man named Herman have to stay at your house?" Vira still kept asking about the arrival of their special guest who was too sudden.

"He was my caregiver since I was little, he was like family to me. When I decided to live independently, Herman goes to Europe. I can't possibly refuse him when he wants to return to my house. "Vino explained while facing Vira, he spread his hands apart.

"What are you doing?" Vira was surprised to find her husband's behavior. She was just laying her butt on the edge of the bed when Vino stood in front of her.

"Take off my clothes," Vino asked.

"You can open it yourself, I have taught you," Vira answered in a weak voice.

"I am very tired, I am also very upset today, I do not have the energy to undress. "Vira laughed sarcastically at the absurd excuse from her husband's lips.

"Just say if you want to spoil me, fine... I am a kind woman." Vira raised her hands, she slowly unbuttoned Vino's office coat.

She helped Vino remove the coat, untied the tie, peeled off Vino's shirt button one by one, only two buttons opened from the top, suddenly Vira stopped.

"Ah, you have to undress. I can't help you!" Vira turned around, she hid her flushed face.

"Why? This is not the first time for you .. "Vino whispered in his wife's ear. He deliberately teased her.


Seeing Vino's head on his wife's shoulders surprised Herman.

Hearing the bedroom door open, Vino and Vira immediately turned their heads and found out, who's been presumptuous to open the door without asking.

"Ah, I seem to be bothering you," Herman said he was reluctant.

"What's the matter? "Vino asked.

"Ah, sorry if I interrupt." Herman glanced at Vira's face for a moment. "I forgot that Vino was married, next time I will knock on the door and ask permission first before entering the room, I still feel that Vino is a little boy that I guard. "

Vira did not respond to Herman's words, she only glanced at her husband's face for a moment.

Vino understood Herman's reason, it sounded sensible.

"Is there anything you need?" Vino asked again.

"Ah, I forgot about it, I want to ask you, can I use your workroom, I have a broadcasting schedule tonight, but I left my equipment. "Herman drew a small smile.

Vino looked thoughtful for a moment before he nodded his head. "Do you want to use my workspace? "Asked Vino a little confused.

Herman nodded his head. "Yes, you know about my new job. Tomorrow is Friday, and every Friday night I have to entertain my audience with adult content."

Hah! Vira and Vino were dumbfounded when they heard Herman's words just now.

"Co, adult content?" Vino stammered, he didn't hear wrong.

Herman put on an embarrassed face that made Vira's eyes rounded big.

"My new job is a content creator, I and my friends make room live streaming, every Friday night is my schedule for live, I create hot shows to entertain my lonely audiences. If you and your wife are curious, you can join in my room, " Herman explained confidently even though he occasionally showed his embarrassed face like a cat.

Vino and Vira glanced at each other then looked away at the same time.

"Well, I will lend my workspace to you tonight .." not wanting to extend matters, Vino agreed to Herman's request.

"Thank you, my dear, Vino. I'll use your work rook for tonight's program. Then I have to come down and prepare dinner. "

Vino made sure Herman had gone down the stairs when he closed the door of his room tightly, he locked his room quickly.

"Do you understand what he was talking about earlier? "Asked Vira with a confused face.

Vino let out a deep breath, he realized that when his upper chest was open, he immediately covered his chest with his hands, making his wife even more surprised.

"What's wrong with you, you are acting weird!" Vira said sarcastically.

"Adult content, do you know about adult content?" Vino asked his wife with a pale face.

"I do not know." His wife answered innocently. "What I want to know is, why did he have to stay here, why does he have to use my room. Can't you give him a place to stay somewhere else, in a hotel for example? "Vira complained about a desperate face.

"I should have listened to you," Vino replied.

"Ah, I have to sleep with you tonight!" Vira complained.

"So what if you sleep with me, would you prefer sleeping with Herman?"

"You don't joke!" Vira threw a pillow at her husband. Vino caught the pillow.

"Now I'm losing a lot of energy, not only can't take my clothes off, but I'm also lazy to take a shower. Can you help me? "Vino looked at his wife's face with deep eyes.

He approached his wife's position, lowered his body, he covered Vira's body with his hands which landed on the bed.

Vira looked away, she escaped from Vino's body who was bowing in front of her.

She jogged to the bathroom. "You don't have to take a shower and wash your body if you are lazy, let me enjoy your bath up! "Vira half screamed while sneering at her husband.

Vino fell on the bed, lost the figure of his wife, he chuckled to find her tongue pout.

"Go take a shower, wash your body, I love the scented bolster pillow! "Vino shouted with a mischievous smiled.

Wait, it looks like something was missing.

"My work space, isn't that next to my room." Vino lifted his back quickly.