I just left the past and starting the future

"Why am I not allowed to enter?" Sarah was half screaming at Vino's secretary named Kim.

The middle-aged man gave a stern face, his body still consistently blocking Sarah's steps towards Vino's room. "I told you one more time, get out of my way! "Sarah hissed irritably, she put her hands on her waist.

"Sorry miss, Mr. Vino does not want to receive guests, he is very busy today." The answer from Kim's lips irritated Sarah even more.

"I'll tell you one more time!" She lifted her chin arrogantly. "You will regret what you did to me, Vino must know How you treated me, I said!" Sarah raised her voice, she pushed Kim's body roughly.

Too bad Kim still doesn't want to budge, he's still blocking Sarah's steps.

When Sarah steps to the right, he steps to the right, when Sarah steps to the left, he steps to the left too.

"You're so annoying!" Sarah hissed angrily as she massaged her forehead.