Let's set up a new plan

Let's set up a new plan.

"Make sure you tidy up, don't mess up every edge of my apartment!" Sarah's voice threatened her housekeeper. "Tidy up all corners of my room, don't make me ashamed, don't you know how to work properly!" She scolded the maid who was busy cleaning her room while one of the servants was putting her clothes on.

"Ah, what's with this dress! Isn't there anything better?" Sarah hissed unsatisfied with the clothes she was wearing.

waitresses could only obey without complaint, Sarah's wishes could not be denied.

"Bring me the red heel!" Sarah asked as she brushed her hair, she reached for the perfume bottle and squirted on her body with gusto.

Before she left her room, once again she looked at her reflection in the mirror, convincing herself that she already looked perfect.

The sound of heels knocking on the marble floor sparked attention. They have been waiting for a long time, it's been almost an hour.