She made me curious.

"Vino, Doctor Andrew is waiting for you upfront." Said Herman.

"Andrew?" Vino arched his eyebrows in a questioning voice.

He couldn't believe that Andrew would visit him without any word.

Without answering Herman's question, Vino got down from the chair, he stepped into the main room where Dr. Andrew was waiting on the couch.

As Herman said, the one sitting there was Andrew.

"Andrew, how are you?" Vino greeted while hugging his friend and stretching out his hand.

Andrew replied to the warm greeting from Vino, they haven't seen each other for a long time.

"I'm fine, how about you?" Andrew's eyes greeted Vino's appearance and smiled happily to see that his friend was looking much better than before.

"I'm very happy to see you like this, it looks like you are very healthy and happy," Andrew said with a warm face.

Vino pulled a smile on his lips, he didn't reject Andrew's words, he felt happier now.